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Night Frights At The Nursing Home


Ever since I could remember, I'd always believed in the paranormal. I grew up in a Roman Catholic household, attended nine years of Catholic school, and up until recently, went to church nearly every Sunday. However, my dad had a firm fascination with all things ghostly and that go bump in the night, which he passed on to me.

Though I'd never experienced anything myself before my experiences as a C.N.A., there was always this resolute voice at the back of my mind that told me heaven and hell were not the only things behind death's veil. That the dead could linger around if they so very well felt like it. Later on, I would know this voice was right.

Fast forward to the summer of 2014. I was a 20 years old and living in my parents' house for summer break from college. At the time, I'd wanted to be a physician assistant, so I'd gotten my C.N.A. License to get healthcare experience under my belt (it makes you more competitive in the application process, but I digress). I'd been offered a position on the night shift crew, which my insomniac self accepted in a heartbeat. Little did I know that night shift would be where I would receive my first encounters with the paranormal.

Before I jump into my story, I want to give you an idea of how the nursing home was laid out. The facility was comprised of independent, assisted, and healthcare living; the last was where I worked. The healthcare area itself consisted of three halls which were connected at a hub that was the nurses' station. First hall and third hall faced each other while second hall was positioned perpendicular between the them. Therefore, if you were sitting down hall one, you could see down hall three and vice versa.

This particular night had gone pretty routine, no spooky surprises (I'd had several bizarre encounters before this particular incident but none of them were nearly as noteworthy). It was around five in the morning, and we were waiting for shift change at six. The other C.N.A. I was with was nodding off, so I told her I'd watch out for the nurse (bad employees I know, but she was pregnant and I felt bad). We were sitting at the end of hall three. She had been dozing for a few minutes when I'd looked across at the nurses' station and noticed something odd...

Now at the time, I knew something wasn't right. Not in a conscious kind of way but the kind of way that screamed at me "BOOKMARK THIS! LATER ON, YOU'RE GOING TO THINK THAT THIS WAS A TRICK OF THE EYE OR SOMETHING BUT YOU ARE SEEING WHAT YOU'RE SEEING RIGHT NOW, SO YOU BETTER LOOK REAL HARD!"

Across on the other side of the nurses' station, I saw a head bob. Then, the rest of the body followed. The person looked to be middle-aged, salt and pepper hair regressing, a mustache, and a bright orange polo shirt. At first, I thought it was the med delivery guy; I'd seen him at the beginning of the night so I thought it was odd that he was back. Not to mention, the med guy's polo was purple, not orange. The man stood straight up and walked into one of the front rooms of first hall.

Wanting to know who it was, I got up and went down to first hall and looked into the first few rooms. Any of the residents who could actually stand or get themselves up were fast asleep, and this figure had most certainly not been the nurse. Needless to say, it gave me the chills. I'd never seen anything like it in my life, nor have I since then. Part of me still wants to deny it, explain the incident away but for now I guess I can say I finally had an encounter with the other side of the veil.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Science-tastic, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-03)

Cleans the Property first. You DO NOT want to 'seal in' anything you do not want. I've seen this happen 3 times with friends. They were so eager to get the 'shileds up' they did not take the time to think about what the 'barrier' may keep in. Its amazing how many people forget that things like that are two way... Bad spirits can't get in... But the can't get out either.

Here's wishing you the best with the new place.

I love those shows... I still watch those I can...Netflix, HULU... Youtube are all friends of mine... Though 'In Search Of...' is still one of my all time Faves.


Science-tastic (2 stories) (6 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-03)
I've been kind of a lurker on this site for awhile and I had another account, but I forgot the password haha. Like I said, I've always been spellbound by the paranormal. When I was 5, I'd run into my parents room every morning at 6am (even school days), jump on their bed, and switch the tv to Sightings. At 8 and 9, while other kids were watching Lizzie McGuire or Malcolm in the Middle, I was glued to reruns of Unsolved Mysteries. I remember asking Santa for the Unsolved Mysteries UFO Boxset for Christmas (which I still have lol).

Needless to say, I'm a junkie for this stuff but I take it fairly seriously. I'm about to move into a rental house, so I'm planning to use blessed salt to seal the property boundaries. I'm not taking my chances. I've seen too many episodes of A Haunting to know how it goes when you move into an old rental house.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-03)
Aw, I feel all nostagic now... Anyone remember Air Wolf? LoL.

I'm right there with Tweed...I'd rather read experiences of every 'day' type hauntings and offer help to those willing to 'chat' about things than read a sensational account of a Demon attack and never hear from the O/P again.


Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-03)
Hey again Science-tastic,

Demon stories are a dime a dozen. I always love reading the every day 'what was that?' type experiences, and yours was right up there in the 'wtf?' department. Loved it.
After your description of the man's demeanour it does seem residual, I agree. That must have been soo bizarre.

So glad you replied, so many people submit stories here and toter off never to be heard from again, blerugh!
Glad to see others love Night Rider, thought I was in the minority, it used to be my fave show when I was 4-5. Kitt was the real star, The Hoff was merely a bystander.

Welcome to YGS, glad you enjoyed all our banter!😊
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-03)
I used to love Knight Rider! William Daniels as the condescending yet helpful voice of KITT, Richard Basehart doing the intro narration, Edward Mulhare as Devon Miles, and the technician Bonnie (who was missing in season 2, I'll have to find out why). The only character I didn't care for all that much was David Hasselhoff as Michael Knight (hell, I though KARR was more interesting than he was). [Then came the knock-offs: Airwolf (replace William Daniels with Ernest Borgnine, what could go wrong?), Street Hawk (hey, instead of a suped-up car or helicopter, we could use a motorbike and a high-tech lab behind a billboard!), etc.]

Welcome to YGS, Science-tastic, you're going to fit right in. 😉
Science-tastic (2 stories) (6 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-02)
That's jive. I'll just put the ones that are mine and maybe have some new ones for the future
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-02)
Science-tastic - as much as I and I'm sure many of our members would love to read about more experiences in that place, our guidelines prevent members sharing stories that are not firsthand, or close relative such as parent/child etc. I truly am sorry but we would have to decline them unless you were witness to the activity. I do hope you understand.
Science-tastic (2 stories) (6 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-02)
First off everyone, I was super surprised to see so many comments! Compared to all of the demonic and aggressive experiences posted here, I thought mine was dull and pretty run of the mill haha. I always enjoyed the more high-octane, heart pumping, WTF-is-that-at-the-foot-of-my-bed stories. As for Magnum PI, I totally know what it is! My dad watched the reruns (but Knight Rider was my favorite 😉).

Now to answer a few questions in bulk:
I've worked evening and night shift at this home; I've never really had anything during the day but I came in for a night shift once and some girls on evening were freaked out because a light switch turned on by itself; they the power had surged the the actual switch had been physically flipped up). I think there is merit to the "not noticing things during the day" theory but I think night is more active naturally. It might also be us freaking ourselves out though. I'm a science major so I try to treat everything with a grain of salt but I definitely believe that there's more to the universe than conventional science.

A lot of us CNAs are young women so there might be a collective poltergeist occurring due to our age. I've never experienced the phenomenon myself but I know other girls my age who can cause poltergeists. That being said, I'm not particularly sensitive to "the spirit world or spirit energies". However, my mother and I are somewhat sensitive to the future and have both had instances of dreams/ foresight of things, but I doubt that'd play much of a role in these experiences.

As for the man himself, he didn't look like he was trying to hide from me or be silly or anything. He acted like he was messing with equipment or something, like he was at work. This leads me to suspect it was a residual. He's the only entity I've ever seen there (or in my life), but I know a nurse (who is sensitive to spirits) who's seen others. I have a lot of stories, but many are not my own so I'd like to ask permission from the other workers to share these stories. Many are more frightening and fascinating than my own.

Thank you all very much for taking an interest. I just did my last day at that nursing home and I'm trying to transfer to the one in my college town so hopefully I'll have more experiences. As for my other experiences, I'll post those soon.

Sincerely, Science-tastic
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-02)
LOL! ZulaGirl, I may not call myself a 'paranormalist' because haha that's the first time I've ever heard that word!😆
Well anyway, I thought about what you said about night/day and I have to say that I find no evidence to suggest things are more active at night. Only based on my own experiences, which is what I largely base my beliefs on. I'm not an absolutist. There have been many studies done on the presence of 'darkness' which indicates strongly that it heightens our imagination. Know this first hand, love low light, dark ambient conditions to get the creative juices flowing. So I agree that a lot of darkness and a lot of easily scared individuals make for a lot of conclusions, not many actual supernatural events.

As for Magnum PI and the rest, well come on, you must have giggled just a bit. 😉
ZulaGirl (50 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-02)
P.S. I stole that line from Tom Hanks in 'You've Got Mail,' which is "the I-Ching of all (relationship) knowledge." Not actually, just kidding. 😊

P.S.2. Thanks for the vote, Biblio!
ZulaGirl (50 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-02)
I don't know, guys; you may call yourselves paranormalists, but here you are talking about 'Magnum PI' and 'Murder, She Wrote,' (both great shows), but you have not mentioned the "I-Ching, the sum of all [paranormal] knowledge"...'High Spirits'! I mean "the day is for the living, the night is for the dead." It's all right there.
❤, ZG
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-31)
Biblio, you forgot Minder! I can just vaguely remember the theme music and my Dad putting the cat out for the occasion haha.

On the topic of Poirot, David Suchet recently did a documentary on Agatha Christie. It was absolutely wonderful, she's such a fascinating lady. Her family took part in the doco, it was like an all access pass to her scrap books, research notes etc. Very insightful.

I've been obsessed with an author named Alan Hunter, thanks to the TV adaptation of his crime novels George Gently. The dialogue in that show was so poetic I sat up and took notice. Just had to check out the source material. FAR OUT is it masterful. If you haven't already, check out Alan Hunter's work, for the wording alone.

Science-tastic, hope you don't mind my talking crap about a bunch of fictional nonsense all over your actual encounter! Hope you can respond would love to know more about the guy you saw. 😊
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-31)
Granny: point well taken.
Tweed: the re-runs, if I recall correctly, were on during lunch in the summer time, so we'd have a picnic in the living room. Magum on weekdays, Murder She Wrote on Sunday nights, Morse, Dalgliesh, Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes, and -my all-time favorite adaptations- David Suchet as Poirot. Ahh, happy memories: a snack, a cup of hot tea, and a murder... What more could an Englishman want?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-30)
I have another hypothesis about the night/day time activity. If it's true that our ghostie friends need energy to manifest, or even speak so we hear them, etc., then could it be possible that they're storing energy from the most active points during the day to use it at a later time?

I've been involved in a couple of ghost hunts, and although this doesn't make me an expert by any stretch of the imagination, I did notice that our batteries didn't seem to last as long when we went to Hillview Manor as opposed to Mansfield Reformatory. The Reformatory gives day-time tours and it is a pretty busy place. But Hillview, on the other hand, is much smaller and tours don't happen as often.

Just an observation.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-30)
To just sit and watch Magnum, oh my LOL And I was a teen when that show came out, so I truly did appreciate him 😆
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-30)
Yeah alright night owls! Jeesh I didn't know there was actual confirmation night people get more done. I thought it was just a theory. That's cool to know.

I probably wasn't old enough to be watching Magnum PI when it first aired but I was watching in the early 80's. Mum used to prop me in front of it at goodness knows what time in the evening. My kindergarten teacher was apparently concerned at some of the shows I talked about, haha.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-30)
Greetings, Science-tastic.

I really enjoyed reading your experience. I was imagining the internal dialogue of the individual/entity you witnessed as you described his actions: "Duck! Did they see me? Oh, one's asleep! Uh-oh!" (Ducks back down) "Dammit! She saw me! Now what do I do? If I stay put, she'll come to investigate! Act innocent! It's a hospital; people visit hospitals... And she's still looking at me... Me the innocent visitor... Innocently walking at a normal pace... Innocently walking over here... And I'm round the corner, out of her line of vision, running like hell for the fire exit..." Then, I saw Tweed's "Magnum P.I." description (I know you're not old enough to have seen them when they originally aired, but Tom Selleck in Hawaii --and in serious keep-fit shape!-- as an investigator in the 1980's; he regularly did voice-overs to explain situations, question his own actions, etc.), and all of a sudden an intriguing/peculiar event became hilarious! (Dammit, Tweed! I'll have to be more careful even thinking around you on this website.)

First, I'm going to echo several of the other posters: You do a very tough job. I'm a high-school English teacher and Librarian, which takes patience, certainly; my younger brother is a night-shift nurse on a surgical ICU. I couldn't possibly find the strength to be a nurse; I know I'd snap! That said, I think you did exactly the right thing in not making a fuss, but getting up to investigate before taking any further steps. You avoided looking ridiculous to your supervisor, your friend -I presume- remained asleep (yeah, that's where I do find fault, but there was no immediate crisis, plus I've never been able to nap at work), and your experience is richer for having done the legwork of scrutinizing the situation. Your description is well-paced, clear, and concise; I do hope you have more narratives to share with us as your career develops.


Sidenote to ZulaGirl:
Like Rook, I also upvoted your initial comment because I think you gave sound physical and psychological advice on how to cope with paranormal phenomena in a career which lends itself to the possibility of multiple events. However, you make several statements of fact derived from scant information. If there are more people around using more equipment during the day, wouldn't the background electrical fields increase, along with the exponential increase in the "pool of living energy"? Wouldn't the number of potentially-aware mediums/psychics/etc increase statistically, with the increase of people? (Imagine that 1 out of 20 is psychic; that's make 10 out of 200 on the night shift, vs. 1000 out of 20000 patients, staff, visitors, salesmen, delivery drivers, E.M.T.s, custodians, cleaners, nurses, candy-stripers, cooks, nurses' aides, physician's assistants, secretaries, maintenance workers, repairmen, window-cleaners, gardeners/groundskeepers, etc., during a busy day.)

As for the idea that people's defenses are down at night, some people do not wake up feeling alert, but take hours to warm up and are perceived as "lazy" by everyone else, but we tend to far more alert and awake at night because the slow-moving people have finally gotten out of the way and have stopped pestering us with trivia (no, I'm not taking this AT ALL personally! 😉). In reality, multiple tests have confirmed that "night people" get more accomplished than "morning people," because morning people tend to burn out by mid-afternoon, whereas night people don't start being productive until about 10am, and then they don't stop until they're exhausted (2 am, 3 am) some 12-16 hours later. (Some days, we don't bother with sleep and just ride the energy until we can relax with an early night, between 12am and 1 am the next day).

The Point I'm making, in the slightly-derailed previous paragraph, is that I don't think that sunlight has much to do with anything, other than darkness being a limiting factor on our species' awareness of our surroundings. Our attention is much more attuned to the immediate environment because the extended environment is unclear. Everyone focuses on what can be known/identified first, then moves to the unfamiliar or the peculiar. At night, there are simply fewer distractions to our attention, and we stop looking at the world to pay attention to our more-immediate surroundings.

Without asking Science-tastic, how do we know which segment of the "morning person" / "night person" oversimplification of reality applies?

Believe it or not, I'm not picking a fight, just giving you one or two ideas to ponder... 😊 Take Care.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-29)

I really enjoy YGS becasue of all the different feedback an individual with questions can receive and while our opinions may differ the O/P (Orignal Poster... In this case you) can provide feedback and general research can be accomplised and hopefully by doing this some 'common ground' may be found that will allow for True Scientific methods to be used to confirm any common theories that can be esablished here on YGS.

Again, thanks for sharing. I hope we have been some sort of help.


Thanks for the reply. 😉


ZulaGirl (50 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-29)
P.S. Thanks for the vote! One can always use all the good karma one can get 😁.
ZulaGirl (50 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-29)
Howdy Rook,

Nice to hear from you:-). I think that hauntings are generally more active at night because it does not take as much energy for (incorporeal) haunting entities to manifest at night.

I would say that it would take a haunting entity a great deal more energy to manifest (or cause a disturbance) in a brightly sunlit area. Like you said, they can often channel emf, but sunlight not so much.

Plus, generally, people's brain wave activity is lower at night making them more vulnerable. There is also greater expectation and openness to seeing something unexplained at night.

I agree with you that if a haunting exists, it is there day and night; but haunting entities, like all of us, will generally expel that energy when they can get the most bang for their buck. Those are my thoughts anyway.

Be well,

ZG 😳
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-28)
This may have simply been a residual haunting. Something repeated enough by the 'spirit' that you saw that the 'energy' was 'captured' and the 'energy levels' in the hall at the time you witnessed this were enough to 'trigger' the playback.

So it was not an actually spirit you witnessed but a recorded bit of history in that area of the Hallway.

Do you know, or can you find out, if a person who dressed like that ever resided there? Or if maybe the 'floor' design has been altered as this could effect 'what you saw'.

As far as you 'knowing something wasn't right' simply felt the 'elevated' enregy levels that triggered the event.

Now please excuse me for a moment...


I am goting to start off by saying I have 'voted' you up becasue your comment is a very valid one but I would like to ask a question concenring a part of it...

You stated..."but hospitals and nursing homes are hot beds for paranormal activity, especially on the graveyard shift."

I really do agree with this statment... But do you really feel that the 'graveyard shift is more 'active'...or is the activity more noticed becasue of less destractions?

I 'feel' (my opinion folks) is this... If there is enough energy (EMF is a good example) in the enviroment then there is alsways a chance for activity... People just do not 'see' it during the course of their busy's only 'after hours' when we have slowed down that we begin to notice 'things' happening around us.

Science-tastic, sorry for the 'highjack' I am just curious... Thanks for sharing and for the Hard Work you do. Keep us posted or please submit any other experiences you may have had.


Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-27)
Ohh ahh I love this.

Science-tastic, great name! Hello and welcome

I love your capslock gut reaction description, spot on know what you mean.
Did moustache/polo shirt man see you, or appear to know you'd seen him? Also, when you say his head bobbed up do you mean in an unnatural way, as in it caught your attention? Or, did it look as though he was crouched down behind the nurses station, and just seemed off as it was an odd thing to do?

Whichever the case I wonder if, (all I can picture is Magnum P.I), polo shirt man was dodging security cameras. At the risk of sounding like someone who needs sectioning my guardian hates security cameras. It's one of the few topics that can make him curse in F words, hilarious for me, not so much for him. Well since hearing his outbursts on the topic, I wonder if security cameras make life (after death) difficult for many ghosts.
Also orange polo wouldn't make a good Magnum considering a nurses' station is undoubtedly in full view of security feeds. But I still wonder if bobbing up from behind was a means of entering with the least amount of attention possible.
I also wondered if he had intentionally mimicked the purple polo shirt to 'blend in', but he was colour blind and thought it was orange haha. But who knows.

I really love this story thanks for sharing it!
ZulaGirl (50 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-27)
You've picked a good profession for encounters with the paranormal. Most health care workers won't admit it (scientists abound:-), but hospitals and nursing homes are hot beds for paranormal activity, especially on the graveyard shift.

And it makes sense. People die in hospitals and nursing homes and there is always a lot of emotional build-up around illness, death, or maybe just getting old and rickety.

It is not difficult for apparitions to manifest in such an environment, especially with so many healers, empaths, and intuits around. The fact that you and your co-worker were sleeping / almost sleeping is the perfect time for shades and ghosts to manifest because your defenses are down and it is easier to draw from the pool of living energy.

You were a lookout who was expecting to see something (living, granted) and you did (a non-living entity). I would say that this entity probably was somewhere along the continuum of a shade and a psychic energy build-up projection (related to a poltergeist, but much, much more benign), which is why it may have taken a familiar form to that environment, which means I doubt it had much consciousness (yet).

Consider this a warm-up. Watch your energy levels and try to get enough rest (not that anyone in your profession ever seems to. Man, you guys are tough!). Pound fruit, protein, and greens, not Red Bull, Monster, and mini thins. Keep yourself healthy and, if you have a protective amulet, pendant, cross, what have you, try to wear it to work. Say a prayer for protection before going in and a prayer of thanks when you leave.

I say all this because your next experience may not go so easy. Once you are open and experienced, the encounters tend to be more intense, not less. Best wishes to you. And thank you for the good work you do. Yours is not an easy job.

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