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Grim Reaper In Sister Room


Hey everyone, I would like to share my past experience with you. I was about the age of 11 or 12 (still in primary school), my older sister had a very nice, charming guy friend by the name of Tyron. He was very friendly, sociable. I liked him very much, we would always visit there after school, he always smiled. The funny thing about him though was that he always use to wear this long black leather coat, nails always painted black, he wore black eye liner and always had this chain with him that had a little ball on that he constantly held in his hand streaking it (like a stress reliever).

My sister was very good friends with him, she never wanted to date him or should I say 'couldn't date him'. My uncle is a christian and very high up in the church and met Tyrone one day. He seemed very unsettled about him and told my sister not to get personally involved with him. My sister then broke of their friendship, which he did not like very well and yelled nasty things to her that only he knows what it meant.

Any case, my room was right across her room. It was very late that night and I woke up with an uneasy feeling like something bad was present but could not see anything in my room. I then got up and went into my sister's room and only to find the grim reaper standing over her bed. I went ice cold and could not move. It saw me and stared at me. I stood dead still staring back at him/it, split image of the grim reaper, he wore the long black cloak, with the sword like weapon and no face. It started walking towards me and I screamed, my sister then woke and put her bedside lamp on. It disappeared but for some reason I could still feel it.

My mom then phoned my christian uncle who came through to bless the house and told us that my sister's friend had put a curse on her but was very concerned that I had seen it.

Well there we go my first story:-)...

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, a13048291eyes, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-25)
Well, I also had the same thoughts as Rook and Red. I don't think the uncle should choose friends for their nephews and nieces. Secondly, the narrative itself sounds quite unnatural and kind of seeing a horror (a badly depicted) movie and nothing less.

Regards and respects to every one.

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-25)
Sorry Scardeycat - you've lost me on that one: who did Jesus "hang out with"?
scaredycat5 (5 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-24)
make up with your friend and bring him to church with you next time
scaredycat5 (5 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-24)
wow guess your uncle made a huge mistake he forget who jesus hung out with plus does not matter how high up in the church because in the church everyone's to be considered family I'm a pastors kid I know the rules your uncle should have said why don't you bring friend to church or a bible study the church is or everyone not a chosen few
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-23)
Sorry folks my tablet has a mind of it's own tonight.

As I was going to say is that your uncle was being disrespectful to Tyrone and your parents. No matter how high up in the church he is your uncle should have told your parents his concerns not parent your sister.
When I was 17ish I had a friend who's father didn't like me because I believed in the paranormal. He tried to have people believe he was a God fearing Catholic. In reality he was a wife beating drunk. My friend denied that he ever hit her or her brothers. But one day she came crying to me and my friend that her father beat the hell out of her older brother the night before. She also
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-23)
I think that your uncle was being disrespectful towards Tyro
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-22)
Eyes, just to reiterate Rook's question; why is your uncle choosing your friends? How high up in the ranks of church officialdom does someone have to be to interfere with everyone else's business? Didn't "Jesus" (Yeshua Ben Yosef: there's no "J" in Hebrew) visit with undesirables and outcasts because they were the ones who needed his help? Good to see your uncle is carrying in the age-old tradition of using the Bible to support his biases instead of following the teachings within it.

Yes it's a snarky point to make, but it's from an alarmingly objective point of view. 😉

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-22)
Greetings, a13048291eyes, and welcome to participating in the YGS discussions.

From your reading the stories and comments, you're doubtless familiar with our habit of shortening screen names and typing "a13048291eyes" regularly will be a nuisance on my phone or laptop, would you object to "Eyes" to make things simpler? If you hate that idea, say so as soon as you can!

The iconography of "The Grim Reaper" became prevalent during the Bubonic Plague's ravaging Europe and eliminating about 1/3 of the population. Most commonly in that era, he was depicted as riding a horse (a symbol of high status and of great speed) while reaping random sections of the population with his scythe.

There's a pretty broad article on wikipedia about depictions of death in various cultures: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_ (personification). The sections I scanned didn't have any glaring errors, only the title; "personification" gives human qualities to non-human phenomena ("The cruel wind" or "the panicking ship") whereas giving a human shape to an abstract concept is "anthropomorphism" (literally, "human-shape-idea/process").

Plus, it has a neat link to a great painting by Carlos Schwabe that I've had in my classroom for the last two years: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b7/Mort_du_fossoyeur.jpg. "The Death of the Gravedigger."

Prior to the Grim Reaper, Death was often depicted as a positive figure, a natural part of the lifecycle of human beings.

I'm with Mack on this one; the entity in your sister's room was being melodramatic beyond words. Even the description in the Bible refers to "The Angel of Death," not "The Nightmare-Inducing, Soul-Taking, Skeletal Abomination."

Just a historical perspective...
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
How did it come to be that an UNCLE is choosing friends for your sister? I understand he is Family... But it seems a wee bit 'out of bounds' for him to tell your sister who she can or can not be friends with.

The 'Grim Reaper' figure you saw may not have even been sent by Tyron... It may have been a thought form created by your sisters mood and thoughts towards your uncle...

If I had to put money on it I would bet Tyron told your sister to stand up for herself... That it was unfair of your uncle to tell her who her friends should be. I am sure he was hurt because of this... But who was hurt more?


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
a13048291eyes - how well do you recall your life surrounding the time you saw the Grim Reaper? I ask because I am wondering if there was anyone in your life, or your sister's, who may have died or had a close call.

I saw the Grim Reaper once, a couple of years ago. He came to me in a vision. Yep, full fledged Grim Reaper ensemble and all. I think I saw it this way because Death has been personified, given an identity so to speak. And no matter who we are, we aren't automatically going to think "OMG Death is calling!" when we see a happy little girl in a flowered dress with a puppy. So Death had to be intimidating.

Just rambling this morning, but wanted to get as much of this out as I was thinking it.
ladydarke (115 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
I don't label myself as Goth, just dress the way I want according to an aesthetic that pleases me, and everybody else calls me Goth. Having said that, I belonged to this writer's circle in which there was a lady who had a deeply Christian background - raised Christian, married Christian. She wrote her Christian-valued chick-lit, I wrote my zombie novel, the other guy wrote his young adult books, and everybody got along great. One time, she gave me a critique of my story printed on the back of "scrap" paper which turned out to be a discarded tax paper. I didn't want to be responsible for that, so I called her and arranged to drop it off at her house.

Her husband opened the door. He took one look at me and literally threw his arms wide, blocking his threshold. Mind you I am a 5'4" female with nothing in my hand but an envelope - not exactly threatening. Without knowing anything about me, he reacted strictly to my clothing.

The next second, his wife, my writer's group friend, appeared behind him on the stairs, greeted me, and took the envelope, so I didn't have a chance to respond to him. She and I had a brief pleasant exchange, and I went on my way. I was left finding that entire episode both hilarious and incredibly sad.

So yes, I feel for Tyrone in this story. Fortunately, my writer friend either was not pressured to quit the writing circle or not associate with me etc, or refused such pressure - but then she was an adult and hopefully an equal partner in her marriage. Your sister was a child with no power or autonomy being bullied by older relatives into choosing only friends who meet an acceptable clothing criteria.

It is my personal opinion that those who come from such a narrow-minded place of judgement exercising their power over others probably have little power and autonomy themselves in a spiritual sense, and would be of small (if any) use in purging a spiritual manifestation or doing the energy/spellwork needed to dispel or even identify a curse. I think your uncle didn't know beans about Tyrone or about what you saw.

As for seeing the Grim Reaper - maybe Tyrone was hurt and angry enough to send dark thoughts toward your sister, and maybe he practiced arcane arts of one sort or another enough that he could will her to see something she most feared or something along that line, and you walked in on the energy field and got to see it too. Honestly, angry kids do angry things and this was less harmful than keying her car. Going with that analogy, if you can understand why someone in his shoes might key your sister's car in this circumstance, you can understand why he would send a thoughtform. If I were you, I would say, "Huh, that was a cool one-off. Fascinating world of wonders we live in! How awesome I got to see visual evidence of the paranormal world. Probably I should educate myself about this," and go my way.

If you happen see Tyrone again - not advocating breaking rules and getting in trouble by seeking him out, but like if you guys go to the same school or something and he's around - ask him about it. Don't be accusing or he'll obviously deny it, so try approaching him saying, "Hey, this was so cool, let me tell you about it. Dude, was that even you? I want to know how you did it!" Not being scared and taking the opportunity instead to expand your horizons is the best revenge in this scenario, I would think. If he 'fesses up, explain to him why your sister dumped him to try to ease the sting, but explain to him that it's not nice to mess with people. Basically, react with compassion and try to spread kindness.

Good on you for not judging Tyrone for his outward appearance, hanging with him, and getting to know him as a person. While I wouldn't expect you to disobey family elders, I hope you continue to make your own value judgements rather than allowing others to decide for you. Power to you.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
Macknorton: my guess is, since the uncle's a Holly man, the "Grim Reaper" knew it wouldn't stand a chance against him? 😆
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
...Never judge a book by its cover...

Neither Mr Long-black-leather-coat was as nice and charming as he seemed, nor Mr Christian-Uncle was as tolerant and non judgemental as he should. 😜
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
Hi A.

I always assumed the Grim Reaper was a simply a human creation that symbolised Death; its scythe used to mow us mortals down.
I would think the chances of seeing the Grim Reaper are about roughly the same odds as seeing Santa placing presents under your tree at 2 am in the morning.
HOWEVER... Not to say the jilted Goth didn't manifest a spirit to scare your sister (but the Grim Reaper? Really? How... Unoriginal. Surely a spirit could come up with something less... Well... Cliched. You know what I mean?
Also... If I was this young (and probably misunderstood) chap, and I had the power to summon a low level entity, I imagine I would know (through the minions who did my bidding) that it was the UNCLE who broke it off, not my old friend the SISTER. So I would have sent something unpleasant to the UNCLES bedroom to scare the pants off him. Are you with me?
Anyway, I'm kind of half rambling / ranting do I need a nice cup of tea and a lie down...
loneybone (8 stories) (78 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-18)
Wow how scary in my say I don't think it's really a curse because then the grim reaper would not be there. She would of just have really bad luck. Though I do believe that people can work with death and that death can grant them any wish for a fair price. If you ask death for something them death will take something that you most love as a token. Like me this is not scary at all but I went to a concert a marianas trench concert and I took many pictures. A few days later I was looking at them and I the grim reaper was in one of the photos. Which made me feel worried and wondering why was it there and for who? Anyway nice story and thanks for sharing
haunter (guest)
9 years ago (2016-01-18)
ohh well, that was just really terrifying... I must say that you did have guts to stand up during the incident... However, seemingly I do too have got questions for you... If I'm not wrong then you said your sister's friend Tyron cursed her... Well what sort of a guy was actually he anyway, I mean, there has to be something with him or else he couldn't have simply done that...
...just wanted to know, I suppose you'd cooperate...😁
Haunter aka Hayden...

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