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Visit From Unwordly Beings


This happened in the state in which my body sleeps but my soul is awaken and aware of everything.

They came one night and just passed through my bedroom door. There were three of them. They stood there at the door and were watching me for a short period. They were shining with this golden-yellow colour. Just like the sun. Inside that shining, there was a humanoid silhouette/shape, but their exact looks wasn't defined. Only the main line making this humanoid shape was almost clearly visible. They were at least 1.80 or 1.90 meters tall. They were just beautiful and peaceful.

The one who was in the middle approached me and put his hand on my face. It suddenly felt warm. It felt like home. It felt like family. That was the way they communicate. They communicate telepatichally or through touch. What he wanted to say was: "Everything will be alright and everything is how it is supposed to be. You are not alone." And then it ended.

In the morning I woke up happy. And I didn't feel so lonesome as I usually do, which is a consequence of being, let's say, 'different'. One thing is to feel/know something, but it's a whole different story when you can see it or touch it.

Anyway, some people would call them angels, some would call them extraterrestrials or non-worldly beings, ghosts... There are lots of terms.

What I can tell is that it was a visit from beings who are highly advanced in all of the aspects, coming from another dimension. They are evolutionary way beyond people on this planet.

Has anyone else had an encounter with them?

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Junglecat (2 stories) (56 posts)
5 years ago (2019-04-02)

I also had a similar experience to yours four years ago. I had been struggling with astral spiders and had seen two goblin/ imp things who just stood there eager to see what I would do when I caught them out evesdropping on my very boring prayers. The imps were the ugliest things I had ever seen. I'm no fan of spiders either.

After a successful smudge session, the spiders eventually returned and I started hearing creepy noises from my top floor. So I resorted to prayer. I'm Christian and prayed to my God to send an angel to me to fight my battle for me and rid my home of those pests. Several days later, I saw a small (1m tall) grey-black smoky winged form hovering over my bed, just watching me. I was terrified, backed up and asked it to leave. A moment later, it did. A few days after, I woke and felt something holding my hand. There was a small angel, just like the black one only white, holding my hand. I felt *exactly* the feelings that you felt during your experience. Then the white one lifted and there was a red one occupying exactly the spot where the white one had been. Then a black whoosh moved that one along. It looked like smoke and moved like wind.

I haven't seen any paranormal pests in my home since then.

Your story reminded me of an extended sermon by a friend of mine in which his thesis was that God is beauty, and all things of God are beautiful.

There are supposedly two kinds of angels- the little ones with wings and the big warrior sort. I clearly experienced the first. I can only imagine what you must have been going through to get three of the latter. Anyway, that is what it sounds to have been from my perspective.
MrsRizzo2429 (4 stories) (93 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-07)
Oh ok I see thank you for answering me 😊Many blessings to you.
LadyBelle (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-28)
Hi PoliexterLy

Thank you for your comment. You know, I read some of your comments (they're super in a funny way) and I have to say I'm honored to receive a nice one from you 😜 I googled this movie you mentioned to Awake1111 and I'll just say... Thank you for making me laugh 😊
LadyBelle (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-28)
Hey Awake1111

Thanks for sharing these experiences and info with me. Well, I really mean dark green or somewhat dark green/dark grey color. Can't say about the whole figure/body color cause I managed to see only fingers once, I was half awake-half asleep, I believe I started to wake up to fast and then they disappeared. They were doing something with their fingers on me. Maybe curiosity?
I understand this part about judgement of our system, but discernment is the best tool to overcome it. And it would make your life easier and calmer. In the end, we are just passing through.
PoliexterLy (2 stories) (92 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-27)
LadyBelle, this sounds like a really cool experience. It's awesome how you felt almost happier after it!

Awake1111, I have noticed your comments. Have you seen the movie 'The Abduction Club'? I think it would help a lot with what you're experiencing. It's very educational 😁
Awake1111 (18 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-26)
Ive never been in contact with green ets I don't know if you are refering to when ppll say little green men or if you really actually mean that color bc the "little green men" really are not green ppll just say that term but really look like this πŸ‘½ they are grey and have big black eyes. There are green ets out there but the greys are really grey or sandy brown. I have had multiple outa body experiences with them itll take days to tell my stories but sadly I can't remember much of what they tell me or what I tell them bc my memory sucks I remember them saying I need to have more love for humanity which is hard for me bc it is hard not to judge such a wicked system we live in. I remember them pooring knowledge into my mind like a computer and I do the same in return they also speak in images or emotions. I remember being visted in my bedroom by a grey that introduced himself as Samquel (never heard that name ever) this being poked my pointer finger and said your guna just have to get used to this. Sometimes ill be awake and recieve random images telepathically of their faces some are hybrid.
LadyBelle (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-24)
Hi MrsRizzo2429

As far as I can remember that was the first time I saw them. I believe they appear rare.
LadyBelle (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-24)
Hi Awake1111

Thank you for your comment:-)

You mentioned having encounters by yourself. Do you know anything about the entities that have long dark-green fingers, maybe these greys of yours even though you said they appear as shadows?
MrsRizzo2429 (4 stories) (93 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-23)
Lady belle

Have you had more then one visit? Or is it the first time?
Awake1111 (18 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-22)
Gold light is the light that heals. You are in contact with positive extraterrestrials.:) I have been in contact with the greys I have also seen many humanoids and cloaked figures. The greys appear as shadows
LadyBelle (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
Dear CuriousDee:

"They" and "Them" referred to the number of those entities who visited me (3). But the description I gave refers to the entire group or tribe of theirs.

Other questions you asked me, well... I can only tell you it's an inner knowledge/the feeling/something you just know without having any evidences for it or being told about it. It's something I instantly knew when they came and when I felt the touch of one of them. That's how they share information, anyway.

There is a difference. Let's exclude ghosts.
Angels are also considered to be extraterrestrials, actually extraterrestrial is a general term. For example, some scriptures say that angels don't have wings and some others say they do.
These entities didn't tell me their name (in the end it's not the name or a word that matters, but a purpose). So, I'd stick to extraterrestrial, yes.

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-16)
Ah, I see. The way you refer to the beings in your account as 'They' and 'Them', along with explaining their intentions and communication had me thinking you've experienced this multiple times.

You stated: "What I can tell is that it was a visit from beings who are highly advanced in all of the aspects, coming from another dimension."

What makes you think this? Why do you think they are extraterrestrials?

I agree with Twilight, most people believe there is a difference between angels, ghosts, extraterrestrials, etc. So I'm assuming you meant ET all along?

We (members) usually like to ask questions when we're trying to understand an account, so thanks in advance for understanding. 😊

LadyBelle (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-16)
Hi Zaruje:

It happened several years ago.
You mean experience or story? Experience helps me a lot in understanding myself and the world around me and beyond because I'm spiritual, so these kind of experiences are welcome to me. Posting the story helps me in a way (I hope so) in finding people with similar experiences and gathering more info. But I like to communicate with everyone, discuss, answer questions, that's why we are here...:-)
So far I managed to find only one experience where there was a girl who saw the same as I did, but she had near death experience.
People usually see orbs, white lights and similar.
LadyBelle (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-16)
Hi Twilight1011:

It'ok to say your opinion and ask whatever you want to:-) I don't like to label things and there are so much false information on internet and all around us... That's why I wrote all those different terms. But, according to some kind of known definitions, I would call them extraterrestrials or extraterrestrials/angels...and that's also wide general term.
I'm also searching for a specific name. But maybe in the end it doesn't matter, what matters is your inner knowledge and spiritual experience.
People are not alone, there are all kinds of entities with us, around us and in other dimensions.
LadyBelle (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-16)
Hi CuriousDee:

This was the only encounter I had with them (as far as I remember).
That's also one of the reasons I'm searching for any kind of extra info on them.
They come only when it's really important or they have important message, they don't interfere. They want to help people in raising consciousness, but let them to come to that point by themselves.
They communicate telepatichally and by touch, so the thoughts they were sending me when the one in the middle put his hand on my face was: "Everything's going to be ok, you're not alone". They are pure love and light. It's so peaceful in their "world".
My reaction... I was really happy.
If I remember more I'll write it down to you:-)

You know, some would say we are "stuck" here in 3D, but these are all experiences we have to go through and there's comfort in knowing that something greater is out there and we are not alone.
Zaruje (15 stories) (182 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-16)
When does this happened? I don't mean to sound rude, but does this story kind of help you? To be yourself? Coz you said being "different"?

Honestly, I find this story quite intriguing in a way that, maybe you posted this story as an outlet for you and not for it's paranormal activity. If it does, then you are very welcome to post more and we are more anxious to read them 😊

Z ❀ ❀ ❀
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-15)
You say that some would call what you saw an angel, or alien, or a ghost? I'm confused on what you think you saw though, not implying what you saw was not real, but my confusion is in my opinion, that all 3 of those are very different to me, and wanted to know what exactly you think they were? I mean no offense in my question, I'm only confused on what you're trying to say you saw. Hope to hear back from you soon. Your experience is very interesting, and I wonder what they could be πŸ˜•
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-15)
Greetings Ladybelle,

It sounds like you've had several visits from these beings, correct? Can you tell us about the previous visits/encounters? As in... Your reaction, any interaction, were you always in a half asleep/half awake state, any communication previously, etc?

I'm interested in your encounters, but wanted to know a bit more. Thanks in advance. 😊

All the best ❀

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