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Please Help! Please Read!


Everyone my name's Shannon and this is one of my stories but I didn't do anything about it because I didn't think nothing of it. It was a while ago now, about 5 months ago. I was in bed asleep and I woke up in the middle of the night and my mum was sat on this chair in my room (me and my mum share a room because it's a full house) so I woke up. She was sat in the chair in this blue hoodie she wears and I said "Mum, why are you awake at this time?"

There was no reply. I was really scared because she was just looking in the other direction and all I could see was the side of her face, and then I looked at the bed next to me and she was in bed fast asleep. I looked back at the chair and it was gone. I kept telling myself I was just seeing things. But I'm not so sure if I was after seeing similar stories from other people like mine so I had to share.

I have severe anxiety and minor depression. I'm not sure if I'm going crazy or if something was there. And if something was there, then who was it or why am I seeing it? I have only ever seen her twice at night. I'm scared if I see it again. What does it want? My mum? Me?

I'm so scared! Is it just my anxiety? Or my imagination? Or is it real? Or am I going mental? Somebody please help!

I've seen peoples stories. I want to talk to someone who knows what this is or if you have experienced it, I need answers because I'm not getting any from anywhere else. My anxiety causes me to panic. I don't take frights as calmly as a lot of people do. I'm awake at most nights. I feel drained.

To everyone who reads this, thank you. I hope my story helps you and I hope you help me.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, shannon1161, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Justanotherangel (1 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-13)
Shannon I understand your freaken out but don't worry. I once had this happen to me. Tho I was the one who it happen to. I ask my mom and she said that your spirit leaves your body sometimes and it's normal. It mostly happens when your worried or in really deep sleep. I once was dreaming I was flying and I fell I woke up was in mid air and fell down on my bed. It's normal she was probably was in deep sleep thinking she dreaming and when you spoke it probably woke her up alittle. Your mother is fine. It's good you worry about her tho. Cause you want to help. Just take a breath and relax.

If you have an question ask cause we're here for you.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-07-04)
Hello shannon1161! I am back with some more information. Your mother might have an out-of-body experience as Tweed and some other people commented. I read an article saying that the person experiencing that is usually deeply asleep because it is not the time for them to "go away" yet, though it is a spirit it is still linked to the body, the person experiencing it is usually in a "dreaming state" it will not affect their health at all.

Some people might think that it is a Doppelganger, and would worry that it is nearly "time for them to go" to say the truth, there is no proven experiences that when a person meets a Doppelganger of themselves that they will pass away, no, though some people believe in that we can say for now that it is just a superstitious. Hope these helped!

Love from SĂŁo Paulo

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-04)

Please don't pay any attention to those who are trying to scare you.
The people like Tweed,DandK,RANDYM,& Biblio are trying to help you, there is nothing I can add that they haven't already said because I would only be repeating good advice from good people.
Keep us updated

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-03)

I did not comment on your narrative when I first read it; I merely "up-voted" Tweed's first comment to signify my agreement with her calm, well-articulated reasoning about the event. She wrote, "I reckon your mother was 'sleep walking' out of her body. In other words she 'popped out' during sleep and sat on the chair in her hoodie (probably a default dress code for her, emotionally speaking) BUT her 'body' remained in bed. DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT! This is BY NO MEANS a sign that anything is wrong on any fronts. It happens sometimes and sometimes people experience the all confusing outcome."

I have read other examples of this phenomenon; the first time I read one, I think, I was about 10 years old. Apparently, a woman was having tough time sleeping one night when she saw her husband get out of bed, take up a sprinter's starting stance on the bedroom floor, then begin a race; that was when she realized he was still in bed with her. BEFORE anyone reprimands me for repeating an urban legend (which is what I suspect this narrative was!), the point is that such stories EXIST, which is my rationale for including it here. Most likely, your mum was worried about something, and -despite being asleep- she continued to behave as she would have done when worrying while awake. THAT'S IT.

Since that time, there have been several other posts with helpful information or well-intentioned advice; however, not all of them have been phrased in a manner which would be conducive to calming down someone who had been through this experience. The "unusual," the "paranormal," the "supernatural," etc., does tend to surprise people, so I've used three words in this sentence which all mean "outside of routine life events." Bumping into someone famous, let's say U2's Bono, in an airport would count as "unusual," but if you're going to America on holiday, and he's scheduled to perform at a charity fundraising concert in New York, then it's unusual but not impossible. The other two terms are a step further beyond that usage, but it does not mean, by any stretch of the imagination, that the end of the world is at hand, Satan is lurking in your pantry, or malicious witches have summoned a spirit to torment your soul with terror. It's just ODD (crap) that sometimes happens.

My suggestion would be to see if your mother needs some help with stressful situations, someone to talk to, or if she needs to get a medical checkup because she's worried about a symptom or two that she's convincing herself mean nothing. Reacting calmly in the face of strange circumstances prevents the situation from spiraling out of control. Just because something weird happened to you, it does not mean that you are either the cause or the focus of the weird activity.

Take deep breaths and think rationally about this event: IF it had been something sinister or evil, THEN it would still have been visible when you looked back at it in order to scare you! It was not there! Scaring you was not the intention, here!

Take care, be safe, and remain calm. Remaining calm will prevent your stressing out about this interesting, but (as far as I can tell) NON-THREATENING experience.

Best wishes from a British ex-patriate,
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-03)
To the O/P,

Please pardon the interruption but I feel the need to ask something of one of the individuals who has commented about your experience.


I have a question concerning this statement made by you...

You state this in your comment...

"Based on my experience with visions and from a family that practiced witchcraft before converting to Christianity..."

However from the first experience you submitted you give this as your back ground...

"My story goes way back when I was 8yrs. I grew up with my grandparents in large Christian family."

So here is the question... Was the Family that practiced witchcraft yours? Or were you hanging out with friends? I am a wee bit confused.


lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-03)
Yeah, right! 🤔

Leen: "Smoking hot chilli in your house or bedroom this always makes them talk"

Unless they're wearing an oxygen mask in order to avoid breathing the irritant hot chili smoke and getting a coughing attack, I don't think a person could stay in a house/room waiting to hear what a demon has to say. 😆

Bad idea!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-03)

"-Eating boiled fresh fish, demons hate the smell of fish and garlic.
-Smoking hot chilli in your house or bedroom this always makes them talk"



Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-03)

Way to go sticking the fear up people. Do you have ANY idea how your comments might make someone feel?
Communicate your beliefs and point of view in a non threatening manner, or take a hike.

This comment from Leen3808 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Paranoid_believer (1 stories) (35 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-30)
Hi Shannon, welcome to YGS. In my opinion, what you saw that night was most likely two things. My first guess is you saw a Doppelgänger if you've ever heard of it. A doppelgänger takes the form of anyone it chooses and appears exactly like them. In your case, it could've been your mother's doppelgänger but just to be entirely sure I would ask you a question, ''did the woman you saw put on the clothes your mum had on while she was asleep that night?' I ask this question bcos to the best of my knowledge doppelgängers replicate the appearance of a person the last time such person was seen, this I know after reading similar stories on this site so I want to know if your mom had the blue hoodie on that night or she just wore it regularly but mind you, my claim isn't concrete. My second guess is your mum unknowingly had an OBE (Out of Body Experience), this happens a lot to people especially when they're asleep or in coma, sometimes they aren't aware of it. Their spirits just tend to leave their body and appear at different places, but not really causing any harm. That could've been the case with your mother but I can't say i'm absolutely sure of that. However, your waking up at that particular time and seeing your 'mother' might seem too coincidental? Don't you think? I'm thinking either your mum's spirit or the doppelgänger wanted to be seen, and in your sleeping state you felt that urge and woke up, which leads me to my next question, 'Are you sensitive to things of the paranormal-nature?' If yes, then i'm not too sure your waking up was pure coincidence, but if your answer is in the negative, then i'm totally wrong! I'm not trying to make you scared, that's the last thing i'll do. You should try questioning your mom if she's sensitive or open-minded, or if she knows things like OBE and has been practising it! I pray no harm comes your way.
RedBlackRosemama (34 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-30)
I used to sleep with my mother but I stop doing that due to annoy that she keep hit me in my sleep cause I bother her lol
RedBlackRosemama (34 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-30)
Could be out of body experience or double dangle even your mother didn't know that she doing the astral project out of body experience.
Hyde (1 stories) (9 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-30)
I'm not trying to frighten you, but when you saw the person sitting in the chair that looked like it could have been your mom and realizing that your mom was in the next bed sleeping, what you may have in fact been seeing was a doppelganger.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-29)
Hi Shannon, thanks for writing your experience. First, I understand how frightening something like that can be. But I also know that in the grand scheme of things this is not a big enough deal to get yourself worked up over. Relax, accept what you saw, and let it go while being thankful that you were lucky enough to have such an interesting experience. It's almost impossible to know what it is, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Nobody's been hurt. Your chances of being hurt by something are far greater during everyday life than by what this thing is that you are fearing.

I'd recommend that the next time you see it, recognize your fear, which is really just of the unknown here, and talk to it. Try not to let yourself get frightened over that. I'm sure you have way too much going on in your life to add one more worry.

Most of us on this site have seen strange and unexplainable things, and we're ok. You'll be ok too, so don't worry.
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-29)
Hello and welcome Shannon
I really don't think you have anything to worry about.
There could be many explanations.
First and foremost when we wake up it can take moment to get our bearings and thoughts together. What we think we see can seem very very real. Having had many episodes of sleep paralysis I know how a waking mind can trick us. I'm not saying you had sleep paralysis, only using it as an example of how our minds can be very convincing of what is real.
I could see where you could wake up and thought you saw your Mom in the chair. Then you look at the bed and see her again. The sight of her in the bed was real and the one in the chair wasn't.
I also could agree with Tweed's theory. I just never put too much stock into what I see when I am first waking. Many times I find I'm not as awake as I may think I am and can be easily fooled by my own thoughts.
Please understand I am not in any way trying to make light of your experience. Only saying that I think there could be a very non paranormal reason.

Hope you find peace
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-29)
Hey! I think I had the same experience as your mother!
I was told by my father when I was a teenager that one night I was in the kitchen standing in front of the stove. He told me he asked what I was doing but I was just staring at the stove; he went to the toilet then, which he will have to go pass my room. He saw from the opened creek of the door that I was deeply asleep on my bed, he went back to the kitchen at once but then he saw no one there.

I really did not think that he was telling me the truth until this moment when I read your story, what is that really? But one thing I can prove is it does no harm at all since I am healthy so is my family members. I will do some research and would like to answer you back, one thing I am sure is this encounter is not necessarily harmful, so first please calm down it might be just your mother's inner being or something else.

Blessing from SĂŁo Paulo

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-06-29)
_Mustapha - it's okay to disagree with the comments of other members, we all do that. However, just because you disagree doesn't mean you are right. I'm assuming you weren't there, and most likely no one else on this site was either so we're all basing our advice on the information provided by the o/p.

Keep your comments respectful of other people and don't try and frighten our members, especially those asking for help. Sometimes things are as they appear.
_Mustapha (1 stories) (11 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-29)
Hello everyone
I read the previous comments and I don't agree with them, seeing someone or the apparition of someone in the middle of the room doesn't mean it's him or her. Miss Shannon I had an experience just like yours when I was a little kid, I woke up in the middle of the night for no reason just like you only to see an Goofy, seriously the Disney character Goofy, he was coming to my direction, he had a sombre face without emotions, he didn't say anything, I got so scared I pull the blanket to hide my self, I got scared I thought he will pull the blanket away from me any time, but it didn't,i remember it was transparent, after a while I looked around to see if it still their but I found nothing, I don't remember anything except that I went back to sleep after that, I just want to say that waking up in middle of the night wasn't for no reason, sometimes when those things are around you sense them in your sleep and you wake up especially if it something evil, I have seen many strange things after waking up in the middle of the night, what you saw wasn't your mother just like that Goofy, I can tell you what it is but I don't know if you will believe me or not, I believe what happened was just hallucinations made by those entities, (we call them the Djinn), they can cause hallucinations and make you hear and even see things that doesn't exist.
,they usually make people see things that is familiar to them, in my case since I was a child I saw Goofy, some people see aliens other see ghosts, seems like you are sensitive to them, there is a chance that you might see things Like that in the future, but don't ever be scared, they can't harm you, if it happens again just mention God between you and your self, I just want to say that I have bipolar so I know what is like to be anxious and people who have anxiety or sensitive usually see paranormal stuff.
ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-29)
Yes Tweed now I think I will have to agree with you. In India I have heard about many Out Of Body Experiences where people even lying in comma for years are sometimes seen at different places and by different people. Yes its a possibility. This can be case that the lady had Out of Body Experience.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-29)
Hi Shannon,

Usually I read the submissions in order they're posted in, but after reading your title I jumped ahead.

Here's my theory on what's going on and this theory is based on experience. However it will still sound completely loony, ready? Here goes.

I reckon your mother was 'sleep walking' out of her body. In other words she 'popped out' during sleep and sat on the chair in her hoodie (probably a default dress code for her, emotionally speaking) BUT her 'body' remained in bed. DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT! This is BY NO MEANS a sign that anything is wrong on any fronts. It happens sometimes and sometimes people experience the all confusing outcome.

If she's stressed or having a bad trot, this MAY explain why she's 'sleep walking' OBE (out of body). Or she may be 'drawn' to that chair because she wants to watch you sleep because she's concerned about you during waking hours.

Just some thoughts. But please don't fret. There's no demon, there's no boogie man, just your Mum having an OBE whoopsie.

It would be really cool if ya'll could find a way to not share a room. I've a funny feeling not sharing a room with your Mum would calm things down a lot. Just a hunch.

Hope this hasn't freaked you out more and you get some peace of mind from the lovely folk here.

Feel free to ask questions and stuff. Welcome. 😊
ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-29)
The Scariest. Reading the story I even dropped my phone as it came the line when you said you looked the other side and your mom was sleeping next to you. Very creepy. I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight or not. A spine chilling experience.

I advise you do some cleansing of your house and please take care of your Mom, I think you both are not safe.

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