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He Leaned Thru My Dad!


This story happened 40 something years ago. I was 9 years old at the time. My parents and I had just moved to Berkeley, California from Lancaster, California because my older 11 year old sister had just passed from cancer. My father found us a small house which had just been built. In back of it, on the same property, was a beautiful old Edwardian home. There are only two more houses from that era in the neighborhood. Also, the house we moved into and the old house behind it were both right next to a creek.

As I said the house was tiny. My parents had one room, I the other. It was a stressful and sad time for the whole family as you can imagine. I don't know if that played a part in what happened to me. Guess I'll never know. At any rate this happened maybe 3 to 6 months after we moved in. Even before my encounter, I constantly heard voices in the front yard calling my name. I would look around for my mom (the voices were female) and she would be nowhere in sight. Sometimes she wasn't even home.

One night I woke up out of a sound sleep and there was an old man standing to the side of my bed, right next to my face. I could see him very clearly, as I slept with the door open and the hall light on. He was crystal clear. Totally solid. I could see the freckles and hair on his arms. I was absolutely terrified. What was this old guy doing in a little girl's room? I just figured he was some friend of my parents had wandered in my room but I was still totally terrified. I started screaming my head off! Honestly I don't remember what he was wearing. His face was thin and he had white hair. I think he had overalls on. Like a farmer.

Immediately my dad ran in the room and leaned over to hug me. But my dead leaned RIGHT THROUGH the old man! I was hugging my dad and seeing the man standing through him at the same time! You think I was freaked out before? I double, triple freaked out! I was screaming at the top of my lungs! So I yelled "Daddy! Turn on the lights! Turn on the lights!" My dad went to the light switch (man still standing there) and when the lights flicked on, he was gone.

This caused me to be terrified to sleep by myself and in the dark. I forced one of my parents to sleep with me for the next few years. I mean it was a terrible problem they had with me. I feel bad for getting between their marriage like that.

I have never EVER forgotten this experience. You might say it caused me to become obsessed on the subject of ghosts. I have read every book I can get my hands on. I joined a paranormal investigation group for sometime. I appreciate that the man who started the group had us investigate as scientifically as possible. I have craved to have another experience just to reassure myself it wasn't some kind of hallucination. I had one more crazy experience which I will share with you soon.

Thanks so much for reading this!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, victorygirl, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

MyLiliMarlene (9 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-23)
Hi Mack and Red. It was not my sister's voice. She was 11. It was an adult's voice. I think that we see ghosts in a telepathic way. Each person sees or doesn't see them according to their abilities.

The question about what feeling did I get from the experience? Well for one, I certainly over-reacted. I don't think he meant to harm a hair on my body. But it was overall that he was just curious about me and was trying to look at me while I was asleep and not noticing. I didn't get warmth or cold. Just curiosity. Like he was looking at a rock or something... Weird...
lady-glow (16 stories) (3157 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-22)
Victorygirl/MyLiliMarlene: perhaps you have reached that age in which we do not remember what we did a few minutes ago and you forgot already having an account in the site? 😉
...why am I saying this?! 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-04-22)
2ndand1st - that is a possibility but doesn't explain why she would subit a story under one name and then sign back in under a different one 😕 If there was more time between, I could understand that. This just confused me.
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-22)
The two names are entirely seperate profiles, one created 2011 and the other 2013.

I see you haven't posted much in that time, so is it possible that you created one account in 2011 and forgot about, creating another a couple of years later then ended up reverting to the first?

That's just one possibility of course
MyLiliMarlene (9 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-22)
Tweed, do you mean that I have two different names? I see that too. I have no idea why!?!
MyLiliMarlene (9 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-22)
Hi Mack!

It was definitely not my sister's voice. My sister was 11 when she died. This was the voice of an adult woman. Plus my sister died near L.A. And this was in Berkeley (a 6 hour difference driving.) As for the man, he had no expression on his face. It seemed more as if I just caught him observing me. Thanks so much for reading my store and for your response!

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-22)
Umm, hi... Bit confused, actually a lot confused why you have a different screen name now? 😕

I think being young made it easier for you to see him so clearly. Sounds like it wasn't something he was very used to!
MyLiliMarlene (9 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-22)
Hi Tweed!

I forgot to mention his expression - or lack thereof. He was just looking at me. It was if he was walking around and saw me and just decided to study me. I actually felt no bad vibes coming from him, I was just a scairdy cat in general!

Yes the light did break the spell. I don't know what to think of that, or the fact that my father didn't see him. It makes me wonder if ghosts are a telepathic thing...?
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-21)
Thanks Manafon - I'll look that book up, sounds good.

2nd1st - that's a good question as to what exactly are these apparitions made of (oh, and good luck with your mouse plague).

I think once we have got to microscopic levels of atoms and electrons and the we (the boffins) can't (yet) "see" anything else, we are dealing with a whole other dimension, that our relatively crappy (compared to other animals and insects, birds etc) human senses.

From what I understand (and believe to be a good logical explanation) is that the spirit realm and spirits are vibrating at a MUCH higher rate than matter, hence why we can't (usually) see it and it's denizens.

Whatever "spirit" is made of, it's not on our physical radar unless the vibration of the spirit is suitably slowed right down (hence we get slaps, tickles, touches, scratches and objects moved etc) Just how that occurs is a freakin' mystery.
Manafon1 (6 stories) (712 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-21)
2nd1st--Just quickly wanted to suggest one further book that deals with many of the questions you have. It's "Parasychology: The Controversial Science" by Richard S. Broughton, Ph. D. As the title suggests, it's a book whose theories are grounded in science and it serves as an excellent introduction to the latest research and debates. To quote the back of the book, "it should go a long way towards correcting many public misconceptions about parasychology." It's an excellent and engrossing read. I bought my copy twenty or so years ago.
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-21)
Thanks manafon and tweed. Tyrill is firmly on my books to get hold of list.

The weekend after this I will check out some of the non mainstream book stores and see if I can find it. Can't do this weekend as I am executing Operation Tom and Jerry: a campaign to exorcise the legion of mice who are attempting to possess my flat. It is a major undertaking involving direct measures (non harmful catch and release traps and deployment of copious amounts of pure peppermint oil which is apparently a great repellant) and indirect methods such as sealing cracks and transferring everything I have stored in cardboard boxes to sealed plastic containers. I cast thee out! The power of peppermint compels you!

Sorry, back on topic. Appreciate the info. Manafon, you've actually answered a couple of questions I was pondering earlier today regarding apparition visibility from multiple angles and mirror reflection.

I was also pondering some if the comments around apparitions being formed of particles. If this is the case, could that be why many counter spirit procedures from many cultures involving burning things that produce dense smoke? Wod this not potentially interfere with the cohesion of grouped particles?
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-21)

I am so sorry that your sister died at such a young age. Maybe as Mack said the voice you heard was your sister trying to communicate with you.

Is your room on the side of the house that the creek is? Water especially if it is flowing is a good place to find spirits. Water is like a "recorder" for spiritual beings. That is probably why you saw the solid spirit of the old man. Did your father feel anything when the spirit was standing through him? I ask only because recently I walked through a spirit in an Emergency Room and the air was extremely thick and I can't really describe what it felt like.

Manafon1 (6 stories) (712 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-20)
Hi 2nd1st--Tweed gave me the proverbial nudge to try to answer your question. I'm not really sure what you mean when you write, "...breaking down various aspects and evaluating how they correlate with each other" but there is a fascinating, well considered chapter in G.N.M. Tyerrell's important book Apparitions which is titled, "Characteristics of Apparitions", which explores apparitions (with case study examples) in conjunction with "special presentation", "non-physical character", "imitation of normal perception", "additional features", "collective percipience", "feeling of cold", "other subjective feelings" and so on. It concludes with a section titled, "The 'Perfect' Apparition", which compares and contrasts an apparition if it were possible to study one next to a living human being. The similarities both possess and the striking differences. For instance, in many well recorded case studies of apparitions, they are noted to block light sources (as a human would), can be seen from any angle, just like a three dimensional person, and are reflected in mirrors.

There is too much info to go into here but I would strongly suggest picking up a copy of the book. It can be found on amazon. I have read hundreds of case studies on apparitions and although more people see apparitions at night there are many, many well documented cases which show people also see them in blazing sunlight. Completely off the top of my head, I would guess 65 to 70% of apparitions are seen at night or in darkness and 30 to 35% in daylight. Hope some of this helps a bit.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-20)
*ahem* Hey, Manafon!

2nd1st, I do believe Manafon has a stack of books and references to address that very question.

As for light verses dark for apparitions, I really like Macknorton's analogy which got me thinking about smell, with which I'm obsessed. I noticed that a lot of light (especially sunlight) gets rid of, for example, awesome incense scents. Where as dark or low light conditions seem to prolong vapours, particles and what have you. Obviously Victory Girl wanted the light on because it would be less scary, but one wonders if, on a deeply subconscious or universal level, she was aware it would make the man disappear. If light can diminish scent, perhaps it does similarly for what must be the extremely fine particles of a visible ghost.
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-20)
The disappearing when the lights come on, what mack says make sense. Another light source eliminating the contrast that made it visible in the dark. One does hear if apparitions by day and in light conditions but most accounts I have read seem to be at night or in the dark.

Has anyone anywhere collated apparition stories that have a high degree of credibility and conducted an analysis based on breaking down various aspects and evaluating how they correlate with one another? Guessing someone somewhere must have at some point.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-19)
Hi Victorygirl. Jeepers! That would have been very unsettling for a young child. Sorry to hear about your older sister; I wonder if that voice was hers attempting to communicate with you?

Maybe the farmer dude disappeared when the light came on in the same way that stars disappear when the sun comes up? The light from the bulb overpowered the glowing ghost light from the spirit?

As Tweed asked, what "vibe" did you get from the guy? And did he appear to be looking at you, or even aware of your existence? He may have been a residual haunting, a bit like an old photo or film that just replays under certain circumstances.

Either way, great story, thanks for sharing!


Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-19)
Hi Victorygirl and welcome.

My god what an experience! I would be the same, totally obsessed from that moment on. Do you remember the man's expression, did he appear angry, sad, happy or just indifferent?
It's interesting that the light switched on seemed to break the spell so to speak. I'm always wondering about how ghosts appear and disappear.

You've found the right place to learn about all things ghostly. There are so many great, informed people here.

I'm really sorry to hear about your family tragedy and please don't feel guilty for being afraid at night. I'm sure anyone who had that experience would feel the same!

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