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My Father's Healing Hands?


I'd been thinking about my own experiences (few, far between and very recently started) and how and when I was going to submit them to YGS (having submitted my first March 30th, 2018) when I realised - hold on a minute, I've had other experiences before - shortly after my father died - at least I think so. You tell me.

My father had passed away August 3rd, 2012 and while we didn't have a healthy father-daughter relationship, he always maintained I was his favourite - probably because I resembled him in complexion and dimples. I do look at my long slim fingers and see my dad - while my brother is the spitting image of my mother.

On several occasions over the years my mom would tell how she couldn't move on waking - as though someone was sitting on top of her and no amount of thrashing about, or trying to, would dislodge the weight upon her. She'd calm down and pray and eventually whatever had pinned her down would release her. I couldn't wrap my head around this - she'd probably been lying in the same position all night and developed a stiffness in her limbs or joints - that's what I told myself. But it's an altogether different story when something inexplicable happens to oneself.

I'd woken from a sensation of being watched, which in itself was weird because I'm not a light sleeper. Besides, I'd taken a generous dosage of pain and flu medication which had knocked me out not long after. I remember I'd been reading Eat, Love, Pray by Elizabeth Gilbert (for the umpteenth time) and was two pages away from finishing the chapter. I don't think I made it to the next paragraph. My body had been violently shaking from the fever and mom had been sitting at my bedside dabbing my forehead with cold vinegar water - it's supposed to aid in breaking the fever. Old wives remedy or not, it felt good.

Upon waking, barely able to open my eyes, I felt someone sit down on the bed beside me.


No response, so I figure she's just come to check up on me, but it's not like her to not say something. But I'm already halfway back to the Land of Nod when I felt a hand stroking my forehead. No dampness from the vinegar water cloth, just a cool hand soothingly caressing my flaming forehead.

And guess what? I wake up feeling like a million dollars. No more fever! Which one could attribute to the flu medication, but...but...but...

Mom never came back to check up on me after I fell asleep the first time. I'd thanked her for sitting up and doctoring me and interrupting her sleep to check up on me. She looked at me all confused and muttered, "Shame, that fever really got to you."

Was it the fever or was it, as I later thought, my father's healing touch?

Thank you in advance for your advice and insights. All the best to you and your loved ones - whether living or passed.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Serenflipppity, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Serenflipppity (guest)
6 years ago (2018-04-14)
Dee and Jubeele

It was terribly uncomfortable ~ I cried. But I'm such a baby when it comes to pain LOL

The procedure itself, while not painful is EXTREMELY uncomfortable. Imagine a contact lens being inserted in your eye ~ the hard extra concave kind and having to keep your eye open for a solid five minutes while it's being zapped.

Was necessary though. As the doc said "This really is eye-saving treatment you're receiving. Without it your chances of going blind are high"

I'm just happy to know my peepers will now be better able to read the YGS stories.

Dee, please remain a curious cat. I love your insights, opinions and advice.

Jubeele, I feel truly blessed to have had the experience and to have found this community. I think it probably unlocked the last of the latent fears about being thought of as crazy. Even if I am ~ I now know the comfort or closure it brings.

Thank you dad and Justin.
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-13)
Goodness, that sounds really uncomfortable, Maxine. Hope you're feeling much better now.

That metallic iron smell is certainly distinctive though. Smell is one of our most basic and primal senses. If your gut feel is that it was your father, than I'd trust that instinct. You're indeed fortunate to have such an experience.

On YGS, you'll make many connections with others of like minds. Some of us keep in touch offline as well. There'll be the occasional spat or 2, but that's all part of being in a community. Be well. ❤
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-13)
That sounds awful! Glad you're feeling better! ❤

You nailed it; I'm just a naturally curious person and try to keep an open mind. 😊 Unfortunately, this leads to staying up late researching and reading possibilities, theories and general useless facts... 😉 It keeps life interesting though. 😊
Serenflipppity (guest)
6 years ago (2018-04-13)

It's fan"blooming~tastic (the sharing)

My peepers are already much better, thank you. Had procedure yesterday. Ghastly night of burning itchy want to scratch my eyeballs night though. Just lots of tearing today. Perhaps I'll be able to see my ghousties more clearly now ^.^ aha mods, I'm keeping it on topic hey.

I enjoy reading your comments. You seem to think of things that haven't even crossed my mind. Ergo CuriousDee. ^.^
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-13)
You are very welcome! ❤
I can already tell you're very sweet and funny. It's great to be able to share our wacky encounters right? 😊

Forgot to mention in my last comment; hope your eyes feel better soon. ❤
Serenflipppity (guest)
6 years ago (2018-04-13)
Thank you for the karma poinys explanation <3 and I'm also so very glad I remembered, but more so that I've found a home where I can share my experiences without judgement and harsh negative critique.

Thank you EVERYONE for reading my story and don't be shy to leave a comment. I'm really nice ^.^
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-13)

Karma points are when someone has agreed/liked or disagreed/disliked your comment. Tap the green triangle next to a user name to give a +1 or red for -1 (giving or taking away karma points).

That's great validation regarding your dad and the scent of ironwork. I'm glad you remembered. ❤

Serenflipppity (guest)
6 years ago (2018-04-13)
And while you're here ~ will you please be kind enough to explain the Karma points on my profile. Thank you.
Serenflipppity (guest)
6 years ago (2018-04-13)
Hi Jubeele and CuriousDee

My apologies for the tardy reply and lumping you together. It has taken me a while to type this response. <laser eye treatment>.

I had not been thinking about dad at all and I had in fact, pushed the experience way out of my mind when my cousin called to check up on me a few days later and I told her about my 'crazy dream'. She told me to not be quick to dismiss it as a crazy dream then shared her own experience.

She has a spastic colon. I like telling her there's nothing wrong with her, she's just full of sh! T ^.^

Nevertheless, she had dreamt about her father and in the dream he had rubbed her stomach. The next morning she had what she called "the most glorious poop ever!" She's still full of it though. ^.^

I'd thought back to that night and realised there being a distinct smell in the air. Dad did ironwork as a hobby so I'm very familiar with the smell when someone is welding and that is what makes me think it was dad. It is indeed a very comforting thought that dad had reached to ease my pain and discomfort. Thank you for your kind words.

As you can see from my reply to Jubeele ~ it was not my immediate thought and I have apologised to dad for not recognising his presence. I think he forgave me ~ but that encounter is for another story.

It is a curious comfort to know the extent to which our departed family and friends extend a helping hand in our time of need. I feel blessed for the experience. Thank you so much for your kind words.

All the best ladies. Maxine
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-12)
I think if your first thought is that of your father visiting, then that's what it was. I know when my mother is around too, it's not always physical, but can be a feeling and/or knowing. I'm sure our family and friends on the other side are with us more than we realize.

I too, like the idea of passed family members comforting and healing us. Thanks for sharing ❤
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-12)
Seren, all that medication can be quite disorienting. But was there any particular reason you thought it was your father? Were you thinking about him at the time? Or do you think he came in response to your need and came to ease your fever?

This reminds me of the time when I was feeling feverish and thought I felt a hand on my forehead:

Whatever the reason, I do like the idea that it was your father's healing hands. It's a comforting thought. Thanks for sharing your experience. 😘

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