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Unnatural Cat Cries


In Midvale UT., I rented a small, isolated old house. What was my garage is now a small apartment. I've heard noises so, I started doing some research on the property. It seems an elderly lady and her son lived here. The son would carry his bedridden mother to the garage while he worked on cars. If she needed anything she would knock on the walls. Eventually, she passed away in the garage and the son moved away.

In time, I baked some welcome cookies for the new girl who rented the garage/apartment. I brought her the cookies and she welcomed me into her home. We chatted a bit, suddenly, there was loud, hard knocking on the walls. She opened the front door and no one was there, we walked completely around her yard and all gates were locked. We returned to the house and the knocking continued, my neighbor stood up and said, "get out, they want you!" She opened her door and pushed me out. Perplexed and frightened, I hurried home and locked my doors. Later that night by phone, I was speaking with my sister,suddenly, I heard a cat crying. It sounded like a poor, juvinial imitation of a cat crying. It was definitely coming from inside my house. Even my sister confirmed she could hear it.

Two years have passed, I've moved to Taylorsville, UT. I've bought a big house. Last night I was awoken by a poor imitation of a cat crying, loud and clear, downstairs in my livingroom. Hearing that exact sound fills me with fear. I don't know why, I'm scared! Even now as I write, I don't want to sleep, it's almost two a.m...I'm scared!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ScaryMary2018, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Kest (12 stories) (55 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-24)
Hi! I live in Utah, too! It sounds like there is a good gap of time between what happened the first time and what is happening to you now. You need to update as to if anything happened to you when you finally did decide to sleep. Try to find out if anything has happened in the house you live in now. I would be curious to know. It's possible you could try cleansing. There is someone on here by the name of Rook and he has a cleansing ceremony that might be helpful. If you don't think it is a real cat, maybe just ask it to stop, say, "Stop. You are frightening me. Please leave." What happened with your first neighbor is certainly odd. I would like to hear what experiences she had in her home.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-22)
That girl sure sounds like the kind of neighbor you don't want to associate with, she was not only rude but uncaring.

Have you ever had a cat that could be coming to say "hi" and check on you, perhaps trying to comfort you during a stressful moment?
Do you feel afraid because the cat "shouldn't" be there or because it sends an evilness with its presence?

A little more information could help to figure out what is going on.

Thanks for sharing.
majarlika012 (12 stories) (122 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-21)
Did you ask the girl neighbor as to why she said that "they" want you when you heard the loud knockings on the door?

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