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A Friend Whom Had Lost His Mind


I have a friend whom had lost his mind after going to one of the famous haunted beach in Brazil. He was one of the investigators working with my other friend's uncle. He was sent to the hospital injured from the exploded phone; he kept on writing strange letters on scrapped notes during the time he was in the hospital but did not let anyone read the letters (They are either scribbled or torn).

A year after now, I went to visit my friend again, that day was his "treatment day" and so I had to bring him to another hospital (a mental hospital). I let my friend off first then parked my car at the parking space far end (MAN! That was far!) I went in the hospital and waited for my friend at the seat outside the doctor's room.

I remember myself starting to get a little sleepy, by the time I nearly dozed off, a young lady sat beside me. I thought she was one of the friends of my friend, "Olá", I remember I said hello to her but she was emotionless. So I sat back ducked down on my knees and tried to rest my eyes. I then hear the lady spoke "você está cansado?" (are you tired?) "um pouco" (a little) I replied. I rise my head up and saw my friend standing in front of me, looking at me as if he was shocked to see something that he should not.

I asked him what happened, and he started to mumble. I called the doctor to see my friend, the doctor asked me if I had asked my friend any unwanted questions, I shook my head and told him that I was resting my eyes and when I looked up I saw him (my friend) standing there in shock. The doctor brought him back in the room at the same time I heard a chuckle right beside my right ear. I turned but saw nobody. I was spooked to hell at that moment since I know that it is not a dream.

My friend came out and apologized, I asked him if he was OK, he shook me off and told me to come outside with him. I am not sure what was going on, as soon as we got out of the hospital my friend turned to me and said "Você viu aquela garota?" (Did you see that girl?). I asked him who he was talking about and he said "Ela estava ao seu lado!" (She was beside you!)

I told him to chill out. He sat down on a bench outside the hospital and pause for a while. I bought a fizzy drink from the hot dog seller outside and handed to my friend. My friend looked at me nearly wanted to cry and said he has lost his mind and needed help, at that moment I think I know what he meant and told him that I might have experienced the lady that he was talking about. I asked him if he wanted to visit some of my relatives from my grandmother's side and do the cleansing ritual that I did.

He became aggressive all the sudden and said "Como ela vai me deixar?" (How will she let me?), he was a little scary at that moment since I did not know what is going on. I sent him back home that day and contacted one of my relatives explaining the situation; he agreed to let us meet the shaman and told me to come anytime.

I am wondering if my friend is just unstable due to psychological illness or if it is due to the spirit (?) of the lady. One thing is I might be dreaming when I was saying hello to the lady and saw her during the time she sat beside me. The moment I raise my head and saw my friend my friend might be seeing her beside me but I do not remember anyone around me thinking back. But the moment I hear the chuckle, my back froze! It was very very very spooky.

Could my friend still carry one of the spirits (or a victim) from the haunted beach with him after such a long period? Why would the spirit be attached to him? And the most important thing that I want to know is, if anyone too experienced a similar situation and how to deal with it.

This is the spookiest thing happened so far and I really would want my friend to become better if this situation is a spiritual possession. For now, I am planning to bring my friend to my relatives but I am really afraid of him becoming aggressive again. Maybe I should be braver?

Sorry if certain things are unclear, please feel free to ask and I can explain as detail as I could.

Love from São Paulo


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, roylynx, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-07-04)
Guys and gals, update!
My friend in the story agreed to go to the Amazons with me and some other friends where the Tapirapé live, the main purpose as I stated would be meeting the shaman and hoping things would be better. No, I am not trying to prove anything but just betting for some possibilities. I might be writing a story about the trip IF anything interesting would happen. End of line for now, thank you for commenting and helping, and thank you all for all kinds of knowledge! I really appreciate it, I am willing to help anyone of you all in some way, Muito obrigado!

Blessings from São Paulo
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-30)
Eden14, I guess I have misunderstood you, sorry about it. Cheers!

Senhora Lady-glow, Aghori Sadhus! That must be it!
They sounded like some of the carnivorous tribes deep in the rainforest!
Aghoris Sadhus sounded more civilized though, just they have their strong believe. They are people after all indeed.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-29)
Eden14: are you talking about these people?

Eden14 (14 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-29)
Roylynx. No I'm not a Hindu. I'm a Semite. I gave an example that as a Semite we took help from a Hindu clairvoyant. This example was only to tell you that the prescription of a doctor is not seen through the glasses of the religion from which he comes. And yes, what chants I gave you are not Hinduistic either. If you wish to take help from anyone you know, it's upto you.

Thanx for your appreciation. I'm not enforcing my views on anyone. I only meant to help with something that had helped me always. Bye.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-29)
L_Melb, I totally agree with your last quote;

I suppose when the topic of ghosts etc is opened, it is liable to have superstition of all kinds mixed in

Please, have that in your mind, always;-)

Senhora Lady-glow, Glad to see your comment! I suppose friends are meant to go through thick and thin with each other, I will try not to over go with the situation though. Obrigado!

Luckdragon, I was going to say that the doctor said my friend have symptoms of multiple personality, that might be the reason he was aggressive. Thanks anyway!

Eden14, Ah! I see, those are Hinduism indeed, I have a few friends in my community who practices Hinduism too.

To be honest, I accept any religion really and I do respect them very much since it represents the founder's great thoughts. But yet, rules are rules here so if you want to share a story for all of us you are very welcome, as I said I have my plan already I might get my Hindi friends to help when needed, thanks again!

Peace on earth
L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-29)
Thanks Eden14,
Goodness that is rather bad to hear just before getting a snack... 😐
What you said in your reply to Roylynx is interesting regarding your brother and jaundice.
A lot of people - in my experience - wouldn't use a ritual from another faith.
My very Catholic parents for example would scoff if told to get a Hindu "treatment" like that. That is a lovely part of Indian culture that you have such respect for different beliefs and are willing to participate - be nice if such attitudes could be exported 😁
Thanks again!
Eden14 (14 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-29)
roylynx Thank u for for Appreciation. A patient is a patient and a doctor is a doctor and prescription has no religion. We in India believe jaundice is an effect of an evil entity, therefore, most of us go to a Hindu practitioners who know how to take off the jaundice with their chants. And they use limestone to take off the possession and while u watch the limestone turns yellow. My brother was diagnosed with jaundice as a kid and within 2 days the Hindu Pujari had taken off his jaundice, even though we are not Hindus. So you see, a prescription is based on knowledge and not on religion. No matter from which part of the world the knowledge comes from... It is human heritage. Best of luck with your friend.
Eden14 (14 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-29)
L_Melb The practise of cleansing came into culture I believe for the sake of warding off evil entities. Yes, I do know a sect of black magicians in North India who specialise in black magic. So as to please demons, one of the clauses is to keep inhygienic bodies, drink their own urine, mate with corpses, etc etc.
luckdragon (3 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-29)
It seems to me that your friend became aggressive when you suggested the shaman, as the attached spirit does not want this to happen.
L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-29)
(I wanted to point out that I am in no way trying to be disrespectful - unfortunately, when discussing these topics it can produce a snicker or two. I always welcome a laugh but don't wish anyone to think I condone cheap shots at anyone's beliefs.
Thought a "disclaimer" may be needed to clear up my motivation 😁
I am curious but don't wish to hijack the place! Thanks all 😳)
L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-29)
Hey lady-glow, glad you got a giggle 😁
I still wonder what the preoccupation with people's toilet routine is all about though!
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-29)
L_Melb: ha ha, good one! Would that make them (entities) perverts or disgusting?

Eden14: it'd be a good idea for you to read the site's "comments guidelines" section:


Roylynx: you are such a good friend!
L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-28)
Eden14, excuse me for asking, I would like some clarification and don't mean to distract from the original post. You say that cleansing after going to the bathroom is needed so as not to attract entities - I can understand this simply being a cultural practice but of all things why would human waste or unwashed people be targets for the supernatural?
Is it a belief along the lines of "nasty things like yucky things/places"?
Excuse this indelicate query but I have a hard time picturing those from the after life "sniffing" out their prey 😕
I suppose when the topic of ghosts etc is opened, it is liable to have superstition of all kinds mixed in
Thanks! L
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-28)
Eden14, Thank you for your powerful chants. I am afraid I am not familiar with whatever religion those are from, but I am feeling that you just wanted to help. I hope I am right. What I feel that he needs now is a good rest though, I will be observing him for a while and so will the doctors I might bring him to a short trip though. Case not close but I appreciate your kind words.


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roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-21)
Senhora Tweed, Thank you for your comment!

Well, I was just talking about this with my friend's uncle, explaining the details, I am going to make it short since it's a story that I have heard. A year ago when my friend with my other friend and his uncle went to the Brazil's famous haunting spot, Itanhaém or what people call the place as "The Dream Beach".

My friend was carrying his phone in the pocket on his shirt to record some EVP. Yes, he is an amateur and had not afforded any device yet. He kept the phone on and my other friend said they (he and his uncle) suddenly heard my friend talking to somebody that they did not recognize who. They wanted to get close to him to listen to the recording, I think at that moment my friend's phone exploded and he was sent to the hospital... No evidence for that since the evidences are all "gone".

I am not sure and had not have a chance to ask him what really happened because he was acting strange since that on... He was just a normal street boy like I am, err... Street man? (lol)

I tried the best not to put up the topic but he is the one whom always puts up the topic first, I know what you mean Tweed, I am not a gossip person normally. I always give him advices that the doctors give him, like ask him to calm down, have a drink, relax, things like that... Most of the time works, but this time and I think the last time too, he was acting strange, I didn't remember what happened last time since his Ex was there with him sticking around all the time which makes it a hard time for me to see what is going on.

This case here I tried my best to do the same but when he asked me about the girl... My back will be cold... After talking about it to many friends on and off the internet, seeing Henrique (my cat) behaved differently and discussing the matter to you guys I have learnt a lot but still I am in a maze with no exit... Tweed and many others here had lightened a pathway for me though. I will be looking after myself of course.

Sure, I will stick with "the doctor's treatment" first, I might bring him to the Amazons anyway just to make him relax, I am not letting him know what "my main point" is, yes bring him to meet my relatives; well, I will plan it just like some tourism experience, like an optional tour, free Shamanism Experience lol. Really just something like that and that is really all I can do.

Sorry it became long but I hope it explains everything.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-21)
Hi Roylynx,

I'm sorry to hear your friend is doing it tough right now. Could there be some post traumatic stress going on with him, or a delayed shock setting in? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to, it's more for you to consider.

I'm not sure what's going on with your friend at the moment, but I'd caution against playing into his delusions, if he has any. If he's experiencing delayed shock or something he might be seeking an escape from a painful memory. Often times the paranormal (as a topic) can act as a convenient scapegoat for people who would rather run away from their troubles. I don't know if this applies to your friend or not.

If this were me I would sort the paranormal events as I suspected them, the ones happening to you, like the voice. I would put these suspected paranormal events in a journal or something. But I wouldn't share them with your friend at this present moment, as it might confuse him and hinder his recovery. In time, when he's better you can talk about the paranormal events as you normally would. But right now I get the impression the topic is only confusing your friend.

The details suggest something paranormal did happen at the hospital. I just don't know if discussing it with your troubled friend is in his best interest at this time. Like Randy said, stick with the physical and mental evaluations for the moment where your friend is concerned.

Look after yourself, don't take on more than you can handle. I admire your strong botherhood in your culture, but sometimes taking on the responsibility of caregiver can do more harm than good. Care for your friend in a way that makes you both comfortable and keeps you both safe. Your friendship will be better for it in the long run. 😊
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-20)
Senhora Melda, That's OK, this is how people BUTT IN to comment any way lol
Hmm... So you think it is kind of an obvious situation? Right... Time for some serious thinking and planning...

Senhora BeautInside, I am getting my other friend's uncle to help with this situation since he is "advanced" with such situation. True, really hope that he will be OK.

BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-20)
Melda, for me you are always welcome in a conversation! 😊 you and the other members too, roylynx and I have the same roots as we come from 'brother' countries but we are all equal and we are all here for the same reason 😁

And you are right, animals are quite sensitive!
Roylynx, this situation doesn't seem normal to me... Truly hope you are able to help your friend!

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-20)
Roylynx - I apologise for butting in on the conversation.

Your cat obviously senses some negativity in your friend. Cats are extremely sensitive.

Having said that, I have a cat who doesn't bat an eye when my resident "visitor" is around. This spirit has been in my home from the time that Toby (my cat) came to stay at the age of four weeks! He is now 13 years old. So to him obviously this specific ghost is part of the family!

Animals are very unpredictable 😊

Regards, Melda
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-20)
Senhora BeautInside, Your comments brightens my day! 😁

I am trying to make him agree to go for a trip with me to the shaman's village, we had dinner together yesterday and he had brought me some good wine for apology.

We talked about other things though, since I did not want him to bring any negativity in my home, guess what? 😐 Animals are sensitive right? Henrique (my house cat) was aggressive against him but this is not the first time my friend met Henrique. Henrique used to show his "tummy" and played with him, but this time Henrique's hair stood up and he was trying to attack my friend while my friend tried to touch him. Eerie? 😲

BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-20)
Hi Roylynx,

Yes I am Portuguese 😊

Actually I think Portuguese people have a lot to learn from Brazilian people...
You know, you are a joyful country no matter how many adversities you have to face, and that is admirable!
You wrote a few sentences in Portuguese, and I can't see anything wrong about it, so your Portuguese is good!

Please keep us updated about your friend's condition.

roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-20)
BeautInside, Oh you are from Portugal? Now I am shy showing how bad my Portugese is lol

I know a few Portuguese friends and most of them are very intelligent! I have learnt lots from them! They tend to have a really opened mind and very international! We always learn from the Portuguese since the beginning of history!

BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-19)
Hi Roylynx,

You are very much welcome 😊
In my very short study of social psychology we approached briefly the use of medication and for what I've come to learn, among other effects, it tends to calm the patient down as they tend to be over anxious people.

I really hope, in one way or another, that you are able to help your friend.
Actually I have a few Brazilian friends and I know first hand that they are very kind hearted people, even more than we Portuguese are. It is good to know that you have that in common! 😊

roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-19)
BeautInside, Thank you really, thank you very much. I think you are right about the medicine he is taking I was being told the same thing by my sister but I thought she was giving me wrong information or just some word to calm me down, I shall apologize to her too.

Yes... Maybe coincidence but I don't know, my other friend's uncle told me that he will be taking me and him to the village this time since he want to do a document on shamanism. Well, he is a beefy guy so he could deal with the aggressiveness I think lol

We Brazilians believe in brotherhood, so we are actually all very close to each other, not just me, I believe most of us care for each;-)

Love from São Paulo
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-19)
Hi Roylynx,

This is why I think you should go both ways... A cleansing wouldn't do him any harm I guess... But sure enough, you must keep yourself safe. Several mental conditions could make the individual agressive, but not his medicine.
I might be very wrong, but the medicine he is taking shouldn't have agressiveness as a side effect... It should prevent agressiveness instead. But I might be wrong...

It is strange to me that you dreamt about a girl and then your friend asked you if you saw that girl... It may be just a coincidence but it's still strange.

And I most likely agree with our kind Melda, you must be a really good friend. 😊

Just take care and stay safe no matter what decision you'll have to make.

roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-19)
Oh my... Nearly wanted to forget about this but it's up, I think that means I really need help.

RANDYM, The doctor was with him since last November, he did a surgery removing the burnt skin from his chest, the doctors thought it is the trauma which made him mentally ill, I have hear a nurse saying that he was writing a love poem, the moment she went near him he scribbled it and tore the page of his note pad. You know nurses... Rumors, rumors, rumors... But now I kind of believe her rumor... But as you said yes, I shall be calm too.

AzraelX, Hmm... Your opinion won't surprise me this time, and thank you very much for all the information. Sure I was planning to take him to the shaman whom did my cleansing, I am not sure if that would work but I will be taking him there once there is chance. AzraelX, thank again really.

Melda, Haha, well I am just a person with nothing to do so that is really all I could do.
I knew his situation because I kept my other friend's uncle in contact, I started to see thing differently via reading and learning lots of things from this site, no, really. This site is really a special place for me indeed and I hope more people will realize it.

BeautInside, Hmm... I understand what you mean. Sure I will work my way safely, one thing that worries me is the medicines that the doctor give him... I think those too had an affect with his aggressiveness... Not sure but really, thinking back... It is sad to see a friend behaving the way he is now... The lady... I really am still thinking it could be my dream... But thinking of the situation and the place my friend had been... It really makes me "to walk through another maze of wonders", making me wish that I knew how to see if there is a spirit...

Love from São Paulo
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-19)
Hi Roylynx,

Very strange... I was definetly going for a mental illness only until you mentioned the girl.
Everybody already made very good points, but still I have o leave my 2 cents 😊
It is a good thing that your friend keeps being followed by his psychiatrist/psychologist but if you can, you should take him to the shaman so that a proper cleansing/exorcism can take place. However, given the agressive character of your friend please do not do that alone and ask another friend or family member to assist you on that. As he became agressive when you suggested him to see the shaman or spiritual healer I would recommend you to take him there in secrecy or not letting him know before hand where he is going.

To my knowledge, usually somebody with a mental condition won't admitt needing help, it works the other way; most of the times they think they are perfectly sane and their attitudes are perfectly normal. In your friend's case he is fully aware that there is something wrong and admitts the need for help. It is not impossible for somebody with a mental illness to ask for help and recognise needing help, but it is very rare...

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-19)
Roylynx - Both RANDYM and AzraelX have left you with plenty of food for thought! I don't believe there's much left for me to say.

What I do want to say, however, is that you are a very good friend indeed. It seems when your friends go through difficult times you are always there for them 😊

Regards, Melda
AzraelX (8 stories) (115 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-19)
I guess your friend is a emphath or a very empathetic person, sensitive.

Many spirits attach to the living, just because they want to experience the real world again.
Then there are those spirits, who are are confused and don't realize they are dead and want to get close to a living person.
In this case they are often trying to contact the living for help. These attachments might be deliberate or happen without the spirit realizing what it's doing. In these cases the spirits don't usually have any intention of harming the person they are attached to.

Other spirits and entities deliberately seek out and drain the energy of living people. They are energy/psychic parasites. For spirits to do this, the easiest way is to take the huge resources of a living person and drain the energy away from them - very much like a parasite. The most common type of spirit who is both determined and strong enough to latch on are usually malevolent. These Spirits drains the energy of their hosts s well as create havoc with their host, their near & dear ones and their surroundings.

So, which kind does the spirit of the young girl come into?
My honest opinion is that she is a psychic vampire, because she is continuing with him, torturing him mentally and not ready to let go.

Try to get him for a serious exorcism.

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