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Ode To Trees


My husband has American roots. In 2013 we were staying with some of his friends in Los Angeles. This was the first time I'd ever been to this family's home, but I'd known them socially since 2009. My husband had been to their place many times and hadn't experienced anything odd.

Their house is a modern design. Open plan, long floor to ceiling windows. To be honest the house itself is not to my taste at all, but it's got a great atmosphere. The garden on the other hand is quite established and very cool. Rock gardens with plants weaving around. Creepers on the fences, a couple of large trees out the back and a couple in the front garden as well.

We arrived at their place late afternoon, after meeting up and spending the morning with some other friends. They were having a BBQ by the time we arrived. I guess there were about ten people there. We spent most of the rest of that day and evening in their backyard.

After a full on day, at about 11 o'clock I started feeling pretty tired so I decided to prepare for bed early. I said goodnight to everyone and went inside. After I'd gone through the usual bedtime routine stuff I realised the bed hadn't been made, no sheets, just a throw blanket on top. I didn't know where the linen was kept and I was pretty worn out. Didn't want to interrupt the party, plus the idea of making a bed was a bit too overwhelming. So instead I kicked my shoes off and had a 'nap' on the couch.

When I woke up the lights were off and all was silent. One of their cats was sleeping on my feet and someone had put the throw blanket on me. I was like a passed out drunk, this amused me because I don't drink! I've no idea what the time was, but it was obvious all visitors had left and everyone had gone to bed.

The couch faces the front window, where there's a balcony. It's all window so you can see the front garden. The room we were staying in is next to the couch and the door to that room was half open. As I sat up I could tell my husband was asleep in there. It looked so peaceful out on the balcony so I decided to step out and take it in before going to bed.

There's a street light right outside their house and this lights the front pretty well. It also lights the kitchen/living area where I was. I went to the bathroom before going outside. The house was pretty well lit from the outside so I didn't turn any lights on.

The door to the balcony is opposite the couch I was asleep on, it's a sliding glass door. Where I stood on the balcony was opposite the door and in line with the couch. I don't know if this makes a difference or not, but my position hadn't strayed much from a straight line, couch to balcony, not counting the bathroom interlude. Right in front of the balcony, to the left of me is a big Jacaranda tree. At first I was looking down at the rock garden under the balcony. Their front yard has a high fence with some creeper climbing up it. I was raised to call this creeper 'happy wanderer', but apparently it's called 'morning glory'. Sorry but that's such a humourous name for a plant! Whatever you call it, I love this creeper, so my attention was soon drawn to the 'morning glory' on the fence (still funny). However, I wasn't laughing, just peaceful and taking in the night atmosphere.

They also have a tall gum tree by the fence, next to the morning glory. I was thinking 'this garden could be in Australia' because of the trees, plants and the dry, hard soil. As I was thinking this something happened that I can't really articulate very well. The big Jacaranda next to the balcony, in front of me a bit to the left, sort of bent one or two (not sure) of its branches down towards me so the branch was touching the backs of my shoulders. In this moment I felt like crying, but in a nice way. Sort of transfixed, but not afraid. I looked up to the rest of the tree and half whispered 'hi'. This response felt like an internal awareness of the external bizarreness. I can't say how long this lasted, maybe 20 seconds, maybe longer. Then the branch or branches returned to their normal resting position. They returned steadily, just as they'd lowered. There was no spring back action like you'd expect. I wasn't scared, I felt really calm. Also that I'd received some kind of 'thanks'.

Sorry to any empaths reading, starting to well up here a bit. A few years before this happened I had some sort of mental snap in that I became angered at gentrification. But on an even deeper level I became outraged by the destruction of nature or the destruction of any heritage. I was still reeling from this new rage, still am really. I had always otherwise been quite unaffected by these things, never had a feeling or opinion either way. But watching old neighbourhoods being destroyed and replaced with Lego land got to me. I became a quiet activist. I've never been to a protest, and I don't chain myself to trees. I stay at home and study the local laws of any given location, then go for the jugular. It's hard slog but it works.

In this capacity I have no connection to the location and hadn't spoken of it that day. All the same I felt this tree must have known or sensed this from me. At least that's the impression I got.

It's an uphill battle being a left wing vigilante and, oh my days, can it wear you down over time. I went back inside with a sense of my place in the world, like validation through encouragement. The tree was near our bedroom window. As I laid in bed I looked at its branches trying to figure which one or ones had moved. The lower ones were higher up to me, by at least a couple of feet. I also didn't hear any creaking of wood, just some leaf movement. I fell asleep pondering all this, watching the tree.

Next morning I tried to think of an explanation, an animal weighed it down, the tree was shedding branches, I was sleepwalking. Well, I don't have any history of sleepwalking, there were no fallen branches in the morning, an animal could've weighed it down, but it would have to be super heavy. I don't think so. The way the branch or branches bent were quite unnatural, all the branches were quite thick. I was only aware of one branch bent down, it was on the left side of my face. It looked a bit like an elephant's trunk, bent in that way. For anyone who knows the LA Arboretum the way the palms bend in the water was like how the branch stooped forward. All in all it felt like the tree was showing me its consciousness which, in a deeper way, might be aligned to my inner rage. On a slightly different note, I think this is why I stick up for those bloody shadow people. They seem to go for the jugular, even though I believe their targets are nearly always misplaced.

I didn't know where things stood paranormal-wise with this family, so I didn't bring it up. I told my husband the next chance I got, which was the following evening. He didn't have an explanation either and, like me, had never heard of it happening before. Then a couple years back Manafon submitted his experience of a very similar nature and I almost fell off my chair. The only difference being he saw a face whereas I didn't.

I like to think trees have some as yet unknown ability to manipulate their limbs in our time. That is to say, I believe trees experience time differently to us. They argue with each other, form friendships with each other and animals. These individual histories can be read in their shape, the way they react to surroundings. Just as our histories can be read in our own behaviour. I know some believe trees have humanoid spirits. But I think this is human ego. However, I do believe trees can be a home for other entities, just as they are home to animals, perhaps even a doorway to another realm. But as for their individual identity, I believe they are their own entity - they're trees. I think they're magnificent just the way they are. Literally and figuratively.

Thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Tweed, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-25)
Tweed, your experience really speaks to me. Thanks so much for sharing it. My ideal place to live would be on a mountain, surrounded by trees. My husband and I exchanged our vows under an enormous ancient Port Jackson fig (Ficus rubiginosa). That tree was one of the most beautiful living beings I ever saw; I always felt that its presence blessed our wedding.

When I worked in the city in Sydney, I loved to walk by Hyde Park where my three favourite "friends" lived, a trio of Moreton Bay figs (Ficus macrophylla). They must be each over a hundred years old. I would say "good morning" or "good evening" to them every day and they gave me such a sense of peace. If I could, I'd happily grab my laptop and stayed with them all day. Just hold all my calls.

My father's clan name (surname) means "poplar" in English. Part of the character forming the word is also the Chinese word for "tree". The year I was born also has "Wood" as its element - that could be why I love the written word and prefer the company of books (Kindle doesn't do it for me).

Interestingly enough, Mum still talks to her mini-forest of pot plants. I've often heard her watering them, crooning: "Drink, drink, drink; be fruitful and multiply!"

Hey, I think tree2 in your photobucket link gave me the flirty Eye! Ok, maybe a sort of squint...
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-04-02)
I just love it when you show your 'lighter' side. If you do indeed, get 'carted off', I'll make sure your jacket matches Rook's! 😆
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-02)

As I was walking up the driveway from my mailbox in the middle of last week, I stopped two-thirds of the way up. The view at that point is dominated by my house, to the left, and a *massive* maple at the top of the driveway. To the immediate right is a pair of younger maples; I stopped there because I'd been filled with a wave of joyful anticipation of spring and I simply knew their sap was flowing. "Energetic" and "Joyful" are not normal states of mind at the end of the school day, and I usually need about an hour to change into comfy clothes, decompress, and muster up energy to make dinner (if it is my turn). Trudging up the driveway with the mail is one of my jobs, so I do it, but on this particular afternoon, --after spending my prep periods re-installing the furniture that had escaped the flooding at school-- I suddenly felt the joy and excitement of this pair of trees for the sheer delight in being trees.

You know I've had a few tree-oriented experiences in my past, mostly requiring me to unclutter my mind first to get a positive feeling (and one tree that didn't like me, so I could always feel him...?). This was the first time I'd been stopped by an intrusive positive feeling from trees, but I didn't think I'd share it with anyone (until I read this!) in case I got carted off to an institution...

Thanks for sharing, Tweed, and for encouraging others to join in.

roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-04-02)
Oh! Thanks Tweed! Now I see the pictures! That man is surely very old!

Oh yes, talking to plants makes them grow better I totally agree!:-)

Love from São Paulo
trentinray (3 stories) (67 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-31)
Tweed- That wasn't my first experience with the pic just the energy that surrounded it. It happened occasionally during my teenage years. It is a little unnerving, it almost feels like you get the wind knocked out of you, except without pain. Probably just shocking when your not ready for it. That night, I thought somehow the pic was turned sideways. It hasn't happened since, but if it does I will definitely put all my eggs in that basket!
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-31)
Thanks Tweed for getting those posted and thank you granny for sharing them.

First word that popped into my head was "gnarly". Second thing was "that is one crotchety old man tree!" 😆
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-31)
Temilicious, keep talking to your plants. 😊 I talk to them all the time and I believe it helps. There's research which suggests it helps too. Pumpkin seeds in particular (and they're but seeds!) respond while played the sound of other pumpkin seeds. Yeup, that be a scientific fact, pumpkin seeds make sounds. Goodness knows what else plants do that we don't know about yet.😊

Val great article, just skimmed it, will read it properly, THANKS!

In other news photobucket SUCKS, honestly what a mess of a site. I hope these links work. Because we all know photobucket has a history of their freaking links not working.




(Granny's tree pics, hopefully!)
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-03-31)
Tweed, I just wanted to share this article with you:
Temilicious (7 stories) (99 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-31)
Beautiful read Tweed, thanks for sharing.

"I like to think trees have some as yet unknown ability to manipulate their limbs in our time. That is to say, I believe trees experience time differently to us. They argue with each other, form friendships with each other and animals. These individual histories can be read in their shape, the way they react to surroundings. Just as our histories can be read in our own behaviour. I know some believe trees have humanoid spirits. But I think this is human ego. However, I do believe trees can be a home for other entities, just as they are home to animals, perhaps even a doorway to another realm. But as for their individual identity, I believe they are their own entity - they're trees. I think they're magnificent just the way they are. Literally and figuratively."

For some reason a lump started forming in my throat as I read this last paragraph. When I was about 8yrs I used to name and talk to our pot plants at home. No one ever told me to, I didn't know it helps them grow, I just saw them as my friends. Maybe I'm tearing up for that little girl and that lost innocence, I don't know, but I thank you for sharing.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-31)
Sometimes with certain threads on here, I feel the general feeling emanating from the topic/discussion when I open the title. Every time I open this it's like walking onto that balcony again. Never had this kind of vivid sensation with one of my own submissions, it's cool!

Val, every so often you blow me away with some unique insight into some deep subject. What you said about maples and moss has really got me thinking. Thanks for that great info! I'd love to have a cup of tea with you some time m'lady, you hath the knowledge!

Goatpuller, haha I know I'm a massive tree hugger! I was weighing up whether to call this 'Tree Hugger' or something similar.😉

Granny, thanks! I haven't checked my email yet, is it weird that I check YGS before my email? Probably.😆 I'll open up a photobucket account or something and wack the pics on there for non-facebook friendly links!

Seraphina, Lady Glow and BeagleMom, I think it takes a very stupid person indeed not to feel the peace and love from trees. 😉 Beagle, how you described watching those trees as a child was beautiful. I used to do that sort of thing too, still do. I think Manafon said it best in his submission, it was something like 'being drawn into a secret world'. It just goes to show all the clues are around us, if we know how to read them. Something like trees bending in the breeze is a really great 'clue'. Love it!:) (Gone and run up the smiley quota, didn't I!)

Trentinray, what you described with your motor-home all those years ago really rang true. I've not experienced anything like that, where it's a premonition, only past events. Wow something very powerful going on that night! Had anything like that ever happened to you before? Trust it if you ever get anything like that again!

Melda, Jacaranda City sounds way cool!
I'm sorry to hear about your tree. It's heartbreaking isn't it. Situations like that are very tough. Fortunately as we humans get wiser we're learning to plan ahead. Generations ago willows, for example, were very popular, whereas indoor toilets were not. As plumbing advanced so too did tree roots. It's just not a good match. It's still very possible to have large, tall trees near our houses, and even plumbing. It all comes down to how the tree's roots are formed, and how it grows. There are some large trees compatible with modern plumbing and suburban living. Arborists can recommend this kind of thing. I know it won't bring your tree back, but there doesn't have to be an emptiness in it's place.:)
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-31)
Tweed - I won't even hazard a guess as to what you experienced with that tree as I haven't come across an elemental being (as far as I know).

I live in the city of Pretoria, SA which is also known as the Jacaranda City. You find them all over Pretoria but there is one specific area which turns into a fairyland during spring. There are streets lined on both sides with these huge Jacarandas in full bloom. You actually have to see this amazing spectacle to fully appreciate it!

On a sadder note, we had to remove a large tree from my garden as its roots were interfering with our sewerage pipes and our toilets and drains drains were constantly blocked and it cost us a fortune to continually call in the plumbers to do the unblocking. So, eventually we had no alternative but to uproot the tree and repair the sewerage pipes.

My daughter was a student at the local university at the time but on the specific day the tree was removed she happened to be at home for some reason. I was in a terrible state when they started chopping at that tree. Obviously the resin, gum, was bleeding out of it and I told my daughter I couldn't watch this, I felt as if the tree was crying and bleeding.

She of course thought I was totally crazy, to her it was impossible for the tree to feel anything, it was causing damage and simply had to go.

Anyway, I thought I'd share that with you 😊

Regards, Melda
trentinray (3 stories) (67 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-31)
I know this isn't the same but I felt it may have similarities. Years ago we had a motor home, one night I was standing out in a parking lot and I suddenly felt the motor home emitting this thick palatable energy. It felt alive, charged with energy that took my breath away. I walked around it staring and felt the need to put my hand on it, as I did I got a Polaroid picture, in my mind, of it on it's side and it was all dark around it.

Later that night we had a blow out and flipped on the freeway, and the image of it on it's side and dark was now my reality. I feel that an angel or a spirit was responsible for what I felt and saw, to send me the message, but unfortunately I didn't understand the message.

The feeling I felt emanating from it I will never forget, I wish I could describe it better, it was amazing! It may be similar to what you felt coming from the tree. If not, well never mind, Lol 😁

BeagleMom (3 stories) (84 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-31)
Hi Tweed,
Laying in my bed, as a child in Southern California, I could see the Eucalyptus trees across the street. From my vantage, I could see the top 1/3 of the row of 7 or 8. I would stare at them during the Santa Ana winds that frequented my town. I was fascinated by the shapes of the tops and the branches hanging down as 'Eucs are won't to do. They would bend low and spring back in the wind and I was sure they were persons in their own right. They would bring their "Heads" together in quiet secret talks, then bend back into the air and shake off the "conversation" as it were. I could watch these friends forever. Always telling secrets and then pretending to just be trees again. To this day, I have the tendency to personify trees. I think with good reason!

Thank You for your story Tweed! It brought back a special time in my childhood.

Mother of Beagles
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-31)
Tweed: I love jacarandas, specially when they are blooming. I have never had an encounter with the spirit of a tree, but really enjoy walking in the forest, even if no tree has ever touched me, the peaceful feeling and the calm produced by the trees makes me believe that there is magic and love living in these noble fellows.

Thanks for sharing.
Seraphina (7 stories) (147 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-30)
Beautiful, Tweed! In every sense. You describe this experience so clearly that I can almost feel what you were feeling. I think that's what many of the comments are saying.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-03-30)
Tweed: I emailed you a few pics. Maybe you could put them somewhere and load the links for everybody who doesn't have a facebook account? 😆 😆 I'm kind of challenged in that area. 😆
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-30)
What a beautiful tribute to the trees Tweed!

I hate to bust your tough exterior bubble about not being a tree hugger hon, but you got hugged BY a tree! Because in their hearts, they know you're a "closet" tree hugger. 😆 ❤

No worries. I'm a bit of one myself. Only I mentally, mostly, talk to all of them. (my houseplants to 😳)
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-03-30)
Granny, to me the 'face' appears to be either puckering for a kiss or whistling! But, I definitely see it.
Trees have always played a significant role in both legends and religions world wide. Many even 'talk' if you know how to read the signs. For instance the leaves of maples and poplars will turn upward before a heavy rain. In the forest or woods the moss of a tree will direct you North, and within the rings of a fallen tree's trunk you will find the entire history of its life. So, in a way they are keepers of the past.
We know plants respond to music, so it isn't a large leap to think they commune on some level, that we just aren't privy to. Maybe that tree is home to an elemental that decided to acknowledge you. Or the tree itself decided to. Lovely experience never the less.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-03-30)
zzsgranny, same thing to me.😕
All I see is a blue page and no green men lol 😆
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-30)
Thanks everyone.😊

Azrael, that Crescograph contraption must be what I heard about many years ago. I've since wondered if it was 'junk science' or an actual proven thing. Thanks for that info! I've just been reading about it and what an amazing device he created, very cool!

Granny Facebook says 'no'.😆 I don't have a facebook so I'm only getting a signup/login page, doh! Could you email me the pics or try another link? I'd love to see them!
AzraelX (8 stories) (115 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-30)
[at] Tweed, it is a "fact" that Plants, including trees do have some sort of sentience.

Jagadish Chandra Bose, a renowned Indian Scientist had created a device known as the Crescograph which could detect response of plants to stimuli - how they reacted to poison that could kill it, how they reacted when kept in conducive atmosphere etc.
Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-03-29)
Tweed, that is so beautiful.

Some things we have no rational explanation for. You experienced one. Magic.
tace (37 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-29)
😁 I was touched to hear how this tree responded to you. I feel every living thing has a spirit and to know that they respond to your passion for the environment is wonderful. Thank you for what you do to help the earth.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-29)
Great recount Tweed, very well written and moving. I believe trees and plants have a consciousness, the nature of which we don't yet understand.
Mack 😊
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-03-29)
Tweed, so it is kind of like a gnome! Yes, I know what he means now. Thanks a bunch Senhora!
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-29)
Thanks Granny, glad you liked it and love trees!
This isn't 'nutter speak' what I'm about to say, I learned it on a gardening show once. They said how trees and plants all have a 'face'. They weren't speaking spiritually, they were referring to placement when you plant or prune. Anyway the 'face' or direction a plant or tree faces can be found in it's aesthetics. Think in terms of if you were to take a picture or paint a plant or tree, which side is more appealing, that side will be it's front or 'face'. When you're looking for the green man, try looking for the face of the tree, I don't know, it might help!

Roylynx as far as I understand it the green man is part of pagan culture. He's a nature spirit who protects trees. He's seen in their leaves or trunks, hiding, camouflaging and watching over everything in the garden. You know those water features of a man's face spurting water surrounded by leaves? These are depicting the green man of a garden. 😊
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-03-29)
Zzsgranny; interesting! Is the green man some sort of gnome or a fairy? Do you observe that only old trees have them? Do they look strong? Or like very mystic? I am so curious! The branch bending might have a reason then!

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-03-29)
Tweed: I absolutely love trees and especially the old, gnarled ancient ones. I have a hobby of looking for "The Green Man" in all of them because I've noticed they all have one.

I really should start documentation by taking pictures or something lol.

Great story, love it!
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-29)
Msforgetmenott, I'm glad you enjoyed this and I'm sorry for your pine. I've cried over trees before. I think I've seen pines with their branches low like that, as a kid I seem to remember something like that. When plants get re-potted they go into a bit of shock and wilt for a day or so while they adjust. This sort of reminds me of how you described those pines. A mark of respect for their friend sounds right. Wow that's very touching. 😳

Hexotericka, speechless is good! 😆 Glad you enjoyed this.
You'll dig Manafon's experience too:

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