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We inherited a sizable chunk of land in 1999 at my hometown, that had been part of my family's farm, where I grew up. It is nature at its best, I believe that the animals would prefer we were not there. All this time we have been bringing our camper up in the spring and back to our home in the fall. During this season my husband works hard caring for the land.

Bear and moose have begun to over populate as well coyote and coydogs. We all know they are there as they leave their track and evidence, and we hear the coyote howl in the night. They travel in packs of a few to many, 2-3 generations hunting together, nocturnal. The coydogs are half wild dog half coyote and look far different as are many different sizes, their bark varies. The land area is large, you would have a rough walk of more than a half mile to reach the neighbors from all directions. There is a road at the bottom and one at the top, where there is an astounding view, where you see the mountains of Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire.

I had an unforgettable dream this winter, where in this dream, the two of us were sitting at the fireplace, enjoying the stars, the owl hoots, the coyote far off, and each other, at this camp. When we both heard a friendly voice. "How you doing up here? It's a fine fire you've got there!"

I woke with a start, and slept little after that, it was my father's Yankee voice (no doubt) and he had been dead for 15 years. I seldom to never dream of him or in fact I seldom remember my dreams. I have dwelt on that short dream. There is no explaining the mind, but I had so often wondered if he knew or even was there at times.

Summer is here and the camper, ATV, Tractor, Chipper, and much more is in place. We were there about two weeks ago, and there we sat at 10:30 at night, all work done, we had even redone the 6 hummingbird feeders (we have about 25 hummers with babies. I have hundreds of pictures).

We had just found a glow worm down by our feet and both were studying him, deep into conversation, when we both clearly heard... Woooweeeaawwayyaaa coming from a couple hundred feet behind us in the dense woods. Looking at each other we say in unison, "Did you hear that?" I had shivers up and down, remembering that in my dream that was where his voice was. Not a twig snapped, it was completely still. Then again identical, woooweeeaawyyaaa, much closer. This had us grabbing our lights and whatever and moving towards the door. Again the woods floor is covered with dead branches, the trees large heavy with low branches, how could it move so fast with no noise, nothing. We moved as fast as we could, entering the camper, and once again, woooweeeaawwayyaaa very close, by our fire, just as our door slammed. The noise (voice) was loud very loud.

We watched out the window, but saw nothing. Was it kids messing with us? Like kids would travel without light, through 1/2 mile of woods just to scare two old people. All went quiet, but the dream was on my mind, I had to wonder. I am still wondering.

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msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-16)

We all appreciate almost everything you do and know your dedication to YGS is tremendous. Especially as your given time is a gift to all of us and unrewarded by salary, we are grateful.

Thank You.

Now I will slip back into the dark and remain in your mind as faceless and non-human thing.

Jan 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-05-16)
misforgetmenott - this is in response to your off topic comment on RedWolf's story. I moved the conversation to your story so we don't distract the conversation, the same as I did with the conversation with RedWolf, which is all I was trying to get you to do on Biblio's story. Wow, talk about talking in circles LOL

You wanted to introduce a new topic of conversation on someone else's story. I never said you shouldn't or couldn't do that. All I did was delete your comment and ask you to move it to one of your stories. No different than mods have done for a long time. You weren't singled out and if your feelings got hurt over that, then I'm sorry your feelings get hurt that easily.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-01)
Welcome back Aussie! You have a lot of catching up to do. Lots of new members who can benefit from your wisdom in this area.

Msforgetmenot: Please pardon my interruption and off topic comment. AussieDaz is a long time member. I think you'd enjoy reading his accounts! ❤
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-30)
I found your account very interesting and enjoyed reading your story, here in Australia for about as long as I can remember, if your in the bush and you want to someone to find you, you below out Cooeeeee from the top of your lungs. So I gather Woooweeeaawwayyaaa is the American bush call right? When it comes to your dream, I think a few things are possible. It may have just been a dream, or... It was your Dad taking an opportunity to say hello as sometimes our ghosty friends, loved ones, don't have too many opportunities to come through and I'm a firm believer in the motions of dreams, IMO, when we dream, we are connected to each other through mind on the plank scale... Or the higgs field as referred to in the quantum world and any thing is probable in the microscopic world when you start researching the science supporting that... The other possibility relates to a premonition. IMO In our dreams, linear time has no place, we really are in past, present and future all at once, that's how those who come out remember things that have not happened yet or happened in the past ex and we label them as premonitions, just maybe, this is what happened to you... During your dream, you saw the future, your Dad took the opportunity to link the two?

Regards Daz!
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-14)
Hi Truck,
Thank you for your comment, I too look for reasonable, and rational answers.
These cows are semi wild, they run free within fencing during grass growing time, and are barnyard enclosed and fed home grown hay, during the winter. They are raised by my neighbor as grass fed, no grain, and are this neighbor's income. Maybe you have heard the expression, don't name your dinner?
So while these very large horned cows are near people, and rely on people, we see them usually from a distance, while we are on the other side of the fence or in our truck. The newborns have not yet been introduced to people in general. These huge cows were purchased from the west 14 years ago, the current living offspring are directly related to the original, and what ever bull (hired) that is chosen to spend a month in the winter-9 months later the babies come. For 13 years they lay far away, out of sight from us. This year, when we are there, they are laying next to the fence next to our camper, unlike years past... The pasture is 35-40 acres in size. As they are big eaters, they are moved across the road, to another pasture, where they see no people, every other week, allowing grass to grow. Do to the fact, that we all know the grass is greener on the other side, they willingly cross.
We are wondering why now have they chosen to be so close to us now, although at this point I forgot why you needed to know! 😊
FazzFTW (2 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-14)
Ive had a similar experience but it was weird it was my dad that was in Kentucky when I was in Austrailia soooooooooooo I'm puzzled! 😲
TRUCK (25 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-14)
Just a few ideas -
If there are predators in the area, cows will come in close to humans for protection. You say these are wild, but you cannot erase centuries of breading in 1 or 2 generations.
I've heard coyotes make some pretty wild noises, also you cannot discount a prey animal crying out as it is attacked. Rabbits for example can make the most god awful noises when injured.
As far as the dream goes it could be something your mind created. Dreams are a reflection of you subconscious. You said you were nervous out there, this could be your mind trying to comfort you with images of a protector.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-14)
As an after thought Tweed, as you mention North American early man, I am surrounded by colleges, University of MA, the largest. I could invite an expert in Native American, to look into the possibility of a study of early man locally. There has been digs near by. Perhaps they might have an idea of the voice I heard, or records of the earlier language. There were tribes still living in the early 1800s. I could do that this winter when life slows down.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-14)
Hi Tweed,
I have lost enough sleep over this, but I can tell you during the time we have owned the land we have had two hurricanes (very destructive). We had a terribly bad ice storm that toppled many young healthy trees (our trees are income). We felt a slight shake from a small earthquake in CT.
The animals gather into tighter areas due to human population growth, and so they are now gathered here, as my lands join lands preserved by the Sate and Gov. For the sake preservation, Food is becoming scarce for them as they populate. The animals become stronger in number, what next will they attack, us? Evolution?
I wonder if this is where I say, I give up and sell it... I wonder if that is what the message is, that I am no longer able to keep this going. Our age and needs surpassing our wants... I do wonder.
LOL, I need more coffee!
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-14)
Jan, never underestimate the senses of animals. Those coyotes smell everything. I've no doubt they know what's going on. Maybe their regular food source is scarce this season.
It sounds like the natural order of things is off balance this year. Something could have happened miles or states away. Maybe a natural disaster somewhere far away, bird species flock else where for example. All it takes is an influx of one species (for whatever reason) in your area and before you know everything's effected, both flora and fauna.

What would bother me is if the animals were reacting to a potential natural disaster. I really don't want to scare you or cause unnecessary worry. If it were me I'd be keeping a close eye on the weather, taking fire safety into account, being extra cautious and vigilant. Just in case the animals are reacting to something in the air. Something none of our human senses or human technology is able to detect. You may also want to contact a Native American expert for their opinion on what you heard and the recent animal activity. Also your local rangers could answer some questions about the recent animal activity. Ready yourself with knowledge from all angles. Don't worry, you guys are on the ball, you have your smarts on your side.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-14)
Hi again Tweed,
I forgot to mention, these cows lost two different calves this summer. Coyotes know when birth is coming, they do! Really. Usually other cows stand guard. Little was left when the owner checked on them. Coyotes!
This never happened before in this area. Also the deer population is diminished.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-14)
Hi Tweed,
When I had the dream of my father, his voice so close so him and he had been dead for fifteen years, I kept thinking it was a message. The dream placed us at our fire ring, (fire place) made from stones from the immediate area, our stone walls. We had hand picked each and built it up in a circle for safety. I still think it plays a part in hearing the unusual voice (call-chant) but am stuck as to what it all means.
I too felt it did sound some like a Native Indian. As I know nothing of what the words are, said long ago, it seems impossible to learn the meaning.
In the excitement of the moment after reaching the safe side of the outer door, within the camper, my husband turned to me and said "they are on the war path." I have just asked him what he had meant, and he can't even remember saying it.
I can tell you this, the animals in this area are acting strange this summer. We have about 50 beef cattle pastured above us (our neighbor's), we pass through two gates to reach our camp sight. It is important we keep this as a farm for tax reasons. We have been here 14 summers, the cows seem to need to be close to us, these cows are half wild, and this is something new. (They smell and bring flies) but in a way these almost act like they are protecting us or we are protecting them. Previously they were over the hill out of sight at night when they lay.
We have talked with neighbors and we agree the coyotes are way too loud and plentiful this year. Some think they have seen wolves and large cats. We know the bear den is within our woods in the winter but in general they are out of sight, the adults have tracking collars. The moose stayed in the pastures with the cows this spring. Everything is different this year.
Something is up and the animals know it. For the first time I don't feel safe, it seemed like a warning. But for what. Even my dream was like a warning. I do not feel comfortable there this summer.
It was funny, my Son and 10 year old Grand Daughter come up on weekends, he voiced the same to me. We have had scares other times but this year is constant.
I probably worry, all for nothing, who knows. But we are far from the nearest neighbor, with no cell service. I guess I am getting old.
Thanks Tweed for your interest and ideas. I value your input.
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-13)
Jan, just a few thoughts on why your husband heard the call.
I feel there are a few ways ghosts/spirits can manifest in the physical realm. Whether manifesting audibly or visually, I think there are at least 3 basic modes to this.

1) Interacting on a mental or psychic level.
In this way only sensitive people typically will see/hear/feel them.

2) Interacting on a personal or tailored level.
This is similar to the above only, difference is the ghost/spirit makes them self known (shows and/or speaks) to one or a selected few individual (s) only.

3) Interacting on a physical level.
With this, anyone, no matter who they are or what they believe, will see/hear the same thing at the same time. As it interacts with our physical world in that moment.

Running with the supernatural entity theme for your mystery forest call. While reading your story I assumed, because you both heard it in exactly the same way, if it was paranormal, it was interacting on a physical level.
I *think* (my opinion) this physical level must be harder to achieve and require a lot of energy to sustain. I *think* ghosts/spirits only use this ability when needed. Haha in a similar way skunks reserve their stench for special occasions. So if it was a spirit entity I *think* there must be a good reason why it interacted on this level.
I agree with Zander, it sounds like a Native American call/chant of some kind. Possibly whatever it is has deep connections to the land.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-13)
Thank you for your comment Zander,

I am unsure what we heard, and repeat, my husband has no ability to hear or see spirits.
I too noted the similarity in an Native Indian call as I put it down into print. I really found it was more animal sounding, yet human as well.
I guess we will never know for sure, unless it stands in front of us and makes the same call.
Zander (7 stories) (147 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-13)
Your encounter reminds me of one I had in the Glen Helen of Yellow Springs, Ohio where a Native American spirit spoke to me. This cry seems like a Native American one from your description, perhaps. The spirit who introduced himself to me was named 'Otanowee' and he imparted a chant to me. It was not unlike one from an old Western film I suppose: hey ah y [at] y [at] y [at] y [at] y [at] y [at] , ho ha ya-ya-ya-ya, ah he haya ya-ya-ya-ya-ya ah he ha ya-ya-ya-ya [repeat.] If I could write musical notes, I could add them to this chant. Rise, fall, rise fall rise fall, etc. Basically in terms on intonation. Your lovely corner of the world there may be hospitable to good spirits of all sorts.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-12)
We have just returned from a quick trip, our bed head is at the far back of the trailer, a long window over our heads. Already asleep, my Husband woke me, whispering listen. We heard a snarly cat like voice, trying to sit and see out, there was nothing but blackness. What we heard last night may be or not be the same animal, but last night we had no doubt it was a large animal in the cat family. They are not suppose to be in Western MA, but nature is full of surprises. I felt like we were in a zoo, on the wrong side of the bars.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-12)
Sounds like a mountain cat, a cougar maybe. They can jump tree to tree. Probably out hunting.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-11)
Oh RedWolf,
Thank you, Just to see a glow worm was magical, my Husband had never seen one. You can not believe the sky at night, not dimmed by any lights.
Now, I must tell you we do bring a 5 gallon filtered container of water. But have a brook water system for other needs such as flushing. Our camper runs on electric, by a generator. We have heat, air and a microwave. All the comforts of home, a queen size bed also. Hot water and shower. All the comforts of home, if you want to ruin the silence with a generator. As we have done this for years we have a lawn a shade awning and a deck, set to drive up to in the spring. This is our second camper, the first became a mouse house, as we left it year round, we bring this one home at the end of the season. It has a scrub and is hooked up to power all clothing and personal needs washed and replaced. We tow all equipment at our home, where my husband repairs and maintains.
So not the rough life at all. We plan to leave in a few hours. It is the packing food, that is a chore.
My best to you Red,
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-11)
I loved your story, the way you descibed the land and the mountains was for me magical. I love the great outdoors and wish that I could go camping but that isn't my husband's thing. The only way he would go "camping" is if we rented a big R.V. Where he could have a bathroom and
Shower, oh and a bed but this will never happen.
My youngest son went camping in the Catskills 2 years ago. On my maternal grandmother's side of the family I am part Lenepe Indian. Before
He left I told him don't worry our ancestors will protect you. The only wildlife he saw was a White Great Horned Owl, I felt so bad for him.
Cooperstone (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-11)
I believe what you heard was a bigfoot. Seriously. I had an experience in western mass while camping. They are out there they move silently and make many whooping type sounds
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-11)
Well folks, Last year I had tamed a chipmunk with the aid of peanuts, he would crawl up my jeans, and sit on my legs, and take the peanuts, stuffing in a large handful, and head off to hide them. There is a lesson in this, as he and his friends were not around, the next trip up. We called for chippy, whistled, the near stonewall remained quiet.
I sat on the deck later, reading and happened to look up just in time to see a hawk, a really large one, soar through our yard, only feet from my chair (under the awning), inches from the ground and into the woods. That is where chippy went... 😢
You do not mess with Mother Nature.
It is possible we have a cat type predator in the neighborhood, panthers that some claim to have seen. We have seen fisher cats (look them up) evil things, I don't know their sound though.
Most think we are nuts living on the edge of deep woods, neighbors all have animal stories. At night we hear owls as we lay in bed, when home we look up their call, youtube is full of them, but not like what we heard that night. We went all over the web looking.
I just have a hard time, the dream... Then this. I have even thought it could be a Native Indian call, but my Husband heard it too, he is not able to hear paranormal.
You know animals avoid fire, we had always felt safe, until now.
WillowWaly (2 stories) (97 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-10)
I still wonder about coyote as your culprit, only because I have firsthand knowledge of them doing more than the usual distant 'yip yip yip yippeee ooooeee' type sounds. When I was 18 or so, my boyfriend and I were parking and you know, *talking* -- which is of course what one does in a state park after dark, right? Anyway, we were kissing and whatnot with the hatchback open, as it was hot out, when we suddenly heard from quite close a derisive and apparently human 'WoooOOOoooo!' -- like some younger teens were spying and cheering us on, woohoooo bro, etc. Etc. But quickly the noise went lower and became garbled, something like 'oooo...aaaa... Aaaaayweyaywayayahh ghrrrruuuooo.' [<----Obviously, an approximation.]

It was terrifying! I'd never heard anything like it in my life and have never heard anyting like it since, with one exception (more coyotes at a remote campground many year later). If I hadn't heard it, and hadn't known there is NOTHING in the area beyond coyotes -- no panthers, wolves, or bears -- I would never have believed my ears. I don't think I've ever heard anything more unearthly-sounding; I would never have believed it came from a canine throat, it was so quasi-human and darkly-knowing-sounding and just *frightening*.
dreamer01 (1 stories) (117 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-10)
oh yeah, dah, my brain is running on 3 cylinders, end of the week and all. It could be that obvious as tweed pointed out it cold be a bird of prey, namely some type of large owl.
I think that if some species habitat is depleted or destroyed they relocate themselves somewhere close by that is suitable. Maybe this creature has done just that and is relatively new to the area and is not yet known to the locals.

please keep us informed if you come up with anything. 😊
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-10)
Hi Tweed
I always look for your input, said kindly and down to earth.
My Husband heard just what I did. That is rare, he seldom does. This brings me to a thought that this may not have been paranormal. However, I know of no animal that makes that sound in New England. I have seen an owl as we sit near the fire, lovely in the moonlight sky. I think the sound came from closer to the ground.
Strange dream to have, so seldom have I dreamt of my Dad, seldom do I remember dreams at all. Rarely, he has sent a food dream my way, he loved my cooking.
You could be right Tweed, this may be a warning. The coyotes have taken down two calves from the pasture this year. Sad, my neighbor's income.
If he is warning us, we will take care we will listen.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-10)
Hi Dreamer, Thank you, I simply hope someone can shed light, we just do not know. It was frightening, and I do not move fast anymore!
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-10)
Jan, I wonder if your father had given you the dream as a warning. Telling you to stay in doors, or to head back if you hear this noise. Visitation dreams are often said to be vivid and remembered. Maybe he was aware of what was out there, before you both heard it.
On the physical end of the spectrum I thought of a bird of prey. Something swift and agile that could move swiftly in a thicket with ease and with no noise, an owl fits. Raptors can make some very bizarre human like sounds.
The only other thing I could think of was an agitated nature spirit. 😕 Maybe frightened by the equipment, or not used to having humans working out there at night.
What a strange thing to have happen to you both. Kind of would like to hear the sound out of curiosity but kind of don't want to at the same time!
dreamer01 (1 stories) (117 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-10)
what a fantastic story and so well descripted and written.
I could imagine and see it all as it went along.
I have spent a lot of time in the bush camping and never come across something like that.
I would be pooping myself and reaching for a big stick!

😨 😨 😨
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-10)
Hi Lady glow,
I couldn't sleep one night and got up and put this on as an unsolved mystery, it has bothered me.
My closest friend by the land said, "oh that a coydog. They never make the same sound twice". That is the thing, each time it was identical. It had an animal sound, yet human too.
Thanks for your post.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3178 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-10)
Msforgetmenott: that's puzzling, I guess there are many possible explanations for what you heard that night, from kids, animals or even a Sasquatch. 😐

Whatever it was, I love the way you describe the place and its surroundings.

Thanks for sharing.

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