When I was 13 and my sister age 16 we moved into a patronage. My parents chose a down stairs bedroom and my sister and I would shared the upstairs.
My sister being older got to choose which room she wanted in our new home which of course was the biggest. I chose the second biggest. My room was so HOT! I complained all the time and my parents had three people in at different times. All "fixed" the problem but it was always well over 90...
After we had lived there a while odd things started to happen only upstairs! One day after coming home from school and our parents had been gone for the day in the hall between our bedrooms there was a floor length mirror and it was turned around backwards facing the wall. Another day the mirror had a large males hand print on it much too large to have been my fathers. Another day the water was running full force...
Then came the night my sister was crying. I ran to her room and she yelled for me to stay out! A black shadow was darting from side to side. She was holding her bible and crying she said it was a demon. I ran downstairs to tell my parents and they dismissed it saying the shadow was head lights. My sister and I stayed awake all night me standing on the thresh hold but never crossing it. Both of us crying and shaking, the shadow looming over her and the feeling it gave off was pure evil. Morning came and it went away. She and I continued having experiences for the 3 years we lived there. From sounds, voices, things being moved, friends refusing to stay over.
Once in a while the ominous shadow would reappear. Our parents never believed us. It wasn't until we moved out that we found out that it used to be a funeral home and my bedroom was the crematorium! And my sister's room was where the body's were cared for. Is that why there was something there? We may never know but it scared us both.
When something like this happens, you put together what happened in the house, with, what the electrician said... And BAM! You have an answer that kind-of makes sense, at least!
Karma point for Argette! For making me laugh while being super stressed.