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Two Hooded Men By My Bed


My experience took place in 2014 in Adelaide Australia. I am a very level-headed 39 year old female who has experienced several paranormal activities over the years and the most disturbing is as follows.

I arrived home at approximately 9pm and, unusual for me, I was extremely tired after a long and exhausting day at work so I decided to have an early night. I was in bed and turning off my bedside lamp before 10pm. I have to share my bed layout as it's important to the story.

My bedroom is very large and facing north is a wall of windows overlooking the back terrace/garden and my bed is set in an alcove so that I can only enter/exit my bed from one side only (other side is against the back wall). Anyway, when I sleep (on my own apart from my poodle 'Sailor' laying at my feet I rarely if ever sleep with my back facing the open room; therefore, exposing my back to the open. Ever since I was a child I have always wanted a clear view of my room 'just in case'.

Okay so I was fast asleep but hadn't yet started dreaming. I was suddenly awoken from my sleep with a bad feeling inside. I was laying on my right side (facing north) and I suddenly opened my eyes being 100% fully awake and besides my bed (at my torso level) I saw two beings standing by my bed, side by side, 'looking' down at me (I will explain how they looked before I describe my initial shock and reaction).

They were both about 5ft tall, although one was a little taller than the other. They were wearing heavy looking dark grey robes with ties at their waists. They had hoods on but I could not see their faces at all as there was only blackness within the hoods. I could not see their hands. Now my reaction was one of extreme horror and an overwhelming feeling of evilness and foreboding so I instantly tried to reach up and switch on my bedside lamp (mind you it was a bright moon night and I have a wall of windows allowing for me to see a good deal even without a light).

Anyway, as I attempted to illuminate my room I found myself totally and utterly paralysed. It was as though all of my muscles were dead from my neck down. The sheer terror I felt knowing I was vulnerable to these two evil beings before me! I had absolutely no choice but to continue laying on my side facing these hooded creatures standing not 15cm from me and being completely at their mercy. I then heard them talking amongst themselves and, although their language was foreign, I somehow knew beyond any doubt that they were threatening me with harm, and I knew that if I stayed there then I was in trouble.

Now let me tell you that I was raised in a devout Christian home and my parents always taught me that if you are ever faced with an 'evil' encounter or have a bad feeling with something unseen that we (my 6 siblings and I) were to say "Get thee behind me satan" and all will be well again. Well, without hesitation I immediately tried to say these words and all I was able to do was open my mouth. My tongue was also paralysed and no words would come out no matter how much I tried. The only sound was an open-mouthed garbled sound but I was trying so hard to speak that I had saliva pouring from my mouth onto my pillow. By this time I was SO incredibly terrified and never once taking my eyes from the grey figures (solid form) and they never stopped looming over me talking in a quiet yet evil tone.

I was at my wits end not knowing what to do, so instantly and in sheer desperation I let my mind think the 'Get thee behind my satan' words and instantly without a millisecond of delay those two 'creatures' disappeared! And at that exact moment I have full use of my limbs and voice again. Of course, the first thing I did was turn on my light and start crying both with relief it was over and foremost the dark terrifying event that I had just experienced!

I imagined that it was about 2am but when I picked up my mobile phone to confirm I saw that it was only 10:45pm-WHAT, not even an hour since I went to bed?! Well as you can imagine I refused to sleep the remainder of the night. I sat up in bed looking all around my room until sunup.

The strange thing is my poodle never stirred once during my horror experience. He slept in peace oblivious to the surrounding events, awaking the moment I was able to illuminate my room.

Well, that was a year ago now and thankfully I have not had another encounter. I have in the past experienced other paranormal things of which I will share in another post. I would love to hear your feedback and if there is anyone who has also been visited by similar evil hooded figures.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Cinnamon, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-25)
Cinnamon, I just had a recent experience with a hooded figure by my bed. It posted here


Mine was a single entity, and didn't appear to be in a robe, but looked dark like a shadow man, with a hood. The shape with the hood reminded me of a cloak, but I couldn't distinguish features since it was a dark figure.

I normally don't get frightened by the shadow man I've seen before, but this one frightened me so much I had to turn on my light. It might be because he shook me awake, or because it seemed different with that hood. I had no sleep paralysis.

I'm curious about what you understood them to be saying about how they would harm you. Do you recall what they said they would do?

Also, have you noticed an increasing tendency to not want to harm or see harm to anything?

I realize it has been a long time since your post, so I hope you find this.
GoldPhoenix (24 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-29)
i hope 1 day we find out why our brains create the creepy entities while we get the attack...
I had from seeing nothing while being paralyzed to seeing a small robot like toy starring at me (that one made me laugh when I woke) to something looking like those aliens from predator movies.
Funny how I don't fear any of those things and I never had a robot toy and I'm not a big fan of alien movies I only saw scenes not even the whole movies yet my brain decides to use this to make me get scared lol.

What if this is actually paranormal and is caused by ghost/whatever entity trolls haha

Reminds me of that ghost pokemon gengar who was trolling by scaring everything alive:P
27flowers (2 stories) (25 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-28)
Very interesting story, if this was sleep paralysis (which it sounds very much like) then I can appreciate how scary an episode can be. I had an "attack" of sleep paralysis recently in which I heard a Mexican sounding voice say "look out of the window" and my own voice warning me "it's about to happen" and then felt my body pressed into the bed (paralysis). My husband woke me up as I was trying to shout his name and all he could hear was me making a "muuuuuuh' sound which I could hear myself making! Interestingly I also suddenly "clicked" and starting saying the Lord's Prayer which broke the paralysis. I also adorned my crucifix the following day as I felt so disturbed until someone explained it all to me.

Also quick notes apparently sleep paralysis is more likely to happen either as you fall asleep or as you are waking which may explain the time query and when you are particularly exhausted. Usually the "baddie" is a reflection of your fears or culturally determined... (That silly Charlie Charlie game was happening around the time of my episode) And second point being that my ever faithful border collie DIDNT even stir. Charming!

Animals are really amazing at picking up the supernatural or just plain weird occurrences though!

Hope you don't experience anything like this again soon!
Best wishes
Flowers x
LoveOfAbundance (2 stories) (27 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-26)
Hi! I have had sleep paralysis for years and your account definitely matches my experiences in a lot of ways. Luckily for me, I had read many sleep paralysis stories before having my first one, that I knew what was happening and didn't attribute any supernatural cause to the experience.

Your biggest clue that everything was fine, was your dog. Your dog slept comfortably and securely during the entire event. Animals will run away or at least show fear and aggression in the presence of danger. Although, your experience was scary, you were safe.

The first time I experienced sleep paralysis, I awoke to find a menacing black shadow hovering over me and pinning me down. I was unable to move. As I wrote above, I had read about this phenomenon and knew what was happening. If I would have had any doubts they were removed because my cat was peacefully sleeping on my stomach. The "entity" was engulfing her, as well as I, yet she slept on blissfully. This was all the extra encouragement that I needed in order to accept that this was only happening in my brain. I relaxed and began wiggling my toes. Within seconds, I could move and everything was back to normal. The second time I experienced sleep paralysis, I had another cat sleeping on my stomach. Once again, the cat slept peacefully.

Sleep paralysis is a scary experience, especially when one is not familiar with the phenomenon. No one wants to immobilized. But, once you understand it, like others have noted, it ceases to be scary. Trust your dog's instincts.

Good luck to you and best wishes for nothing but good nights of sleep!
GoldPhoenix (24 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-26)
Years ago when I had no clue on sleep paralysis I thought I was dying or was being attacked by something supernatural in my sleep.
Now I have gone up the point of laughing like a mad man at the scary "entity" which I see while I'm having sleep paralysis.
Or once started punching a creepy face that was infront of my bed.
But guess what I was just wasting my time trying to hurt something that is inside me my own brain hahaha
So now I just take a 1 second deep breath and wake up from the sleep paralysis.
Its something I call the "eject button" haha:P
Trust me those figures were in your head and praying may helped you as you claim but if you were seeing things in my pov you would wake up in a second just by thinking about it and being calm at the time while doing it
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-07-26)
RedWolf and Tweed: Yeah, seems like the karma bandit's at it again LOL πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-26)
I think you are right about someone downvoting us. I went to a couple of comments I KNOW I had 1 upvote and now they are gone.
Either there is a little gremlin with a history of being a Drama Queen. OR there are people like me who have a tablet and have to enlarge the arrows to hit the right one. Nah that can't be it
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-26)
I agree with you. I tried to comment 3 times on this but couldn't find the right words and deleted them. I guess that made me speechless for once. Huh? πŸ˜†
My question to Cinnamon is if your family are devout Christians why didn't they advise their children to say the Lords Prayer instead of
Get Thee Behind My Satan?
As for them possibly speaking Latin well that's all alien to me. Had to say it.
Speaking of aliens, in the U.S. The major hotspots for sighting U.F.O.'s
Is in Arizona, Texas especially over the Gulf of Mexico and Florida. Maybe Florida because they want elderly people like in Cocoon
πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
valkricry (49 stories) (3289 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-07-24)
Well...I don't know. Benedictine monks wore clothing consisting of white or grey habits which were the colors of un-dyed wool back in the Middle Ages. It was also not too unusual to tie them with a thin strip of leather, although a length of rope was far more common. They also spoke Latin. But, I can't quite picture them planning to harm you (monks that is). Still you might do a bit of research and see if there's something in the area to suggest their presence, as Tweed suggested to do. Because honestly, not ALL monks were very...saintly.
However, Rook points out some very valid points, about it possibly being aliens. But that is an 'alien' subject for me. (*Groan* Sorry, I HAD too.)
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-24)
Also, if you haven't already check out Hecate's story about Ezekiel:
To see if it resonates with you somehow.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-24)
hmm someone's been downvoting Red, me and now I see Rook, happy days.

Just wanted to chime in on the alien angle. My Mum is obsessed with all things of this nature, me not so much haha. But I am totally open to it, just not overly enthused by it if that makes any sense. Well anyway there are organisations everywhere who love to collect input from anyone who has had such an encounter. I suggest contacting some. Imagine there are heaps of idiots out there, but I know there's a lot who take it seriously as well. I've heard vaguely of robed hooded beings so it's darn interesting that Rook made this connection.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-24)

Thank you for the added details... It really helps put your experince into perspective. A certian perspective to be sure. So what perspective would that be you ask? (You know you did... πŸ˜‰)

Many of the details you relate have more in common with Alien Abduction/Visitation cases than they do Spirit Hauntings...

The way you describe the robes (grey, heavy with straps or belts instead of robe ties)...the feeling of malice and 'ill intent'. The 'fact' you understood the Language they were speaking to eachother... At least in your head (this is becasue they were not 'speaking' out loud but rather they were using telepathy. The paralisis like state AND last but not least the fact that they 'bolted' when they realized you had woken up enough to begin 'praying'.

I have studied some things about UFO's and Aliens, enough that your experience actually sounds more like a Close Encounter of the 3rd Kind... Boardering on a Close Encounter of the 4th Kind rather than a 'Haunting by a couple of Spirits'. While unnerving as your experience was the HELP here at YGS may be pretty limited due to the fact the majority of the experienecs here have to to with ghosts, spirits, entities of various sorts... But not Aliens.

Thanks for sharing, please ask any questiosn you may have, we will do our best to answer them or at least direct you to a site that may help better than we can.

...By the way the Monks of St. Benidict wear Grey Robes...


"Grey Robe Monks of St. Benedict is an ecumenical and inclusive religious order established in 2002..."

(Quoted from the linked web site.)


Cinnamon (1 stories) (9 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-24)
Hello to everyone, thank you ALL so much for your inputs, you cannot imagine how eagerly I read all your comments and highly anticipate further correspondence! Firstly Rook you are a gem and I so enjoy your questions. I will try to answer them all. Concerning the moon phase- I'm not certain about this but I do remember clearly that my room was well lit due to the moonlight and my floor to ceiling wall of windows facing north, even on a 'dark' night my room is still reasonably lit. The reason I know what colour their robes were was because that was the very first thing I noticed the moment I saw them so close to me, also my bedroom carpet is a light grey as was my bed blanket that night and I saw the much darker grey hue in comparison (not that I was thinking about colour schemes that night mind you!) their heads were covered by hoods and their necks were bent down appearing to both be looking down at me in my bed, I couldn't take my eyes off them for a moment nor move a muscle so I had the time to terrifyingly study their appearance so I clearly saw that complete blackness was where their faces should have been but so strangely they were talking to eachother & I felt so strongly that I was in bad trouble if I didn't get away, they gave off very negative auras. Back to their robes they did indeed look like a Monks attire but the cloth looked quite heavy (not a cotton or anything similar), there was a strap or belt (very thin) around their waists, I could not see their hands at all and I'm not sure if the sleeves were extra long and covered their hands but I don't recall even seeing their arms because I was so preoccupied with their missing faces (blackness) and their heights and attire. They had the same build as a normal weight human. What scares me a lot and it is something that I cannot explain is that They were speaking in a foreign language but incredibly I knew that they were discussing how they were going to harm me (Im sincere that I subconsciously 'knew' exactly what they were saying but I had never heard this language before). I hope I have answered all your questions and please feel free to ask me as many questions as you want as talking to you all is helping me feel less burdened as I'm able to share it with fellow believers.
Secretstar (8 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-23)
While reading your story I got the feeling that it was probably sleep paralysis for which you coudn't move. By reading other comments here I'm glad that I might was right. And especially whenever I hear "hooded figures" I absolutely feel terrified. Your story was a creepy one though. I hope you're okay now.
Wardo (8 stories) (171 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-23)
So I will echo what others have said. In my opinion, it was no doubt a sleep paralysis experience. The fact that you could not move or speak, and the feeling of dread are quite common. That said, what interests me is their relative shortness compared to other paralysis episodes. Also, the fact that there were two beings is something new to me. The description of the figures is somewhat consistent with other sleep paralysis (sometimes called old hag syndrome) stories I have heard of, but differs slightly also. Finally, the fact that your dog did not stir at all indicates that it could have possibly been in the dream world. I have never bought into sleep paralysis being a dream because of the consistencies which "victims" report. That is my humble opinion, but I want you to know that you are in great company. Many people have experienced something very similar and you will likely be hearing from them. Please do pay mind to Rook - a wise old owl (no offense meant Rook!) And I would like to echo welcoming you to YGS. We look forward to your correspondence and thank you so much for sharing!
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-23)
Rook, we are all waiting,, of course after we hear from Cinnamon. I am anxious to hear your robe color explanation. 😊
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-23)
Jeesh Rook you have me SO intrigued now, but I'll just have to waitπŸ˜†
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-23)

Welcome and well met. I must say your description is wonderful and some good sugestions have been offered. I want to focus on your description of the beings themselves, I think... Actually I FEEL... Is a beeter way of saying it, I feel the answer lies there...

You stated:

"They were both about 5ft tall, although one was a little taller than the other. They were wearing heavy looking dark grey robes with ties at their waists. They had hoods on but I could not see their faces at all as there was only blackness within the hoods."

Heavy DARK GREY rodes (its important they were not brown or black) and the fact that you could see only balckness with-in the hoods really catches my attention.

Question (S) time:

What phase was the moon in when this happened? Just how well lit was your room?

Was there anything 'odd' about the robes? (I would offer suggestions but I do not want to LEAD you...)

You mentioned you could not see their hands... Do you remember why? (again no hints = no 'leading')

Often encounters like this are mentioned in 'Close Encounters' lore and when these do happen its the FAITH of the individual (s) being visited that scares them away.

I am not ready to say this is Aliens or Spirits at this time but the shared description SEEM to be pointing in a certain direction. I await your answers and thank you for sharing.


Darkangel73 (4 stories) (127 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-23)
Hi Cinnamon- I know this for a fact when I am extremely tired I have those sleep paralysis episodes... I would hate to have your experience I would probably have an heart attack, I am glad you were able to think those life saving words. Very interesting story have you done a history of the land on which you house sits?
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-23)
Hi again Cinnamon, thanks for getting back to us. It's important to trust your gut instincts. Only *you* were there and know for sure. As it doesn't appear to have happened since or before perhaps they were merely passing through. Or attracted to something within your neighbourhood. You would have to do some soul searching, and possibly some research on the area, to figure out why it happened. It's interesting that you remember it so vividly, I don't know why but I feel that's a key to unraveling this. If that's something you wish to do. Equally understandable if you don't. I mean some ghosts are just jerks, it has to be said. πŸ˜‰
Cinnamon (1 stories) (9 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-23)
Hello everyone who commented on my experience! Thank you so very much for all your thoughts- I must say that while the 'beings' were in my presence I did have an overwhelming feeling of dread, negativity and felt very threatened, and not just because of the shock or terror of two scary hooded beings by my bed but rather they exuded very bad spirits that made me want to escape their presence (but as you remember that was impossible due to the paralysis). Even today when I think about that night it sends shivers down my spine as I remember every vivid detail like it happened lastnight.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-23)
Hello Tweed and Hecate have commented that it could be sleep paralysis and I agree with them. I feel that it was sleep paralysis that you experienced. I also had such experiences and because you could not move and words won't come out of your mouth, there would have been a feeling that it was a paranormal experience. I also go with Tweed that the sleep paralysis combined itself with a lucid dream. That is the only explanation I could think of. Because you said that your pet didn't experience anything at all and was asleep peacefully. If it were a paranormal encounter, animals would be the first to be uncomfortable and would definitely be sensing them fast.

Looking forward to reading your other encounters and welcome to YGS.

Thanks for sharing.

Regards and respects to you.

sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-23)
Hi, Cinnamon... Welcome to YGS... Your narration was excellent... I enjoyed this story... Although I can't say much about what it was... I just thought It could have been alien (Sorry Please just my thought)
Because I've read that alien visit many of the people when they were sleeping... Once again just my thought and humble opinion 😁
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-22)
Hi Cinnamon and another welcome to YGS. Reading Tweed's comment, I felt relieved, because I got the same feeling while reading your story. I wondered if they were there to protect you. Here's why. First, your fear of the paralysis could have made you generalize that fear to them when you saw them. Again, Tweed is spot on with her sleep paralysis suggestion with increased chance of paranormal. Many people who experience sleep paralysis see figures looming over them. Who they are and their intent will be unique to each individual having the sleep paralysis.

As for their intent, part of my reaction is definitely due to my own positive experience with an entity that presented itself to me as a robed figure. My story here titled "Ezekiel" is about a very powerful energy that was about 7 feet tall in a brown hooded robe. I didn't "see" him but felt his energy (an extremely powerful buzzing to one side and down my arm) and "knew" these few details about him. I communicate with him often simply with my thoughts. My empowerment knowing I can do this, I think has kept anything scary from bothering me the couple of times I experienced sleep paralysis. Sorry for the long comment. Your story really resonated with me. I hope you will write back and tell us there is a possibility they were protectors. The fact that you heard a language supports this idea, too. One more little thing. Think back to troubled times in your life. Did it feel like you had "help"? Hope some of this helps.

Thanks for sharing. 😁

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-22)
Hi Cinnamon and welcome,

It sounds like your experience was mixed in with sleep paralysis. This would explain why you couldn't speak the words. I feel occasionally sleep paralysis can include a paranormal encounter. It's interesting that your dog didn't react until it was over and you turned your lamp on. Also that they only left after you sent them the message by thought. From this it seems they were able to contact you in a very specific mode of consciousness. Of course we must also consider the possibility of a very vivid/lucid dream. But only you can know for sure and I got the sense this hadn't happened before.

Their appearance reminded me of Christian and Catholic monks. Would there be anything in the area that would suggest a link?
Or maybe something in your life at that time. Particularly something unpleasant. Maybe these guys weren't there to harm you, but instead to protect you. Just another way to look at it.

Thanks for sharing, jeesh I know I wouldn't have thought they qere there to help me!

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