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Mysterious Lady Asking For A Lift


Hope all is well. This is a ghostly encounter that my Dad had long back in the late 80's. He had narrated this to me a few years ago. My Dad (RIP) was a TV technician and often returned home really late at night on his Yezdi Bike. The house that we stayed in was a few paces from the main road. So he had to park the bike take a left and then walk for a minute or two to reach our doorstep. If you just continue riding your bike on the road without stopping, there was a railway line which went into the salt pans a couple of miles ahead. Trains ran on the tracks so any other vehicles had to stop until the train left. After riding over the tracks there was a left and a right turn that one could take. However, right in front of the railway crossing was a cremation ground. And in most places around the late 80s as you would imagine population was sparse, people went to sleep early. And around 11pm, the streets were deserted.

One such cold night, well after midnight, my dad was returning home on his bike, when he saw a young Indian girl in a bridal red saree with her hair open and flowing asking for a ride somewhere. My dad found it weird but he had an itch to help people going out of the way mostly. So he stopped. The girl asked him if he could drop her a little ahead. Dad okayed and she hopped on. Dad tried to make small conversation but she didn't sound in the mood of talking only speaking directions where she wanted to go. A while later, dad realized that she was guiding him along our home itself. They arrived at the railway crossing where the barricades were on with a red signal because a train was arriving. The lady here gets off the bike and tells my dad that its ok, she will walk further ahead because her home is just across the tracks. So, my father agrees, puts his bike on its stand and says he will just wait here until she steps in her house since its late. So he puts his bike on the stand. Lights a cigarette and waits for the train to pass so the lady could cross. The train arrives and the lady walks right through the train into the cremation ground while my Dad is shocked and frozen to his ground. As he can see her frame dissipating in the silhouette caused by the lights in the passing train and as the train passes she enters the cremation place and disappears. Scared out of his wits, he throws the cigarette, takes a u turn, parks his bike at his normal place and runs home terrified. He didn't say anything at home that night but when I heard about this years later, I wondered what this could have been. No harm was done to my dad, but he did experience the horrifying scene.

This place that we lived in had a reputation for spirits and ghosts. Will post some other stories about here later. Till then, ✌️ and Look after yourself people.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ajonverge, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

ajonverge (6 stories) (84 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-31)
Vikraal: Hey how are you brother. No offense taken. Sometimes I think about the validity myself. I just believed it when my father said it. I am not contesting it being true or false. Apparition/ Hallucination/ Paranormal Experience, can't say¿ But Mystery, for sure mate. Cheers.
Vikraal (1 stories) (7 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-30)
[at] ajonverge: its an interesting story. What I feel though is this could merely be a creation of your dad's own mind. The ghost of a bride asking for lift has been much hyped in Indian urban legends. Like the ghost that snips women's hairs now. Just feels too funny to be true. I do believe that your dad believed he saw something. However, I'm confused about this. No offense bro. Peace and keep posting.
ajonverge (6 stories) (84 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-24)
Melda: I agree the conditions are foreign but the Indian feet seem to be made from jelly there.

Rex: Hope your favorite team wins. I shall check the email. Good night brother.
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-24)

Jubeele and me have been watching the local T20 cricket and Aussie Open Tennis. Actually I'm watching as Jubeele's asleep.

Have a look on email and we"ll catchup tomorrow.

Good to see you
Jubeele and Rex-T
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-24)
ajonverge - As far as I know Jubeele and Rex-T are fine.

The reason I mentioned the weather is because it could be adversely affecting your team. Remember, our guys are playing at home. I do think it makes a difference.

Regards, Melda
ajonverge (6 stories) (84 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-24)
Melda: yes I did read in the news about people suffering the worst draught in those parts. I hope mother nature showers her blessings in the form of rains. And yes the match has started. India already are 2 down. Hope they can put up a respectable total. Hope alls good with you. Havent heard from Rex and Jubeele for a while now as well. Hope lifes treating them good too. Have a fabulous day.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-23)
ajonverge - Never mind, India can't win all the time. Perhaps they'll win the next test which I think start's today. We're having a lot of rain in parts of the country at the moment though. We've had very dry conditions so the rain is most welcome!

Regards, Melda
ajonverge (6 stories) (84 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-23)
Melda: The Indian team has messed up Big Time. From being in a winning position in both matches to losing miserably. Paradox at display. I hope They r at least able to draw the third test. Well done SA.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-13)
ajonverje - Let's play cricket, what do you say? 😁 Your turn soon, oh my 😟

Regards, Melda
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-13)
Really enjoyed this story. I am just wondering that if any one else encountered her.
ajonverge (6 stories) (84 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-21)
Melda there's some level of camaraderie that the IPL has managed to instill in players of different countries. Mind u that I am not a 20 over cricket fan. I'm old fashioned that way and test cricket remains the most dear form to me. But U won't believe the level of emotional support that ABD for example has had in India over these years. Even Warner for that matter. And that spirit of belonging transpires when india plays against other nations.
Rex-T, India and Australia have had some nasty moments in the past but the media sometimes overdoes it and crosses the line. Theres hardly any enmity between the players when they play IPL together. And its just a fantastic feeling. In the end, cricket should always win. Peace.
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-20)
Melda & Ajay,

One thing I'm not proud about Australia is their 'sledging'. I understand it's psychological but it does not stay on the field.

I remember Kohli looking like a mad man and Kallis towering over a young Ponting like a thunder cloud.

Unsavory stuff. Let's hope it will be confined to a few light-hearted quips.

Let's see the top two teams in the world battle it out on the field and share some drinks and jokes in the sheds later.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-20)
ajonverge - I agree, may the best team win! Of course I might have some uncertainties about decisions - jokes!

One thing I can promise you, I'm going to have an extremely hard time moving my husband from his favourite seat in front of the TV. By the way, I love the Indian team. Brilliant players, nice guys; from what I've witnessed over the years anyway.

Good luck to both teams and what I like about the teams is that both of them are "gentlemanly". Please don't let them prove me wrong 😟

Regards, Melda
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-19)

I like the idea of eating a hot Christmas Pudding with brandy custard (even on a stinking hot day) better than being one, two, three or four in the world.
You are such a bad influence on me. 😉
I might email you the joke instead.

3 Fellow Tragics (although I suspect there's more),

Imagine the havoc to the opposition bowlers if you had Virender Sehwag, Jacques Kallis and Dave Warner all in the same side.

I'm hoping to have NBN very soon, so I might get to watch IND v SA yet (if I'm allowed to watch it).

ajonverge (6 stories) (84 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-19)
Melda: I'm not a fanatic too. Though a do like checking the scores every now and then. And with 🇮🇳 doing good currently, I don't mind watching sometimes when the national team is playing. I'm glad u enjoy your cricket as well. I can bet it was all due to Kallis. 😉. Anyway thank you for humoring me. May the best team win. Till then take care
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-19)
ajonverge - Do you know what? I often pretend that I don't watch the cricket but actually I do, sort of at odd intervals. We have two TV sets, one in the lounge and one in the master bedroom.

When international matches are on, my husband is glued to the TV in the lounge and I walk in at intervals to see what the results are. He doesn't know that I've got it going in the bedroom as well and check there occasionally. So yes, although I'm not a fanatic, I do like to know what is going on.

Bring it on India - let's go head to head 😁 I just love it. You see, it's easy for me because I don't mind who wins.

As for Kallis? Whichever lucky lady has got him is welcome. In real life I would avoid celebrities at all costs. How do you spell t-r-o-u-b-l-e?

Regards, Melda
ajonverge (6 stories) (84 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-19)
Rex-T: I would have said Kohli but I feel Rohit Sharma is true to his form too. I will definitely miss Virender Sehwag though. I still distinctly remember his triple ton against SA in 2009. He was one of the most explosive batter I have had the fortune to watch live.
ajonverge (6 stories) (84 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-19)
I would certainly pay to see that contest. Indian team is travelling to SA end of this month. It would be great to watch India playing outside India. And ABD rocks. Kallis was awesome too. I still remember the cover drives he hit almost sitting down. I'm sorry you missed your chance with Kallis. 😉 😘 ❤
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-19)
Rex-T - Less about the number 2s (could that be interpreted once again as toilet humour?) and more about the proof of the pudding being in the eating 😁

I think you need to talk to my husband - he never listens to me. Oh I know you have such a wonderful wife that she'll forgive anything you do - so let loose with the jokes!

By the way congrats! I just know that you guided every ball bowled and every 4 and 6 knocked over the fielders' heads. (Or might that have been T-Rex?)

Regards, Melda
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-19)
Ah Melda,

You've thrown down the gauntlet, like a good No. 2 World Ranked team should!

We all have our world class batsman, you have A.B. De Villiers, I've got Steve Smith and (no doubt) Ajay will have Virat Kohli. 3 great southern hemisphere teams = interesting times ahead.

Side Note: Now that Australia has won the Ashes, the English jokes have started. I won't recount any here as I do not seek to offend (no, there are all clean but very cutting) and my wife won't let me.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-19)
Jubeele - If I'd been a lot younger and single, still living in Cape Town, Jacques Kallis wouldn't have stood a chance if I got my claws into him 😁

By the way he wasn't only acknowledged nationally but internationally as well! Jokes aside now - truly one of South Africa's golden boys and he deserves the title.

Just kidding Rex-T. SA doesn't participate in the Ashes (obviously) and although I like my country to win sporting events I don't lose any sleep over it if they don't win.

Regards, Melda
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-19)
Melda - I remember big Jacques Kallis, SA's "once in a generation" all-rounder. 😘
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-19)
ajonverge and Rex-T - Blah, blah, blah 😆 Sometime soon the SA team will kick all your behinds (being polite) to the curb 🙄

Regards, Melda
ajonverge (6 stories) (84 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-18)
Jubeele: Hi, hope alls good there. As mentioned in my previous comments, it may be any one of the reasons for the bridal dress. Take care.
ajonverge (6 stories) (84 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-18)
Melda: I will most probably get the heck out of there as well in that scenario. It sure could be a consuming experience.

How are you mate? Hope alls good. I did find an email. Yes. 😉. Aus beat eng in the 2nd test. Steve Smith got a double. So a double blow for england. Hope they do better in the next games. Seems they have their work cut out for them. Anyway, nice hearing from you. Keep in touch
ajonverge (6 stories) (84 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-18)
Rook: if it was a blessing I couldn't say because I was just a toddler at that point in time.
ajonverge (6 stories) (84 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-18)
Rookdygin: It seems possible that the poor girl was killed by the train in an accident like Rex-T said. If that's true, its heartbreaking how a bride was travelling alone or with company in front of a cremation ground where she may have lost her life. In hindu weddings, the bride and the groom are applied turmeric paste a day or 2 before the wedding date. Its said that spirits are attracted to the turmeric and may cause harm to those people. Hence, The family generally wouldn't allow the bride/ groom to step out of the house until the actual wedding. In some sects in India, a woman whose husband is alive is also cremated in red bridal clothes. So, there could be that angle too. Will remain a mystery though.
ajonverge (6 stories) (84 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-18)
Emma: Its not possible to confirm the reason of her death and the consequences that led to them. However, what you said here seems most logical. It does seem to be a residual haunting. I just hope whoever she was, is at peace now.
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-17)
Ajonverge - Thank you for sharing your Dad's experience. Like Jubeele, I wonder if she was dressed in her wedding finery for the cremation ceremony. I also wanted to ask if where your father gave her a ride is close to where weddings are performed? Sometimes hauntings are a loop. She might start by trying to get to her wedding which never happened, then decide to go back over and over again.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-17)
I am unfamiliar with Indian customs... Is there a custom that individuals who help a spirit, knowingly or unknowingly, receive some sort of blessing?

If so did something good happen to your Father soon after this experience?

As far as the spirit disappearing when she reached the cremation ground... Perhaps that is where her spirit first exited her body and that has become her crossover point... Which would make the area or spot where your Father picked her up to be the likely place she passed away. Just my two cents... I may be way out in left field with these ideas.

Thank you for sharing your Fathers experience with us.



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