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The Ouija House


For the last month and a half my friends and I have been investigating a house that my friend and I had stumbled upon that was a truly masterful piece of nature reclaiming the home.

This is the story of what my collection of friends and myself have experienced.

Lets rewind six months to early 2016. My friend M and I are cruising around different places in Indiana looking at the beauty of old abandoned properties being reclaimed by mother nature. We find this little house out on the outskirts right between Indianapolis and mooresville. Only one other house on the whole road so we stop and get out. We walk up to the house and my buddy M notices an entrance to the basement. So he hops down into the basement. Then silence overcomes both of us. He found a skull in the middle of a pentagram.

We are both pretty shaken by what we just found but we decide to keep looking threw this house. We walk in and look around and the inside is completely vandalized. Pentagrams spray painted everywhere, the number of the beast all over, and hail Satan. So my friend climbs up to the second story and he notices a patio on the second floor. He walks towards it and right there is a Ouija board painted onto it. I then hear foot steps and ask if he is walking. He replies no and we quickly get out. Nothing to be found out side to explain the foot steps.

Now fast forward to august of this year. My friend C wants to go see this place after hearing my friend M and myself's story. We grudgingly agree but this time I'm going to use my spirit box system to try to make contact.

What follows next still baffles me and haunts me to this day. I start the spirit box up (I use reverse speech method) and ask is there anything here that wants to communicate. I quickly get a reply of yup. I ask the entity who it is, to which it replies evil. I then ask it did you say evil just so I can further prove its talking. The spirit replies to the question with, demon. We ask does it want us to leave, which it then replies nope your next. I get my bible out and ask if you are a demon this book must make you angry, right? Then we all hear a audible hiss and immediately after I felt a hand around my throat gradually trying to choke me. My friend c and my friend m both see a tall black figure rapidly moving towards the car unaware of me being gradually choked. I then speak one word. Go. We go to a nearby gas station and I feel the grip release immediately when we leave. When we get to the gas station I get out and my fiance immediately says and I quote " babe you have a hand print on your neck"

I personally believe this to be demonic but, I would love to hear more opinions!

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razorback95 (2 stories) (48 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-08)
Rook to address the question of do I use a recorder with my spirit box, the answer is yes. I did a lot of research before I did my "research". I have always try to debunk before I cry paranormal. If you want any lick of credibility you have to approach it that way. I actually spoke with a catholic priest, which will come in my next few stories in greater detail, and he actually told me that he as a priest has to have that approach and that I should too. He said more too but that's for the stories.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-01)

Thank you for the explanation. I had a reason for requesting more details... Aside from regular 'Gang Tags' its not uncommon to find 'Satanic Symbols' painted in abandoned places... Not because anything Truly Satanic is being practiced it just seems that in 'low income, abandoned housing/manufacturing buildings' the go to symbols are those of pentagrams, upside down crosses and of course the 'number of the beast'.

All one has to do is watch some urban exploration clips... And one see's a lot of the 'Satanic Stuff'...My theory...Superstition...The Symbols of Satanic Worship represent 'scary things' and if people think a place is frequented by 'Scary People doing Scary Things' (as if Gang Tags weren't enough) the default 'scare people away' is Demonic/Satanic Symbols.

I have seen Satanic 'Tags' all over the world... Here in the US, France, Italy, and Spain come to mind... And in only one situation did I/have I felt or thought a true 'Cult' was involved... And that experience is posted here on YGS...


So, Yes I made a BIG DEAL out of the 'location' of this experience and 'WHY' you 'ran in' the first time but were so carful the next time.

I like your description of how you use a 'spirit box'...Do you use a Recorder to help you review your 'spirit box' sessions? I would think that recording them, and listening to the later would help rule out 'false positives', even using it in 'reverse speech' mode.

Take a deep breath, refer to any and all notes, recordings (audio/video) and still photography you may have Captured, not to mention your personal Journal entries (if you kept one) I do not expect everyone's submission to read like fine literature, but more like documentaries, with details that can be analyzed. 😁


razorback95 (2 stories) (48 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-30)
Thank you for the advice biblio! I hate to admit it but I was ignorant to the part of it on the internet. I will definetly take action
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-30)
Greetings, Razorback.

You've already apologized to everyone for the confused timeline created by the poorly-conflated narratives, so I will not address that issue. I recall your father and stepmother were quite vigilant parents in the last narrative you submitted, so I can understand your hesitancy in revealing that you'd been wandering around in a decaying meth-head lair spray-painted with ludicrous attempts at teenage defiance of authority (thus conforming to the stereotype of the bored, rebellious, teenagers). However, I am concerned that the skull did not deter you from venturing further into the house.

There are 5 credible ways to account for the skull: 1) the skull was a simulacrum made of plaster, resin, or plastic; 2) it was evidence of a homicide; 3) it was evidence of grave robbing; 4) it was evidence of an unreported death --such as an indigent person or a meth addict-- and of the subsequent mutilation of the corpse; 5) it was not a human skull, but a simian one, which may be evidence of smuggling prohibited exotic pets. You'll note that options 2-5 are all crimes and only #5 might be considered less severe than your trespassing in an abandoned property.

Not reporting the presence of the skull to the police is a serious lapse in judgement. You could attempt to report the situation anonymously; certainly the police may then treat it as a crank call, but you'd have tried to do the right thing. If a police officer travelled out to the site in his cruiser only to discover a well-made halloween decoration, the anonymity of your call would prevent his charging you with "Wasting Police Time." Your inclusion of this detail, frankly, makes anyone who reads this entry to YGS an accessory after the fact (as it's on the internet, the FCC makes it a Federal matter, giving the FBI potential cause to investigate). You may want to send an anonymous note or e-mail to the local police force with jurisdiction over the house, explain the fact that this was 6 or 7 months ago, and clarify that you are unsure as to whether or not the skull is still there. In my list of 5 plausible explanations, I sincerely believe that the first one is the most likely, but that doesn't obviate your responsibility to inform trained professionals who will make that determination by following legal procedures.

Please, remember that not taking action has consequences, just as taking action does.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-29)

This has nothing to do with your story but I figure you and some others might enjoy it.

My son was going through some Face Book posts and someone posted a picture of a Ouija Board table. That is the table was a Ouija Board. There was a comment posted that said a shot glass would start moving by itself. It would spell out: use a coaster A$$hole. My son and I had a good much needed laugh from that comment.

razorback95 (2 stories) (48 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-29)
No mack you are absolutly right! I have used it quite a bit. Every time I do I record the audio so I can play it back. And it sweeps too quick to pick up more than a longer than three letter word. I also listen to see if the voice changes as this could debunk it being as you said. I also pay attention to how long a word or words is/are said to see if it stretches over bandwidth or not. A good example of someactual supported evidence is "nope youre next." It was the same voice threw a lot of band width
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-29)
Hi Razorback95

Thanks for your clarification of a "spirit box":

"A spirit box is a device that sweeps through radio stations extremely fast. Reverse speech method is it going in reverse. So no words can seep out and ruin evidence of paranormal speech which would be spoken forward..."

The problem I see with this device is that you are effectively receiving radio stations which are full of a lot of words spoken by humans; either spoken or sung. Assuming you are somehow recording what you are hearing, then you will be trying to decipher a whole bunch of very random and human-produced sounds. Of course you are going to hear sounds that you can say are actual words. Just ask any people who listen to "rock" music backwards looking for satanic messages. If you look hard enough for what you are seeking, ye shall find (something).

So the next part of your experience that I struggle to understand is the actual method used.

"...I start the spirit box up (I use reverse speech method) and ask is there anything here that wants to communicate. I quickly get a reply of yup. I ask the entity who it is, to which it replies evil. I then ask it did you say evil just so I can further prove its talking. The spirit replies to the question with, demon. We ask does it want us to leave, which it then replies nope your next..."

How you can ask a question, have this device sweeping at speed through radio stations, and you can instantly be hearing replies through what must be a tonne of garbled static and noise? I assume you would have to stop the device, play back what was recorded many times to be sure of what you are listening to is, in fact, communication, and not part of a Black Sabbath or Led Zeppelin song (which apparently were FULL of satanic messages when played backwards)

I simply can not see how this method can be construed as "evidence" of a paranormal presence. I am unashamedly and openly skeptical on this one.


razorback95 (2 stories) (48 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-29)
Larvae to answer your question yes stuff did happen. But I will submit it as a story because it would be a beast to tackle here
razorback95 (2 stories) (48 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-29)
Okay a lot to respond to at once. Rook you have always been my basically idol on this site and I respect all opinions. I do see the contradicting statements you point out and I really really keep kicking myself for how bad I wrote this story. I got very lazy with my writing. I apologize. The worst mistake I made was mashing events together which confused and I apologized. Now does this sound cliche? Yep I agree and if I were in your shoes id probably say the same thing. A spirit box is a device that sweeps threw radio stations extremly fast. Reverse speech method is it going in reverse. So no words can seep out and ruin evidence of paranormal speech which would be spoken forward. We parked on the road infront of the house. That is where I used the spirit box in the car. Rook to specifically describe everything I can as about the two quotes you pointed out I will say the following. The house is on a country road with only one other house on the road. It IS however in between two very meth filled areas of the state I live in. The drug addicts love going to abandoned houses at night to do drugs and have shelter. Because of this combined with the fact that there are so few people on the road to report tresspassing this house would make a perfect drug house. That wasn't something I had thought of my first visit due to in all honesty lack of common sense. I hope that helps understand what I was poorly trying to convey and I appologuze.
Larvae (4 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-29)
Did anything happen to you after going there? Anything weird happens?
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-29)
Well, I'm going to add my 10 cents worth here (for what it's worth)...reading this story left me with a definite sense of...really? And the feeling of my leg being pulled ever so subtlety. I'll go into that later...

Of course, some stories are simply poorly written and lack structure, flow, important details and appear to contradict themselves. However, a poorly written story doesn't necessarily make it fake, but it makes it very difficult for the discerning reader to believe it. Conversely, a very well written story that everyone enjoys could be a work of fiction as well. It's often hard to tell. Sometimes we all get sucked in...

I guess no-one likes the feeling of being bullsh*tted and sometimes I feel readers here get impatient with people they suspect they are attempting to deliberately deceive them.

But everyone is entitled to their opinion on a story and are free to call it fiction if they wish, but it helps if they can justify their opinion.

No disrespect intended but for me, this story just had far too many classic 'B' grade horror movie cliche's to feel "real". Abandoned house, pentogram with skull (possibly "humanoid"), 666, 'Hail Satan" (really? Hail Satan?) written on the walls. Footsteps, strangling, bibles being produced.

Can I ask: what is a spirit box, and what is "reverse speech method"? It read like you just picked up a phone and called the entity:

Evil Entity: "Hello?"
YOU:"hello are you free to speak?"
Evil Entity: "Yup"
YOU: "Please confirm you are evil."
Evil Entity: "Ahh yup"
YOU: "Ok, can you please confirm that you actually evil?"
Evil Entity "Yes, yes I am. Quite evil actually. I can prove it"
YOU: "How?"
Evil Entity: "I am a demon"
YOU: "Thank you that will suffice"

Etc etc, bible is produced (just to remove any doubt), cue hissing / demonic sounds, cue strangulation, cue young people fleeing, enter stage right shadowy figures spotted and the obligatory physical marks of the demonic assault.

CUT! That's a take!

So that's MY opinion... Of course I could be completely wrong on this one! 🤔


veilofdarkness (8 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-28)
Rook, and some of the other 'old timers', I just want to first let you know that while I am fairly new to the site I have for the most part respected your comments for being both insightful and helpful. I truly don't mean to offend. One of the reasons I have yet to post an experience on this site is because I have not yet experienced anything that has caused me to not second guess, know what I mean? I am a 100% believer but I am very logical and question absolutely everything as well... I felt the need to defend razor because I know that if I ever did submit a story it would have already run through all my filters and I would have no choice but to believe my story to be a true experience. That said, I am a person who would visit an abandoned house, continue to explore even after finding evidence of ritual, including the skull, which I would not have reported by the way, and would have re- thought the safety of going in on future visits. I'm just saying that sometimes those things should not be the focus.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-28)
I am not attempting to say FAKE on this one, however some of the details concerning the property and the two visits described by the O/P in this experience and in the comments caused me to have questions... So I pointed them out. Is this abandoned, overgrown house in an area like the O/P describes in this quote (explaining about the 'second' visit)...

"I didn't want to step foot on the actual property out of fear of tresspassing and also meth addicts."

Or is the property more isolated like the O/P describes it being the first time they visited?

"And the reason I wasn't afraid of going in the first time is because we had never seen a car drive down the road. So no one driving down there meant no one to call police."

That is all I am really asking... It makes a BIG DIFFERENCE as to what was seen inside the house may have been for.


veilofdarkness (8 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-28)
Lol I feel like razorback is on trial here, some of you are just slamming him... My opinion, this story didn't scream fake like a few others I've read so I'm actually surprised by some of the comments. Also, Razor, if it were myself, I wouldn't pay any attention to the scoldings regarding the exploration of the house or not reporting the skull etc... It is to each his own, it shouldn't bring into question the validity of your experience, everyone's different and I applaud your daring spirit:)
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-28)

You say you have more experiences you wish to share... (Sigh) Well might as well bring them on...

There is a reason that many (most?) of us 'old timers' here on YGS suggest keeping a JOURNAL... They help us to preserve the FACTS...

So, please submit them and let's see if we can determine just what, if anything paranormal or not, you may have experienced.


lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-28)
Rookdygin: and don't forget the fact that the OP made contact with a demon IN HIS OWN CAR, using a spirit box! 😲
It is not clear to me if the car was haunted or if they parked inside the old house reclaimed by mother nature... Or perhaps the meth addicts cleared a pathway that allowed the foursome researchers to get close enough to the house?!

Weird, very weird.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-28)
So basically your saying that in six months time the area went from being safe enough that you and your friend (just 2 people) simply went and explored this house, basement to second floor and found 'Satanic Paraphernalia'...which included a 'Pentagram with a skull' (not reported to Local Police) and a Ouija Board drawn on a second floor Balcony... To an area where 3 (or more individuals... Sorry lost track of how many were there the second trip) people were worried about possible trespassing and or drug addicts... Does that about sum things up?

Yeah, some things do not quite 'wash' with this...


razorback95 (2 stories) (48 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-27)
Haha thank you red for the motherly talk. I have stayed away from it. And the events detailed here are actually over a series of visits. (I know I know) the choking just happened to be the last. Once again many details I left out and now regret because I have been sscolded continuously about it. The only reason I did this was to set a basis for two more stories I have got coming which will be more detail oriented and hopefully answer a lot more questions
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-27)

I am probably old enough to be your mother so I am going to ask you what any mother would ask their kid if they knew what you did.

Are you crazy, or just plain dumb enough to go back there? If you were being choked how is it nobody knew it? You would be fighting for air, making wheezing or choking noises. Why did you have to say go if they say a tall black mass coming towards the car, and how could you talk if you were being choked? For heavens sake stop going into abandoned houses that you admire because nature is reclaiming it. You're lucky you didn't break your neck falling through rotted floor boards. You're lucky your mother doesn't (or didn't) know what you did or she would beat the devil out of you. Next time just take pictures they last longer and you may find find something interesting.

I just channeled my mother and my grandmother. Both have died years ago and I could clearly hear them in my head saying these things. Although I had to change some words because they were saying things I can't print here.

Enlightened1959 (8 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-26)
Most definitely a demon or demons! I hope no one winds up buying that place because I believe it will be extremely difficult for someone to exercise it. If I were you, I would never go back there!
razorback95 (2 stories) (48 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-26)
Well as to answer about why did I continue exploring because of ignorance. I have learned my lesson on that. And the reason I wasn't afraid of going in the first time is because we had never seen a car drive down the road. So no one driving down there meant no one to call police. Also I said my fiance mainly sat in the back seat reading the bible. At that specific moment I had it with me. I haven't had anything to write about for so long I left out so many details and I as the author appologize to all my readers.
Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-26)

While a lot of my
Questions have already been asked some are left unanswered. How did you even come across this place and why in the blue blazes would you continue to explore a house after discovering a pentegram with a skull in the center of it.

We just found what appears to be a possible human skull in the middle of a pentegram that were not sure if it's real or not, Hey guys let's go see what else we can find... Because that makes total sense. 😐

I also agree with Lady-Glow why were you ok with going in it the first time but suddenly worried about trespassing the second time. Something just dosent make sense about it all. Did you report the possible human skull to authorities?

I'm not trying to be rude but You really need to take more precaution and responsibility in situations like this.

Regards, Allicatt
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-26)
Razorback: how can you explain your need to take out your Bible if Jodie was already reading one in the back seat? Wasn't it enough to keep the demon away from the car?

Did you ever report to the police the finding of, possibly, human remains in the old house?

How come trespassing wasn't an issue the first time you enter the house?

How far/close was the car from the house as to consider that using the spirit box would be accurate?

It would be a good idea for the next time you submit a story, to add as much relevant information as possible in order to prevent confusion to the readers... Just my opinion.😳
razorback95 (2 stories) (48 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-26)
Yes lady glow I'm sorry for the confusion. When I ran the spirit box I was in the car. I didn't want to step foot on the actual property out of fear of tresspassing and also meth addicts. Better safe than sorry around here in indiana.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-26)
Razorback: do you mean you were using the spirit box in the car?😕

Otherwise it is difficult to make sense of both of your following statements:

"...I start the spirit box up (I use reverse speech method) and ask is there anything here that wants to communicate. I quickly get a reply of yup. I ask the entity who it is, to which it replies evil. I then ask it did you say evil just so I can further prove its talking. The spirit replies to the question with, demon. We ask does it want us to leave, which it then replies nope your next. I get my bible out and ask if you are a demon this book must make you angry, right? Then we all hear a audible hiss and immediately after I felt a hand around my throat gradually trying to choke me..."

" answer the question about the choking I was in the vehicle when it began..."

Could you please explain?
razorback95 (2 stories) (48 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-26)
Also sds to answer the question about the choking I was in the vehicle when it began I qued m to hit the gas and it gradually released as we got further from the house.
razorback95 (2 stories) (48 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-26)
Thank you both for the comments. I wrote a very short version of the whole tale. My fiance is actually jodie haha she mainly sat in the back seat reading the bible but M did see and feel strong stuff. He saw in his words "a fireball in the second story window" I did not see it my self. C has had an encounter with what he believed to be a demonic presence before and he had the same feeling there as well. And as for the skull I can not say a 100% that it was human but it was very humaniod looking to me.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (848 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-26)
What SDS asked as well, but I'm also curious about the skull. Was it human, or some other kind of animal?

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-26)
Hi razorback95, quite scary encounters and thanks for sharing. I know how you must have felt when something was choking you. By the way, I guess one of M or C is your fiance. But did they feel anything at all in these encounters? Because M was with you earlier also. Was there any other experience that happened to either M or C. Please also clarify whether you were able to move towards the car when you were being choked? And the grip got released only after you have reached the gas station. Was that right?

Please do respond.

Regards and respects to you.


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