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Real Ghost Stories

The Big Old Tray


After sharing events from my childhood, I thought I would move up about 40 years and tell you of an event that I had with an old antique. Now all our parents are gone and we are empty nesters, the year 2003.

I had become ill with ovarian cancer, and left my place of employment, needing to rest for the coming cancer treatments. Times were emotionally tough. I had been introduced to computers in early years at employment so I purchased a good desktop computer for our home.

To cut this shorter, I became a seller on EBay, for the next two years. A woman in town was a massive collector of small antiques, and after she died there was an auction. As my husband looked on in shock, I kept raising my hand. He quietly carried them home and into our basement. He then gained interest as I moderately made a small profit. From this time on we went to auctions, and it was fun for a while.

I paid five dollars for this item. A tray, huge and heavy, I thought hand crafted, certainly not made in the USA. So black with age and filth. A fluted edge, about 33 inches in diameter. It sat on an odd table (sold separately) and I sensed something, just a feeling... Shaking his head, my sweetie dragged it home, and set it into the basement.

That night I knew I had made a mistake. I had bought several things, but this was one of those times where I knew it, felt it, and brought it home anyway. Our home is forced hot air heat and as it was July, we had no heat running, yet as I prepared for bed I heard a ping in the cellar pipes. Through the next few nights it became louder and then it started doing it during the day as well. I heard it in all the heat grates.

Going into the basement for other items, easy to wash and sell, I would glance at it leaning against the furnace, not now. Then the tray began to hum, there was a chant to it, almost musical. I knew it had to go, and I began to research it, thinking how hard it would be to pack. I feared touching it.

No information on line or in any of my books, I even tried at the library. I came to believe this tray had religious meaning, but for whom?

A night came in early Sept. I could not sleep, sick from the treatments and sick of EBay... Lonely too. The low hum seemed louder, and looking there was a shadow in the doorway, I sat up to see better, my fear rising. Tall and thin humming and going side to side, I nodded, oh I was so scared-this thing was in my bedroom. I yelled with all my strength "YOU GO". He faded away as my husband was startled awake.

In the morning I had my husband place it on his workshop table. I poured cleaner and began to rub, the tray was brass, hand hammered, hand formed. Tiny pieces of enameled tiles, so much blue red green very rich, each tiny piece set in with thick rolled wire of silver, less gold but it was real (tested). As the pile of rags and dirty paper towels grew the trash overflowed.

Wow, so beautiful, he was looking right over my shoulder, when this item was coming to light.

Later my husband finished the whole tray, I went down stairs and the shadow was right behind him, I said not a word. My husband seldom hears or sees what I do.

The next day, with the tray next to my computer, I pictured it and listed it for $799.00, but now I think it should have been more, for the gold alone. With-in hours I get a note from a man whom wants me to pull the listing, he will pay in full. So as we write back and forth, I get up for coffee, but do not have my cup, so as I turn back and there is the shadow, clearly, nearsightedly looking at the picture, in MY chair...

The man I am emailing will not tell me where he is from or what the meaning of the tray is. He has a son in New Jersey that will ship it the rest of the way. I tried to pry, all he would say, "It means much to me and nothing to you, it must come home", I do not argue that. As soon as the money came, we shipped it, double packed and insured to NJ. There is no more shadow in our home...GONE

So my ending question to you is, was this shadow real, or just my mind going sour with cancer treatments... Or just imagination?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, msforgetmenott, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-27)
Hi Mystic,

I have no honest answer as to who or what the shadow was, only to say it did not belong in our home. It didn't even belong in America.
I believe it was a tray used in rituals and the shadow was there to protect it. I seemed to have a great meaning to some.

MysticFrance (5 stories) (95 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-27)
"It must come home."

Hmmm... I'm curious. Maybe the shadow belongs to a departed relative/family member of your buyer? And that, the tray had been in their family years ago and the owner of the shadow sold it to make money? Haha.

How are you, Jan? I hope all is well with you.

msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-30)

Put it behind you. I have long ago.

Live is short, live it well.

Jan 😊
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-15)
Dear Jan:

Tweed informed me of your condition & sent me the links to read up on your current state. It took me a little while with school starting soon (I have to do all the summer reading!).

I know that we had a misunderstanding some years ago, so I have deliberately not communicated with you directly since that incident. All I can do is tell you that my apology at the time was sincere.

I have no idea how to communicate with other people during heightened emotional situations. I had to be my mother's therapist & marriage counsellor for two decades, starting at the age of 8. I do not seek any special consideration for this, as it's my problem to work through; however, I think some of the miscommunication from me was due to my learned habit of shutting down when people's emotions appear to be disproportionate to the situation. My shutting down --in an effort to avoid provoking you-- did *not* help resolve our miscommunication. 😢 This saddened me more than you will know, as I genuinely had been enjoying all of our prior conversations.

I wish you a peaceful transition to the next step in your spiritual journey, whatever that step is; as I focus on this message, I begin to suspect you either have taken it already or are about to do so (my awareness of the paranormal is somehow tied in to my lack of day-to-day chronology). I hold no negative feelings toward you, Jan; I hope that you are able to look into a little of the past as your awareness shifts from this life to the next, and you can see my intentions in addition to my actions.

There are several passages in the Bible that I like, despite my agnosticism. I find Matthew 11:28 comforting: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (KJV).

Take care, Jan. I'll miss you.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-30)
Hi Jan,

I am glad to know that we can also keep you some company!😊

What a lovely and mature attitude for a 13 year old! That's wonderful!❤
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-30)
To both Tweed and BeautInside,

Family has always been first and Forward in my mind and actions.

I am also today, too weak to shop and not strong enough for housework, and I am alone. Others have gone elsewhere for now.

The members of YGS have peaked my interest today, but yes, I agree family first.

My Grand Daughter will spend the day with me tomorrow. The last time she was here she mopped and vacuumed, without being asked. We have always had a wonderful relationship. She still comes to me with her questions, from the facts of life, to problems with her first boy-friend (three inches shorter than her).

None you worry Tweed, I know my priorities,

BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-30)
Hi Jan,

Yes, the best moments we have are those with our family. I am sure your granddaughter treasure those moments too! ❤
Tweed is absolutely right, I also feel we create a bound here on YGS because we support each other and give the best advice we can. But we also have those who support us in flesh and bone; our family and friends- and they can never be forgotten. As Tweed said, you are good cookie so... 😉

As for me, I have that strength but this time you were the one to "pull it out". This anxiety comes with my IQ... Been dealing with it since a young age, but hopefully have good parents that helped through. Then we find out I had a above the average IQ, and it is connected to my anxiety or vice-versa. Nothing serious, but sometimes I need 1 or 2 slaps on the face to wake up, and this time it was you! 😜 ❤
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-30)
Jan, no worries.

I'm a bit taken aback by this creepy voice you've heard. I'm glad it's stopped. I can't imagine any of my ghosties doing anything like that to anyone. I wondered if it may have been the big voice you've heard a few times, the one which warned you of lightening strikes, maybe?

I also have some dark blue glassware, old fashioned. A goblet and a vase. They're both in our bedroom. I don't know if you know but we have some peacock feathers in our bedroom, they're in the blue glass vase. A couple of weeks ago I saw one of those feathers move, like something brushed against it. The eye of the feathers symbolize seeing into heaven/the after life, or God's infinite wisdom, according to various beliefs, including some from early Christianity.

I need to sit back and digest all these little details. I don't want to jump to any rash conclusions.

As much as I love hearing from you and hope to do so for as much and as long as possible. I feel it's my duty, as a friend, albeit an online one, to urge you to spend your time with the special ones in your life, your family and friends. What I'm saying is, don't prioritise your YGS family over your flesh and blood friends and family. I know you wouldn't, you're a smart cookie. But I felt I should say it anyway. ❤
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-30)
Hi BeautInside,

It comes from you, BeautInside, from your inner strength. You have the power to solve, just bring it forth! You are strong.

Most of us have a God given power to self heal, A way to overcome the mental pain from what ever has been done to us in the past. I would never take credit, yet am pleased something I have said helped you.

I am experiencing something we, the living will all face. The grace of two informative doctors have helped me to understand what is coming, we have even discussed Hospice.

I simply want every moment with my Grand Daughter I can have. She is from a troubled marriage, I have done my best to teach her the values in life. The values of education and so much more. She is thirteen, and needs me, Lord willing.

In addition I have the opportunity to right the wrongs I have done in life. To forgive both living and dead. I was blessed.

Jan ❤ ❤ ❤
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-30)
Hi Tweed,

There is so much I want to say! Lets start with the boy, as I can not find a connection. I have a son that may have once fit that connection, long ago. I lost two children after my son was born, but can't think they would have fit your description either.

I do have my head in a fog though. In some ways you did describe me, but for the orange. Hear me out though, as I love the sun, and contained fire, any way I can reflect it. I often wear clothing that reflects, sparking light, in various ways or designs, much of my clothing is black. I wear gold wire glasses for reading and driving, having had an eye correction years ago. I became 70 last May, on the same day as a chemo. My hair is grey, to white, when I have some, I wear it all one length on the shorter side, with some natural wave. I have never colored my hair, and in my youth I wore it long enough to sit on. I am thin having lost weight. I love jewelry, antique, and am never found without it. My lawn chair is even wood, and as I love the natural wood furniture, I seldom sit in anything else. You mention a wood stove and I will remind you that we sit near a fireside in summer, but spring and fall into winter we have a back yard fire pit. So much of my furniture pieces and collectable surroundings are from family or contain old history.

My features are ordinary, and for some reason I only have a few wrinkles, and those came from laughter... My favorite color is indigo blue, much of my glassware is a rich blue and blue scatters through out all my rooms, throw pillows and curtains, and my paintings. Wow, perhaps you have seen me, let me know ahead of time, will you, my home is often in need of a pick up. LOL

About six months ago I had someone hanging out in my bedroom, up near the ceiling, I could only visualize a face and hands, he spoke, in a deep voice. I lay on my bed, in my favorite sleep position. What cha doin Jan? Was repeated several times. This happened again for several evenings, and it creeped me out! I thought of several people that this might be, and made a connection to YGS. I am still not sure, but finally asked that it stop, and it did. This area of my bedroom is where I have seen fast visions, like flashes of movement. My eyes are closed, and it is possible my mind self creates, during pre-sleep. Strangely, these flashes are showing people walking by, like on a sidewalk, in various styles of dress, most from an earlier time, head turned in my direction.

I had asked about using Your name and subject, thank you for permission. I will get to it soon, I have several interesting events.

In thinking about communication in the future, I would like to be able to somehow convey messages to 1 or 2 people on YGS, firstly because we share this in common. Second to that, it will be a proof many of us are looking for. I may be gone, but still here, understood? Perhaps the living need to have the answers, in order to deal with the terrible things that increasingly happen daily. Proof that there is good after death. What concerns me is time, as it may not be measured the same at all levels.

Thank you Tweed for giving me an opportunity to share my views and interest.

❤ Jan
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-30)
Dear Jan,

I'd like to quote Lady-Glow's about enjoying the present and stop controlling what's beyond me. Before all your sincerity and clarity I think I was going into some sort of paranoia. Even though at some point I get control of it because I have learnt to control my anxiety over the years, this time it was you who put an end to it. So thank you for that, you are definitely a life changer!

Tweed, such detailed description that I almost felt I was there in your dream! 😊 I am looking forward to Jan's reply and see if it actually means something. 😉
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-30)

Of course you have my permission to write whatever you want. I really look forward to reading it, very intrigued! I apologise for the lateness of my reply, juggling a billion things lately. But I always check back on YGS every few days.

The members of YGS are regularly in my thoughts, much like anyone else. Occasionally I pick up things. Usually it's something mundane, and random, like a weird thing I had happen with Val. It was a porcelain figurine, which turned out to be something to do with one of her experiences she shared about something that happened years before. Other times I've woken up in peoples homes, through an OBE, including some folks on here. These have been unintentional, but each time it's been for a reason, like I'm drawn in, because I'm 'supposed' to know something, or be shown something.

When I think of people, including some of the members here, I get vibes, the occasional vision, it's all random stuff and rarely is it confirmed to be anything at all. About a year ago I had a feeling that something was up with you. It came with a vision of heavy fog, like clouds in an open landscape, fields, cold weather, morning I think. Then I saw a woman in a wooden chair, like a kitchen chair. She was aged around 60 or older, I'm hopeless with age lol. She had on a dark blouse, or shirt, black or charcoal, with a thin orange check pattern. The shirt or blouse was buttoned up all the way, she wore glasses, with wire frames. Light coloured hair, short, set in soft waves. She radiated warmth, think there was a wood stove in the room with her. To be honest, this wood stove could be my imagination drawing from one of your experiences shared here, and not so much a 'psychic vision'. The check shirt, and fog, however, felt separate, like they could be something relevant.

Don't know if it's relevant, but wanted to let you know, as of a couple weeks ago I've been seeing glimpses of a small boy, not the blue weirdo elfy thingy, but a small human person, a child, about three and a half to four foot tall. The boy has auburn hair, kind of wavy. A friend of mine has wavy red hair, as does one of my neighbours so it's probably to do with one of them. But let me know if it sounds like something to do with you.
The boy wears a dark long vest or jacket over a lighter coloured top. He hangs around our front door, inside the house, doesn't go anywhere else. Pretty sure he's not there now, but he was here a couple of weeks ago and last week too. I think last Tuesday or Wednesday is when he felt most vividly present. It was one of those days that I glimpsed him properly. Now that I type that out it seems pretty unlikely to do with you lol!

Anyway feel free to share any of this, if it clicks with you.

In terms of forming a 'psychic' connection with someone deliberately, or to find them, through OBE, deliberately, I find it easy enough, however, I need some time to concentrate on that person or their situation. Rarely am I drawn in unintentionally. If you were interested in exploring something like this, I'm cool with that. Or if not, that's perfectly fine too.

Come to think of it, you're right about the males. Now I want to know where all the lady nature spirits are at. There seems to be an over abundance of boys. Maybe all the ladies are in the garden, at least there's no squashed flies on mirrors out there lol.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-30)
Hi Lady-Glow-ria,

Do you sing? I know songs that have your name in them.

The Chemo trip is a second go around for me, but the medical field has mastered great strides, in patient kindness, and controling side affects, in the last fifteen years.

My Mom was 49 when she died from a long battle with Breast Cancer. Today I believe she would have lived. So little was known then, and there was no chemo. I would lay in bed and listen to her talk with her sisters, during her three year battle. I recall her anger at the Doctors in Boston, they wish to speak only with her Husband about her medical problems, not to her. Times have really changed.

I have a medical portal, that I can key into on line and see what each biopsy, blood test or C-scan report says as quick as the doctors can see. No secrets now. I am not even needing to go to Boston, there is good medical care is in most cities.

I really only came on to YGS to find one or two interested people, that might be open, to potential communication at the time that I was no longer here, Should it be possible. But something wonderful has happened, that does not seem to be as important now as conversing in the here and now.

Jan 😊
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-29)

Thank you for your effort, in trying to up vote. You interested me enough, that I just read all of your 8 stories. Now I feel I know you better.

Interesting feedback from so many others. It feels good to be participating in conversation. Thank you all for that.

Why is it that your average shopper in our local grocery store a person I have known for many years, will see the chemo cap I am wearing, then look down like they don't know what to say. Yet I can converse with many of you and it comes so easily.

Perhaps, death is one of our prime subjects, and as often as we on YGS speak of it, the more we know not to fear it.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-29)
Dear Jan.

I only want you to know that your comments are very uplifting for anyone who has have to walk the dreadful and life-altering path of chemotherapy. But then, thanks to it, I have learnt to enjoy the present moment to its fullest and to stop trying to control what is beyond my strength.

Though I have to disagree with you about:

"I have no hair...anywhere! If any ghostie was to spook me now, they would take off running."

I'm sure anyone, dead or alive, would only see your greatness.

Thanks for being you. ❤ ❤

Gloria (Glow-ria)
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-29)
Jan, I want to upvote your last comment, about being kissed by a butterfly and being close to nature, but the system won't let me.

So please just consider it upvoted.:)
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-28)

Few know that I was a Deacon for nearly eight years, in a simple Church, that still stands in every small town in New England. My Husband raised the same, an usher, and bell ringer were jobs he liked. When the Minister was in need of getting away, I often stood before all, filling his seat. We are the last real Yankees.

I always thought that when my time came it would be in a comfortable and standard way, filling pews with friends and family.

Yet at some point it refused to be enough. I want to be kissed by a butterfly, touched by a breeze (not too cold). To me, being near nature has much value. Something as simple as a sunflower, can make me smile. When we started to live that type of life, Churches became hard to breath in. I am just saying, same beliefs different setting. Same voices lifted without echo.

To each his own, no judgment from me.

msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-28)
Thank you Valkricry,

I think I felt that hug! I was just not sure who sent it. I am still here, and plan to be for months to maybe a year. I so want to see one more Spring.

There is a kindness in knowing you have time to say what you wish. To do things as you have always wanted. To spend time with those that are important to you. The list goes on and on.

To pray that they are wrong, and your life will go on for another 10 years. Yet for the ability to accept, life as it is granted.

I could continue for pages, but will simply say thank you, and hugs back to you. Wonder though, how did you know I was one who has always loved hugs.

RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-28)
Hi again, Jan.

Apologies in advance, since I'm going to be long-winded and quoting a hymn here.

I had a strange experience yesterday, like someone was giving me a big hug. Maybe one of my many relations who have died.

What you wrote to Tweed reminded me of my favorite part of a funeral service called 'The Last Kiss'. During the church part of the funeral service, the congregation walks past the casket in which the deceased is laid out to give one final good-bye. Some do kiss the coffin, or touch the corpse, and this may be a bit gross, but personally, I am comforted in this practice as it gives closure. I have said good-bye to the deceased.

Https://www.goarch.org/-/funeral-service, about 3/4ths of the way down.

Or, if you don't want to wade through all of that, this particular verse of the hymn:

Looking on me as I lie here prone before you, voiceless and unbreathing, mourn for me, everyone; brethren and friends, kindred, and you who knew me well; for but yesterday with you I was talking, and suddenly there came upon me the fearful hour of death: therefore come, all you that long for me, and kiss me with the last kiss of parting. For no longer shall I walk with you, nor talk with you henceforth: for to the Judge I go, where no person is valued for his (her) earthly station: Yea, slave and master together stand before Him, king and soldier, rich man and poor man, all accounted of equal rank: for each one, according to his (her) own deeds shall be glorified, or shall be put to shame. Therefore I beg you all, and implore you, to offer prayer unceasingly for me to Christ our God, that I be not assigned for my sins to the place of torment; but that He assign me to the place where there is Light of Life.

Modify it, of course, for your beliefs.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-07-27)
I've been sitting here, staring at the screen for what must be the last 5 minutes, trying to think of what to say. Sometimes words are extremely inadequate, so I'll just send you the biggest hug I can.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-27)
Oh Tweed!

I was hoping you would write... A lot!

You are one of the people I have hoped to speak with, also I need your permission as well.

I had something happen and wrote of it. As I pulled your name and the subject into the story, I felt I should ask permission first.
I plan to write about some current events, this one was a couple months ago. Were you thinking of me then?

I have never been far away, always interested in keeping up to date with YGS. I had hoped one of you might pick up on my thoughts, and I guess you have. Makes me wonder if anyone else has.

I spend a little time trying to clean an area here at my home each day when I can, write down where things came from, or information, as I have always loved all things old. Also are making favorites for my husband and when placing it in the freezer I add directions and tape it to the top, for him to find. Then, my thoughts turn to old friends, and it saddens me that I will not be here one day to laugh and spend time with, or write to. Like you Tweed.

I really am hoping I am able to contact one or two of you in some way. Just to send the message there is more, and it can be good! Just to confirm in some way. My mind boggles in thinking about it.

I also have always wanted to know when you catch one of your little people in a visit, why do you never see females? Seriously! LOL

msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-27)
Hi Jubeele,

Thank so much for the warm words you are too generous. I am just one of the old sidekicks that are still hanging around. I will do my best to continue, if allowed.

I too have admired your abilities as well. What I enjoy, is when people from other countries can blend into a friendly group while sharing something in common. Have you ever noticed that if we all had very long arms YGS could hold hands and circle around our earth? Perhaps more than once.
That is nice.

I am not giving up without a fight, proof of that is that I have no hair...anywhere! If any ghostie was to spook me now, they would take off running.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-27)

If there's anything I can do, just name it.

Sending you lots of love and light and hugs.

Over the past year when I think of you I have had a sense of... I don't know the word for it. But it felt like something which was none of my business and ultimately out of my hands. It lead me to search for your posts on here, whenever I visit YGS, because I wanted confirmation you were ok.
Now, reading your messages to everyone, I'm saddened yet also proud (and amazed) of how strong you are. No matter what, you're going to be fine. Remember that, always.

Here for you, anytime. We all are. ❤ ❤ ❤

Love you, Jan.
God bless xo
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-27)
Hi Jan,

"There are special people in our lives who never leave us... Even after they are gone." - D. Morgan

I would like to thank you for the enjoyment your accounts have given us all. A spirit as strong and beautiful as yours will continue to touch other lives. My own visitation experiences with my father and mother-in-law have convinced me that love lives on. ❤


About the tray. It sounds like it could have been an altar tray, used for worship and other rites. Hence its importance to the man who bought it. I've seen Moroccan filigree Fez metalwork enamelled with mosaic. Just a thought to add to your collection. 😘
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-26)
Jan, my comment was a response to this story. I'll talk more about the other thing soon.

I am still praying for you.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-26)
Hi Jan,

I just tend to say what I feel... And this is how I feel about you! 😊

I am here, waiting for that correct time combined with that event! Take your time 😉
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-26)
Hi BeautInside,

How is it that you put to words just what I was trying to say!

Talented person, that you are!

I had wanted to wait and at a future time, bring it up combined with a current event. My Mom has told me her words are only for me. No other. So... Must wait for the correct time.

BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-26)
Dear Jan,

Yes I am thinking of you, and not because I feel sad for you but because you are admirable. I think you can teach a good lesson to a lot of people (honestly should be plural-lessons)! 😉

You're like a force of nature, so keep strong! ❤
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-26)
Was that message for me? Now I am confused. The reason I moved my subject to this story was because the Mods do not like us to go off topic. I also did not want to spoil Lady-glow's submission.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-26)

I have spent a lifetime wondering about what lies ahead after death. I have read and studied all aspects, and had events so often they became the norm.

The two visits that I have had with my Mom, were very informative. I learned from her, abundantly more than I had previously known. I am so encouraged, I want to share in the same manner as she has done for me.

Having said that, as I am now living a full life, busy with family and friends, rather then write what I have learned, I wish to try to tell what I have confirmed once I am in that moment. My concern is that like my Mother, I may only be able to convey the information with someone related to me.

Should that be the case, my niece and I have been like sisters, sharing life and afterlife events. We have talked at length how it can be done. She quietly reads YGS and through her I am hoping she will be able to share with all.


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