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Who/what Was Outside


I consider myself, and have been considered by others including experts on the subject, a medium. Since my childhood I've had experiences with the spiritual world and until this day don't get used to the knew experiences I have constantly. They are so many that if I tell all of them, I could write a book. But that is part of being who I am. This experience was the most intriguing to me, because I not only shared it with someone else, but also did not believe it was actually happening.

In the year of 2014 I started working at a rehab center in the suburb area of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Salvador has a strong African culture and a huge influence of candomble. Well, I arrived at work one morning and felt the climate of the place was heavy and everybody was very serious. To find out later that one of the girls being treated was caught with drugs hidden inside her underwear. The owner of the place, a woman, let's call her "V" was extremely angry and arrived at the place shouting, saying all kinds of bad words, and even calling the names of demons because she was unbearably angry with the situation. The problem was solved and everyone's routine went back to normal.

We used to close all the doors and windows at 5 pm, and usually by 10 pm all the girls were asleep. I was one of the chaperons and had to stay and sleep in the house, although in a different room as the others.

I remember I went to bed late that night, but managed to fall asleep after all. I woke up in the middle of the night with a sudden noise, it was around 2 in the morning and I heard chairs being dragged in the living room. I got up and went to living room to see there was absolutely nothing and no one there, and decided to go back to my room. Then, I started to hear a very strange and heavy breathing sound outside my window. I sounded like a buffalo breathing very heavily, and along with the heavy breathing, a very loud noise of footsteps, but they were not human footsteps. It sounded like a very big horse was pounding outside, very slowly, and as it pounded the breathing came along.

I, of course, got scared out of my guts, went into the first room I could and called the first girl I could touch in the dark. I told her "I think there is something outside, come listen". She came with me and heard the same exact thing as I. She told me "Get your mattress and put it in my room". And as we were lifting the mattress out of the bed we heard a loud bang at the front door, as if somebody very tall were knocking on the wooden roof. It sounded like knocking on wood, and the door was made of steel. I know steel does not make an echo sound when somebody knocks on it, and that is what we heard. So I figure this entity or whatever it was must be tall because the roof was about 3 meters off the floor.

After the knocking sound we ran into her room and she looked at me and said "The best thing for us to do is pray, let me get my bible and we can read it together ok?" I nodded and as soon as she came close to me and opened the bible to read it we heard a scream, a very loud scream, high and screechy. You know those vampire movies, and the noise the vampires make when they die? That screechy scream noise? Like a bird or something, I don't know. Well that's exactly what it sounded like. I figured that as soon as we opened the bible to pray whatever was outside went away because we didn't hear anything anymore.

The next day I asked the security guard if he had seen or heard anything unusual and he said he was outside the whole night and didn't see a thing! What was it? You tell me.

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Nsbf1986 (4 stories) (25 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-25)
Hello PJS1977! Yes it was terrifying that night. I agree with you about the supervisor's anger unleashing this thing. Calling names of demons can send out bad energy and it attracts bad things as well.
pjs1977 (2 stories) (48 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-24)
Omg that was terrifying. I would of soiled myself if I was there and I am a 38m big too. I don't know exactly what this creature was but it was not from this earth NSB your lucky you had your friend there that night and she had that Bible.
All I can say is your lucky you didn't die from this thing attacking you or just plain freight.
Now could it of been your supervisor's anger that unleashed this demonic being or someone being a medium or both?
Nsbf1986 (4 stories) (25 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-21)
Hello again Fergie. Yes you are right. Unfortunately candomble is used more for the evil than for the good side. People are selfish and want to force God's plan. Here in Brazil it is very common to see those kind of offerings in request for: Seducing a loved one, money issues, fame, doing harm to people. It has a relation to voodoo, as they both have the same roots and use magic to force the course of things. I for instance have been invited to be part of candomble and always refused, and will continue to refuse while I still have goodness in me.
igotnorolemodel (2 stories) (13 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Whoa creepy. Whatever it was outside really wanted your attention. Glad you came out okay! And yeah I agree with some of the comments here. It could be attracted to whatever practices done by the people at the centre. Could be looking for more offerings or something.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Nsfb, thank you for your reply.
Of course, how silly of me not to realize that the inmates addictions would also add to the strength of the bad vibes. Never having to deal with that sort of thing, it never entered my mind. Despite my age, I am still rather naive about some things.

I have read that you can do both evil and good while practicing Candomble. I have also read about the 'sacrifices' or offerings. Human nature, being what it is, I guess more evil is wished for than good.

It seems Candomble is akin to Voodoo?
Nsbf1986 (4 stories) (25 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Hello Fergie. Don't apologize, I'm pleased to answer the questions. Candomble is a very strong religion in Salvador, Brazil. It can be used for both evil and good. In its essence, the practicers offer food, liquor and smokes to their entities in order to request something, or make a request to somebody else. That is called macumba. Yes, there were some inmates who were involved in Umbanda and Candomble. They did not practice it inside the center for it wasn't allowed, but I believe this helps attrack all sorts of energy around. The area outside of the rehab center was used by people from candomble to offer food and drink to their entities. I myself had found plates of food, bottles of liquor and even dead chickens around. The place already had a lot of activity because of the drug use energy, which attracts all kinds of obsessive spirits. The fact that the external area was used for those kinds of practices made the activity even worse.
sn69 (6 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Ohh... Well, that really did freak me out... It was great reading, indeed...😁
Regards & respects to you
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Hi Nsbf, I am sorry but I can't help you with what may have been outside. But it was obviously there to cause some mayhem. It seems not to like the turning to a Holy book for comfort.

In your second paragraph, you mention "Canbomble". Do any of the inmates practice Macumba or Umbanda? Do you think that any of these practices could be accountable for the ruckus at the front door? If so, would you be able to identify who the 'sender' may be?

I apologize for all the questions, but I am fascinated by the subject.
haunter (guest)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
#Nsbf1986...would just love to...I'm sure your stories to be posted would all be 'kings'...😁
With Regards
Hayden aka haunter
Nsbf1986 (4 stories) (25 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Hello Haunter! Yes it was a creepy experience. And be sure I will have more stories posted here. I have stories of a lifetime! All kings of them!


Nsbf1986 (4 stories) (25 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Hi Macknorton! I am glad to be able to discuss this with you. Well, mediumship is a very complex subject. There are different types of them. A medium can have one as well as many events happen or even all kinds of showings. I have what we call here in Brazil Ostensible mediumship, when all kinds of phenomena can happen to you. When I was a little kid I used to leave my own body and see myself laying on the bed almost everyday. As time went by I began to encounter spirits and have more visual experiences frequently. But as I grew it became what I can call mature because nowadays I can control some events. I learned to communicate with spirits and yes, I have received messages from deceased ones and passed them on to friends, as well as messages from protectors such as warnings, current problems, future solvings etc. I have received entities as well (not such a good experience though because when you are not prepared it is forced into to you and has kind of a rape sensation) Currently it is very common for me to help friends with their issues in life. I have helped a friend that had a spiritual problem just by staying at her house for one week. It was necessary for me to feel what she was feeling then after have to cleanse my energy. It's like playing tarot but with no cards, as I receive all the information mentally, from the good or bad spirits that surround the person. I have premonitions, encounter with entities in dreams, I have had premonitions about accidents, murders, deaths. But my strong point is the mental communication (that is how spirits communicate). If you have any questions I'm more than willing to help! Mediumship is a God given gift, we are here on a mission. Some mediums get lost and end up going to the wrong side and use their gift for the evil. But I am here to help as many people as I can
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
Hi nsbf1986 - thanks for posting your experience. I have to agree with haunter - that is a genuinely creepy experience. Whatever spirit was tormenting you, sure knew how to push the "terror" buttons. Although, we can't say for sure if it was particularly "tall", as spirits can produce rapping / knocking noises from all different parts of a building / house within seconds of each other.

I am interested in your opening sentence that you are a medium. Do you receive and then pass on messages from deceased people to their loved ones? For many, that is as close to real "proof" of the afterlife etc and therefore that's an area that I am extremely interested in and it would be fantastic to be able to discuss this with you and hopefully learn some more in this forum.


haunter (guest)
9 years ago (2016-01-19) that's something I'll call a spooky one... It was great reading...& sure you would continue submitting more of your experiences hereafter...😁
With Regards
Hayden aka haunter

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