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Opinions Please - Man Following Me


I'm 23 and I'm starting to think I'm going crazy maybe, but I been seeing this man like demon thing in the middle of the night staring at me. He looks like a man but I somehow know he is not a normal man. He's somewhat thin, bald and with burnt-like, deformed skin and bloody. His eyes are dark and he just stares at me.

I first saw him about 7 months ago while I lived in my parents' house still. I thought it might have been a dream. He was there staring at me, right next to me with his face close to mine. Well I didn't think much of it but I could swear I was awake.

Anyway it's been 7 months or more I live in an apartment with my boyfriend now and two weeks ago I see him again in the middle of the night hanging on from the ceiling staring at me. I had the same feeling as before chest gets tight, I can't scream, move, nothing and I get really scared and suddenly fall back to sleep, but I know I was awake.

I told my boyfriend a few days ago and apparently he believes in ghosts and all that and told me that there was something following me from my house and that it's very strange and could be dangerous that I should ask it if I see it again what it wanted and then it'll leave me alone. But I'm not too sure I should do that. I mean it's very odd that in two different place and so far apart in time I see the same exact figure and have the same exact feelings when seeing it?

I'm starting to believe I'm going crazy and I'm not on anything, no medication and no drugs. I need opinions because to me this was real and I've had dreams before that have felt real to the point that I've felt someone touch me. We all have them at some point, but I've been able to tell it was a dream but these two times I was awake.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Li1291, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-17)

Just checking in on your narrative to see what steps you have taken in the last week, and to see if you've had any improvement in your situation. Please update us with your experience, as we all participate in this forum to understand each other's experiences and to lend support when we can.


[at] Otteer- I was only mildly bemused, so no problem.
B.T.W., "Bilbo" is a creation of Tolkein, "Biblio" is a truncation of the Latin for Librarian: "Bibliothecarius."
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-08)
[at] sithbaby, well that makes sense lol, your girlfriend sounds like a very tuned in kind of girl. I hope she shares some her stories with us here at YGS. Hopefully the OP can appreciate her comments. Thank you for explaining and passing on her impressions.

[at] bilbo, sorry I directed a comment at you that I meant to direct at Red.

Li, I'm glad your boyfriend believes you. So many partners do not support on another when the paranormal occurs. It can be lonely and frightening. You are lucky. I don't know what he was basing his observation on how to handle the situation, it would make sense to someone who dosnt know anything about entities to just ask it what it wants, so I don't think he meant any harm. However, I would take the advice of the other posters who do know what to do with it. Sounds like, cleanse, shield, journal and ignore? I got it. I'm making note of it cause I wouldn't know what to do myself!
You know, from what I am learning we share this realm with lots of other beings, they are all around us, and not just humans who have passed. If they can tune into our frequency so we can see them, or visy versa, if they are not what we want to see, ignoring them and quietly taking precautions to keep them out of our space makes sense to me!
sithbaby (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-07)
Sorry my honey is my girlfriend. She has been seeing auras and paranormal entity's since she was a young girl. She is also from a small group of friends who have all had many experiences with what many people call the paranormal, most of which are simply on a plane of view above of us. Well her friends and her all have journals documents their experiences of what they have dealt with and encountered. One of her friends in best terms to put it for people to understand is basically like a real world Grimm with family records of beings that are typically unseen to the regular eye and how they effect people and in some cases they best way to get rid of them. So whenever I have any strange things happen to me I go to my girlfriend and her friends for help and they always do what they can for me. In the case of Li's story it intrigued me and I wanted to know what it was that may be following her and if there was any way I could help her.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-07)
You're right the O/P never said the boyfriend ''saw'' anything. I mis-wrote that part.

But ''if'' he didn't ''see'' it then how would he know that something was following her out of her house and that it was very strange and could be dangerous.

By the way. Why is it the only time you comment on anything I say is to correct me? Even the other day when I explained to someone what a dream catcher was as soon as I told the mod what story I gave a perfectly good answer to you had to follow and add your own comment to it when there was bo reason to
I think after tonight I'm going to take a break from YGS.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
Li, sounds pretty frightening, awake or asleep. I'm inclined to think it is of paranormal orgin since you saw it twice, in two locations. I agree keep a journal, and especially your dreams, write them down. Do the cleansing, a good idea. I had a frightening experience of something forming in bed against me, I swear I was awake cause I was aware of things going on around me and I tried to move and got poked with what felt like a finger in my side, HARD. Because it frightened me so much and I actually fell asleep after it "dissolved" (who can sleep after something so frightening happens?) I questioned my sanity and if it actually happened. I have come to believe that damn thing drained my energy, causing me to drop into an exhausted sleep. If you saw it, you saw it. Now what to do with it. Good advice coming from others.

Fyi, at Bilbo, I agree with Rook, the way it was written was that the boyfriend was implying that the entity (the someone) * followed her from her parental home to their current residence. I thought the same thing you did at the first read through.

[at] Sithbaby, with no disrespect meant, what or "who" is honey and why would she or it's opinion be of importance? I really would like to know.:) I see you are a new poster here, maybe a few more details?
sithbaby (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
Hi Li,
According to my honey you may be dealing with some form of terror spirit. They typically feed off the fear they cause to corporeal beings. Your best bet is to do what Biblio said to do. My honey says the best bet to deal with this is to document your encounters and perform a cleansing ritual. According to her that should get rid of it if it is a terror spirit.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)

The boyfriend never said... Unless its hidden in the comments somewhere... He 'saw' anything...

Here is the quote from the experience...

"I told my boyfriend a few days ago and apparently he believes in ghosts and all that and told me that there was something following me from my house and that it's very strange and could be dangerous that I should ask it if I see it again what it wanted and then it'll leave me alone."

Now maybe the fact he 'saw' something is implied... But that was not the impression I 'got', hence my response.

Mayhap the OP will return and let us know for sure...


Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
Greetings, Li.

There are, essentially, two separate schools of thought presenting you with advice. HOWEVER, I'm going to advocate that you take the simple solution which will solve your problem either way! I'll explain as we go along.

1. Perform a cleansing ritual. If your religion/tradition has a specific prayer or ritual, do that. Rook, who commented earlier, had a cleansing ritual posted on his page (click on his name on his post, then scan down a little bit to find it); Rook's ritual has the advantages of being thorough and of not being tied to any religious tradition, so it can be used by anyone without going against personal beliefs.
A. If this is a supernatural phenomenon/entity with malicious intent, you'll either force it out of your life, or you'll see that it is trying to resist being forced out.
B. If this is sleep paralysis, you're probably experiencing heightened stress levels; the cleansing ritual would be a reassuring way for you to clear your mind and to relax. Reduced stress will lead to better sleep patterns.

2. Keep a journal! While I'd normally recommend that you keep a dream journal, as did Rook and Czech-Mate, I'll agree with Mimi on this one. Seeing what major life events take place, and their correlation to your experiences, could be vital. As you are a young person, you can create a spreadsheet (e.g.: Google Docs), use an old-fashioned diary (more my speed), and divide each day into 3 columns: Good Events, Bad Events, Dreams. Major life events, such as those Val detailed in her post, obviously belong in the journal; however, a general 'bad day' could be a whole bunch of little irritations (stepped in a puddle, spilled coffee on laptop, lost cell phone charger, etc.) which could be represented by little red "x" marks. The same is true of general 'good day' events, which could be represented with a simplistic smiley face. 😊
A. If there is no connection between your daily life and the entity, then you need to look into determining what the entity is. Again, if you've performed the cleansing and it went away, it had harmful intent: repeat the cleansing which sent it away the first time! If it remained behind after the first cleansing, you need to ask yourself, "am I frightened by its burned appearance, or am I frightened by its intentions?" You may find that -disturbing as its appearance may be- it is simply curious. This still would not be a reason to begin any sort of conversation with it, as your gut reaction to it was not to engage with it.
B. As your first sighting was when you lived at your parents' house, we don't know whether or not you had been seeing your current boyfriend at that time. This is none of OUR business, but it is certainly yours; have the events in your relationship got any bearing on your sightings?

3. Include your boyfriend in the cleansing ritual. If he really can see supernatural entities, there's no reason for his objecting to a cleansing, as good spirits are specifically told that they may remain; only bad spirits are banished. If he wants to communicate with the spirit, there's a SERIOUS divergence in your attitudes toward your safety and your peace of mind. I presume that he'll be willing to help you perform the ritual with some degree of seriousness, so you'll have performed the cleansing together to protect you from this phenomenon (spiritual or psychosomatic) and to develop trust in your relationship.

I do hope this was clearly-presented and reassuring. The rationale for the ritual can be justified either way, but I'd suggest getting started as soon as the two of you have talked it over.

Good luck, Li.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
Not to be a killjoy about sleep paralysis. But Li said she told her boyfriend the other day. He apparently believes in ghosts and all that and told her that he saw something following her out of her house and it was strange and could be dangerous. He advised her that if she sees it again she should ask it what it wanted then it would leave her alone.
Now if her boyfriend has seen something following her how could it be sleep paralysis? She said that she didn't think asking it what it wants was a good idea and was asking for advice.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-04)
Tweed, you're right that there's usually a buildup instead of a sudden onslaught. But sometimes it doesn't happen that way.

If Li wasn't dreaming, it's possible she or someone else is triggering something without realizing it. That's why I suggested an activities journal.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-04)
I'm going to respectfully disagree with Jaycie. If this isn't a dream and you really are seeing something, the last thing you need to do is encourage it in any way.
Jaycie058 (1 stories) (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-04)
Hi Li. I'm not really an expert but I talk sometimes to them. For me its a way of respect. But if you think its doing bad againts you, try to shield yourself, you can put holy rosary under your bed, cleanse the entire house to keep the entity away, watch happy movies and avoid ghost movies and lastly alway pray before and after you sleep because only God is the most powerful protection above all. Trust him and he will protect you no matter what.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-03)
Li1291, try keeping a journal of your day's activities. Be sure to be as specific as possible. If this thing starts showing up repeatedly, maybe you can see a pattern that leads to the appearances.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-03)
The journal thing is also a great way to uncover patterns. Now, I know these two 'sightings' (lack of a better word) were 7 months apart, but did anything happen either before or after you saw him? Not to just yourself but others connected to you; family, close friends? Not necessarily bad things, just above the norm of life. Think losses (job, homes, loves) and gains (marriage, moves, promotions, births), you get the idea.
Given you aversion to sedatives, have you tried a warm bath and drink before bed? I mean like hot cocoa, or warm milk (blech), maybe chamomile tea.
Li1291 (1 stories) (2 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-03)
Thank you all first of all... I don't believe in drinking any type of sleeping pills that's bad for you, it's happened twice and I wasn't under stress, and also I've never seen an image like that on TV. I really appreciate all your opinions and I'm not arguing the point just adding info to this.
Czech-Mate (3 stories) (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-02)
Hello, The best advice I've seen so far in these comments has been by Rook, start keeping a dream journal & marking date & times of these dreams & do so immediately upon waking up. Paranormal experiences can be challenging to deceipher & many can fall into the area of stress. Major life changes can induce scary or even frightening dreams. Keeping a dream journal, or even a journal period, is a great way to get day to day stress out of your head. Often people manifest their stress in their dreams in the form of violent images & or actions. This is how our mind processes stress. Moving out of your parents home, being on your own, moving in with your boyfriend, getting a new job; all of these things can be major stressors that maybe your mind is processing as this burnt man thing. It doesn't mean your being haunted by a roving entity or something negative. Keep a journal, talk with someone you trust, exercise, find something that will help you process your stress. The down side to your visions, & have seen this happen before, is if you don't make the attempt to deal with whatever anxiety you may have, could escalate into more frightening visions. I don't think your being haunted, I think your young, just starting your life on your own, it's exciting, it's scary, & think you may be just processing this stress in your dreams. So your not crazy & don't jump to conclusions. Find some positive stress relievers & I'm sure these dreams will eventually just fade away as you get used to your new life. Freedom & independence is an exciting & stressful thing, just be positive & it should work it's self out!:)
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-01)
Hi all, just a few thoughts I've been having recently that seem fitting here.

While I appreciate the way some experiences on here look/read with the strong possibility of sleep paralysis. I would hate for there to be an imbalance of this possibility, lest it rule out another, which is there *could* be a negative paranormal presence. Not saying I *think* there is, I really haven't a clue, but *if* there is and Li doesn't take it seriously, that it *could* escalate.

Think of it this way, if we can have visitation dreams, mostly pleasant ones. Why not 'visitation nightmares' too? Let's not get carried away and throw a paranormal conclusion on every scary dream here! But (big but) what if a real negative presence were to be overlooked because of ye ole hag.

I've had only one brief moment of SP and while it was weird, wasn't scary. Perhaps because I knew what was happening. So for context I must confess my experience with SP is next to none.

Li, it's very hard to say so far what you're dealing with. This is where things like journals are important. The sudden onslaught of this being makes me lean more toward it being a dream, albeit some kind of 'waking dream/nightmare'. But that sudden onslaught is how it looks to me, as an outsider. If it's an entity, there would have been some kind of build up to this, clues along the way *before* you saw it. Can you think of anything that made you think 'hmmm'? Ruling out after effects from watching horror films of course! 😆
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-01)
Just to add a little more for you to think about... Do you wake up more than once through the night?, I'm getting the impression your not sleeping well and that doesn't help with experiences like yours, thus the importance of exercise and diet and not to exclude that. Avoid taking sleeping pills a quick fix is not the answer!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-01)
Hi Li, If this was happening in the middle of the day you would have something to be concerned about, just have a think about what you are saying here, it's happening in the middle of the night as your coming out of a sleep? Just because you moved addressed it makes no difference, if anything it validates what you are seeing is your own creation. It doesn't mean your going crazy, many normal minded people have experienced exactly the same as you to a point of feeling it touching you. My advise is to you is what it would be to my own daughter, stay away from watching horror movies, stay away from your ghost stories or just read about the nice ones, sleep with the light on if need be, exercise more, read a good feel story before sleep and don't open your eyes if you do wake up through the night. You can make this man go away, just by removing the power of thought that's creating it and no, don't ask it what it wants, that would be throwing fuel on the fire!

Regards Daz!
Li1291 (1 stories) (2 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-01)
Well I have looked into sleep, paralysis but you don't move the first time it happened I did move I covered my face with the sheets. I'm not saying it couldn't be sleep paralysis. But there's that little detail.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-01)
A quick definition of Sleep Paralysis:

This occurs when your mind wakes up 'faster' than your body...

When we sleep our body generates a chemical that keeps us from moving in our sleep... This helps us to not sleep walk or otherwise act out our dreams. At times our mind may become alert, but this chemical has not worn off yet... This leaves us feeling, pinned down, tight chested and even worse we may see the images from our dreams 'overlapping' the real things in our room.

Why is this associated with 'scary' things... Ask yourself this... When was the last time a 'good' dream startled or scared you awake?

Keeping a Journal, which includes your dreams and nightmares, may help you determine just what is happening. The cleansing wouldn't hurt... It will help dispurse any negativity that may be 'lurking' around.


Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-01)
Firstly let me say this your NOT going crazy, first time I saw or felt anything like this I thought the same thing. As both Vannessamarie and Tweed said what your feeling sounds like sleep paralysis, but as you have saw it in more than one place this thing could very well be an entity of some sort. I would not talk to it because that seems to just fuel their fire so to speak. As Tweed suggested maybe a cleansing of your home based on your beliefs of course and as hard as it may be try not to give in to fear. If it is an entity and not a bad dream fear can give it a sense of power over you. I wish you the best 😊
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-01)
haha right on queue sleep paralysis was posted as I was typing 😆

To be on the safe side do look into cleansing/shielding for yourself. If it's a real entity it's no doubt escalating.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-01)
Hi there Li,

A lot of people will suggest you look up 'sleep paralysis' if you haven't already. It's a physical, but can be terrifying, sensation of being 'pinned' to the bed. Often this can occur with a dream and feel very real. It's possible to dream while awake in this instance. This is a real possibility.

However, it *could* have a paranormal element to it. This being *could* be a real entity. If this is the case I would go against your boyfriend's advice. (Hey boyfriend, sorry but that's some crap about asking it to leave and relying on it doing so)

Don't like this hanging from ceiling malarkey, sounds on the predatory side of the spectrum. Are you familiar with cleansing and shielding yourself and your home?
Vanessamarie (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-01)
Hi there,

What you described with the tight chest and being unable to move in the middle of the night perfectly describes "sleep paralysis". It's where your mind can wake in the middle of the night while your body stays completely asleep, and you're unable to move. This causes people to freak out and makes their chest tight, because your body is breathing in sleep mode and you want to hyperventilate. I can imagine this would be absolutely terrifying, and could definitely be accompanied by hallucinations of seeing a man in your dreams and even in your half-awake state. I would suggest taking a sedative before bed to help you get a deeper and more relaxed sleep before assuming it's a real ghost following you, especially since you menTioned it happened in different places.

Hope this helps!

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