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My Cat Is Acting Strange


I've had my cat since he was a kitten (around 15 years). He's always been a little strange, but he has never acted like this. He was born without front teeth (he had canines, but nothing else), his tongue would always stick out, and he was more likely to act like a dog then a cat.

A few weeks ago however, he started to act strange. I was laying in bed at around 3:30AM, my cat was laying on the floor in the middle of my room just on the edge of being asleep. All of a sudden, my cat jumped to his feet, staring at my door. He stood for several minutes, his ears twitching every which way. Then all of sudden, he whipped around and started "chasing" something around the room. He even jumped up onto my bed and ran from the head to the foot, before jumping back down. Then just as quickly as it started, he went back to his spot in the middle of the room and laid down. He did this for almost a week straight, then he didn't come into my room at all.

I walked downstairs and found him laying on the couch staring at other cat as he laid on the dining room floor seemingly asleep. I came back down the next morning, to find that the cat that was laying in the dining room had passed away in the night. What freaks me out the most, is that my house is over 120 years old, and in an area known for hauntings. My cat stopped "freaking out" after my other cat passed away. But just last night, he started doing it again.

I have a few videos, unfortunately, I don't have a video of the first night. The one where he was running all over the room, like he was chasing something. As you all known, I've had other experiences in my home. However, my cat has never really reacted or been involved in any of them. Until now.

Just last night, as I was calling him into my room, he spun around, stared at the corner of the ceiling, and cowered against the wall. It actually took me several minutes to get him to come away into my room. As I picked him up, I got a really bad feeling. The moment I set my cat down in his place on my bed, he jumped down, and sat staring at my door.

There have also been instances where my cat will act as if he smells something. He'll walk around my room like he's following some sort of a smell.

It's important to note that when I get up to use the bathroom I always find myself checking up and down the hallway. Feeling as though I was about to get hit with something. My eyes have always been drawn to the corner my cat was staring at, and the nearby attic door. I am honestly beginning to think that I might invest in some night vision cameras and post them around my house at night. I'm not sure if this is a good idea. I don't want to make things worse then they already are.

I've also thought of taking a day, and go around to the "hotspots" on my property, and recording some videos, just to see what I catch. If I catch anything at all.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Cole_Harris, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Cole_Harris (11 stories) (29 posts)
4 years ago (2020-09-18)
I just wanted to give you guys a quick update. I haven't gotten to do any research on the house yet (the office hours for my town clerk are weird and they're never open when I'm actually available.

However, the activity has died down now that the renovations are finished for the time being. The cat isn't reacting to anything and seems to have calmed down a lot. I'll try and update again in a few days when I finally finish moving into my new bedroom. Hopefully things stay quiet for a while... I need a vacation from the paranormal. 😜
snowflakes211 (4 stories) (24 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-01)
Whenever your cat displays such behaviour, pet him some and let him know you are there while letting know the entity that it's not acceptable for anyone or anything to harm the residents of the house including the cat. Say it out loud if necessary. And keep an eye out on your cat. Animals need to be calmed when witnessing something supernatural or otherwise which made them panic. Let them know you are there for them
robo (15 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-29)
i like your story take care of cat from malaysia I also have cat 🤔
boo_boo_whoo (15 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-16)
Your kitty is very cute, she looks like my Miss Whiskers. I hope nothing wants to hurt her.❤️
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-16)
Ok so it may be time to do some research on the land and house - NY state has a long and storied history, you may be able to find out some rather eye opening bits of info about the land and greater area where you live. You may also want to try means of communication with said entities - outside of a Ouija board, that is - things like an EVP or pendulum session are typically viewed as a bit safer. Having done your research before such a session will help you guide your questions to get better to the point.

I'll post a link to a page I have found helpful - they have a great deal of fairly well researched folk methods to try in managing these situations etc. Https://www.ghostlyactivities.com/herbs-protect-evil-spirits/?amp
Just make sure that any items you bring into the house are kitty safe:-)

Also, all of the changes may be causing a bit of emotional distress for kitty - maybe try some CBD products (do your research, not all are created equal), calming treats (you can get them cheaper on Amazon than the big box pet supply stores), a Feliway plug-in and/or spray, or talk to your vet about a temporary scrip for nerves (generally very inexpensive and you can use GOODRX to find the best price near you - provided kitty's liver and kidneys are healthy enough to handle medications).
Cole_Harris (11 stories) (29 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-11)
Just a quick update folks. Nothing has happened lately when it comes to my cat (thank god!) However last night, I was sitting at my computer and all of a sudden I saw what looked like a small black orb flying along the wall in front of me. It honestly looked a lot like the shadow a large beetle would leave, which is what I thought it was at first. But when I turned around, I saw absolutely nothing. And it was large enough, and flying slowly enough that I should have seen something if it actually were an insect of some sort.

I know that you guys are going to tell me that I need to cleanse my house immediately; But I would much rather figure out what it is I'm dealing with, so that I can get proper help should I ultimately end up needing it.

I would have added the orb as a separate story, but what I stated above is literally ALL that happened. Not to mention the fact that I get the feeling that it's tied to whatever is affecting my cat. Do you guys have any idea what this orb could have been?
Seekings (1 stories) (14 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-10)
Cole_Harris, thank you for your response to my comment. If you didn't see any flying bugs in the room at the time, and given that puss didn't try and swipe at it or chase it when it appeared, (which is what our now long-departed but still missed cat would have done to any fly/moth/bug popping up in front of him like that) then I think that video is even more interesting. Just what is the little zoomer in the room? And my sympathy for the death of your other cat, losing a much loved pet is always hard, especially during these strange times. We had to have one of our GSDs put to sleep at the beginning of lockdown so I feel for you.
Cole_Harris (11 stories) (29 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-09)
Seekings, I just watched the video you mentioned. I swear there were NO bugs in my room that night. If there were, you probably would have seen me start swatting at them.
Cole_Harris (11 stories) (29 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-09)
My cat has been strictly indoors his entire life. We live too close to the center of town for him to wander safely. While I do tend to keep my door closed at night (dark hallways creep me out), I let him out whenever he wants. The reason I'm posting this is. Because his behavior is entirely out of character. Before all of this started, the most he would do is sleep on my bed, or jump to the floor and chase his tail. I should also mention that things always start "acting up" whenever my household goes through major change. Which we are right now, I've had a pet die, a loved one is in the process of moving out, we're having part of our roof worked on, and I'll be switching bedrooms shortly... I feel like we're basically poking a bear when it comes to our not so living residents... Wish me luck! XD
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-09)
Cole_Harris - What a healthy looking 15 year old cat. He looks rather similar to my cat Percy (Sir Percival), except that Percy has less white in his fur.

I understand the way in which your cat reacted when his friend died during the night. A number of years ago I had two kittens which were also the same age. One night, when they were approximately two years old, Dixie (the female) was hit by a car and died. Toby (the male) was visibly disturbed. He did not see Dixie being hit by the car. We discovered her lifeless body on the pavement when we started searching for her in the street at about 11 that night.

I watched the videos and my very honest opinion is that your cat seems rather calm and relaxed, plus slightly bored at times. In the third video (I think) he was sniffing around quite a bit as well as looking towards the ceiling, or objects higher up which aren't visible on the video. Even so, he doesn't seem to be stressed.

Is your cat closed up in your room every night? Is he a permanent house cat or does he spend time outside during the day? I realise that at 15 he isn't exactly a youngster so he might not like to spend much time running around outside.

I have always allowed my cats and dogs to be either outside or inside during the day - their choice, but at night I keep them inside. I know that many people keep their animals indoors at all times but that seldom happens here in South Africa.

I have also tried to figure out where your window is. Would that be to the right of your bed? Perhaps when he's wide awake he glances in that direction because of light entering the room with resultant flying insects, or sounds coming from that direction.

I think I've posted a rather jumbled comment here but perhaps being a cat lover and having owned many cats I'm trying to find something weird in what he's doing.

So my personal opinion, for what it may be worth, is that you perhaps you should allow your cat the run of the house at night (assuming that he is currently limited to your room during that time). In my house my bedroom door is open. The cat's food is in the kitchen and the litter tray is in my bedroom. The cat sleeps on my bed most of the night but also wanders around the house. For all I know he might be displaying erratic behaviour but if he is, he's doing it somewhere else in the house!

I really do look forward to reading comments on what the general thoughts are regarding your video.

Regards, Melda
Seekings (1 stories) (14 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-09)
I've noticed that in the 5th video, something seems to shoot out from just in front of the cat and zoom up towards top left. He doesn't seem to react to it at the time but in the 6th video he seems to look towards the direction it travelled in. If this was a moth or a fly that he was watching so intently, I'd expect him to react when it apparently pops up right under his nose, so I do wonder what this is. Intriguing, as Ruskin says...
Cole_Harris (11 stories) (29 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-08)
No problem! I would have just posted one link, but I wasn't sure if it would work. All the videos on the list are "unlisted" Only people with links can see them.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-08)
Cole Harris, thank you for making a playlist of the videos. Makes it easy to watch.
Cole_Harris (11 stories) (29 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-07)
Both cats are roughly the same age. The cat that died was only about 2-3 weeks younger.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-07)
🤔 Intriguing to say the least. Looking forward to seeing the video. Just for clarification, are both cats roughly the same age, or is the surviving cat a year or 2 younger?
Cole_Harris (11 stories) (29 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-07)
Thanks for the advice AugustaM. I'll have to look into it. However, I guess I should state, that the instances where he "sees things" are the only behavioral changes he's exhibiting. He still eats, plays, and drinks like he always has.

A quick update to the story. I actually caught it on camera this time! He started watching something off the end of my bed, so I immediately pulled out my phone. I also managed to catch something else on camera too! I have lamp above my bed that I use for reading. I had it on last night when I was recording. A couple hours ago, I went back to the footage and found something I can't explain! For the first few moments of the video, you can see on the bedspread that something is blocking the light. A few seconds later, whatever is blocking the light, moves away. Because of how I sit in bed, there really isn't any way it could have been me. The part that scares me the most however, is that my cat was watching something at the foot of my bed, and whatever was blocking the light was RIGHT behind me.

I'll be posting the video shortly, and will comment with links to it, and all of the other videos I managed to catch of him "seeing things."
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-07)
In the days and sometimes weeks leading up to the passing of a pet in our 100 year old building, we get sightings of phantom black cats - we have learned they are harbingers. They always go right after the passing. Perhaps your home has its own set of harbingers - you just can't see them.

Elderly cats can also develop dementia just like elderly adults so they may be "seeing" and reacting to something that just genuinely isn't there. They also tend to ingest less water as they grow older due to our feeding practices and sometimes the discomfort of bending to the bowl or the inability to see well enough to know where the water level is and dehydration can also cause odd behavior and hallucinations.

Or this could be something entirely out of the box and might as well take a few simple precautions just in case.

First, check for natural causes - they could be chasing fruit flies that you just aren't seeing or other pests just under the floor boards or in the walls - so check for droppings under furniture, in kitchen drawers etc and maybe set a few traps in safe places (roach motels, humane mouse traps [they are safer for your cats], a glass of vinegar w a drop of dish soap covered w cling wrap with a few holes poked in for fruit flies). In case it's dehydration, talk to your vet or do a bit of googling - it's pretty easy for you to check if your cat is dehydrated. Try a pedestal bowl (or just prop up his/her existing bowl with another beneath it or a few books), place multiple water bowls that are changed and cleaned morning and night around the house, offer broth or wet food [if they are unaccustomed to wet food, go with something stinky - Tiki Cat makes a good one with sardines], even try a cat fountain if you are so inclined.

Lastly, for the paranormal options - I think setting up the cameras is a good idea. There is a free app called Alfred that allows you to slave two devices together (ie 2 tablets, 2 phones, a tablet and a phone [old phones no longer in service work too so long as they can be connected to WiFi]) and use them as surveillance cameras - one becomes the camera and the other the viewer. The "night vision" option is pretty decent and there is a motion activated setting - you can even set it to sound an alarm if the motion activation is triggered. That way, you might be able to get some insight into what you are dealing with. Then cleansing time!
Cole_Harris (11 stories) (29 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-07)
Thanks for the condolences. My cat passed of natural causes. He was 15 years old and 16 is the end of a cat's natural lifespan. I had suspected for quite a while that he was living his last days. According to my Dad he hadn't eaten or used the bathroom in days, and had spent two days straight laying beneath his desk. In truth he had never been very healthy. We adopted both cats as kittens from a shelter. They had just finished a bout of kennel cough when we picked them up. The cat ended up suffering with tendon issues for his entire lifespan (he was never very flexible and actually struggled to clean himself), and spent close to a year before his death completely blind.

Strangely enough there is one instance I can remember that happened just a few nights ago (I would post it to the site as a separate story but there just isn't enough to the story to make the thousand word minimum.) I was sitting in the living room staring at my phone when I saw him walk through just like he used to. He stopped in the doorway that lead into the dining room and disappeared as soon as I looked up. I was sitting in a recliner with the foot rest up, so I really only saw his tail and back end, but it was still enough to freak me out a bit. Oddly enough it seemed to quite literally be just his back half, nothing else.
Alina5 (3 stories) (136 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-07)
Hello Cole_Harris,

Pets do have a better ability to sense the paranormal than the humans. Since you already have the knowledge of your area being prone to hauntings, and the senstivity of your cats in your house especially your room is probably not indicating a good sign.

My condolscenes on your loss of a beloved pet. However, I was wondering

Did your cat had any subjective illness leading to death?

Why he died all of a sudden?

If this entire even is the impact of any paranormal being then I'm afraid that it can be potentially malevolent towards you and your cat.

My only recommendation is performing a cleansing ritual in case, to prevent any active hauntings.


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