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An Evil Presence Outside


I've been wanting to share this experience I had for awhile now, and have told some on here about it. It was definitely one of my more frightening experiences, as it did not feel nice, or friendly in any way.

This happened last fall. As most know from my other submissions on here, I live far out in the country woods, on my family's large property. So the house we live in, is literally surrounded with woods, making night time very dark whenever there's no moon out.

Even as a child I felt fear at night around our woods (but only at night, I could be fine to explore all day in the sun). I know with that said, that could just be easily written off as a normal childhood fear, but even into my adulthood, that was just a feeling I never got over. I still hate to be around our woods lining at night, because of the feelings it gives me.

Last fall I was outside one night on our front porch. With the porch light on overhead, I could at least see pretty good around the bottom of the porch area, into some of the front yard.

As I stood on the porch in front of the door, that's also where the porch steps are, I started to get this feeling that something was watching me, that I could not see. Side note, I actually get that feeling pretty often, as though I'm never really alone outside. I tried to ignore that feeling, since I'm use to getting it while outside at night alone, but that night I just couldn't shake that feeling off. I realized whatever I felt watching me, had came from our backyard, and was walking through the side yard, at the far end of the porch, where it's in total darkness. I could feel whatever it was, turning to the front yard, and creeping closer to the front porch steps I was at the top of.

Now there's big tall bushes that are in front of our porch, so you can't really see through them at whatever may be on the other side of them, unless it's daylight. By this time, I'm really getting scared, because I know I can feel something getting closer to me, but I can't see it. I'm trying to hurry up and finish my cigarette, while I'm staring where the bushes end near the porch steps, that like I said, could be seen from the porch light on, when I noticed one of the branches that stuck out from the last bush, near the porch steps, had moved, as if someone or something had just walked by it, and bumped into it. The way it moved was as if someone grazed it while walking by it. I remember thinking how there's no wind blow at all, and nothing made sense to make only that one branch move the way it did, because no other part of the bush had moved. Right after I saw the branch move, I had this loud voice in my head screaming to "RUN"! "RUN"! "GET INSIDE NOW"! I could feel whatever it was starting to walk up our porch steps, when I throw my cigarette and run inside, rushing to lock the door, which unfortunately at that time, was hard to lock without my husband's help (door was swollen or something at that time, making it tricky to lock it). So as I frantically tried to lock the front door, I had logic kick in, asking me how exactly do I think locking a door is seriously going to keep out whatever is outside that I can't see? Well that thought scared me, but I did feel safe inside. I hoped whatever was outside, was not coming inside.

Still unnerved, I was shutting lights off in the house to get ready for bed, since my husband and kids were already asleep. As I'm walking through the living room, I felt that evil presence again, as I looked up and noticed the living room curtains slightly opened, that viewed to the front porch, beside the front door. I could just feel this tall figure standing right outside that window, staring at me. I freaked out and just ran to bed, and as I crawled into bed, wishing my husband was still up, he sat up to go to the bathroom, when I blurt out to him that something just chased me inside, when I was outside smoking. I said I couldn't get the door locked, and asked if he could go lock it for me. My husband gets up, still half asleep, but knows that I'm clearly scared by whatever was outside, and goes to the living room to lock the door.

He comes back to bed and tells me that as he was walking up to the door to lock it, he got this weird feeling that something was staring at him through the exact same window that I had felt. I told him how freaky that was he said that, because I left that part out when I told him what happened to me outside, so for him to feel someone standing on the porch, staring through that window too, made me think it couldn't all be my imagination.

This isn't something that constantly happens outside, as I still to this day go outside at night alone to smoke. I'm just confused as to what was different that specific night, as so far it was the only night I ever experienced something like that here to that extreme. I know my family's property before they built on it, was nothing but woods, so I'm at a loss as to what could have been on our land. I know since I was a child, I've always been afraid of our woods at night, and have had other experiences outside as well, but still nothing as scary as that night, to the point I had a voice screaming in my head to run inside. I know I wrote about my one experience I had here of something dark that at one time I felt lived inside our house, but like I said in that submission, it left with my neighbor, and I haven't felt it here since then.

So I don't really believe it's the same thing, and wonder where it went after leaving that night, as well as why it didn't come inside. Like I said, I highly doubt locking a door will keep spirits or whatever from coming in.

Now after reading some of the members submissions on here, that have spoke about having a guardian looking over them, it has made me wonder the possibility of me having a guardian, like perhaps my dad who I've felt around me here since I was little, that had passed away before I was born. Maybe he watches over me, and keeps me safe. All I know is whatever it was that night, did not feel nice or friendly in any way, and sent fear through me, yet once inside my house, it seemed as though it was unable to make entry, as it just stood on the porch, watching me through the living room window.

Not sure if this is related, and it's probably not, but I still want to add it as the timing was the same, but like I mentioned to some others on here last fall, back at the end of September, and the end of October, both times being around a full moon (not sure how important that detail is, just something I noticed), I kept getting this very odd little scratch on the back of my hand, near the bottom side of my thumb. It honestly looked as though a tiny kitten had scratched me right there (and no I do not own any kittens, or cats). Both times they appeared for no reason, in the exact same spot, both looking like a tiny kitten scratched me. Whenever I would notice I had the scratches, I would feel this burning sensation where it would appear, like something just burned me. The last one appeared after 5 in the morning, while I was waiting in our car for my youngest son's school bus to arrive that morning. I was sitting in the dark of our car, as the sun still hasn't risen yet, when I started to feel something burn my thumb area. I turn on the overhead light, and slowly started to see that tiny little kitten looking scratch appear in the exact same spot it did the previous month. I thought it was too random to have the exact same looking scratch I had the previous month (that I just accepted as one of those scratches you didn't realize you got from whatever did it), in the exact same spot it was before. I could even see where I had a little bit of scarring from the first one, as the new one was on top of it now.

I was going to see if it happened a third time, thinking I figured out when I seemed to get it, coming up with somewhat of a theory, but it never happened again after that. So I'm at a loss as to what exactly that was, but thought it odd to happen around the same time I experienced whatever came up onto our porch that night.

Hopefully one of ya'll can think of why this could have happened when it did, verses it not being something that generally happens to that extent. As far as asking if I was going through a bad, or hard time at that time, I'd say nothing out the normal. If any year was recently a hard one, I'd say the fall of 2017 was the worst time for me, as I just lost my Mamaw that past June of that year. Thank you in advance to any helpful suggestions as to what I may have experienced that night.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Twilight1011, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Alex_Beast (17 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-11)
I hope everything is better with you

So as I was reading your story and seeing the behavior of this being from the woods as it just watching from outside you intention about inactive Indians it all reminded me of the story I read on a different forum witch is more of occult forum

😳 one of the story is this

I don't want to alarm you but I think that being might be a Skinwalker only that this one is a spirit. I can't find the other story where this person's roommates were attacked by a 3 native indian skinwalkers.

As I was reading your story and you mentioned you lived in a country woods area and the title "evil presence outside" something told me there is a skinwalker in this.

May sound wierd but this is a way how the spirits around me communicated with me.

The best advice I can give is do not make it angry ever and don't feed any attention. Sage and banishment I heard doesn't work on skinwalkers.

I know sounds odd to believe that skinwalkers are real but
We live in a universe with over 100 billion galaxies and each galaxie has over 100 billion planets.
I believe there are more than just Angel's and Demons. The best thing we can do is have an open mind accept that they are real and show respect to any being and stay out of their way if possible and live our own life

Much love
😳 ❤
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
5 years ago (2020-03-17)
Thank you Lealeigh, and congratulations to you as well 😊 it really isn't an easy habit to kick, but if you can get past the first month, it does start to get easier. I think the hardest part was breaking the habit of when you normally would smoke, and trying to find something else to do instead, especially after eating a meal. Fortunately my husband quit too, so we were able to help each other stay strong. After awhile, we both started to notice how bad cigarettes actually smell, and no matter how you tried to cover that smell with whatever fragrance you thought helped, just made us realize how we had to smell to all the non smokers out there, so knowing that made us not want to start back either lol I hope you continue to stay strong and kick the habit. Even when we're given stressful situations that makes us want to light one up again, I try to keep in mind how good I feel to have gotten this far already, and how turning back just isn't worth it, as I rather continue to feel good about myself. Stay positive, and believe you're stronger than any bad habit, and you'll get through the hard period.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-03-16)
Hey Twilight!

Congratulations on quitting smoking! I quit smoking in January but it's been a struggle. I am constantly surrounded by smokers.

I look forward to your next story!

- Maria
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
5 years ago (2020-03-16)
Sorry for responding back to this post so late, my cellphone I used for this site, decided to work when it felt like it lol so it made it difficult to get on line. Now I'm back with a new phone, so hopefully no more problems on getting to this site now 😊 To DarriuxDarkk and LuciaJucinta, my yard still has its nights where it's creepier than others, but with me no longer smoking cigarettes now (which I'm very proud to say), since the end of last September that is, I no longer have a reason to go out at night as much. I was relieved to know I wouldn't have to worry about what's outside with me, when I was alone smoking. But unfortunately I know it's still out there 😨 I plan to write some more experiences I've had lately, and how now my oldest son is telling me about seeing these black and white figures around our home, including outside, even during the day. He has also mentioned a dark figure outside his window at night. It seems for some reason, things are starting to pick up again around our home, that I'll be sure to share with y'all very soon, while the details are still fresh. To answer your question about ever seeing what's outside, no I have not seen it, only feel its presence when it's near, but my youngest daughter sees "them" (we have more than one spirit outside) and will point at where they are, running to us to get away from them. I have 3 kids, and only 2 have been able to actually see ghost, unlike me who can only feel their presence, which honestly I prefer to feel them, versus seeing them lol as I'd doubt I'd be able to be brave enough to face them. It's easier to ignore them when you can feel them, but not see them, at least for me that is.
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-09)
Since this was bumped up a few days ago,I'll comment again. This story has stayed with me. Really relate. I've felt a lot of these same feelings and attempting to write my own story. It's really hard to convey how scary something can be that you can't see but know is there. That "something is out there" feeling is terrifying. You did a good job of writing it out and detailing your feelings. And I totally understand about being brave for the kids sake,that's me too.
DarriuxDarkk (6 stories) (80 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-03)
After reading this I'm now scared to go out on our backyard in the middle of the night lol.

I'm a night person so usually I stay up all night until early morning hours and with that I usually let our dogs go out at night to do their business, usually around 10pm.

I made mention about it because our back yard or our neighbor's backyard has lots of huge trees which at night makes it quite creepy and unnerving. It makes me feel like there's someone or something watching me in the dark and on those trees. I do however discount it as my imagination only, besides if there is really something over there my dogs are pretty good at sensing stuffs where they go alert and protective mode. They even do that with people who were just walking on the street while they're inside the house.

I'm quite intrigued by that sinister presence outside your house. Have you ever seen it though at one point? I can totally relate on that feeling of fight or flight response and being terrified on that vibe by the unseen entity.

Thanks and God Bless.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2019-07-16)
Hello Twighlight,

Here are a couple of links to get you started so you can research into your family history. Have fun. It's really fascinating when the results surface. I enjoyed researching my family, however I didn't complete my research. I got distracted by spirit research. Lol. 😲



Keep me posted on your progress. The system still won't let me up vote you because I voted up all your other comments. 😢

Best wishes,
😘 ❤
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-15)
Hey Miranda, no worries on the karma points, I try not to pay attention to them anymore, since someone seems to get their kicks on taking a lot of different people on here away, just because they can. If whoever was doing it because they honestly did not agree with the person, to the point you think they are just wrong in what they said, then I can understand that being why you down vote, but I've seen that's not really the case most of the time on here. I've seen my karma points down voted to things that I didn't feel was offensive, as I'm pretty much neutral on what I respond to on this site. But anyways, not trying to get into all that, I really appreciate the link you sent, and after reading it, I looked more into the Waxhaw tribe, which from what I read, is now extinct as a tribe now, but is also most likely the indians that lived on our land, as the county's listed to what was theirs, is where I live. Now if only I could figure out how to research my family's land. I don't know if it's even possible, or if it held anything worth mentioning to where there is any records of what use to be on our land, but if there is, I wish I was able to find out. But that's where I come to a dead end, as I don't know what to do to find out about that 😕
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2019-07-14)
Hello Twighlight,

I found this about your home town.

Hope it's helpful. I found it very interesting.


Best wishes,
😘 ❤ 😘
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2019-07-14)
Hello Twighlight,

Thanks for your reply. I can't wait to read about your daughters experiences when you get time.

I tried to give you another karma point but it said,'please vote for someone else'. I guess because I up voted all your other comments. Lol. 😊

Best wishes,
😘 ❤ 😘
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-13)
Mrs.Ramsey, thank you for that bit of information, I feel like I remember hearing that my town did have a battle on it, but I don't really remember what all I was told, because honestly you'd think my school would have educated us on our towns history, but my constant wondering mind didn't help back then 😳 if you know where I can look online under, to learn more on our history here, I'd really appreciate it. I'm not that great at looking up certain things online, and last I tried to look, I just came across the debate of whether or not Andrew Jackson was really born here, or SC, as where I live near Waxhaw, we have a museum on him, claiming his birth, while SC wants to claim otherwise, so goes on the debate of it. I'm very much interested in learning more now on my towns history, as I believe one should know what all they can learn of their home town.
MrsRamsay (guest)
6 years ago (2019-07-13)
Hello, what an interesting story. When I was reading the comments, I saw that you live near Waxhaw, and it immediately rang a bell. Not sure if it's the North Carolina one, but I'm a real history buff and the Battle of Waxhaws was a Revolutionary War massacre that occurred a little south of the actual current town of Waxhaw. The Battle at Cowpens was also not too far away. It would be definitely worth googling your town/area to see if perhaps it could be relevant. Be safe.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-13)
Hey Mirada 😁 I know its been awhile since I last talked to you about this experience. The reason for me not mentioning what my daughter experienced last year, is because I feel it's best to just make it its on story. Otherwise this one would have been even longer, plus I don't believe whatever my daughter has mentioned seeing, is what I felt terrified over that night. But I'm still very curious as to what she is seeing. I might write that experience next, before I forget too much of the details. As for me not always being scared here, I wouldn't exactly say I'm not, as I may be a grown woman now, but I'm still very much afraid of the dark. When I was very little (I'd say around 8 and under), I use to believe that if I stayed in the dark (like when I would try to go to bed at night), if I couldn't see what I felt was there, then it couldn't see me either. But unfortunately I learned that's not the case, and after having so many scary things I couldn't rationalize at such a young age, I grew more afraid of the dark, and needed to have some kind of light on for comfort. So it's not that I'm not afraid of this place at night time, but after living here my whole life, I just got use to it, and have my little ways of helping me feel a little safer when I do have to be outside at night, like having the porch light on, and flashlight in hand 😁 as well as staying close to the front door. I think a lot of my courage comes from my kid's though, as I really don't want them seeing me be so afraid of the dark, and try my best to put on a brave face.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2019-07-13)
Hello Twighlight,

I was anxiously awaiting this post. We talked about it in detail once and I really wanted to know more.

I don't know how you don't get scared 'every' night living where you live. I know I couldn't live anywhere like that. 😨

It's a very scary ordeal you and your husband went through.

I remember you telling me that your little daughter also felt a presence outside.

There's obviously something out there, but what? It hasn't caused you and your family harm so far and hopefully won't ever get any closer than the porch. Perhaps it is your guardian looking out for you because you live so far away from everything.

I really enjoyed reading this post and your other post Twighlight. It had me on the edge of my seat too like Biblio.

Stay safe,
😘 ❤ 😘
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-12)
LuciaJucinta, I really do believe my opinion on what I feel outside at night, is possibly Indian related. It seems to make more sense for it to be, going on how I feel, and given the fact that as far as any knowledge on my family's history of their land, nothing else really makes sense. But then again, I could be way off, as I can only assume right now, until I do finally learn some facts about our lands history. As for the scratch, I wasn't sure if I should have even mentioned it really, as I didn't really think it was from that evil presence I felt that night, but still wonder if it was some how related with what I feel outside. Perhaps less sinister, and more so on just wanting its presence to be known or something 😕 I just thought it was odd how it happened twice, seeming to be around the same time as the month before (when I got the first scratch). Even with how it felt, I remember hearing other people describe a scratch they got from something paranormal, like how mine felt before I noticed having it. It was definitely a unique feeling. But if what I do have outside is of the past Indian tribes, I can't help but wonder with them most likely being spiritual people, would nature spirits like fairies and goblins etc, be such a far fetch to wonder if they could have had anything to do with my odd scratches, that funny enough looked as if a kitten scratched me? Maybe I'm just thinking way too much into it, and most likely am way off on what it really was, but I have the tendency to think a lot about everything that starts up my curiosity, so I get pretty caught up in my many possibilities 😆 So anyone that thinks I'm thinking way too much into it, I'm up for any thoughts ya'll may have on it, as mine are obviously getting out there.
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-12)
A lot of times when you ask paranormal researchers to help out cases, they try to distinguish if entities belong to the land or do they belong to the house. Could possibly be that this entity only belonged to the land... Perhaps prior to the building of the home. I think it's plausible that the previous suggestion of an Indian tribe could be legitimate. If spirits are invited IN that's another matter. Clearly you signaled that this thing was not welcomed to come inside.

I'd like to hear if it ever does make itself known within the house.

The car scratch thing... Honestly could be from another source...I'd keep notes going forward when and where you notice it.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-11)
Lealeigh, that's interesting you feel the same around your wooded area as well, and as far as my knowledge on our history around here (not my lands history, as I'm still unaware of it, but the city I live in), we also had Indians live around here, and I've felt that with that said, they most likely lived on my family's property, because we have found arrow heads in our yards. I'm not 100% on what Indians lived out here exactly, but I live next to a very small town called Waxhaw, and it was known to be the home of the Waxhaw indians, and I think some of the Catawba tribe lived around here as well. So the best I can think of, is the feeling of being watched all around our woods at night, is possibly by indians that may have lived out here. I think it makes a lot of sense if my opinion is correct. To them, we would be on their land, and they would most likely be watching us, wondering what we're doing here.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-11)
Biblio, I never thought about that possibly being why it didn't come inside 😕 it's definitely a good theory, I just wish I was able to know the real answers. But as far as me seeming calm afterwards, it's not like I was feeling confident enough to want to go back outside, and I think it was awhile later before I would go back out at night by myself. I felt fine inside though like I said, and was already use to feeling uncomfortable outside at night alone. I still don't really stand far from our doorway, while outside alone at night. I've noticed how I feel the most uncomfortable outside at night, is when I'm alone. Almost like whatever I feel that watches me at a distance, chooses to mess with me when it sees I'm alone. I just hope whatever it is, doesn't feel the need to want to do that again, as it was very terrifying to experience something like that.
Dennis191 (1 stories) (36 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-11)
Well...Sounds like something nasty looking for another victim. Given you've felt watched before, it may be stalking you, and only that one time did it try to do something... And I believe we don't need to know what that something was... It is clearly harmful, and I believe you'll need some sort of spiritual protection for you and your family, just to be on the safer side of things, though even that is not a 100% guarantee that "it" will stay away, but more than likely its going to be enough.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-11)
I forgot to add that I have never felt this about any other place I've lived. My cat always seems to be afraid there. We're visiting my mother far away right now and my cat seems like a new man, so to speak.
I completely agree with Biblio in that your intentions go a long way in setting up boundaries.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-11)
Hello Twilight,
This story unnerved me as well. I have felt this exact thing where I live in Georgia. I also live in a heavily wooded area. After some digging I found that my area used to belong to Creek Indians and that the US government "acquired" it from them sometime in the 1800s. There was a fire in 1881 that burned the whole town to the ground and it remained a burned out shell of a town for thirty years. They rebuilt the railroads in the area and the town recovered.
I thought that during the time it was empty it was attractive to negative spirits maybe.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-10)
Greetings, Twilight.

While you had a deeply-unnerving experience, here, I'd like to point out a positive aspect of your instinctive reactions. You asked yourself, "how exactly do I think locking a door is seriously going to keep out whatever is outside that I can't see?" That's a sensible point to raise, in most circumstances, however, you were focused on a specific goal; your*intention* was that it remain outside of your home.

As with many spiritual Rituals or psychic Defenses (even straying into the metaphysics of Prayer and the accoutrements of Magic), it is YOUR intention that is paramount. Even though "that thought scared me" your focus on trying to get the door shut and locked to keep it out was sufficient willpower to prevent it from entering. This would explain why you "did feel safe inside. I hoped whatever was outside, was not coming inside." Hang on to such hopes, Twilight, as they're the stuff that spiritual defenses are made of.

You know, I think I'll add this to my favorites, as I was on the edge of my seat reading it! I think I would have shouted for help to get the door locked instead of going to bed; you remained relatively calm, compared to the fear I felt merely reading the description. 😉


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