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An Apology From The Dead?


One cold winter night around 10:00 pm On December 15th (I will explain later why I remember that date) I was in one of the back bedrooms in my house when I heard that familiar sound of a vehicle hydroplaning and going off the road then the dreadful sound of impact. I was on my cell at the time and told my friend I had to go and just threw the phone on the bed.

As I ran from the far end of the house to the back door, I was quickly looking out each window trying to catch a glimpse as to where the car hit but my property is lined with tall pines so even in the winter the trees continue to provide a great shield from the sight and noise of the traffic, so I was unable to see anything from inside my house. I shoved my boots on and ran out the back door yelling that help was coming! Luckily I didn't bust my butt while slipping and sliding down the driveway.

As I reached about halfway down, I could see the taillights of an SUV blinking, the headlights were completely buried in the embankment of snow where it came to sudden impact. I was running as fast as I could, yelling that help was on its way when I realized I had thrown my phone on the bed!

At the time, my daughter lived on part of my land closest to the road so I started screaming to her for help. She had also heard the impact and flung the front door open and yelled out that she was calling 911.

As I approached the vehicle, I was afraid of what I was about to see but felt compelled to help. I looked in the driver's side window which for some reason was already down. I did a quick observation to see how many people might be in the vehicle but saw no sign of anyone except the driver which looked to be in his mid to late 20's. I smelled 3 distinct smells, alcohol, i.e. Beer, the nasty odor of a deployed airbag, and the smell of motor oil. I said "Sir, I'm here and help is on the way." There was no response or sign of life. I stood there with my hand on his arm talking to him as if everything was going to be ok as I waited for EMS to arrive.

As I was trying to see where his injuries may have been, I heard that gruesome "death gurgle". I then suddenly saw a small black puff of something dark rise up out of his body from the shoulder area up. I could not believe my eyes! Kind of like in the movie "Ghost" when the bad guy dies and you see something black pull the guy out of his body and drag him off into nothingness? Except this was just a small dark cloud of smoke that slowly rose up out of this man, nothing more, nothing less, was non-threatening, just VERY creepy!

I stayed until the EMS arrived. I then walked to my daughter's house and we stood on her front porch and watched as the EMS loaded the man on the stretcher and into the ambulance then slowly drive off with no siren or lights. Of course, that meant that the man was dead.

This really bothered me that I could not help this man. By noticing a car seat in the back, I could only assume he had a family that would be receiving the tragic news within the next hour or so that would change their lives forever. I remember telling my daughter what a horrible time of year for this to happen, just 10 days before Christmas.

I went back to the house, took a quick shower and got in bed. I had a hard time getting to sleep because I could not stop thinking about that the accident and that black puff of smoke rising up out of the man and the sad thought of this poor guy dying so tragically at such a young age.

Eventually I fell asleep. I'm a light sleeper and around 3:30am I woke to the noise of my bedroom door creaking open. I immediately smelled the 3 nasty odors I talked about earlier, motor oil being the strongest of the smells. I then saw the man casually walk in my room as if he was a family member just coming in to talk with me. It was clearly the young man who died earlier that evening although he was mostly transparent in appearance. He stopped and stood at the side of my bed and commenced to tell me how sorry he was for scaring me hours earlier that evening. I told him that it was quite alright and wished I could have done more for him. He then suddenly vanished. The pungent mixture of odors left seconds after he disappeared.

So what do you think? Did the young man come back from the dead for a brief moment to tell me he was sorry for scaring me? Or was he lingering because he didn't know he was dead yet? Opinions are greatly appreciated.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Enlightened1959, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Enlightened1959 (8 stories) (118 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-05)
Hello Aisyah,

Thank you for your comment. I work in the medical field and I've been told quite a lot that I have a calming spirit. I have a mothering nature for everyone in need. I'm sure that God has used me for this purpose. It was so sad that this happened to this young man... So very sad. I am sure that I was the last voice he heard when leaving this world and I hope I helped him pass peacefully.

aisyah1987 (2 stories) (31 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-05)
I feel so sad reading the story. Wish there was a way to assist him but it's alright... He's at a better place with God, now.

What you did was very beautiful and calming, and I smiled upon reading the part when you had your hand on his arm to let him know that everything is going to be ok while speaking calmly.

May God bless you always, Enlightened1959...

With Love,
Enlightened1959 (8 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-16)
Thank you Biblio! And thank you Babygoatpuller for adding this to your favs and also commending me on what I did! I couldn't live with myself if I had left him to go through that alone and I hope if anything like that were to ever happen to me or anyone close to me that someone would do the same as I did. 😁
Enlightened1959 (8 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-16)
I want to thank everyone for their comments and for those who have added this experience to their favorites. If I've missed responding to someone, I do apologize but I assure you that I've read every message sent to me. I have been reluctant all these years to tell of my experiences but to just a handful of people. Now that I've found YGS, I plan to write about them all as time allows.
Enlightened1959 (8 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-16)

Thank you for your comments. I do not understand the black mist. Maybe it wasn't black and it just appeared black because it was so dark outside. I only had the light pole and the light from the moon to see by. I do believe with all my heart that it WAS his soul leaving his body though.

Thank you for marking this experience as a favorite. I have had many experiences that I will eventually upload to this site.
Enlightened1959 (8 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-16)

Thank you for your comment! I do believe this young man was coming to apologize and since then I have read so many near death stories since the accident that solidifies what happened to me.
Enlightened1959 (8 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-16)

Thank you so much for telling me this! All I can say is WOW!
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-10)
Greetings, Enlightened.

I read this account with great interest a day or two ago. I wanted to have the time to respond to this, but our school had the big annual fundraiser toward the end of the week.

I agree with Miracles' assessment; if he didn't know that he was dead, I don't think he would have walked into your house. The message that Ruskin got, though, is really impressive. I'm glad that he appreciated your concern, as you did exactly the right thing in keeping him calm through conversation while your daughter called the emergency services.

There are boundaries and ideologies that divide people, but they shall never be as compelling as acts of human kindness by strangers.

RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-10)
Hi again, Enlightened.

I just returned from a retreat at church and I think the young man you speak of in this story visited me during the morning presentation. While the bishop was talking about we must comfort each other, I heard a voice in my head saying 'thank you for your comfort when I died.' Which is a bit weird to me since I did not have anything close to the experience you related here. The voice went on to say, 'this is what I meant to say when I visited her.'

So, weird, but that is what happened.
Curly_1Lack (2 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-09)
Hi Enlightened,
I've heard EVP's that seem to indicate that sometimes the spirit knows and sometimes they dont. Like the ones where they say "Help me" or "I've been shot" and then those where they say they're dead or a loved one visitng in the night to say they love you.It's all a great mystery to me. Loved your story!
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-09)
Enlightened1959, I know the events were tragic but it is a very interesting account. Thanks. I also marked this as a favourite.

I like to believe that we are cognizant enough of our surroundings when we are "dead" that the poor fellow knew he was in your bedroom. This would mean that he also knew he was dead and that his apology was urgent enough for him to break with convention.

It amazes me how varied the accounts of the less understood side of our existence is. While archetypal manifestations come up more often, there are always new and original occurrences that are difficult to reconcile with theories of just what the heck is going on. The black fog is another one for me.

A theory that would explain it all in some way would be most welcome (I think).
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-09)
This story is going into my faves.
I have heard of cases of people dying so quickly that they have no idea that they are dead. I hate to hear that he was so young when he died... So tragic.
What year did this happen... And have you seen him again?
I wonder since he died so quickly, if his soul has become trapped or that he may not still realize he is dead.
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-09)
Great read and is going into my favs.

You and the gentleman shared such a deeply personal experience. How much more personal can it get to be there at the moment of death. He had to have been a good soul to feel the need to come back and apologize to you.

Your bravery here is commendable on so many levels. Thank you for being there for him. I'd come back and apologize to! 😊
Enlightened1959 (8 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-09)
Hello DandK and Miracles

I've thought the event over and over in my mind and I still don't know if he knew he was dead. This accident prompted me to start looking up stories about accidents, what happens at the time of death and near death experiences and found testimonies on youtube where the person who had died say they didn't know they were dead yet and that it took awhile for them to realize they no longer had a physical body. Most people who have experienced near death say that they would try and reach out to the hospital staff/family members, etc. To communicate with them but were unable to. Maybe that night, I was able to see into the spiritual world. Whether he knew he was dead or not, I know one thing for certain, he came to apologize for upsetting me.

God rest his soul.
Enlightened1959 (8 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-09)
Hello Jessica,

Yes in 6 days it will be his anniversary of death. It still bothers me today. I know he had a kind spirit because he came back to apologize. Poor guy.
Enlightened1959 (8 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-09)
Hello Spiritwaiting,

I agree with you. His life was over yet he came back to me to apologize. I also hope he is doing well on the other side.
Enlightened1959 (8 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-09)
Hello RCRuskin,

I have never heard that about the 3 days. That is very interesting to know because I have had family members that I know were around for the next couple of days of their passing. Absolutely sure.

And yes, it is so tragic because he was probably a really good guy but like you said, made just one bad decision that cost him his life. So sad.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-12-09)
DandK - my feelings are similar to yours. I think he knew he died but felt he should apologize for scaring Enlightened. I like to think he would have been able to apologize to his family for his sudden and unexpected death ❤ Maybe help ease their grief a little.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-09)
I think he knew he was dead and truly wanted to reach out to you. Otherwise, wouldn't there have been some hesitation for going into a stranger's bedroom? Perhaps more apology for barging in?
Jessicqqqq (5 stories) (56 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-09)
I've actually had a few experiences with those who didn't know they were dead yet. It sounds like he didn't know at all. Poor thing. They don't tend to remember sudden deaths, only ones that are slow and painful (like being burnt to death vs getting shot.) It's almost his death anniversary. RIP to him.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-09)

I really felt the sadness in this experience.

I'm blown away from the fact he made sure he came to you, to apologize for scaring you.

He was most definitely a good man, and hopefully he was able to pass onto his next journey, and continue on his love he had.

I put this in my favs, because it goes to show Love most definitely carries on.

Thank you so much for sharing this sad, but lovely experience.

RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-08)
The Church to which I belong teaches that for the first three days after death, a person's spirit may wander to any place or time it desires.

That he chose to come to apologize to you tells me he was full of love in life.

And it is sad that one bad decision might have such tragic consequences for all.
Enlightened1959 (8 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-08)
Thank you for your comments Argette and Lady-glow...

I'm not sure about the mist but I sure will never forget that night. My guess is also that maybe he didn't realize he was dead. It was so sad and I hope he saw the light and moved on to a much happier place. It makes my heart hurt when I think back. I don't know if he was aware that I was there or not but I gently put my hand on his shoulder and prayed for him. It is so so tragic and it makes you realize how blessed we are to have each day and at any given moment we can be gone. It's changed my way of thinking, and I no longer take for granted each day we have here on earth.
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2016-12-08)
I would have to agree with Lady-glow. He wasn't aware. It's heart breaking.

I read many years ago about the mist that leaves the body at death. It has always frightened me. Is it the spirit staying behind until it finally crosses over?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-08)
Forget about scaring you few hours earlier, I think it's scarier to see him walking in your place after knowing he had already passed away!

My guess is he wasn't aware of his death... Such a tragic and senseless loss.😐

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