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Real Ghost Stories

The Midnight Hitchhiker


This experience of mine happened when I was still living with my parents in Bicol. I was 15 years old at that time and my cousins from Manila had their summer vacation at our house.

It was a hot night and we, me and my four cousins,  couldn't really sleep well. We decided to go out and buy some "balot" (preserved duck eggs)   because balot are normally sold during that time (10-11 pm)   and we really couldn't think of anymore activity to do to pass the time. We used my brother's jeep to go to the town market.

Upon going back to our house, I spotted from the distance,  a lady with an infant on her arms and a child holding the lady's dress. My other cousins also spotted the lady who was signalling us for a ride. But we just drove past her since she was signalling for a ride to town proper and we are already going back home. When we were driving past her,  I can't help but notice that the lady and the child were weird since both of their heads were facing the ground.

When we were about 20 meters away, I looked back at them and told my cousins that they were gone. They turned their heads to see that both the lady and the child were gone from the location we saw them. It wasn't a winding road so it was easy for any drivers to spot people even tho they are far away. We were so spooked that in no time we already arrived at our house. We were so scared that we need to open all the lights on the balcony and on the front yard just to close the front gate. We didn't really enjoy the food we bought because all of us were terrified.

The following morning, I shared the events that happened that night to my parents and grandmother but they just laughed at us  and said that we deserved that for going out late at night. After that,  we never drove out again without any of the adults accompanying us especially during at night.

Thanks for reading my story and more power to YGS.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Zaruje, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Zaruje (15 stories) (182 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-11)
Hello L. No there were no other vehicle at that time and we were the only one driving on that road. When we were driving past them, their body was standing straight but their heads were facing the ground. It's like their bowing but it so weird because,normally,if someone wants a ride they would have this expression on their face while looking at you or the driver. But the lady and the kid, they were just there standing with their heads facing the ground.

Thanks for reading!
L_Melb (220 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-10)
Hi Zaruje,
As you don't say, I thought I'd ask - were there any other vehicles that may have picked them up quickly before you had a chance to see? Also do you mean they had their heads down as if looking at the ground?
I also think it must be great having late night markets like that in your area! 😊
Thanks, L

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