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The Evil Within My Closet


Because of the activity my family has experienced in our home, we have concluded that our house is haunted. I believe that my room is the most haunted room inside of our home.

In May 2013, I began noticing some strange things happening in my room. My room became freezing cold, which was odd because our air conditioner broke that month. Later that month, my room became eerie. Anyone who walked into my room wanted to get out immediately. I would lay down in my bed and see shadow people dance across my ceiling. I also heard what sounded like growling coming from my closet. My bed was near my closet so I rearranged my room so that my bed was far away from the closet.

I never told anyone about the activity in my room. My brother's girlfriend came up to me and told me that there was something in my closet but couldn't tell what it was. Later that day, she told me that it was my late grandpa. I was freaked out because my grandpa was a horrible man who abused me, and is the reason why I have nothing to do with my dad's side of the family.

As the summer was coming to an end, the activity in my room increased. I started hearing voices saying kill them through out the night. The pictures in my room had scratches on my face and my younger brother's face.

One night I was laying in my bed when I felt a hand grab my leg and my covers flew across the room. The hand grabbed my leg again the pulled me off of my bed. I sat on the ground for a moment to process what just happened. I got up, walked over to my desk, and grabbed my car keys. I got into my car and drove to my preacher's house to tell him what just happened. He looked at me with wide eyes and told me that we needed to bless my house immediately.

After we blessed the house, the activity stopped, and has not been back until this year.

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christennnc (3 stories) (15 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-19)
Rook, I meant the demons try to trick you into thinking that they are good. That is why I do not believe that is my grandpa in my closet and why it chose to be seen as a little girl.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-19)

Thank you for the update... The details were not really nesasary but they can add perspective to the 'situation'.

Please keep up the Blessings... You may wish to ask your Preacher to go so far as to conduct a Banishment and Blessing for your entire Property, not just the inside of the home.

You speak of a 'girl' that you and your Brother are seeing 'outside' the house... You went on to say this...

"Also I think that demons come to you in innocence and what is more innocent than a child."

(I do not mean to be rude or seem argumentitive with my next statement, please do not take it that way).

A Demon CANNOT be innocence... Their very nature prevents it... They can however assume the 'guise of innocence' ie: a child; in an attempt to gain our trust. You however seem 'sensitive' and this can serve you well... Go with your gut feelings concerning the nature of this 'entity' and please have your Preacher out to your home again... I hope he can Preform the Banishment and Blessing for the Property.

Please keep us updated.


christennnc (3 stories) (15 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-19)
I am not going into all the detail of what my grandfather did but let's just say he sexually abused me and many other of my female family members. I do not think that he hated me or my brother, I honestly think that what ever was in my house was a demon. I have had my house and my room blessed several times since this happened.

Recently my brother and I have been seeing a young girl at our windows and front door. We have not seen her in the house yet and I think it's because we recently had our house blessed again. I believe that the girl is a demon as well because when I am near the window or door when I see her, I feel sick. Also I think that demons come to you in innocence and what is more innocent than a child.

Thank you for all the comments and I am sorry that I haven't been on here for a while. If you have any more questions please ask and I will try my best to answer them.
mustafa (9 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-12)
That is not your grandfather, it is just a demon impersonate him,
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-06)
Well Thank you PHA for endorsment. 😉

I just wish the O/P would return with an update and/or to answer any questions individuals have posted.

As far as 'what kind of abuse' occured... I DO NOT THINK that is revilant (sp?) in anyway... The fact that a Family Member would abuse a child of a realitive (sp) is enough information to go with.


SAYURI (1 stories) (15 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-06)
Your grandpa has something against you and your brother. You have to ask your father why your grandpa may hate you. What exactly do you mean when you say that he abused you?
Para-Hunter-Anne33 (19 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-06)
I totally agree with all that ROOK said and told. I've been studying and reading a lot of these encounters and phenomena stories... Truly believe a lot of them. And completely respect Rook and agree that ALL advice he gives is accurate and right on the point. As to adding to the list of Sins he posted there's also the point made that "It is the GREED and Lust-ing after the illusion of power and wealth that thinking All the money in the world will make a person happy--- is also a wrong idea to take to heart & Soul. (That the Love of money is the root of all evil) money--or Materialism is NOT the end all of all evil itself. It's the way the person goes about obtaining the money and trying to consider when too much is too little to survive on. Anyway. Sorry If I embarrassed you Rook-- I just thought you should know you had another new friendly supporter for your fan list.:) And hope all who come here with problems stay safe and strong in spirit.:) SLAEM
WiniPu4 (207 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
PLEASE listen carefully to Rookdygin; he is very knowledgeable about blessings/shieldings. Many here attest to his methods and swear by them.
I have heard from many that house blessings need to be repeated periodically as well, especially if there is something particularly resistant.
Click on Rook's name in your story's comments to get to his profile page, and look under "About me" to locate his cleansing/shielding method. He also offers to help if possible.
christennnc (3 stories) (15 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)
I don't think it was my grandfather. He did torment me while he was alive but towards the end of his life he found Jesus. I do not thing that was him in my closet.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)
(These comments will be a bit more 'religious' than I normally post, but the O/P used an Orginized Church for Help for this issue, so I am approaching it from that 'standpoint'.)

Intresting comments going on about Demons and Church Blessings and such... Orginized Churches seem to have different views on just 'what' a demon is...

Some teach that THESE 7 things are 'demons'...


Other Churches teach that these are the '7 Deadly Sins'...the 'big seven' that are the hardest to avoid and the easiest to lead man or woman astray.

Some Churches teach that any 'paranormal spirits or entities' are demons because Heavenly Father does not allow 'spirits' to cross into the physical realm.

Then there are the Churches that 'give some leaway' and accept that there are good and bad spirits... Seperate from Demons and Angels...


It's hard to say which of these is right.

As far as the Blessing of the home goes and the fact that activity seems to be 'starting up again'...please ask the Priest (or church if the exact individual is not around) to come back and 're-bless' the home. I suggest you request they 'Seal' the Blessing and that you have the individuals in the household receive the same. Blessings like anything else require energy... And 'place' energy in such a way that 'negitive' energies or spirits are 'pushed away'. However, like a battery, energy fades over time and the Blessing MUST be redone.

Thank you for sharing, please keep us updated AND if for some reason your Church of choice will not come back to your home please visit my profile and feel free to use the Cleansing and Shielding method I have posted there.


missmeggelizabeth (1 stories) (8 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)
I'm so sorry for what has happened to you, and that it has now come back. Have you been back to your preacher for another blessing! Or been to someone with proper experience in ridding these demons.
It definitely seems demonic and if it was you late granddad who used to hurt you it does make sense that he would do it again in spirit form.
Thankyou for sharing, must have been difficult.
christennnc (3 stories) (15 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)
I personally think that whatever was in my room was a demon. I did say the preacher blessed my house, but he did it several times and he prayed over me. He thought it was a demon because it meant to cause harm because I heard kill them several times and the thing scratched my face and my younger's face in all my pictures.
When I felt the hand grab me, it felt like and actual hand.
kuriah (1 stories) (1 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)
The ending, "...the activity stopped, and has not been back until this year," made me think about how awful it came afterwards. Did the activity worsen as soon as it came back?

The hand that grabbed you - did it feel REAL, or just a cold, fake feeling? I would say to use a Ouija board, but that might just upset the entity.

I hope what's been bothering you stops sooner or later. (Hopefully sooner!)

Keep us all posted!

PS - Sorry for the questions.:)
Trischa_D (guest)
10 years ago (2015-05-22)
And as far as I know, a human spirit- even if it is evil cannot present itself as another human being. Mimicry is usually a sign of demonic activity. I've lived through it. In my opinion I'm not giving empty advice.
Trischa_D (guest)
10 years ago (2015-05-22)
Miracles- in my own research I've discovered that shadow people are (from what I've read) a stand-in for a demon who is not physically present at the time. That is- a look out or essentially a mobile skrying glass for a demon. When dealing with shadow people you may not feel threatened because they are (or so I've read) only a marionette device AKA a pair of eyes. But yes, my opinion is my opinion.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-22)
Trischa_D - I think you will find (from comments and/or stories) that not everyone shares your beliefs that "shadows on the ceiling is an indication of a deomon" and "a malevolent spirit can mimic a living human being. No other "ghost" can do that."

I've had experiences with 2 shadow men and neither of them put off any negative, let alone demonic, feelings. Actually they were pretty benign. Also, as far as only a demon mimicking a living human being, I'm going to have to disagree there too.

I do believe there was something wrong at christennnc's house, but considering they've had it blessed and the activity ceased for what seems quite awhile, I don't think it's a demon. From what I've read and seen, demons don't leave that easily.

Honestly, I don't believe (my opinion only) that demons are as common as people like to give them credit. Everything that is dark, scary, mean or evil is not a demon. There are some pretty nasty spirits out there (as in life, so in death). Again, my opinion. I've experienced evil, but don't think either time it was a demon.

Also, I don't see anywhere where christennnc mentioned demon. 😕

As we've mentioned numerous times on our site, everyone has an opinion and is entitled to it. But when you're giving someone advice, don't be adamant that you know exactly what they're dealing with because none of us do. We aren't living it and everyone perceives things differently than someone else. So, please keep this in mind when commenting. If nothing else, state that it is your opinion.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-22)
Christen, in my experience dog type beings are protectors. I'm pleased that you have one around your home and get a neutral feeling from it. This dog like being may be helping to keep things peaceful.
My personal feelings on demons is different to many here. That said, I completely agree with you that you have had something highly disturbing bothering you. I strongly feel that, given the chance, this thing will try to again.
Please take a look at Rook's cleansing method, found here on his profile:
I hope too that you are in contact with your preacher, or are to be soon.

Take care of yourself.
Trischa_D (guest)
10 years ago (2015-05-22)
I think you're right christennnc. I think you're dealing with a demon. The shadows on the ceiling is an indication of a deomon and you're right- a malevolent spirit can mimic a living human being. No other "ghost" can do that.

I hope you get this thing taken care of and Tweed is right- you should get another blessing done. Be safe, say your prayers and put your armour on. Demons are not fun to deal with.

Just always remember that wherever the devil is, Gods there too. Take care. ❤
christennnc (3 stories) (15 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-21)
My grandfather died in 2006 and I don't believe that was him in my closet. I believe it was a Demon. I believe that demons can take different forms to mess with you and it knew that showing itself as my grandfather would get a reaction out of me, it didn't but it thought that would mess with me.
I accepted the fact that I was abused and it doesn't bother me anymore. I do believe I am what they call sensitive to ghosts. Everywhere I go I can feel if something is there or not.
As of right now nothing major has happened to me. My brother on the other hand has seen people in his room. We also have what we call a ghost dog because it looks like a dog out of the corner of your eye. If you stare at it though it is a ball of black fur or cloud. I am not sure what it is but I do not think it is evil or anything.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-21)
Fishing? No, 'phishing' that should have said. Damn, I'm on fire today.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-21)
I forgot to say, take action to shield/protect yourself. This is just as important as protecting your home. You could talk to your preacher about this also.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-21)
Hi Christen,

I'm very sorry you have suffered abuse from one of your grandfathers.

I have to be honest here, I'm worried for you and second LoveOfAbundance's suggestion of another house blessing. In between now and then you could use a cleansing ritual which you're comfortable with.

I read your encounter at the church a week or so ago. In light of this closet story I'm thinking the same 'thing' which has been in your room had followed you to the church on Halloween.

I strongly believe ghosts aren't just attached to locations, some attach to a person. If this 'thing' couldn't get to you from home, because of the blessing, it followed you outside the home, to the church.

I won't make guesses as to if it's your abusive grandfather. You may want to look at the timeline of when he died, when these things started etc. To give yourself some context or clarity. Or you may not want to know. Both are completely acceptable. This is only a suggestion to you; I'm not 'fishing' for details, so don't feel you have to talk about anything related to that here.

You ended your story with a statement about the activity starting up again. Please don't ignore this, I believe it won't just go away on its own.

Take care of yourself and keep us posted.
LoveOfAbundance (2 stories) (27 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-21)
I am sorry that you were tormented by your grandfather and by the unknown. Perhaps it is time to get another blessing on your house.

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