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Real Ghost Stories

Saying Goodbye To The Ouija


This incident is one that occurred about a month ago. Everything I write here will be portrayed in the exact way it was portrayed to me.

First off, I am really sensitive to energy and whatnot; Everywhere I go and every person I'm with, my senses are on high alert. It has caused serious anxiety since I was very young. I can walk into a building and immediately feel a certain vibe... Whether it be light/heavy, sad/happy, alone/not alone.

I invited my close friend (Lana) over to my house after feeling the need to see her. When she first got there, I noticed she seemed a bit "off", but I ignored it and continued with the usual "let's catch up" conversation. After a little while, I brought up a small experience I had recently (I often experience an overwhelming presence and sometimes I'll share with her if I need to talk about it). I noticed when the topic of ghosts came up, she seemed to perk up a bit (not in a good way) and after I finished talking, she said "Actually it's kind of weird you're mentioning that type of stuff. Something really bad happened a couple weeks ago and I haven't told you about it yet."

Side note: a few days BEFORE I made plans to see her, I had a really unsettling nightmare. I saw an image of a child-like female in a dress stand before me in a hallway. She was unable to speak and only stood there staring at me. That was all I remember from the dream and I forgot all about it after. This could or could not have some meaning behind it, but I thought it's worth mentioning.

Lana has a cousin, Abigail, whom we both spend time with and most of the time when I see them, I just go over to Aby's house. I've mentioned to Lana before, a long time ago, how I feel about her house. It's a heavy, dark, unsettling atmosphere that doesn't fail to put me on edge every time. She has agreed with me before that she feels a bit "uneasy" there. That's all we ever said about it before this incident, and we never mentioned how we felt to Aby. You ignore feeling it after a while.

Abigail's grandparents have both passed away, and she misses them greatly. She decided that she wanted to make a Ouija board and see if it was possible to get in contact with them (if I had been there to put a stop to it, believe me I would have).

After a while of tinkering with and perfecting their homemade Ouija board, they started off. It took some time before they were able to get a response, but they did. They got in contact with her grandpa, and Aby was as ecstatic as you can imagine. Overjoyed. Fulfilled. Until it completely cut off, and something else took over... Without their control and without warning. They started asking questions. It said it was a "bad" spirit (whatever that meant), 9 years old, female, died in a car accident. At this point in Lana's story, I'm already jaw dropped, and I immediately remember back to my image-like dream. I felt sick.

After a few more questions they wanted to say goodbye, considering this wasn't who they wanted to talk to. However, the spirit said no. They said goodbye again. No. A third time. No. It went to no EVERY time. Now feeling quite panicky, they calmed themselves and kept talking, asking some distraction questions like favorite color, where they were born, etc. They felt ready to say goodbye again... But the planchette FLEW across the board to NO. SO FAST. In a really aggressive manor. They were so terrified, they ripped up their homemade board and threw it on the bed.

They left for a couple hours, got some food, and took their minds off it. When they returned... There was the Ouija board sitting on the bed... Placed back together like a puzzle. Mocking them. Of course, I completely disregarded this and said she had to be lying. But the whole time, my friend was sitting there...shaking, almost in tears as she's telling me. I could feel the fear radiating from her. I've been friends with her for 10+ years, she's not a jokester, and I've never seen her so scared. She said she didn't tell me right away because she didn't even talk to her cousin about it right after it happened, trying to act like it never really did happened, that something so mind-boggling and mentally traumatizing could actually occur.

She said that since then, Aby is seeing/hearing/feeling things, and I think her absolute fear is only giving off more energy to make this entity more powerful. I don't think this 9 year old girl is the ultimate spirit truly at play, I think there is something darker controlling everything. Hence why the girl in my dream didn't say or do anything? Also it makes sense that if it was something more intense, it would use this other spirit to seem more friendly or less intimidating.

PLEASE. If you ever feel the urge or desire to try using a Ouija board, just don't. Not worth it.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Aliviashae, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Aliviashae (7 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-23)
Valkricy, I totally agree that it's possible a sibling could've been the real suspect of who put the board back together (though they say it wasn't). It would make a lot more sense, as it would take the spirit a lot of energy to do so. Unfortunately this is a second hand account, and I was recalling the information given to me about the event (I won't be posting stories like this in the future, only my personal experiences). Currently, Aby is no longer terrified (so she says) and can sleep at night, and doesn't pay much attention to it. She understands at this point that the activity so far is harmless, and she knows now that she has more control over the situation than she thought. She has become more religious since this occurred and feels better having crosses in the house. However, nobody was willing to make another board and reopen the session in order to say goodbye correctly, and the activity is still taking place (doors opening and closing, shadows, knocking). We are planning on blessing the house.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-23)
How terrifying for your friends! I urge you to listen to what Rook had to say.
You might also suggest to Aby talk to her priest/minister/elder about what she is feeling, assuming she has some religious affiliation. Fear, especially in someone so young truly feeds on itself. Let's suppose there was someone else in the house (another sibling perhaps) that decided to play a prank on the girls by putting that Ouija back together. I'm not saying that is what happened, just giving you a scenario. So, the girls are totally freaked out, but Aby can't let go of her fear. Every movie, and story she's heard about Ouijas starts playing in her mind, and her fear causes her to believe it's happening. Her mind starts to generate even more fear. Understand?
Now, let's say everything happened as it looked, no prank involved and Aby is suffering all these terrible things. Rook's advise will help, and so will counseling from an adult she trusts.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-23)
Just to reassure you (and others) rambling and lengthy posts are not always one and the same. A rambling post is lengthy and confused or inconsequential.
Synonyms:long-winded, verbose, wordy, prolix; digressive, maundering, roundabout, circuitous, tortuous, circumlocutory; disconnected, disjointed, incoherent
Yours made total sense.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-22)
Thanks Val and Miracles. I know that those comments were not directed at me Miracles. Still the post was long and as Val said lengthy comments are, at times, irritable. That's why I said. Thanks for the understanding.

Regards and respects to you both.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-22)
Oh SDS, like val said, your comments are fine and always appreciated and respected. I should have been a little more clear whom I was referring to but didn't want it to seem as if I was singling certain people out even though I was.

At the time of my warning about the comments, I was speaking specifically to Legion777 and KikiGirl.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-22)
Your post is fine. The comments we're concerned over and will be deleting are those that are; rambling, incoherent, run-on sentences, contain numerous copy/pastes from other sites or other nonsense that makes it practically impossible to decipher what is being said.
In other words, a comment may be as long or short (well there is that irksome character length to deal with) as you need it to be, but it must make sense, and use punctuation.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-22)
Dear Mods,

Pardon me for the long post and I felt that what Rook advised me sometime ago, would be beneficial to others. If it is too lengthy and out of context, please delete or edit my comment.

Regards to respects to all you Mods.

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-22)
Hi Aliviashae, welcome to YGS and thanks for sharing the experience of your friend. Whatever I was going to suggest, my friend and one of the best members of YGS, Rook, has already advised you, in his own inimitable way.

Please do follow his advise. Further, ask your friend to use his Cleansing method, before reopening the Session and after it is closed. Let them cleanse the house properly. Ask your friend to do all the stuff he stated, NOT ALONE, but with someone.

I have told more than one hundred times in this site, please do not use the Ouija Board. Especially if you do not know the rules. I had bad experiences, my friends had their share of experiences, which were not at all good.

Rook has advised me a long time ago as to how to use the Ouija Board, if at all, we intend to use it, as he rightly said that it is a tool.

For the information of all, as bad experiences are being highlighted every now and then by so many of the members of the site, I am posting it. It is the advise given by Rook. Please be benefited if you have to use the Ouija Board.

Thank Rook, as it is really useful.

"Precautions while using Ouija Boards
1st: Ouija is NOT a GAME! Do not treat it as such, nor sit down to use one with an individual who treats it that way. Likewise do not use it with anyone who deliberately wishes to contact 'a demon' or any negative type entity.
2nd: Clear the Board, this can be done any number of ways. Some people repeatedly move the planchette (pointer) back and forth between the yes and the no until it 'feels clean'. I personally have a 1x1 (1 foot by 1 foot) Silver Silk Handkerchief that I use to wipe of the board. As I do so I concentrate my thoughts on 'wiping' the board clean of any negative energies that may be attached to it. I then exit the room and shake the handkerchief off outside the house.
3rd: (Applies only if using candles) Place 2 or 4 candles (or more in EVEN number increments) around the board. Color's represent different things, choose ones that represent Purity, Protection, Safety...ect.
(Here are some good options: Light Blue: Harmony in the Home, Healing, Psychic Awareness and Safe Journey. Brown: Earth, Concentration, Overcoming Uncertainty, Steadiness. White: Grounding, Protection, Purification, Purity, Spirituality.
(Here is a good link for more...

Point is choose colors that will help draw in positive energy / protect you as you use the board.

4th: Cleans and Shield yourself and the others using the board with you. NEVER USE THE BOARD ALONE!

5th: Open the session with a 'Blessing or Prayer' for Protection (Blessing for you Wiccan / Non-Christian Types and a Prayer for the Christians who wish to 'tempt fate').

6th: BE RESPECTFUL of any Spirits you may contact. Do not treat them as a 'know it all' answering machine... Ask them their name, ask them their age... Keep in mind that if a spirit says they are 8/9/10 years old that is how long they have been separated from their physical body... Not the age when they crossed over. Ask them how old they were when they crossed over. If answered this will let you know if you are communicating with an adult/teen/child. After 'getting to know' whom you've contacted then begin asking your questions... Again do not 'play around' and ask silly questions, be respectful and serious. Do not let the Board 'tell you things' without asking any questions... There is a good chance this is a Malevolent Spirit trying to show off (See Step 7).

7th: Close the Board. When you are done, or you feel something 'negative' may have made contact with you tell the spirit Goodbye and move the planchette (pointer) to the word Goodbye. You my feel a 'good spirit' moving it that way anyway... Resistance is an indication of something not so nice attempting to communicate. Once the session is closed again 'Clear the Board' again with however you have decided to 'Clear' your board.

8th: DO NOT USE THE BOARD ALL THE TIME... Even with all these precautions we are HUMAN and can be mislead or make a mistake. Again this is not a 'PARTY GAME' nor a way to 'SHOW OFF' to your friends.


1st: Ouija is NOT a GAME! Do not treat it as such, nor sit down to use one with an individual who treats it that way. Likewise do not use it with anyone who deliberately wishes to contact 'a demon' or any negative type entity.

2nd: Clear the Board, this can be done any number of ways. Some people repeatedly move the planchette (pointer) back and forth between the yes and the no until it 'feels clean'. I personally have a 1x1 (1 foot by 1 foot) Silver Silk Handkerchief that I use to wipe of the board. As I do so I concentrate my thoughts on 'wiping' the board clean of any negative energies that may be attached to it. I then exit the room and shake the handkerchief off outside the house.

3rd: (Applies only if using candles) Place 2 or 4 candles (or more in EVEN number increments) around the board. Color's represent different things, choose ones that represent Purity, Protection, Safety...ect.

(Here are some good options: Light Blue: Harmony in the Home, Healing, Psychic Awareness and Safe Journey. Brown: Earth, Concentration, Overcoming Uncertainty, Steadiness. White: Grounding, Protection, Purification, Purity, Spirituality.

(Here is a good link for more...

Point is choose colors that will help draw in positive energy / protect you as you use the board.

4th: Cleans and Shield yourself and the others using hte board with you. NEVER USE THE BOARD ALONE!

5th: Open the session with a 'Blessing or Prayer' for Protection (Blessing for you Wiccan / Non-Christian Types and a Prayer for the Christians who wish to 'tempt fate').

6th: BE RESPECTFUL of any Spirits you may contact. Do not treat them as a 'know it all' answering machine... Ask them their name, ask them their age... Keep in mind that if a spirit says they are 8/9/10 years old that is how long they have been separated from their physical body... Not the age when they crossed over. Ask them how old they were when they crossed over. If answered this will let you know if you are communicating with an adult/teen/child. After 'getting to know' whom you've contacted then begin asking your questions... Again do not 'play around' and ask silly questions, be respectful and serious. Do not let the Board 'tell you things' without asking any questions... There is a good chance this is a Malevolent Spirit trying to show off (See Step 7).

7th: Close the Board. When you are done, or you feel something 'negative' may have made contact with you tell the spirit Goodbye and move the planchette (pointer) to the word Goodbye. You my feel a 'good spirit' moving it that way anyway... Resistance is an indication of something not so nice attempting to communicate. Once the session is closed again 'Clear the Board' again with however you have decided to 'Clear' your board.

8th: DO NOT USE THE BOARD ALL THE TIME... Even with all these precautions we are HUMAN and can be mislead or make a mistake. Again this is not a 'PARTY GAME' nor a way to 'SHOW OFF' to your friends.

Please ask any questions you may have... These are very basic 'rules'.


Regards to respects to you, Aliviashae, and to Rook.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-21)

Keep in mind the Board is just a Tool. Tool's have their uses and each comes with 'SAFE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS'.

If the Tool is used according to it's instructions AND all the Safety Precautions are taken before use. Then the Tool preforms properly and can be used Safely.

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER... Read books, find teachers and ASK QUESTIONS before doing anything. This applies doubly when it comes to the Paranormal.


Aliviashae (7 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-21)
Rookdygin, thank you so much for the tips and advice. I really appreciate you taking the time to help. I'm aware that they were careless and lacked information on how to use the board correctly, and if it had been me, I wouldn't have used it at all. Unfortunately I wasn't there to stop them. 😢
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-21)
In the place the first...

The contacted spirit 'should not' be given 'control' of the board. Those using the Board DO NOT ask permission to say 'goodbye' they say something to the effect of, 'We are ending this session...' then they move the Planchette (pointer/glass/whatever) to goodbye... Thus closing the session.

The fact that this 'homemade' board was simply torn up WITHOUT the session being closed has allowed this 'spirit' to remain in the physical realm. This makes it easier for it to effect things physically...

A few things need to be done here...

Preperration: Go to my profile, there you will find a Cleansing and Shielding Method. Shield yourselves (whomever is going to do the following steps... DO NOT DO THIS ALONE)

First: After Shielding... Make or use a pre-made Board and Re-open the session... Establish contact with this spirit then CLOSE the session by saying/meaning GOODBYE and moving the Planchette to 'GOODBYE'.

Second: use the Cleansing Method on my Profile (or another that makes you feel comfortable) and Cleanse the house... Burn Sage/Sandalwood/Dragons blood incense to help send any bad energies out on the tendrils of incense smoke.

Third: DO NOT PLAY WITH THINGS YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND! If you are curious about certain things find someone who will teach you about them. There are many metaphysical stores out there as well as books that you can do your own research with. Not to mention the Members here on YGS are a great source of information. Either read the older experiences AND the comment threads or, if its on an individuals profile contact them via e-mail. I know I do not mind answering questions... There are many here who feel the same.

Thanks for submitting this experience.


Aliviashae (7 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-21)
Orangepulp123, corpseguts thank you for your feedback! Unfortunately, I don't really know how to help. If I do have some sort of gift, I don't know what it is or how to use it. As soon as I heard about what happened, I went over to Aby's house the next day to talk to and comfort her. I felt extremely uncomfortable and unwanted when I was there. I told her that she needs to find a bit of strength, and to memorize bible verses and repeat them when she feels threatened. I did buy her crystals for her home in hopes it will filter out the negative energy.
corpseguts (1 stories) (3 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-20)
you're one of my favorite writers now, without a doubt. This was such a good story. Thank you for sharing! Hope you're okay!
Orangepulp123 (1 stories) (7 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-19)
Thanks for sharing it is a great story. But I was actually hoping for more. I mean do you plan to help them somehow since you have this "gift"?. Hope to read more from you soon. 😉

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