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My Cat, Fifi


On 16th July 2015, at 9:21am, I lost my 19 year old cat, Fifi to multiple organ failure due to old age. He was my best friend, and companion since I was 3 years old. His previous owners abandoned him, and my dad took him in when he was probably a year old. He came to us when he was fully grown, so I am estimating he's 19, could even be 20, had him for 18 years though. He was unlike any other cats I've ever had or seen. He understood everything we said, came to us when we called him, waited for me to come back from school and for my parents to come back from work, by the door.

When I was a kid, my parents had left me home and gone out to get some groceries. I fell from the bed and my nose started to bleed. He noticed it immediately and went to my grand mom's house through the cat flap. She stays close by, a few houses away. He started yelling immediately when he reached there and urged her to follow him home. She did, and when she got home she was shocked to find me on the ground, hurt. He saved my life.

He would sit with me when I used to stay up late, studying for exams. He cuddled me when I was sad or crying and growled at my mom if she ever shouted at me, when I did something wrong.

He got along with all the other cats in the house, and also with my neighbours dog. He never even attacked any squirrels or birds that came to our yard, like my other cat, Snaggle puss (who we lost to CRF in October last year, she was 18) who used to love killing them, and chasing away any cats that came into her territory. He never fought with, or harmed or scratched anyone.

The past few days were really hard, over some days we found out his heart was enlarged. His kidneys were failing. He started gasping for air even if he walked from one end of the sofa to the other. So we would pick him up and put him the litter tray. My vet would come everyday to see him and treat him. Over the next few days, the panting got worse, he would pant even after eating food and drinking water. He was in no mood to eat, but we would feed him forcefully by yelling at him or coaxing him. He would eat to keep us happy and not because he wanted to. In the 18 years that we had him he had never once peed or pooped where he shouldn't have.

He lost the ability to move his hind legs suddenly one night. He tried to get down from the bed and fell when he tried to use the litter box. We got it up on the bed and put him in it so he could pass his stools, he wasn't even able to stand. His hind legs couldn't move. It was 2 in the night, and we called our vet, she came over immediately. Bless her soul for always being there for us whenever he needed her. She said the blood supply to his hind legs had been cut off. She gave him a steroid injection, so that he would feel a little better. When she left, My mom held his front and I held his back and we tried to get him to pass stools. He couldn't and he was still gasping for air.

My mom told him it was okay, and he could pee on the bed. He didn't. The entire night he gasped for air continuously, panting like a dog. My dad got an oxygen cylinder, to help him breathe, but it didn't really help.

He was trying to get up, but he kept falling over. He tried to get up at least fifty times that night. We were trying to not get him to do that. But he wasn't listening, the activity caused him to pant more.

We called the vet in the morning, again. My dad said he didn't care about the money, he wanted her to do something to make him alright, at least to cure his breathing problem even if he couldn't stand, it was okay. We could still take care of him. She said she couldn't do anything and she had tried everything she could do.

We took a call to put him to sleep cause he was suffering. His eyes were telling me that he didn't want to leave us and go. It was a hard call and we had to take it. We were there with him when she administered the first shot of anesthesia, the second one wasn't even needed. He passed with it. But she gave it anyway cause that was the routine procedure. The entire day was really hard and me, my mom and dad all broke down and cried. Even my vet got really emotional and cried with us. She had treated him since he was a young cat. We cremated him, with flowers and his favourite blanket.

The ashes are in an urn, which is kept in a glass cupboard in my bed room. I have another 1 year old cat, Alex who was very attached to him, we got him in February this year, he was again possibly abandoned and had multiple wounds, which we got treated and he was neutered and we took him in. Alex would always sleep by Fifi's side and play with him when he was alright. He would watch us giving him his medicines, he came and sat by his side even when he was sick, sniffed his butt, licked his head. He's really mellowed down over the past few days, normally he's very jumpy and hyper and keeps running around all over the house. Maybe he knew what was going to happen. He searched for him in all his spots before making a sad face and sleeping on the bed after we got home from cremating him.

Last night when I was sleeping, I turned towards the glass cupboard where we have kept the urn of ashes, it's like a cupboard with glass doors, you can see through the glass inside the cupboard. I saw Fifi sitting there and looking at me. He was young and healthy again, unlike how he had become over the past few days. I thought I was imagining it, so I blinked and looked there again. I was wide awake, it wasn't a dream. He was still there, looking at me. I must've dozed off after 30 minutes or so. When I woke up I checked again, in the morning. No he wasn't there then. My 1 year old cat, Alex constantly stands on two paws and stares at the cupboard. Also I've been hearing sounds of his nails on the floor, when Alex was in bed with me. So I know it wasn't him.

I don't have any other cats now. Just Alex. Do you think he's still around? I miss him immensely and want to communicate with him. We are Hindus (Indians) and my dad wants me to immerse the ashes into the sea, it's a belief that a dead person's soul is free to move on, only after the ashes are scattered. Am I holding him back? I just want to see him again. He was the most loving, and beautiful cat I've ever had, I've been around many, trust me. And I don't think I will ever find any one like him, He loved us unconditionally without expecting anything in return. I don't think I will ever get over his loss, it's like a part of me died, along with him. I also lost my 18 year old cat, Snaggle puss to CRF last year in October, like I mentioned before. Fifi and she grew up together. She came to us first and he, a few months later. And they even left us in the same sequence. They were very attached to each other. Just goes to show how they couldn't live without each other for a long time too.

Sharing some pictures of both my babies, Fifi is the grey Tom, and Snaggle puss is the ginger cat.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Mac_Barbie93, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-08-20)
Hey Tweed, I remember that but it was an interesting one!
I had fun researching the histories.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-20)
Impressive, BlackRose! This is about the third time something bizarre has happened on this site that I know of. First was an accidental double post by Red, a duplicate comment with one which contained a random number. Maybe a site glitch but still odd. But the time the site seemingly changed the title of a person's narrative to better describe or clue in to the crux of the matter really was a home run. I think a word was changed from something like 'pantaloons' to 'britches' or 'strides'.

Yay, I found it:
In the comments to that it gets truly 'wow'. Seriously this really intrigues me, love it!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-08-19)
RedBlackRosemama is a GHOST WRITER! 😆 😆 😆

Irony: 505050505050!
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-19)
I forgot to mention that Zim died 1 day after the one year anniversary of Jethros' death.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-19)
I'm working closely with Cyber Space 'experts'. We hope there will be an APP for that soon. 😲


RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-19)

I have lost 2 other dogs since Jethro. Both were seniors 1 in March Demon he got the name partly from the movie Snow Dogs mainly he was so impish when he was a puppy. He had a smile that scared the poop out of people but he was a mush. Zim was 2 years younger but I think he died from mourning Ds death. I wrote a story that was about something else but included Zim.

I've had dog ashes returned to me once and I was such a wreck picking up the ashes I never asked for the ashes of another dog again.

Again I am so sorry about Fifi and Snaggle Puss. They are still wih you in spirit and yur heart.

The alphabet eating demon tried to get me but I defeated him by filling in the letters he ate.

roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-08-19)
zzsgranny; Holy Macaroni! Another cyber haunting? Is it just this site or will it happen anywhere? If it happens anywhere how do we cleanse our software? LOL

Blessing from São Paulo

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-19)
Spirit characters?

Quick break out the EMF meter and the Spirit Box! We must investigate this...

Granny, does the absence of characters make you feel, mad...frustrated...or scared? Carful how you answer the Alphabet eating 'demon' may attach itself to you next. 😉


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-08-19)
Okay, this doesn't seem fair that RedBlackRosemama was able to post a comment with nothing in it when the rest of us have to use at least 50 characters 😆 😆 😆

WTF-ery abounds lolol
RedBlackRosemama (34 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-19)
Mac-Barbie sorry for your loss of two your beautiful. I been bawl my eyes while read this. Saw the picture of your two cats they so beautiful I too a cats lover since as a child through adult I am sure lost few cats for years. But one I lost baby girl Taffy yes she long hair cat with beautiful blue eyes. I love her to death. One morning came she had stroke April 2011 became blind after ward by months like your fiffi she won't eat so we force feed her. Vet think she have cancer not sure though. By September 2011 that the same month when I first got her 16 September 1997 but September 16, 2011 she have breathe problem and we couldn't take it and it's hurt to see her suffer we have to let her go and put her to put to sleep so we say good bye to her and we love her. My heart feel like it gone half of me died with her. So your cats will always be in your heart and yes they are always family.
That teacher on Facebook is a (Bleep) you should block him like others say. He sound like cold heartless and hate animals (maybe).
RedBlackRosemama (34 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-19)
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-02)
Mac_Barbie: I would like to see that idiot of a teacher seating on a cat and getting his butt scratched! 😠
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-02)
After Jethro had to be put down I had such a huge hole in my heart I couldn't take it. He had been an epileptic and had ear infection we couldn't get rid of because he had 2 strains of bacteria that were antibiotic resistant. So my husband said it was okay to get another dog because he was missing him too. I went on line and because he ONLY wanted a Malamute which are hard to find where I live.
I had some puppies on my wishlist on a site and my husband picked out a giant Malamute. She will be 4 months on the 11th and is HUGE for a puppy. We named her Kaia a Hopi Indian name meaning wise girl.
As for that schmuck teacher should be reported. I hope you printed out his comment so he can't deny saying what he said. One thing you should know is if he is tenured nothing will happen to him. That's why many states want to get rid of tenuring teachers, because they have to do something really really bad to even get into trouble.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-02)
All workers have authority over them, and that includes teachers! Report him!
I am sorry, Mc_Barbie, I had to spit that out, I am sorry for the loss of your pet, having been through it, I have not forgotten the pain.
lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-02)
this is actually making me sad as my cat fluffy got out my house 4 days ago now and hasnt come home but I believe someone has taken her because she always use to go out for an hour or so then come back bawling at my door to be let in and she has aparantly been seen a few times strolling around with a different collar on and people have tried to pick her up and bring her back but she claws at them to get away I know fluffy hasent passed on but its the feeling of hurt and the worry that you won't see them again that hurts 😭
Mac_Barbie93 (6 stories) (42 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-28)
Frangelica1: I'm so sorry for your loss. I read about the rainbow bridge online, and it says what you just said in the comment. It made me cry when I read about it the day he passed, but when I read it now I am at peace knowing he's in a better place without any pain or suffering and that I will get to meet him when I pass. Thank you for taking time out to comment on my experience:)
Mac_Barbie93 (6 stories) (42 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-28)
Secretstar: thank you for taking time out to comment on my experience. I did in fact immerse his ashes in the sea. I haven't seen him around or heard him a lot after that. He did come to me in my dream though and I was really happy to see him hale and hearty.:)
RedWolf: I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost both my cats within a span of eight months from one another. They came to us in the same order, snuggle puss first and Fifi later, within a few months of each other and left us in the same order too. You never forget your pets, time just makes it a little easier to deal with it.
Mac_Barbie93 (6 stories) (42 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-28)
Gayatrishiva and DeathByDonut: thank you for taking time to comment on my experience. I'm sure you guys had wonderful dogs and have beautiful memories that you shared with them. Pets aren't just animals, they're family. They grow on you. Much love. Xx
Mac_Barbie93 (6 stories) (42 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-28)
Tweed: Thank you so much for your response. I'm sorry I've been MIA and haven't been replying to anyone's responses. I was busy with college and work. I keep myself busy, or else I start thinking about him and start to cry. I'm sure your cat was just as adorable! He never did show his age until the last one week where he got really sick and went from being a healthy cat to what looked like a frail kitten. I did, immerse his ashes, after keeping them with me cause my dad wanted to, also my one year old cat, Alex keeps climbing here and there and I didn't want him to drop the urn.
Also about to the teacher, I told everyone on my Facebook about what he did and now everyone hates him. Serves him right, haha! I absolutely can't stand people I'll treating or talking crap about animals. It makes me really mad.
Thank you for taking the time and comment on my experience. It really does mean a lot. Hugs to you. ❤
frangelica1 (40 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-26)

First I am so sorry for your loss - I know how difficult this has been for you and your family.

Your cat Fifi must have really loved you because I find that on rare occasions they will reappear to their special person so they can see that they are okay in the afterlife. It is their way of comforting us and usually they will appear as they were in the prime of their life! I think it is the greatest gift they can give us to help ease our worries on whether they are okay. I had a little dog I loved die in my arms after trying to save her from a tragic accident and she reappeared to me just like your Fifi! She helped me so much by doing this because I now know for sure the spirit lives forever!

All our pets also go to the afterlife just like people do and they will wait for you there so you can be reunited again someday. In the meantime, I know they do watch over us until we are reunited again. You may or may not see Fifi again but you may hear and feel signs from Fifi from time to time.

You were and are very loved by your Fifi and you will be reunited again one day. Fifi will be waiting for you! The love is very real and can never be extinguished!

In regards to cremation, I also had my dog cremated and I keep her ashes in a special box with her collar nearby - it gives me comfort still having her near. Keeping the ashes near you instead of scattering them does not hold their spirit back because their spirit is now detached from their body and where it needs to be!

I hope this info helps somewhat!
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-25)
I feel your pain. I had to make the decision to have our Coon Hound put to sleep on 7/11/15.He was only
6 1/2 years old. I am so sorry for your loss and as I said I feel your pain. I keep catching glances of Jethro once in awhile or see a shadow where he slept at night.
Secretstar (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-23)
Its a very sad story. I feel so bad for Fifi. I feel like crying:' (. I know how painful it is to lose someone you are so attached to. Maybe Fifi still wants to be with you and your family. He surely misses you too. I think you should immerse the ashes into the sea because its in Hindu religion so Fifi can find peace.
DeathByDonut (guest)
9 years ago (2015-07-23)
😭 😭 😭
I just can't stop crying man... Its a very touching story

I had a same experience with my dog who left me a couple of years back though it was a little bit different case.

Its very hard to get normal after such things but I wish you a speedy recovery from that thing

Yours respectfully,
Gayatrishiva (3 stories) (121 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-23)
Oh my that's touching story and my tears fell reading. I think it's better you immerse the ashes in sea... Well pets are not just animals and ttey got souls too... I too love my dog a lot and had an experience with other dog visiting me you can read that story.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-23)
Oh Mac, wow it took me about 10 minutes to read your story because I couldn't stop BALLING! I recently 'lost' my cat best friend of 15 years. Like you, he came as an adult. He was between 18 and 20 when he passed.
Well I can absolutely relate to Fifi, as he sounds very much like my old boy. Some cats are just people cats and I'm so moved that Fifi saved you the day he went to your Grandmothers for help, wow!

Thank you so much for sharing the love with us here and for providing pics! I have to laugh at those photos because Fifi looks so young, my cat never showed his age either. He used to astound vets all the time, no one could believe how old he was, I bet Fifi was exactly the same. 😊

Ok, I typed the above before I read the comments. Just now I am absolutely OUTRAGED by what that STUPID teacher did to you on Facebook! What the heck?! So glad you blocked him, that man should NOT be teaching. Stupid imbecile.

On a much lighter note I second all the input about not holding Fifi back. I believe, personally, like Lady Glow that cats just do what they want.
Also I believe that Fifi can come visit you when ever he wants, which I feel will be a lot. Nothing you do can hold him back. If you want to keep his ashes that's fine. My cat friend lived with my Mum and he still visits her all the time. She finds his footprints on the bedspread by the end of the day. He used to do this while alive. 😆 He does a few other silly things around her house still which she finds amusing. So don't worry about holding Fifi back. Like Lady Glow said, cats do want they want. Some people like to hold onto the ashes, if that's what you want, then I believe no harm done.

Thanks so much for sharing and I'm so happy you had such a vivid encounter with Fifi after his passing. Because Fifi is such an intelligent cat he's probably worked out that the cabinet has something to do with him and that's why he was in there. You could leave the cabinet door open just a little to let him know he can come and go as he pleases. More of a symbolic gesture, I don't believe he's trapped in there. But having it open a bit might let him know that you know he's still around, he's still welcome and he's still loved. But I believe he already knows this, and just wanted to show himself to you in that beautiful moment. What a clever cat!

Thanks so much for sharing.❤
Mac_Barbie93 (6 stories) (42 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
Gave it back to him* autocorrect. Lol! 😜 I'm sorry for any typos as I'm commenting through my phone.:)
Mac_Barbie93 (6 stories) (42 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
Wardo: thank you so much for your kind words. Really, means a lot to me. For me, my pets are family. I once had this arrogant teacher who was very rude to me on Facebook when I had put up a photo of my cat when she passed. He told Me to move on and get over it and he also said he would have sat on my cat. I obviously have it back to him and blocked him. Thankfully on this site, people have always been warm and kind. Thank you for taking the time to read my experience and helping me. Much love. <3
Wardo (8 stories) (171 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
This story was so sad to me and honestly made me feel for your loss. I am an animal lover myself, and it broke my heart that Fifi had such a hard last few days. Poor thing. I know Fifi is at rest now, and I do not believe that you are holding him back. I also completely believe that he is still there with you. At some point it might be freeing to spread the ashes. You will decide though. Stay strong my friend, time will heal your wounds. RIP Fifi, you had a good long life and were very loved.
vulcan10 (5 stories) (332 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
Yes. I think he is...j;lvnoinvoenbv'onejeknlkmmmb and 50 characters.
eltimur (2 stories) (13 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-21)
I hate sad stories it makes me cry... 😭 wahahahaha... Seriously I got tears on my eyes it falls down right before I finish reading your story.

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