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Becoming A Spirit Of Sorts- Please Help Me


Please be patient with me as this is my very first post:)

Let me preface with I have always been different. Even at a young age my Grandma told me that I was different than others and that made me more special. Well, I have obviously seen spirits that sort of thing but this is ENTIRELY different.

Let me start at the beginning and I will try my best to make this short. My Grandma was 82 when I was born and I lost her when I was 10. In those years she ALWAYS told me about our family. Her parents and so forth. She gave me a book and told me to put it up and keep it safe and said it was our Houston family tree book. At the age of 15 I started doing ancestry work on my family to go back further than what the book had. My 5th great granddad was born in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland. Go back two more generations and my 7th great granddad was born in Houston Scotland.

Fast forward to now. About 4 months or so ago I began to have a very strong pull to Ireland and Scotland. I've always said I wanted to go there for ancestry sake but nothing more than that. So 4 months ago that pull started and it's more than the I want to go there. It is deep in my soul. Well, a month ago there was this song that popped out of my head out of nowhere and I can't get the song to STOP! It is constant. Even while I am typing right now I hear it being sung! So, I thought to myself this morning that I would find out what the song was and then I'd listen to it then I could get it out of my head. I initially recognized the tune but didn't think anything else about it until this morning because I had reached my limit with it. After thinking hard I remembered where I heard the tune from. A show from 3 years ago and it was only played for 5 minutes in that show. Maybe less. When I found it I decided that since I had a moment of quiet I would listen to it. Well, I did just that and got really freaked out afterwards. The song starts out very soft and then about 18 seconds into it they begin to sing then around 1:33 into the song these drums merge with the singing.

When the singing began I was moving over what appeared to be water and the water was moving about and it was a little dark but the edges of my view was black. Just the middle was visible. Then all of a sudden I am looking at a young woman on a hillside and she's wearing a dress from the 15th Century. It was a dark green and she had a tartan on her like a cloak and she was looking out into field. Once the drums kicked in on the song I was the woman and I was somewhere else. (I saw stones in front of me and it was in a spiral pattern) as the drums were playing I bent over with my arms out in front of me and I saw I wasn't alone and there were other women doing the same thing and they were wearing white dresses. Once the song ended I opened my eyes and was home. I decided to see if I could find the place. The tartan the woman was wearing had a brooch type clasp and by the details on the brooch I could tell she was in Scotland. So I took that information and put it with the other details and discovered that the place was the Stone circle beneath Castle Ewen at Fairy Glen on the Isle of Skye. Can someone help me understand this? This constant pull to go there on my soul and the music and experiencing what I did during the song. The feelings I am having that I mentioned before is consuming me. It's getting to the point of anxiety sometimes throughout the day because I feel like I need to get there now. I appreciate you reading and any help that can be given! Thank you!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ashalli24, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ChickenLittle (11 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-24)

I'm another that can identify with your fascination with your Scottish heritage. I became interested in my family history, particularly with my Scottish roots, at the age of seven. I was obsessed with going there! I was married to my husband for a number of years before I found his mother had traced their lineage back to the ancestor who "got on the boat" several hundred years ago. Ironically, his "ancestral home" (Atholl) is now about 45 minutes from my "ancestral home" and we have found family ties. After waiting over 40 years, we finally made the trip. I assumed I had built it up unrealistically in my mind, would be disappointed, and that would be the end of it. NOPE! Scotland is incredible. Having said that, now let me be a wet blanket... There is a lot of mis-information about Scotland, Scottish history, customs, etc. So many movies, TV series, and novels fudge on the facts for the sake of entertainment. I'm not saying that your experience is not real. I don't know enough. Just be sure that the romanticism of Scotland isn't driving your experience. Also, do serious reading (big dull, dry books). I would recommend a book, appropriately titled "Scotland", by Magnus Magnusson. Almost 700 pages of Scottish History from 7000 BC to the present (and it's not too dull) . Also, there is a magazine called The Highlander that is a bit more entertaining, but still seems to be accurate. You seem to have your family history, so google and find your clan and join! 😊 The more you learn, the better you would be able to interpret what you are experiencing. Good luck!
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-03)
There is a bit of a discrepancy between your 15thC setting and your identification of tartans with specific clans. Tartans were not used as clan identifiers until the mid 18thC. Yes, plaid existed and was a pattern used in the creation of woolen (and other) textiles but it was just a pattern like polka dots or leopard until the mid-18thC. Here is a link to more information:

Kindly_refrain - I worked at CW for a decade. It truly is a wonderful place and I love it dearly. The palace kitchens are a lovely place - always warm, inviting and smelling like a special kind of heaven. Little known fact: kitchens were often separate buildings from the main house in those days but not because of fire risk - the separation was chiefly preferred to keep the heat, smell and mess of the kitchen out of the fine houses. If you would like more information on specific cooks who worked for various colonial governors (as the palace burned in 1781 and the Capitol was moved, you only have to cover the colonial period) please write to the folks of the food ways staff (you can find their contact info if you click through the museum's web page) - they are awesome people with a wealth of information they would be more than happy to share! Also included in the historic food ways section of the website are various modern 'translations' of 18thC recipes - perhaps attempting to cook a few might help bring back memories.

I am a firm believer both in past lives and what I can only describe as 'currents in the blood' (that inexplicable pull towards one's genetic ancestry and traits going far beyond the merely physical that seem carried in the blood). You may well have tapped into something here but beware how the mind can blend in influences from the modern world around it and your own desires. I say keep up the research but always keep a foot in the present and a pinch of skepticism in your pocket... And maybe start shopping around for a good price on some plane tickets:)
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-22)
Hi ashalli, it's been interesting reading about your experiences. However, I wonder if you should also pose your experiences on our sister site. It sounds like you may need very specialized advice. There are many members on that site who are experienced in lucid dreaming, dream interpretations, past lives and astral projections etc. Anne, the mod there, is very knowledgeable about such matters.

Here is a link to our sister site:

You are welcome to remain with us on YGS, but it's possible that you may find some of the answers you seek there. I hope this suggestion helps you. Do keep us updated as to your progress. Be well. 😊
ashalli24 (1 stories) (12 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-22)
Lady-Glow: your questions are understandable. No I'm not a daydreamer nor someone who fantasizes because I am the type of person that says what's the point of doing that? What do you mean exactly about relationships with the guys my age? Maybe it is a dream but my question is: why the same one every night? The past few nights are the only changes in my dream or experience whatever anyone would like to label it... I've never been a big dream person. I've had some here and there but never anything like this. It's scary because of the consistency and intensity. Any recommendations on how to do something about this? This is tiring on me mentally. Thanks for your input and such!
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-22)
Meaning no offense and making it clear that I don't expect you to answer my questions but, what kind of relationships do you have with guys close to your age?

In my opinion, you seem to be obsessed with a dream and this cannot be healthy. Do you tend to daydream and fantasize? If so, that's nice but it's important to be realistic and to focus in the present.

I'm sorry, but your story is becoming a little too far fetched for me to swallow.😏
ashalli24 (1 stories) (12 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-22)
Jubeele- I will definitely be going to Scotland. The thing is is that the "experience" is getting more intense. If you read the first story I posted then continued to the last one I posted you can see it is getting more detailed and a lot more intense. There is more to post from my experience yesterday but I'm so modest that I can't share it but I feel that it is very important to this situation I am in. I am beginning to want to go to sleep and stay asleep so I can go there. Last night as I laid down and put in my headphones I thought to myself: please let me go there and I was able to and to be honest with you I could be incorrect about the clan associated with the tartan I saw as you know that some tartans are very similar.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-22)
Hi ashalli, you're gotten Rex-T all fired up with researching his Clan connections. What a fascinating personal journey you've embarked on.

I was thinking along similar lines as lady-glow; your vision reminded me of "Outlander" too. On our way from Edinburgh to Inverness, Rex-T and I actually stopped by Doune Castle, built in 1390, where "Outlander" was filmed. It stood in for Castle Leoch, home of Clan MacKenzie in the series.

We also paid our respects to the fallen on Drummossie Moor, overlooking Inverness, where the Battle of Culloden was fought in 1746. It was quite moving, with the dusk falling along with a misty drizzle. As if the sky was softly crying over the battlefield with tiny flags of blue and red, marking where Scottish and English men still lay. There were a lot of flags on either side. So many sad echoes in that place.

Scotland is a beautiful, magical place. You really must make that trip.

Thanks for sharing your experience. 😊
ashalli24 (1 stories) (12 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-21)
This is tartan I am talking about

ashalli24 (1 stories) (12 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-21)
Lady-Glow that is creepy! The guy was black headed and green eyed to clear any confusion. The situation I am is getting so intense it's a tad bit scary! Something else happened this afternoon but I am afraid to share it. I will watch this video you posted!
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-21)
Actually, your dream is very similar to the following scene in the first episode of the series:

lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-21)
Ha, ha, ha!... I'm sorry, reading your last comment made me 'visualize' a scene from the TV series "Outlander" (based on the books from Diana Gabaldon)... Down to Jamie Fraser wearing a tartan with the colours and pattern of the Fraser clan.

I, too, would cry my heart out if I had to say goodbye to someone as handsome as Jamie Fraser (Sam Heughan)!

ashalli24 (1 stories) (12 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-21)
hey guys- this situation is growing more intense. The "scene" has changed and is more detailed. Ireland is no longer a thought in my head really (weird!) I had no idea today was winter solstice and about 2:30 or 3 AM I started mentally nagging myself to turn the song on. So I put my headphones in and turned it on. I decided to put it on repeat so that there wouldn't be any interruptions if something did happen. I laid down on my couch so I wouldn't get moved about in the bed. I closed my eyes exactly when it began and everything was black (naturally) then all of a sudden I was back at that hillside except this time I was at the bottom of it. I look and see the same woman wearing the exact same thing and I looked down to see I was wearing a very nice tartan dress. It looked expensive. (I was wearing Clan Douglas tartan) I tilted my head trying to figure it out in my head. She just stared at me stoically and didn't move. Not sure if you guys remember me mentioning the woods and that there was a fog and then there was some movement that I saw and it was a figure of a man that was to the left of where I was standing. Well, as she was staring at me I felt that she and I weren't alone. She looked towards the woods (her right) and as clear as the sky a man walked out. He was dressed in clothing from the same century as the woman. We just stared at each other. I can tell you EVERY detail about the man! His tartan was a different color though and after researching he was wearing Clan Fraser tartan. I quickly looked back at the woman standing there and she gives me a very sweet and small smile and nods her head to me to tell me go to the woods. When the drums kicked in about halfway through the song we ran toward each other and he picked me up and held me and um... Then... We kissed (I am very "modest" about those things LOL) it was a good minute- minute and a half and then he set me down and looked at me and then the next thing I know I am sliding backwards away from him. We both reach our hands out to one another and the same time meanwhile he has this heartbroken look on his face. Naturally I'm screaming no for some reason and I collapse on my hip crying looking towards the misty trees and he's still standing there and then he gives me a very small but sad smile and turns into the woods and walks away. When I look to my right the woman is gone. I sat there on the ground crying. Then I woke up!
ashalli24 (1 stories) (12 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-21)
Rex-T- I wonder which branch of Stewarts. I did find some information on The Campbell's that are on my tree.
Some other names that I found interesting that I also did research on was the surname Cunningham. I found that my 14th Grandfather was a man named Cuthbert Cunningham. I haven't really researched who he was just that he was married to Marjory Douglas (dau of Archibald Douglas) and they had children. The Campbell's are on my tree quite a few times actually. Agnes Campbell that was married to John Houston and then a Duncan Campbell, Colin Campbell and Archibald Campbell. The Stewart side is more complicated as you know there were 2 "houses" of Stewarts that hated each other because one had an affiliation with the black Douglas'. Mine is the line that has Mary Stewart who was the daughter of Robert II. I am still working but I will be verifying this when I do go to Scotland.
ashalli24 (1 stories) (12 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-21)
OH MY GOD EMMA! I DID JUST THAT AROUND 2:30-3 AM HERE! How crazy! And something did indeed happen! Oh my gosh I am still in shock of what you just said!
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-20)

So good to hear from you.

I'll try to explain in chronological order.

The ancestry trail starts on my fathers side, the name in Norse involving 'Wolf' and in French 'Son of the Lion'.

In the late ninety's Jubeele and myself were strolling through 'The Rocks' (old area of Sydney town). We came across this young fellow that was spruiking the tracing of ancestral lines. I tried him out with my name, he consulted his computer and came back with the Norse lineage and I'd have to spend $5 to go deeper. So I paid him and he told me my ancestors came from the Scottish Highland Warriors.

For an extra $10 I could go deeper, at this stage, I was expecting a scam but paid the $10 to be told that he could trace the lineage back to the Viking Warrior Priests that moved south to Ireland and then across to Scotland.

I walked away a pure skeptic, thinking that I'd just paid good money to be told that I was a descendant of Highlander. Jubeele was really excited as she was still going through her Immortal Highlander phase.

There it rested until we ventured out from Edinburgh on a two day bus trip to Inverness and back.

The bus driver had noted my name and gave me some free information. He told me our relationship with the Stewart Clan and tartan (Julia actually bought me a tie made with our tartan on returning to Edinburgh).

He would not go any further back in time as there were some dark times with 'bad blood' between the Stewart's, McDonald's and Campbell's.

I could relate to everything he told me, except the last part, which was so long ago but an echo of resentment was still there.

I still think the land made me feel at home. It's hard to describe.

I'll have to jump on the internet to find out more.

EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-20)
Hi Ashalli24 - I wonder if your Grandmother saw something in you and tried to prepare you for a life that included being very connected. How reassuring that your great Uncle looked in on you.

Going back to your experience with the Isle of Skye; tomorrow is the Winter Solstice and it might be a wonderful time to revisit that music and see what happens. Here's a link: Thinking back, did the woman look at you with recognition?
I'm also curious to find out if your family is from anywhere around Huntsville or if you have any family in Clover, SC? Some of the names you posted are in my family history. Do you ever remember seeing any Sextons or Hardys?

There's a live winter solstice link from Skye on Irish Central if you're interested. I've typed a longer comment 3 times now and 3 times it's erased itself... Posting this fast.
ashalli24 (1 stories) (12 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-20)
Hawkseye12002- Its a strange and heartbreaking feeling. I feel trapped and want to get there and I almost feel like it's killing me.

** back to my experience- I am curious about the white robes and being at the fairy glen. From research I found out that it is on the Isle of Skye. Now I probably need to get a good map of Scotland for this but maybe you guys can help with this. Emma you mentioned going to England and having that experience in a certain place and your family was from there. I can't remember. So, I have my surnames on my Grandma's maternal lineage and I am wondering if these could be from around that area. The names I am listing are from the Houston family I mentioned before. My Grandma's great-grandmother.
Johnston (e)
De Clare
De Paduinan
Fitz alan or fitzflaad (I think that's how it is spelled)

Those surnames are direct grandparents of mine.
All I know of my grandma's paternal side as far as surnames in Scotland go... I haven't researched wives so the surname present then back-
Collum-->McCollum-->MacCallum--->M'Gillespie Vich O'Challum
Thats as far as I have gotten with that and a mention of Poltalloch...
* I am interested in the places of the surnames that I made a list of. Thank You!
ashalli24 (1 stories) (12 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-20)
Kindly_refrain- I totally understand how you feel. I never felt the urge to cry. Well, not yet anyway. I am over analyze so I don't think I will be able to do that LOL
ashalli24 (1 stories) (12 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-20)
Rex-T. I completely understand you value your privacy and I absolutely respect that! That is interesting that you feel that way in two different places. Also, I am not a fan of my state LOL I definitely don't belong here that's for sure. My beliefs, interests, etc. That is an interesting way to find out your ancestry though. I am intrigued about the Irish Warrior Priest and Scottish Highland Warrior... How were they able to find that out?
ashalli24 (1 stories) (12 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-20)
I'm going to attempt to respond per person 😊
Emma- Interesting! I get what you're saying! I'm 5'7" and slim and I have curly (a little more than wavy) auburn hair and honestly sometimes it looks more brown but mostly auburn color and I have NEVER colored my hair. (My mom is short and of German and English descent. My father is 5'7" (short for a man lol) and Irish and Scottish descent as this is his side I am talking about!) I am built like my grandma and my mother even says it is uncanny how I look like her and act like her especially when I am mad LOL
This is where I understand your explanation of genetics- I have a point to all of this I promise. I remember one time my Grandma said to me: " You are a very special and gifted child. Remember that. You will feel alone but when you get older you will understand but never be afraid." I was like 6 when she told me that so naturally I was like whatever LOL well later that year I was playing at a friends house that was next door to hers and in the south older homes have multiple doors in a room because at that time they didn't have central air and heating. My friend said she needed to go to the rest room so off she went. Well, I got this prickly feeling and the urge to look to my right (which is where one of the doors were) and when I looked I saw a figure of a man standing there. I couldn't see anything except his shadow and I could tell he was wearing a fedora by the shape of his hat. He was casually leaning on the inside of the door frame. I was never scared or anything and I just stared. My friend came back and made a noise so I looked her way and when I looked back she was gone. I immediately told her I had to go home because my Grandma was calling me (of course she wasn't) I rushed next door to her house and I ran in the door and I was out of breath and said Grandma I saw a man. She was ALWAYS funny about men. I think something happened to her but anyway she turned around quickly and had this frightened look about her. She asked me about what I saw so I told her and her eyes got huge, she turned pale and then put her hand over her heart. All she could say was you saw my brother, you saw my brother George. Naturally I said Grandma what are you talking about? I didn't know you had a brother. Then she proceeded to tell me more about her siblings etc. She told me her brother George died in 1956! I didn't put much into it because it never scared me. Again, that story has a purpose at least I think it does haha so fast forward from 1994 to 2010. I was doing some research on her siblings and all I had was his name so I when I put that into Ancestry it pulled up his WWII draft registration card I had a chill come over me when I read that he was 5'7" was slim built and had auburn hair! My mom has dark dark brown almost black colored hair. My dad now silver headed had dirty blonde hair. I am the ONLY one out of her children and grandchildren etc to have anything like that. She had 2 children and one was chestnut brown and the other was a dirty blonde that turned gray. I also read that most people as you said Emma say 50% dad and 50% mom but a lot of the time the child doesn't get anything really from the parent but will get the majority of their DNA from their grandparents. I even inherited health issues from her that nobody else has!

Next comment post will be more about my original post. Sorry I got off on a tangent as well 😜
hawkseye12002 (3 stories) (36 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-19)
I feel a sort of camaraderie with you about your post because I, too, feel a pull to Scotland.

I am descended, on my Mother's side, from Adam de Dalrymple. He was Earl of Stair (in the 1200s, I believe) in the county of Ayr (Ayrshire now).

Momma's cousin did all the genealogy on the Dalrymple side of the family and even traveled to Scotland several times, but I still feel the pull. If it comes up in conversation, I just tell people that I am "semi-obsessed" with Scotland. It's the easiest explanation.

Various reasons keep me from actualizing my dream of going there but it remains my dream of a lifetime. I totally understand your "pull" to your home country because I have it, too.

I agree with all previous statements from commenters that it could very well be that the land of your people is calling you home.

When I first read your account, my first thought is that you were astral projecting but I don't think that would account for you seeing into the past, unless that has been documented before. I think that would qualify it as time travel...

Great post, welcome to YGS and if you get the chance--go to Scotland! Best wishes.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-19)
ashalli24, while my experience was not as deep as yours I did have something happen with similarities. I include it to let you know that others also have a strange sense of belonging in another time and place and that it is OK.

Although I am Canadian and born of Dutch parents, all of my adult life, I have always had a strong draw to Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia. About 8 years ago I went there with a friend of mine.

The place is amazing and very engaging but one place in particular really got to me.

The Governor's mansion has a separate building for a kitchen, which was common in that period. When I walked into it I was overwhelmed with a powerful sense of coming home. I tried to shake it off but it just became stronger and stronger. I was trying to take in the building and listen to the costumed staff behind the counter but I was losing it and by this time had tears streaming down my face. I did not want to appear this way in front of other folks and certainly not in front of my buddy so I bolted out the back door into the terraced vegetable garden.

The feeling slowly subsided and once I dried up I went back into the kitchen but left quickly as the feeling of being in my long lost home started up again.

I have not had this since, anywhere else, and I am not sure what to make of it but I do have theories (past life being one of them). To keep myself from obsessing, however, I don't ask too many questions of myself about what happened or what it meant. I believe that knowing the true answer is unreachable and would take up more mental and emotional energies than I am willing to spend on it.
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-18)
Hi Ashalli,

Your experience got me right in the heart. RANDYM and Emma are right, I believe your ancestry is drawing you back to Scotland and then Ireland. Your so lucky that you had 10 years with your Grandma who told you so much.

I won't give you my last name, as it is obscure (I value my privacy), but I can tell you that the Stewart's adopted my clan as we were very good 'sheep lifters' (cattle rustlers) and fierce warriors.

I came about this information in the opposite way to you. I bumped into a 'dodgy' fellow in Sydney, who put my name into a computer and it came back with Scottish Highland Warrior. For an extra $10 he went back further to an Irish Warrior Priest. Fast-Forward to 2013 and I took my wife on a European vacation - first stop Scotland.

We went up into the highlands and I felt at home, but how can that be? I feel at home in Sydney and in the Scottish Highlands?

My advice to you Ashalli, if ever you get the chance go to Scotland in the late summer/start of autumn and you will soon know. Don't forget that you've always got "Sweet Home Alabama" waiting for you.

EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-18)
Hi Ashalli24 - Well hello, relative. On my Mother's side I'm a Campbell and my husband is Campbell on both sides. It might sound trite to you but I believe you're receiving a call from blood to blood. This might even be tied into your DNA. What most believe is that DNA is a straight 50% from each parent. That's not exactly true. Genes may remain dormant for generations. When the combination is determined at conception you may in some cases receive a preponderance of DNA from an ancestor. Say your father is 50% Scot and 50% English for instance. You may receive any percentage in that spectrum. I hope that's not too confusing - and forgive me for going off on a tangent. I know that I personally had a great-great grandmother who was Norse (Sami) and I'm the only child for generations who is blonde and green eyed. Perhaps in the dice roll you came up very closely tied to the woman in your vision. It wouldn't strike me as odd if she had the same sensitivity or psychic ability that you have.
I hope that you continue to tap into that ancestral memory. And possibly past life memories.

ashalli24 (1 stories) (12 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-18)
Hey Emma and Randy. Thanks for your input because it is appreciated! This post will be all over the place but the family is the same.
Emma- That is a fantastic idea about me doing what you did about the location.

As I had said above that my Grandma who was 82 (and my fathers paternal grandmother) when I was born and actually my paternal great grandmother always told me stories of her maternal grandmother and her maiden name was Houston and that they were from Houston, Scotland. She also told me that her father's family were from Scotland as well. She explained to me the way that the surnames went as well and how Papa Collum's (her father) surname changed from MacCallum to Collum. As long as I can remember I have had a fascination for Scotland and Ireland. I have wondered about the reincarnation. Only because my tastes in things are so different than anyone in my family. The things that I love such as music, customs is SO different from my family. I am extremely traditional about certain things and as a young child I always loved listening to bagpipes. As a matter of fact I had one at my wedding!

** back to my experience- I believe that anything is possible 😉
I started my ancestry search when I was 15. Luckily I was given 5 generations back by my grandma. So, I have always wanted to go to Scotland and Ireland but nothing like these past few months. I am afraid that when I do go that I will not want to come home.
*The place I was at originally was the hillside and it felt very familiar for sure but what is even more strange was the immediate change in location and me becoming the woman at the stones... I mean, in the beginning I was looking at her from behind and there was a forest to my left. There was a mist type fog in the forest but not anywhere else. Then she turned around and looked at me and when she looked at me it was so strange. I couldn't look away until I saw movement to my left in the woods I mentioned and I looked and it was a figure of a man but I couldn't see anything else about him. There wasn't any real expression on her face at first when we made eye contact but then it softened. Since my original post I did some research on tartans because she was wearing one and it very well could have been a cloak. After my research I found the tartan she was wearing. She was wearing Clan Campbell of Argyll (Argyle) tartan. So, I did some research on the Clan Campbell of Argyll. I was just curious so I went to my family tree and found out that Patrick Houston- my 17th grandfather was married to a woman named AGNES CAMPBELL! After researching into them I found this:
**"It is not know how Sir John met his death, but he lived to rule the Barony only six years and died in the part of which is preserved to this day and can be seen by visitors to the Houston-Kilallan parish church in Renfrewhire. Inside the church, near the front entrance, there rest two life size effigies in stone of Sir John Houstoun and his wife, Agnes Campbell. These reclining statues are what remain of a more elaborate monument. The historian George Crawford writes that Sir John died in 1456 and was buried in the parish church of Houstoun, under a canopy of freestone, with effigies of himself and his lady, as big as life. Around the verge of the tomb I find the inscription in Saxon capitals, "here lie's John de Houstoun, Lord of that ilk and Lady Agnes Campbell, his spouse".** MIND BLOWN!
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-17)
RandyM - I love the points that you make.
Ashalli - Thanks for sharing your story. Because you're sensitive you may be feeling the pull to go 'home'. I went to England a couple of years ago and felt this huge pull to go to the southwest near Stonehenge. It was out of the blue, but so very strong. When I set foot in the place I was overwhelmed with a sense of belonging. Now, I had always been told that my family were Northern Irish from Ballymena but when I got home I started researching my family tree and found out that half of them were from Andover and Salisbury. Music can trigger senses much more than people give it credit for - perhaps the song was your call to go find your origins.

RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-17)
Welcome to YGS and thank you for sharing.
I could be way off and this is just my opinion
How do you feel about reincarnation?
Although it can be more typical for younger children to experience past life memories it almost seems that is what you were experiencing. The strong feelings of needing to get there are very typical of a person being drawn to a past life. You may need to ask yourself some questions. Did it feel strongly familiar to you? Did you feel like you belonged there? Have you held a keen interest in that geographical part of the world.
If you find yourself answering yes to a lot of those questions it may be worth some consideration and further investigation

Please share more as you see fit. It's very interesting

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