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Elementals Who Hated Loud Noises


I believe that some elementals hate loud noises and I have three stories to support this.

I live in a small, rustic community located along the northern suburb of Dumaguete City in the island of Negros in the Philippines. Our place is actually a rural subdivision that still had a lot of big fruit trees (usually mangos, jackfruit, marang, etc.) and mahogany at the time of my stories. Most residents (especially the senior ones) still believe that engkantos or fairies still reside among the trees.

My first story occurred sometime during the late 1990's. I just arrived home from work in the late afternoon when our neighborhood was disturbed by a loud noise coming from the open exhaust pipes (i.e., no mufflers installed) of two big Harley Davidson motorcycles that were driven by two long-haired, bearded Americans in their early or middle 50's. These guys had the appearance of typical biker outlaws that wore jeans and sleeveless, denim vests; and rode without any helmets on. They stopped in front of a neighbor's house where they inquired about some bungalows that this neighbor of mine was renting to foreigners. I went out of the house to eavesdrop on their conversation, all the while, the big motorcycles had their motors idling in the typical loud "potato-potato" tempo of Harley Davidson motorcycles.

I don't know what went inside the heads of these biker dudes when they decided to rev up their engines at full throttle causing a loud noise to permeate throughout the entire neighborhood. The noise was so loud that even my two children went out of our house to investigate where it was coming from. This went on for around 10 to 15 seconds when suddenly, both engines fell silent at the same time (yup, simultaneously).

I thought they intentionally shut-off their engines but I was wrong when I saw the two bikers began desperately to re-start their machines using the kickstarters (these were old model Harleys). This went on for around 30 minutes without any success. The two men were already red in the face and cursing from exhaustion (and possibly from embarrassment,too) when they finally gave up and went out of our subdivision to find a mechanic. They came back with a mechanic who immediately examined the machines. According to the mechanic, he was baffled why the bikes won't re-start because he just couldn't find any mechanical defects in them. The situation finally ended around one and half hour later (it was already dark by then) when they finally decided to hire a big pick-up truck to carry the two bikes out of the subdivision. They never showed up again in our place. The senior members of our place believed that elementals had intervened to shut up their loud noise.

My second story involved my wife and her toddler niece. This took place during the early 1990's when her niece was around 3 years old (N.B., the toddler was the daughter of her eldest sister). She was often left under the care of my wife for babysitting whenever her parents were at work. One morning, my wife was in the kitchen preparing lunch with her niece just playing in the immediate vicinity. My wife recalled that the cassette player/radio was playing some pop songs then with the unit on "Radio" FM-mode. As toddlers most often do, the child decided to throw some tantrums when my wife scolded her after she disobeyed her order to quit playing because my wife was about to turn the stove on --- the toddler gave out a loud, shrill scream out of anger and frustration. Suddenly, the radio fell silent.

My wife immediately examined the radio and discovered that the selector switch was turned manually from "Radio" to "Tape" causing the radio's music broadcast to stop. She was extremely sure that there was no cassette tape in the unit and the music she was listening to earlier was from a local FM station. This freaked her out since no one was near the radio when it fell silent. And once again, we believed that some invisible beings were responsible for this occurrence whenever their surroundings are disturbed by loud, irritating noises.

My last story involved my weed whacker (i.e., grass-cutter) and this happened around a year ago. This US-made weed whacker (with a German-sounding name) is a two-stroke machine that produces a noise similar to that of an old-model motocross bike when operated at high speeds. I use this equipment to cut the grass in our backyard, front lawn and the areas outside my fence. I recalled that during my initial operation of this unit, I sometimes got carried away by operating it at full throttle and this created a lot of noise. And, in two instances when I did this for a prolonged period of time (more than 5 minutes), my weed whacker suddenly went dead and won't re-start no matter how hard I attempted to operate the pull starter. I am 100 percent sure that it was not a case of overheating since the unit won't restart even when I let the engine cool down sufficiently (i.e., an hour of cool down). And I know it's not a fuel problem since I am very meticulous on the required fuel to oil ratio whenever I prepare the gas mixture before each use. In both instances, the mechanic who had a look at it scratched his head because his examination always produced results that showed that there was nothing wrong with my weed whacker (it was still technically new at that time) --- he just gave the unit a perfunctory wipe and the unit would restart with no problem at all. Since then, I have decided to go easy on the throttle whenever I operated this unit by not going on full throttle for prolonged periods of time so as not to disturb the silence that our local elementals want to preserve.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, fence_sitter, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

fence_sitter (4 stories) (27 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-15)
Hi Rex-T,

Your comments are always appreciated and I don't consider them late actually (they are most welcome anytime). I am happy that you are back on this website and happily clicking away on your keyboard.

I totally agree with you that these spirits have been here long before humans arrived. And like them, I totally agree in keeping the solitude and silence in our immediate environment. Good thing they have never harmed any members of my family and we have tried our best in making peace with these beings. In a way, I consider this relationship as a blessing.

Like ghosts or poltergeists, I believe these spirits are also forms of energy and this might explain why they are able to influence objects such as motors or switches. I have already accepted their existence, totally accepted them as a facet of our existence in this world, made peace with them, and just co-exist with them harmoniously by avoiding any disturbances or noise in our place.

Just my two cents worth; and my prayers and wishes for your total recovery. Peace.


fence_sitter (4 stories) (27 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-15)
Hi RCRuskin,

I totally agree with you. Like you, I also side with the elementals in keeping the silence specially in our own personal "fortress of solitude".

Like you I also suffer from tinnitus because I have been a Type 2 diabetic since I was 40 years of age. I believe that I have found the solution to this problem when I practiced meditation (right now, I am using the breath meditation technique of Theravada Buddhism) and I just condition myself to accept that the ringing sound is just an element of my natural environment --- a sound that has been there since the primordial times and just accept it as it is. I just embraced it, I don't get annoyed by it, I accepted it totally, and made peace with it. During meditation, all I concentrated fully on is the observance of the breath at the present moment --- no distractions from the past and no dreams, plans or expectations about the future --- just concentrate on your inhalations and exhalations at the present moment and accept that the ringing sound is just a friend that your mind has accepted to be present at all times. With practice, you won't get disturbed or annoyed by the tinnitus in your daily life. It worked heaps for me.

Just my two cents worth and thank you for the comments. Peace.


Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-15)
Hello fence_sitter,

Recent circumstances have meant that I'm a little bit late to the party and a lot of my initial thoughts have already been covered by fellow YGS posters.

I get the impression that these elementals are ancient and are (understandably) trying to preserve their environment in its original state - pristine jungle. It stands to reason that they would not take kindly to pretend "Easy Riders" with overtly loud Harley's. Getting the bikes carted off in a pickup truck is hardly in the spirit of "Born to be Wild".

I have experienced and read accounts of engines cutting out in similar circumstances, only to be deemed undamaged on closer inspection. In the majority of cases, the cause was electrical interference. I'm wondering if the elementals have a close affinity to energy and can influence an electrical circuit - in this case, the electrical impulse to the spark plug.

Hey, got to agree with Augusta on this one, I live in a large apartment block and would willingly rent out a few elementals to impolitely pacify neighbors' sound systems, from time to time.

As for Ruskin's mobile boom boxes, we call them "Doof-Doof" cars and in Australia, they can be pulled over by the police, the owner fined, and the car defected on the spot.

In a way, fence_sitter, you are fortunate to have your own neighborhood sound police on active duty.

RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-14)
Hi, Fence-Sitter.

I have to agree with these elementals. I do not understand why some things have to be noisy, or why just have sound on in the background? And this is even with my tinnitus. Sometimes, I'll put on a video of ocean waves or something similar, but never anything loud.

And let's not bring up... I forget what they're called. Cars with 5 billion watt sound systems. Boom cars?

In summary, I agree with the elementals.
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-11)
Hi Fence sitter -

Yes, you have answered my question. Thanks for answering! 😁
fence_sitter (4 stories) (27 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-11)
Hi Haven,

So far, these beings are just bothered by loud noises (mechanical, firecrackers, loud human voices, noises from altercations and arguments). They don't mind animal noises --- specifically, those made by chickens, cats, and dogs. Regarding firecrackers, based on our experience --- these bring misfortunes and accidents rather than good luck specifically during New Year's eve. They always come back with a vengeance a few hours or a day after these loud firecrackers are lit up. That's the reason why my family has totally abandoned this particular tradition that we inherited from the Chinese.

There was also the time I raised white, broiler chickens in our backyard --- this happened during the early 1990's --- I always lose a chicken from every batch that I raised. Due to the size of the cage I used, I only managed to raise 30 chickens and these were harvested after 30 to 35 days. I did this for a year and half and believe me, I was never hit by any pestilence or malaise that would wipe out my small brood of chickens --- but these beings would always get a single chicken from each batch. And, these unfortunate chickens are always afflicted by crooked, malformed legs --- every chicken that died had this characteristic. Really weird...

Thanks for the comments and I hope I have answered your question. Peace.


Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-10)
Hi, Fence sitter -

Wow, very interesting. I wonder what other occurrences or events these elementals are bothered by. Have you noticed anything else they don't like? I'd love to hear more about them.

Thanks for sharing!
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-10)
Ugh! I live next to a fairly busy street with residential buildings all up and down it. On nights when one of those insecure inconsiderate block heads on either a loud Harley or a car with exhaust pipes modified specifically to make noise tears down the street with a godawful noise loud enough to wake the dead - I have often wished for just such a super power as your resident elementals seem to exhibit! Such things may technically illegal here in the states but without any form of enforcement, that doesn't stop anyone. 😠 if only we had elementals like that here!
stargeezer (2 stories) (33 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-09)
Amazing! Sorry about you appliances, still it's my dream neighbourhood! Wish I had it in my neighbourhood. And burn my neighbour's (all of them are fine except one) loud stereo system. Lol. And love the fact that no fire crackers. The festive times are a nightmare to my dog.
fence_sitter (4 stories) (27 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-09)
Hi Leo (stargeezer),

My family had several experiences in the past that seem to reinforce our belief in these elementals and that further experimentation is no longer needed. It was sometime in 2009 or 2010 when we purchased a home entertainment system that was composed of a large screen TV, a DVD player, an audio amplifier, a sub-woofer, and four tower speakers that we placed in the four corners of our living room. Initially, we enjoyed putting the system into full-blast, theater mode whenever we watched war, sci-fi, and action movies (the glass jalousies of our windows would literally shake when the volume is turned up). Guess what, a wide black line suddenly appeared in the middle of the TV screen in less than a month after we first used it --- good thing the warranty still covered the repair.

There were also several instances whenever some members of my family argued or fought noisily with one another that some unfavorable incidents or accidents would happen (i.e., plates or picture frames would mysteriously fall on the floor, some items in the house would disappear only to re-appear again after a period of time, some of our vehicles, gadgets or appliances would mysteriously conk-out, some of our pets would die, etc.) --- and the funny thing was, these incidents always happen in groups of threes before they finally stop from occurring. In a way, this helped in promoting peace and quick resolution of arguments or differences within the family --- it was better to avoid fights and loud altercations within the house than suffer misfortunes that would surely follow.

Even our neighbors would avoid being noisy during New Year's eve (almost nobody in our street light up fireworks at this time) and fiesta celebrations (neighbors who had videoke or karaoke machines always have the volume of their sets toned down and all the singing stop by 10 PM).

Despite these strange occurrences, I'm still glad that our place has been quiet and peaceful through the years. Despite its proximity to Dumaguete City, our subdivision still maintains its rustic, serene atmosphere.

Thanks for your comments and suggestion.


stargeezer (2 stories) (33 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-09)
Hello fence_sitter,
Interesting story! I too believe in nature spirits and respect them. But still... If I were you I would put my theory into test. (first apologizing to nature and of course your neighbours) play some loud music outdoors (electrical) and a loud musical instrument,? If it happens again apologize! And promise never to do so again. Just an idea.
fence_sitter (4 stories) (27 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-09)
Hi Biblio,

Thanks for the comments. I sort of connected the incident of the radio with the elementals because of the aspect of noise in the story --- I assumed that the elementals who could mechanically shut the engines of Harley motorcycles and a noisy weed whacker could also cause a switch to move physically to another setting when these beings were disturbed by our niece's noisy tantrum (at least they fiddled with the radio rather than the child).

Nevertheless, I also have another story in the pipeline (I will submit it in the future) that pertains to this same radio and some ghostly occurrence that you might consider a poltergeist manifestation (i.e., this occurred during the burial procession of my mother-in-law). In this regard, I am beginning to agree with your assertion on this matter.

Thank you for the new insight. Really appreciate it.


Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-09)
Greetings, fence-sitter.

I'm not going to dismiss the idea that there are elementals who had heard enough noise for the day and intervened. I do believe in the existence of elementals and of the effects of their emotional states. Sometimes, they are present after their environment has been reduced/eliminated by humans, and I do know that elementals' emotions can take a *very* long time to dissipate.

Running a bike on straight pipes is illegal in the U.S., as it can cause permanent hearing loss; mufflers are mandatory! Perhaps it is a Librarian problem, but I have particularly sensitive hearing in my left ear; I can hear the percussion in music being played on ear-buds (that a student is wearing!) about 30 feet away. I do not care for sustained or repetitive loud noises, as they provide a constant irritation and they interfere with my ability to concentrate.

The bikers' engines may haven been subject to interference from an elemental, as would your full-throttle weed whacker; these are both outdoor occurrences. It's difficult to fit the cassette/radio event into this pattern. Yes, it is a machine that was silenced, but it's an electronic device with a physical switch that was visibly moved from its initial position. Ascribing all three events to the same potential cause is problematic; it is just as possible, by the same logic, that there is a particularly strong psychic or medium in the neighborhood, or a poltergeist manifestation, or an over-protective guardian spirit, who *also* hates loud noises.

I agree that there may be a connection between the engines' noises and their subsequent cessation, but I suspect that the radio event your wife described to you does not fit well with the pattern.


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