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Is Something Haunting Me Or Following Me?


It began when I was 10, I moved to a small city to the cheapest house with my mother and siblings. Some of our family came to help us move in, my cousin stayed the night over and witnessed something. While he was watching a movie on his laptop in my would be room a girl with long black hair, white dress and pale skin walked right past the open door and into the next door room. He was so frightened that he never came to visit again and had left the next morning.

After that strange things would happen in that house, knocking on the wall or on the bottom of my moms bed, people would see things and the worst of all was some shadow thing started following me around.

I was sleeping with my siblings in the room that girl had gone into, one of them woke me up by crying. I put them back to sleep and then tried to myself, as I did this I looked over to the open doorway. I became gripped with fear because I saw a shadow figure standing outside the doorway, it looked like a moving scribble was staring at me with no eyes. I was intensely scared but I didn't call out or do anything, I just went to sleep. When I woke up the next morning I decided to not tell my mom because she doesn't like to talk about spirits or ghosts. For the following days I would wake up and find it watching me, no matter what room. I could see it and sometimes it would come into my room or it would wave at me from a doorway. But it would only follow me and no one else had ever mentioned seeing this. I can't remember how long this went on for but I do know how I would repel it, it wouldn't show up if there was enough light. Because of that I started to always have a light on in my room.

We moved eventually to the other side of town to a new house, things by then had settled down for me because I would constantly sleep with lights on. But because we moved I started to loosen up and turn the lights off and close my door, unfortunately I woke up one night by a text from my mom. She had texted me to see if I was awake because the dogs were barking at noise that was coming from upstairs (her room was on the bottom and ours were on the second). I then decided to look through my doorway to see if I could see anything or hear something, when I looked through it I saw a girl laying down in the top of the stairway. She had long black hair and was pale but I couldn't see any other clothes. I felt fear because I could see her even though a light was on and I could feel she was asleep, I'm not sure how but I knew I didn't want to wake her. So I just laid back into bed and quietly went on to my phone to try calm down, I heard my mom start to come up to use the bathroom. I waited to see if she would react or see anything but she didn't, after she went downstairs again I looked again and didn't see her.

From then on I kept seeing or hearing things and my mom would hear me talking to people while I'm sleeping. I tried to fight it off by buying Christmas lights and stringing them up so no one would turn them off. It didn't work but it started to cool down and I stopped seeing things.

I started to forget about this until we moved again, I thought that maybe I could finally put all of this behind me but once again I was wrong. After a few weeks of living at our new house I had a terrible dream about something trying to grab me, I woke up whispering please don't hurt me. After that I became very paranoid that something was following me again.

Recently I woke up one night and looked at my bookcase and saw something starting to form. It looked like shadow was starting to bubble and take shape, I stared for awhile until I grabbed my phone and shined the flashlight on it, it instantly disappeared so I just left lights on that night. Now every time I leave the lights off at night I see it moving around my room like it's slithering on different things, it can't go near my window because there is too much light from outside. I have tried to talk to it and I have touched it but it doesn't respond to either. I haven't given it any chances to form again because I'm too scared, I'm not sure what to do and I don't know what it wants.

I've experienced things like this before like visions of my siblings before they were born or talking to spirits when I was young. But I don't know how I triggered either or if I have abilities. I really need help but I don't know anyone who could help me or point me to the right person. Please tell me some advice or even anything you know.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, JustL_ovelythings, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Floga_Pano (2 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-23)
Hey,dude,since you live in Canada and you are experiencing continuesly a ghost presence, don't hesitate to ask for help someone who is in familiar with such kind of events, by his own experiences.
I kindly guide you to a person,who's name is Moe Sargi... You can find his Instagram and contact him for help!
JustL_ovelythings (1 stories) (1 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-23)
I'm very happy to have several comments that are taking this serious. It's a first time for me to tell people about this and have some help.
General questions:
When I first started to see the shadow only light would drive it off. I once closed my door without leaving a light on, the result was frighting at the time. It stood in the corner of my siblings room which was too close for comfort. (I was sleeping in their room)

My family hasn't shared any stories that are similar to mine, most of them have been in very spiritual places. (on my reserve, I'm Native American) Except for my mother but she never told me anything directly, I eavesdropped on some of her conversations.

The shadow and girl give me two distinct feelings, the shadow was just naturally scary at the time. Now I'm accustomed to it, while the girl has this gut feeling of dangerous. When I saw her, she was laying facedown so I couldn't see her face. She had been lying next to a open bathroom that had a light on, but She isn't affected by light.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-11)

I have a couple of questions about your experience, starting with this...

"We moved eventually to the other side of town to a new house, things by then had settled down for me because I would constantly sleep with lights on. But because we moved I started to loosen up and turn the lights off and close my door, unfortunately I woke up one night by a text from my mom. She had texted me to see if I was awake because the dogs were barking at noise that was coming from upstairs (her room was on the bottom and ours were on the second). I then decided to look through my doorway to see if I could see anything or hear something, when I looked through it I saw a girl laying down in the top of the stairway. She had long black hair and was pale but I couldn't see any other clothes. I felt fear because I could see her even though a light was on and I could feel she was asleep, I'm not sure how but I knew I didn't want to wake her. So I just laid back into bed and quietly went on to my phone to try calm down, I heard my mom start to come up to use the bathroom. I waited to see if she would react or see anything but she didn't, after she went downstairs again I looked again and didn't see her."

You stated that after the move you started to once again sleep with your light off and the door closed? What was different about this night... From your description it sounds as if your door was open... Another question is... How was this 'sleeping figure' illuminated? Was it glowing or was there another light source?

You state you have moved twice since your first experience when you were 10... Which leads me to think that these 'sounds and manifestations' are more associated with you... Let me explain...

The things you may be experiencing could be 'outbursts' of your own energies as your body and mind develope from 'child to adult'. Called 'psychokinetic outbursts' these energy outbursts can cause poltergeist-like activity and in some cases of 'untrained sensitives/psychics' possibly ' unconscious astral projection...

I am not saying this IS what you are experiencing only that it is possible. I do have questions about some of the things that you describe... Some I have asked, others I have not... And I will wait to see if you respond.


AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-11)
It seems as though your negative energy is what these entities are drawn to. As though you are a lighthouse of sorts powered by negative emotions. Few things in this world are as stressful as moving at Any age and these things tend to manifest during the time of and just after a move and begin to taper off a bit as you settle in. I think you may well have some form of psychic ability that if channeled properly would grant you a bit more peace. Maybe look into any spiritualist churches in your area - they may be able to provide you with guidance.
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-10)
The entity of a small, pale girl with long, black hair (often covering her face) and wearing a pale dress is an iconic image that is well know in more than one country around the world. If the being dissipates from the presence of light, then you have an effective countermeasure to keep this thing at bay. So far, it does not seem as if this thing has attempted to harm you, though it may be feeding off your fear. I hope that by ignoring it, then it may eventually leave you alone - if not, then the help of spiritual healers may be the next step.
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-08)
What did it feel like to touch? Did it respond to you touching it? I think several of your descriptions were interesting. The girl sleeping at the top of the stairs... Hmmm maybe she was pretending to sleep?
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-08)
Hi JustL_ovelythings,

If you have been troubled all this time, it might be worthwhile to find out more about the place where the girl was first sighted. Did anything happen there involving a girl of that description? Did you see her there as well? You said that "people would see things" in the old house. Who, where and what sort of things?

Then in the new house, you said "no one else had ever mentioned seeing this". But have you asked them if they have ever seen or heard anything? What about the cousin who saw the girl? Maybe someone else in the family also has the ability to 'see' things.

I wonder if the shadow figure and the girl are the same, or they are two different entities. Is it possible that your nightmare was something separate altogether? Consider how these things made you feel and whether it is a different level of fear between the shadow, girl and dream. Was it being startled, fear of the unknown or run-for-the-hills in terror? What does your gut instinct tell you? 🤔

You seem to take comfort from having light around you. Perhaps some form of white light shielding might help strengthen you. Rook's cleansing method has already has been suggested and he mentions how to do this as well. But if you have brought over anything from the old house to the new, it might be advisable to cleanse them too. If you are unable to cleanse the whole house, start with your room so you at least have a 'safe' place for yourself. I'd suggest self-cleansing as well to help rid yourself of any possible attachments.

I'm sorry you can't talk to your mother because "she doesn't like to talk about spirits or ghosts". But that is why we are here on YGS, to share our experiences and help one another. 😊
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-07)
Hello JustL-ovelythings,

You have touched it? What did it feel like? I think you should have yourself and your home spiritually cleansed.

A member of this site, rookdygin has an effective cleansing ritual on his profile page:


In addition to that, you might start keeping a dream diary. Over time it can help you to recognize when you are dreaming. I do this and it's been many years since I have had an actual nightmare.

- Maria ❤

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