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The Ghost That Whispered My Name


This happened to me when I was 17 (so I thought) but it turned out I was 18 when this happened. I had just gotten home that day or I guess the day before (since it happened around midnight).

I was sitting on my bed with iPad taking pictures of myself. This one picture I took on September 23, 2013 at 12:22 a.m. Right when I took this picture I heard someone whisper my name in the hall way. It sounded like a man's voice and there was no man down there.

The only other person who was down there was my & my sister's friend who was staying there. She was in my sister's room with the door shut talking on the phone to her boyfriend. And no this wasn't her messing with me because for 1. When I looked there was no one there & at the same time I could hear my friend's voice in the other room talking on the phone. 2. This was a male's voice not a female. 3. My friend didn't have a deep voice. And 4. Something similar like this happened to me the year before.

The year before...

I was downstairs by myself in my room. I was painting my nails & was sitting near my tv. I had heard this weird little buzzing sound. Didn't know what it was at first (turned out just to be the sound a TV makes when you're near it that you can hear) but when leaned closer to see where it was coming from (before I knew it was the TV.) the same voice the whispered my name a year after literally whispered in my ear "hey".

It freaked me out so much that I immediately went upstairs and slept in the living room the night. I think I ran & I think I ran in my room & hallway when I went back down to grab a pillow, & my iPad & yes I did go back down to get things to sleep upstairs with after that.

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Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-22)
No worries Gstories. I had a ghost shake a cushion at me once. Many, many years later I spilled water on a cushion and started shaking it to dry it off some. Quickly stopped because it started freaking me out lol. So I can understand you avoiding humming TVs. 😊
gstories (4 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-22)
- Tweed.

- I know this is two years later, lol but when I hear buzzing coming from a t.v I ignore it and won't go near it now. Every time I hear it I remember what happened to me in this story, lol.

I was just re-reading all my stories and their comments.
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-16)
I take no frustration in this, I'll try it in yahoo, because I already tried the copy and paste in a different area that was already suggested to me and he had no account there, but no worries. 😊


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-16)
Mkay, well if you have no sense of fear in general, you know if he's in the same room as you then you should have nothing to worry about. I just can't be 100% positive about that, only because I've been around too many negative spirits, and I think only one under my roof is positive.

Okay, to add a story tellers name to your author favorites, there's a heart next to the name at the top, just click on the heart and it'll get added to your profile.
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zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-07-16)
Miracles: Great minds and all that...shtuff. LOL

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-07-16)
Granny - how is it possible for us to do this so often? Lol 😆 Crap, characters
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-07-16)
gstories - if you look beside your name you will see a heart. Clicking on the heart by a member's name will add them as your favorite poster. The same with the heart on the right next to the email envelope.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-07-16)
gstories: There's a little ❤ icon next to the member's screen name (on their stories or on their profiles) and on the right side of the story under the title.
gstories (4 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-16)
Kya1994 Or anyone really

How do I add my favorite stories & favorite authors to my profile/lists?
gstories (4 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-16)
Kya 1994

Yeah I don't feel like the spirit is bad or anything but I don't know who it is. My mom thinks it was an old lady that died in our house but it was a mans voice...
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-16)
Your welcome. 😊
I just noticed in your last comment that went to YlissabearryY, and I'm unsure if it's my place to say. "But in this new house it doesn't feel like it's haunted or anything." It might feel that way because this entity is probably positive, and I'm not sure since I haven't seen this situation from your point of view, but it could also be because this entity is just the one under your roof. (the only entity in your house)

Just an opinion of mine, I needed more characters in the comment so I added in what I assumed as well. 😊


gstories (4 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-16)

I don't know if there was anything going with my dfriend on the phone or not. Both times I think the ghost was just trying to get my attention.


Bo I don't think it was trying to scare me. I think it just wanted my attention because it never really did anything to continuelly scare after that on both nights.


The tone was a whisper. But what's creepy is that in our new house my sister heard a voice call her name outside her bedroom in the hallway & she said it was a mans voice as well... But in this new house it doesn't feel like it's haunted or anything.


Thank you kya1994
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-15)
I have no questions, everyone has asked everything there is to know, but still very good story, I was intrigued. 😊


YLissaBearrY (1 stories) (16 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-15)
I have to agree with Tweed and Hecate's comments. The ghost that whispered your name in the hallway seemed like it wanted your attention. But, maybe in a way, it wanted to trick you into thinking your friends are trying to get your attention instead. Either way, it's strange how it doesn't seem likely that a living man was with you at the time, leading it to possibly be a ghost that you heard. It's kind of common for some ghosts to know the names of the living that they encounter, which I think is cool. -- About the voice whispering your name... How did the tone sound.?

Like Tweed and Hecate said, this "Hey" you heard could either sound like a nice greeting, an exclamation, or just an attempt to frighten you. It sort of all depends on how the tone sounded.

I ran into something like this before myself, but with my friend around; we both heard the "Hey." It's really strange.

Anywho, thanks for sharing this story. 😁 It's quite interesting.

Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-15)
Hi Gstories, I love all of Tweed's suggestions. I have only one more. I know you said you became frightened by these things. But, like Tweed's questions about the tone of the "hey", do you think whatever it was intended to frighten you. Just another aspect of it to consider. Many people coexist comfortably with ghosts, you just sometimes need to set your boundaries.

Thanks for sharing. Best to you.
Hecate 😊
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-15)
Hi Gstories,

Was there anything going on with the friend who was on the phone? Or did anything happen with her around this time? I'm wondering if the whisperer was trying to draw your attention to your friend down the hall.
The first time, with the TV, did the "Hey" sound like a greeting, as in "Hi"? Or did it sound more like an exclamation, as in "Hey, I'm sitting there"? If so, perhaps you leaned over to where the ghost was, in that moment. Or, if it sounded more like a greeting, maybe the ghost thought you were leaning over because you knew he was there. That he misinterpreted you listening to the TV's light buzz, for a request that he say something.
Hope that makes sense!

Thanks for sharing.

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