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Something Following And Watching Me?


This is my first contribution to the site. I'll begin where I think this started, and I'll try to be as specific as possible.

The first paranormal occurrence happened when I was around 7/8, a few months after my grandfather died of cancer. Being so young, the concept of his death didn't fully sink in. I remember going to the funeral, but did not really comprehend how to feel or what was really going on.

Anyways, my gran lives in a fairly modern house that was built in the 70's, with no known history of anything dark happening within the building. I usually shared a room with my sister at her house, but for whatever reason, she was not sleeping at my gran's that night. I don't know what overcame me, but I started talking to my grandfather, asking if he was there etc, typical things I'd probably seen in movies or read.

As my uncle has Down Syndrome, my gran would always leave the upstairs bathroom light on for my uncle, and my room allowed for a good amount of light to shine through. All of a sudden while I was whispering out loud, the light went off, and maybe 5 seconds later, turned back on. The creepy thing was that for some reason, I asked what I believed to be my grandfather to do it again, and on command, the light went off for a longer period of time, maybe 10 seconds, and then went on again.

I remember not being scared or startled, and actually felt a comfort, as in his last few months before hospital, my granddad had slept in the bed I was in at that time. Since then, I've felt a calmness and fascination to the spirit world, and I've got the image in my head that both of my grandfathers are a white cloud that surround me, shielding me from any darker spirits. (Don't ask where I got that image from, I think from a dream that I've stood by since my childhood.) What's strange is that both my sister and dad (my dad not being from my gran's side of the family) both feel that the upstairs of my gran's house has a negative and dark feel to it, even haunted, while I find a peace and comfort of being up there alone and in the dark. It's very strange to see such a contrast.

Skip to 12 years later and I'm now 20. I don't actively dabble in the spirit world, but I do still believe in it. Around a month ago I was watching Ghost Adventures (the irony I know), and all of a sudden on the wall was... I really do not know how to describe it, around 8 small shaped shimmering lights that were only visible when I shone a light on it. My blinds were closed, and being a November night in Scotland, it was pitch black. I felt calm, not afraid at all at whatever it was, but there was absolutely nothing that could reflect and sway like whatever was on the wall was. It was almost as if it was alive, and was there for a good few minutes, then it just disappeared. I stood up and walked past it and felt a small breeze, but at that point didn't really think much of it.

I've never seen anything like that before in my life, or anything since that experience. I can even say I've never seen anything like it on Ghost Adventures! A part of me feels like it's one of my grandfathers or possibly another ancestor, I really do not know. Ever since speaking to my grandfather all those years ago, I have never since then.

A few nights after that I could of sworn out of the corner of my eye I saw a shadow figure at the bottom of my bed, but me having an active imagination, didn't really think too much into it. I was startled, but again, not scared. I feel like there is always something watching me at night, no matter where I sleep (my boyfriend's, friends etc).

It wasn't until last night that I confirmed to myself that something is watching me. I was dreaming, then within that dream I woke up to find a black shadow figure trying to touch my face, and I was desperately trying to reach my phone under my pillow. My brain screamed at me to wake up... And I did, to find myself clutching my phone, in the exact position I was in in the dream. I have never had sleep paralysis before and there is no family history of it.

My question to you all is, should I be afraid of whatever this thing is? I do not know myself how to really feel about it or if it even is malicious, it was literally just a black shadow in humanoid form. Sorry for babbling on and I hope I've made everything that's occurred as clear as I can.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, AFieryCupcake, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

AFieryCupcake (1 stories) (11 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-22)
Paranormal_SN thank you for your comment. I don't feel what I'm experiencing is really sleep paralysis. In my dream with the shadow figure, I could move etc, but it was a dream within a dream. I've never experienced sleep paralysis before and hope I never do! I keep seeing the shadow figure throughout different periods of the day still, no longer solely in a dream and it is slightly terrifying until I realise it is the same entity? I suppose. All the best 😁
AFieryCupcake (1 stories) (11 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-22)
Hi AugustaM, thank you! I feel like I have truly found peace with my grandfather now, it just breaks my heart that I didn't know this information when he was alive. I don't think his family ever forgave him for fighting the British and against the IRA. My mum told me the story of when my grandad did return to Southern Ireland once, his town (family included), vandalized and burned his car and wrote a horrible message on it. As much as it saddens me, it is still my family history and I understand that now and I truly hope my grandfather has now found peace. About my other grandfathers dream, yes! It was truly a lovely dream that I remember 10/11 years later despite never meeting him. I hope they are both proud of me and my achievements, despite neither being able to really see me grow up 😁
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-17)
I am so glad you were able to learn so much about your family and I'm sorry for the strife in their past. I have a similar situation in my family - my great uncle was cut off from 1947 until he found me only a few years ago. I hope he and your family found peace after the 50s:)
Your dream about your grandfather eating the watermelon is such a lovely experience:-) I am glad he was able to send you such a sweet and happy message:)
Paranormal_SN (8 stories) (25 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-17)
this reminds me of my ownself actually... While I too suffer from sleep paralysis it's really troublesome while you can clearly feel someone or I guess I'd rather say 'something' near you, watching you standing at your bedside.
AFieryCupcake (1 stories) (11 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-16)

Wow! The comparisons are extremely similar. All this activity in my life has recently started happening to my knowledge. Whether or not I'm just noticing it... Who knows! Yeah since I spoke to what I think was my grandfather all those years ago, I have never spoken to spirits again. I just have a feeling that not all things out there are honest beings, and I'm not religious in the slightest, I just don't think that after death there is nothing either. I never met my other grandfather, (he died of cancer when I was a few months old), but once I had a dream that he was at a market in the clouds eating watermelon. I had this dream when I was maybe 9/10 and I remember asking my dad (it was his dad in the dream), what grandads favourite thing to eat was... And you guessed it, he said watermelon! It seems that as a child I was far more in tune with perhaps paranormal goings on, and recently things are stirring up again, I don't know why! Now I just feel like someone is trying to give me a message, I don't know who, or why me, but none of my family, to my knowledge, experience anything to a degree like this. The majority claim to not even believe in the spirit world! As I type this in my room at midnight, I get the pressing feeling that something is just watching me, whether it be a curious spirit or a family member, I guess I'll never know!
AFieryCupcake (1 stories) (11 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-16)
Thank you both for the comments! And AugustaM, I actually recently found out that my grandfather mentioned in the story was shunned by his entire family in the 50s. My mother just explained that my grandfather being Southern Irish and fighting for the British army did not go down well with his strict family. I knew and remembered him being an alcoholic and quite uncaring, but now I realise why. I study history at University so this impacted me quite a lot that I resented him for being so unloving, not knowing his past. I'm not really an emotional person, but I broke down in tears, at my grans house, after finding this out and I actually plan to get a poppy added to my Irish tattoo to represent his bravery and sacrifice that he ultimately made to his life. I don't think the shadow figure meant me harm, now that I look back on it, and boy I can remember it vividly, it seemed that the figure just wanted to pass on a message to me, but couldn't. I just thought I'd post to see if anyone had similar experiences/ possible advice so thank you 😁
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-15)
Sorry my I forgot to finish my comment. But as for the shadow thing...yeesh! That doesn't sound like it's super friendly. Have you experienced anything stressful in your life recently? Stress causes all sorts of rotten physical and emotional symptoms and some posit that the negative energy it generates can attract and 'feed' not-so-nice paranormal entities. So, the first task would be to de-stress - exercise, meditation, art, volunteering - whatever works for you. Then I'd sit down in the area where you have seen the shadow entity - and think of your grandfathers. Think of happy times you had with them. Think of the sound of their voices. Think of things they liked. Imagine that white light you envisioned surrounding you and ask them for their help getting rid of this thing and protecting you from it. Every time you go to bed, spend a minute or two envisioning that white cloud of their presence shielding and protecting you before you go to sleep. If that doesn't work then try a cleansing - a member here, Rook, has one that is highly recommended. And check in too - there are lots of folks on here who can help:)
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-15)
Hi AFieryCupcake,

What you describe sounds very similar to what I experienced at my grandparents death -they passed when I was nearly five- and I still feel them around me, watching out for me, just as you described. I wrote about them in my story 'Coming to Say Goodbye' - you might be intrigued my the similarity of our accounts - I sure was!:-)

brownhairedlass (1 stories) (1 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-11)
Hi AFieryCupcake,

This is the first time I've logged onto this site in a few months & felt compelled to read your experience first. It struck me how similar our experiences are & felt compelled to leave you a note! I like yourself, have experienced the paranormal since I was a young child & like yourself I feel as though there is a spirit that follows & watches over me. As you spoke about the heavy atmosphere in your Gran's house, this is exactly the same in the spare room at my dads house. My sister & my dad will not go into that room at night without another person as my sister has described it like a heavy blanket, almost a depressive feeling when you go in as if there is someone there, that doesn't want you there. My dad has heard a man's heavy breathing from that room & my sister had seen things moved around. Myself on the other hand, just like you, I would feel the opposite, I would sit in that room even in the dark with just the light from my laptop screen as a teenager & felt a comforting presence with me, I can't explain it any other way but I felt safe. Another time I was calling on my sister & saw a shadow in the spare room doorway but it quickly moved back as soon as I'd seen it & I always interpreted that as whoever it was, didn't want to scare me. My sister was in the next room as well & I told her what I'd seen & she freaked out. I've moved out from home now but my sister once had a nightmare of a shadow person in a cave filled with bodies & when she woke, she saw the shadow at the foot of her bed. Like yourself, we have no history of sleep paralysis. One thing that had happened to me when I was maybe 14, I woke up feeling someone stroking my back & the fear I felt, I went rigid & thought my heart was going to burst but suddenly this calming effect came over me & again it's hard to explain but it felt as though it was a motherly figure beside me & within moments I fell back to sleep.

I can't & would never say for definite that I know what's going on but I believe the first incident with the light switch was your grandfather communicating with you. The feelings of calmness and the soft breezes I have all the time as well around me & I see that as the good spirit (s) that watch over us & protect us. It could be a family member or a spirit that has attached itself to you since you were a child & doesn't mean you any harm. I think when we have these feelings we should trust them. I still get scared time to time when odd things happen either in my flat or my moms/dads own house's or even outside but it's like I can somehow sense and differentiate between the spirit (s) that are always around me to other ones or even bad ones that we encounter time to time but they don't stay with us. The shadow person you saw in your dream & then woke up as if it was really there my gut feeling is I don't think its your loved ones. I think it may have been a spirit you've encountered that's not personal to you & either was trying to see if he/she could affect you or see if you could sense them. I think aswell you are feeling uneasy about is your own body telling you it's not a spirit you know. I had this up in my moms house years ago, I was convinced something came into the house for a few months & it was so bad I refused to sleep in my room. It only came to a head one morning I was compelled to look at the mirror in the hallway that reflected the front door & I saw a figure with no features but it was humanoid with peach skin pass through the door in the mirror. It was as if it was letting me know it was leaving for good. Looking back now, I don't think it was evil, I think there was a certain level of wanting to be noticed & wanting attention to be seen I guess, but I was only around 13 & I could feel a horrible feeling in the room & also saw my cat being dragged across the back of the chair & then my play-station lid slammed down, turning itself on. To me this was all malevolent behavior but reflecting back, seemed like desperation just to be acknowledged. My sister is still terrified of these happenings in my dads house, she would rather they would just not make their presence known. Myself on the other hand, I try and think of it like these are just invisible people, they're bodies are dead but they're not, it's simplistic but it's helped me a lot overcome a lot of my initial fears. I call out sometimes as if I was talking to them, my advice would be don't ask them to validate their presence (ie knock once for yes, twice for no, ect) I would just speak to them like a person & to the shadow person, just say out loud that you understand that they want to be noticed & you do acknowledge them but you would prefer it if you weren't disturbed by them.

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