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The Haunted Bed Frames


A friend offered a white wicker bed frame set to me for free. At the time I lived in a very remote mountain in Hawaii, up in the elevation of 5500 ft. The house I rented was built on a hilly side, with the upstairs living area off the ground at least 15 feet.

I had my partner at the time to go and pick up the bed set one evening. He brought home an older antique looking set instead. When I had asked him what happened to the white set, all he said was that she gave me this one, and that he had a hard time with the bed in his truck. It fell out of his truck, and onto the road several times. It broke a wooden wheel, and so he though nothing about it.

After I had this set in my guest bedroom for days, I started to put the frames together and suddenly I felt so sick to my stomach, nauseating sick, and almost threw up. I had to leave the room, it was very cold, and so I thought it was just from living up in the clouds.

One late evening on a Friday night, my partner had a get together with his friends. He called to say he would be in after midnight, and I said no problem.

I was sitting on my living room couch that is leaning against the wall and reading when I heard and felt someone pounding on the wall. This must be a joke because for one thing, the house is on stilts, and no way could someone climb and reach that wall outside, unless they were on a very tall ladder.

The noise continued and then the pounding was coming from a back kitchen door that was closed and locked. I heard more hard pounding. I heard a voice call my name, but I knew better not to open a door at night since I was home alone. I called out my friend's name, but no answer. That started to get me alarmed so I reached for a bat just in case.

I immediately got on the CB radio, and tried calling my partner but I had no luck in reaching him. I know I did not hear his truck come up the hill so I was quite upset and shaken a bit.

Terrified of who could be outside my door in the pitch dark, and especially being by myself, was enough for me to call my sister. At the time I thought it could be a neighbor?

I told her that I am scared, and that I wanted her to try and reach my partner since I couldn't get through to him. I had to use the bathroom so bad, I asked if she would stay on the line, and I would be right back.

As I put the phone down, and walked about 5 feet, the pounding started again, making me run back to the couch and put my legs up. "Did you hear that? Did you hear that?" I asked her. She immediately told me to calm down and that she was going to make some calls. No luck too.

As I am waiting, I was too afraid to move, and my sis stayed with me on the phone. I could hear a truck coming up the hill, and knew it was my friend coming home. As soon as he walked into the house I told him to take the ******bed out of here! He tossed the frames out off the deck and it landed on the lawn below.

The very next morning as I was getting ready for work, he was downstairs throwing the bed sets into his truck to take to the dump.

A very loud sound in my ears came out, like a growl and a swoosh and I felt like it came out of me? I told him that that bed was haunted and never will I want any old bed frames again. I don't know what came into the house and made me sick for weeks before the bed was finally removed, but it felt very evil.

I could tell you that the bed had many different numbers on it, written on the back frames. My lady friend now no longer collects antiques in her home since I had warned her about buying beds. Her mother passed away after being ill for awhile. Later, when I saw her in a store, she told me, "My mother was asking for you." Well I really only knew her mother a little bit, hardly spoke to her.

My house was blessed in every corner and have not had any more sickness.

I hope to hear from someone telling what they think of this.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ghoststorieshawaii2, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-21)
Ran across this thread again - how funny to see a comment directed to me. One can love junk as well as an antique, not debated.

The difference between junk and an antique is one is found in the trash, by the side of a road, at a goodwill (i.e. Thrown away), and the other is taken care of and in possession of an individual or family since always. That's my interpretation anyway.

Yep, bad vibes can be in anything, you're right. Wonder whatever happened to the OP?
WillowWaly (2 stories) (97 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-15)
shelbyloree: "Ok antique folks - there is a difference between old junk and antique. You do realize this?"

Yes, I do. FYI, I'm not in a position to enjoy many antiques, either familial or acquired. My favorite flower vase was found at Goodwill for $1. Is it valuable? Nope. Do I love it anyway? Yes.

But what metaphysical value is there re: antiques versus junk? Can spirits tell? Do they say, 'Pffffft, screw this worthless item in lieu of this much more valuable item.' Are spirits like appraisers, really?

Actually, speaking only for myself and about this story particularly, I never assumed a wicker bedframe was an antique. I figured it was 1970s/80s in age. How old and how precious it is (like a Ming vase...) is not the point at ALL in this story. So please don't "antique-hugger" me in this instance. Again, speaking only for myself.

I do wonder, if entities can attach to objects, why we assume things are benign just because they come to us via our families (versus being bought in a shop). Who's to say there was no negative energy in one family versus another? How does anyone know what their great-grandpa was really like?!

For that matter, why assume all NEW items must be benign? Maybe some of them had negative energies attached to them in a sweatshop, yesterday! It doesn't have to be a hundred years ago to have all kinds of potential negative energy attached.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-13)
Regardless whether the o/p returns or not, this is ridiculous. Lately it seems as if the site has turned into a kindergarten classroom. Enough already.

If comments are not directed to this story, or the o/p, they will be deleted. And hiding a smart*ss comment in advice or questions to the o/p will also be deleted.

Good lord.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-13)
Msforgetmenott, do whatever you need to keep your blood pressure down. I find wine to be helpful myself.

I made the comments because it seems the author has abandoned the thread. I can't imagine why.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-13)
I am known as polite, and will do my best to remain so.
It is my understanding that the purpose of the comments is, first intended for the author, to help or question that individual. (the one who has written the story)
On this story alone you have written 14 comments and only 1 to the correct person. Most of your comments are argumentative.
I will no longer read anything you write, it will keep my blood pressure down, and will be considered my form of anger management.
Carecrow (5 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-13)
Did you feel something come out of your ears? You sure it didn't attach to you instead? Are you saying another antique bed made her mom sick?
How long ago was this?
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-13)
That should say "used a CB", not "used a cell phone". Sigh. I should never internet before the morning coffee.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-13)
Msforgetmenott, the author could have been using a CB radio to reach the partner in the truck because they only had land lines. Another possibility is the partner either didn't have a cell phone or didn't have one with him so the author used a cell phone.

I don't think the assembly numbers on the back of older furniture would be referred to as "many different numbers". I've never considered them a lot of numbers.

As for the author thinking it might be a friend, having a bat, etc., I can give you my theory. There were some weird things happening at that house, starting with the inexplicable knocking on walls. The author had no clue of what was going on so her thoughts were all over the place and not terribly logical. I'm assuming the author did not consider until later it could have been paranormal.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-12)
Jan: 😆 No, you're good. I was just directing traffic. It happens. 😊
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-12)
Grannyzz, as you are a respected Mod, I hope you will allow me:

Please ghoststoryshawaii2:

As the writer might you explain, why you didn't call your friend that gave you the bed frame, to clear up the confusion, as you felt the wrong set was sent?

Days later after this furniture arrived, you decide to put it together, still not understanding why you even have it. Then you feel very sick. Could it have been that you might have been sick for another reason? 5,500 feet above sea level is very high, I think I would have bad moments myself.

We now get to the unusual banging, moving to your kitchen door, calling your name. You have a bat in hand, but I am having a bit of a hard time, as to what this has to do with the bed frame? It would be possible it was someone you know.

Perhaps you have no cell service, or this was some time ago, I was a bit confused about your use of a CB radio as you do have phone service, can you explain please.

I have seen numbers written or stamped on the back, unseen, area of old furniture. These letter and numbers helped during the final assembling in the earlier days. (you said nothing about carving) That could be what you saw, easily explained.

I do have to admit I am puzzled, what did the previous owners Mother have to do with your story, could you please explain for all of us?

I do clearly understand you had a bad and frightening experience, and appreciate that you chose YGS to tell, Thanks!

All said, Hawaii has much to contribute in the paranormal and ghost subject matter. I hope to have the opportunity to learn of other events.

Thank you, Hope to hear from you!
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-12)
Ok antique folks - there is a difference between old junk and antique. You do realize this?

This thing was old, it had fallen out of the truck numerous times, the wheel had fallen off and the metal was all scratched up from someone carving on it. This was NOT an antique, this was some old junk thing she picked up from a friend to save a buck or whatever.

For pity's sake, the way you guys are going on about it, you'd think it was some Ming vase. It was junk, it was creepy, and it made everyone sick. You are really going to tell me that it would have had a new life not being thrown out the window and sold for scrap. Come on.

I'd be more curious to know if when it was melted down and reused if it would still give off a funky vibe. Some things just need to go back in the ground and left alone.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-10)
Granny, sorry! I won't contribute to a thread hijack again. 😐
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-10)
Okay guys, all points have been made. Let's see what the O/P has to say and get back to directing comments to them.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-10)
Val,there were actually other commentators besides you. My comments didn't just apply to you. Obviously, I missed the section were it said not to disagree with long time posters. Oops.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-10)
Got me, Rook. I only saw one comment where it called the story BS. The rest of us seem to be wondering about the timeline, the OPs reactions... And being antique-huggers 😕 Apparently Mimi takes my wondering about the OP's reaction to the knocking, when the OP herself was wondering if it was a neighbor, as calling BS and 'piling up' on the author? Or possibly she views those who would have tried 'saving' the bed frames as opposed to tossing them, as ganging up on the author and crying BS? *shakes head*
Oh, before anyone gets the wrong idea - I'm an antique-hugger myself - it's a good thing.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-10)

Nice to know someone recognised the quote I snuck in.

I have one question...

How did this go from save the antiques to calling for the BS Blankie? I do not think that, though I do have some questions... As I am sure others might.


Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-09)
Tweed, obviously your senses are not perfect if you think I'm deliberately trying to twist your comments. But I agree we should drop the subject.
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-09)
Mimi, I stand by what I said.

You have misinterpreted my word usage of juvenile and foolish to be directed at the emotions of the OP. When I was disapproving of their solution only. I have the disturbing sense you know this and are trying to twist what I say.
Refer to my previous comments on this thread. I have a lifetime history with old objects and antiques, as do many others here. You have absolutely no idea where my logic stems from and what I have been through with a negative entity.

I don't wish to engage with you further on this.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-09)
I, too, was a little alarmed by the idea of tossing the bedframe from the deck. I was concerned that anything supernatural which may or may not be attached to it would resent the destruction, then attach itself to some other individual or object.

To further Tweed's point, I'd like to point out that I love antiques; for example, I have a modest collection of a very specific type of pottery. I'm forever buying old "junk" from yard sales, the Goodwill, the Salvation Army, etc., because I re-purpose useful objects or incorporate the apparently-useless into my art projects. Only once --ONCE-- did I run into an object which made me uncomfortable: my grandfather had a beautifully-carved bust of an African Woman's head, in teak. This was 30+ years ago, but it's the only time in my multiple experiences that a haunting/attachment phenomenon has been centered around a single object.

Do not get overly-concerned about what *may* be haunted; peculiar events can take place anywhere and at any time for reasons which seldom make themselves clear to us.

WillowWaly (2 stories) (97 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-09)
While it's wonderful to celebrate heirlooms if one is blessed enough to have inherited them, not everyone comes from a family who had the means to buy, keep, and pass things down to subsequent generations. On the flip side of that coin, there are so many beautiful objects sitting sad and dusty in old shops or attics that deserve to be loved and cherished again, and who's to say purchased or donated antiques wouldn't bring energies of light and joy into a home?

Personally I feel there is no need to jump to conclusions, particularly paranormal ones, before destroying an antique item that may or may not have anything to do with what may or may not be a haunting.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-09)
Val, I don't know about you, but I would be scared if something started pounding on my doors after pounding on walls 15 feet above the ground.

I realize YGS is going to get its fair share of fake stories. Any site like this will and it's good when the members spot them. But piling up on an author because the writing isn't up to some members expectations or ridiculing an author because they handled a situation differently than some would is wrong. It seems like it would defeat the purpose of YGS.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-09)
Tweed, I would expect someone who had a negative experience with an attached entity to be more sympathetic and understanding of ghoststorieshawaii. I'm rather shocked you would refer to the author's feelings as "simply foolish and rather juvenile".

There's nothing in the author's story that suggests an unfamiliarity with older things. It is an assumption to believe all people with a knowledge of antiques would feel comfortable having something with an attachment in their home, even if the entity had left.

The author did what was needed to feel secure again. People are not misguided or ignorant because they handle a situation like this in a way you disapprove of.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-09)
True, a natural assumption would have been "the author was frightened because the pounding started on the wall and the house was on stilts." However, it isn't until after stating that, and stating she tried to reach her partner via CB, that she states herself, "Terrified of who could be outside my door in the pitch dark, and especially being by myself, was enough for me to call my sister. At the time I thought it could be a neighbor?" Obviously she, at the time, believed it to be caused by a human agent, perhaps even a neighbor. Yet, instead of investigating and trying to clarify who had called her name, she panicked. Eh... Perhaps she just isn't cut out for rural living...
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-09)
Rook! The Bene Gesserit Litany is the largest one on my classroom's "Quotes Board." Nice surprise to see it here!
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-09)
Mimi, it feels like you're telling the headmaster about the naughty words I used in the playground.
You have no idea what I've been through with a negative entity. Absolutely none.
Fear of antiques, or any old thing, is foolish and juvenile because it's not the antique you're afraid of. Open your eyes.
I feel vibrations within inanimate objects. There's a life force behind things and everything has a story.

If I'd been raised around modern furnishings and thinking and didn't have any paranormal experience THEN had a horrific night like the OP. Yeah, I would have probably destroyed the bed too. Because it seems to work in the movies and, in this example, this would be my only teacher for anything paranormal.
A knee-jerk reaction to the unknown propelled by fear, ignorance and a need to escape. There *is* a gentle, wise, calm and safe way.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-09)
Rook, I understand. History is a big part of my profession. I'm glad when people can preserve objects from the past.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-09)

No flaming here, that's your opinion and you are welcome to it.

I, and it seems Tweed, seem to be more 'Historic Minded' and wish to preserve objects from the past so that where 'we' came from can be remembered and the craftsmanship that went into creatng them is not destroyed.

It is a matter of personal opinion that's all.


DragonLuvrD (6 stories) (12 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-09)
Personally this story is a little to tough for me to swallow. Sorry OP if it isn't, but I think this is nothing but a load of bs.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-09)
Rook, Tweed said, "...the fear of old stuff in your account really freaking annoys me." That was the comment I responded to. Later, he mentioned it was vandalism to destroy the objects.

I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but if safely destroying an object gives someone peace of mind, I'm all for it. People are more important than things.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-09)
Valkricry, I think the author was frightened because the pounding started on the wall and the house was on stilts.

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