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A Man I Can Not Explain


This may appear a tad unusual - the post has been written in three sessions over twelve days. I wanted to record my initial impressions to share with you if I could not satisfy myself as to what I saw. I thank you for your indulgence...

I had an unusual sighting this morning- January 7th, 2019.

Most week day mornings, weather permitting, I take our dog, Sadie Mae, for a pooh stroll of approximately three quarters of mile, roughly 30 minutes starting around 5:30. For those curious I always have three pooh bags on hand, more if I'm with Sadie. We see, for the most part, the same people doing the same things with very little variation.

First a slight description of the area: after taking a right turn on the right hand side of the street there are two houses, followed by a small cemetery, followed by more houses until the next right turn, approximately a half mile. On the left, in the corner, is the church's house followed by woods. The house nearest the cemetery has a motion sensor light which Sadie and I activate most mornings from the street. The cemetery covers roughly an acre, and most of the names on the stones are the same as the name of the street upon which we walk. There is a church which is located behind the two houses. The church's house is a house owned by the church which has been used to house hospice patients to keep them near their church and minister. How many people have died in that house I can not say but certainly more than a half dozen in the twenty years we have live here. Currently the church's house is unoccupied and undergoing renovations.

This morning, after making the right turn, I saw a man walking towards us from the direction of the cemetery (there are any number of houses beyond the cemetery so he could have come from one of them). There are two things remarkable about this:

First - he's the first person I've seen walking at this hour of the day in this location, and I've been on this walk for six or seven years. I have seen people out and about, normally I see two or three cars, and two or three people walking from their doors to their cars. Once or twice a week, if we're running a tad late, I see an elderly neighbour get his morning paper from the end of his drive.

Second - he didn't set off the motion sensor light, which Sadie and I did as we passed the house. Now I'm a large man and Sadie and I together make a much larger target for the motion sensor than most people, but the Cuddlewife has told me she and Sadie have set off the motion sensor when they passed. I can not come up with a plausible reason he didn't set off the sensor.

When I first saw him he was in the area where Sadie and I normally set off the light, so I had at first assumed that the sensor wasn't on. That happens from time to time, but Sadie and I activated it after passing him. I can't really describe him too well, it was dark and he was wearing dark clothes. We did exchange greetings (I didn't recognize the voice but I don't know everyone who lives back there). Sadie reacted to him as well, the way she reacts to most strangers, friendly and wagging.

After Sadie and I activated the motion sensor I turned to take another look at the man, I could not see him. Whether this was because he blended into the background, made the turn, or went into a house I can not with any certainty say. I think I would have heard him enter a house if he had, I do hear people leave their houses in the quiet of that hour.

I should also mention that, other than walking for exercise or visiting neighbours, there is no reason to be walking around this area. The nearest place of business is the County Complex, about a mile and half away. The nearest store is some ten miles away. There is no bus stop nor is there any public transportation of any kind here. The area is becoming increasingly suburban but remains pretty rural.

January 14th, 2019

It has been a week since I saw that mysterious figure and I've not seen him since. Over the weekend I was able to ascertain that no one new had moved into the neighbourhood.

Over the course of the week Sadie and I performed some experiments to determine just how far away from the house a walker must be for the motion sensor light not to be activated. The result was that I could not pass the house without tripping the sensor, even when I walked along the tree line across the fence giving about an additional six feet of open grass. I can not conceive of a way that individual could have passed the motion sensor without activating it.

A second point Sadie and I looked into was my inability to see him after we had activated the light. Taking some crude measurements and re-enacting the events as best I could I determined that the figure could not have made the corner had he maintained his pace, he'd have been perhaps 25 yards short of the point. This would have put him in the field of light coming from the first house's front window, which is usually on at this time of day. This makes my inability to see him after the event even odder than I had at first assumed.

January 18th, 2019

I had arbitrarily decided to submit this on Monday the 21st, I was hoping to find more information, specifically another sighting which would convince me that what I had seen was a man. However on this morning's pooh stroll we had another, very different encounter.

Prior to coming to our first corner I noticed a large white form in the yard beside the church's house. The form was about six feet tall and appeared to be a smaller sphere sitting atop a much larger structure, giving the overall impression of human like form. The whole form seemed to be changing shape, like a poorly defined mist. Given that I was looking for the figure I had seen before I was somewhat taken aback. I stopped and observed the form for a bit.

Sadie showed neither fear nor even interest in the apparition, so we sallied forth and discovered, to my amusement and relief, it was a freshly installed propane tank; as I mentioned the church's house is undergoing renovation. The shape changing impression was caused by shadow cast by trees moving slowly in the light breeze. I included this tale to show that I am not given to seeing things which aren't there, and that when I see something I can't explain I am given to investigating it. I admit readily that my earlier sighting has led to my imagination playing tricks on me.

So the YGS readers who've stuck it thus far, what do you think the figure might have been? I'd like to think it was a man, but I can't get around the facts it didn't set off the motion sensor light and that it seemed to vanish when it got behind me. If it was only that I lost sight of it after passing I'd not be so bothered. If it was a paranormal/supernatural entity it is of a type I am unfamiliar with. It did not inspire fear in either of us. It did respond to my greeting, though I can't recall exactly what it said (hello, hi, good morning, 'morning) it struck me as a normal response. In body type it seemed like a perfectly normal man of average height and weight, somewhat smaller than myself.

So I'd like some thoughts from the YGS community. Any thoughts, ideas, or tests would be appreciated.

I will say this, that since I saw that figure, I lock the house when I leave with Sadie, something I never did before.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Cuddlebear, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-05-08)
Junglecat ~ Thank for responding and I'm gratified that you enjoyed the story. I have a great deal of experience working with electronic systems and some with security devices. Most motion detectors work on IR, if it was linked to the visible spectrum an intruder could, as you mention, wear camouflage and avoid detection. A reasonable guess but one I find somewhat wanting.

Biblio ~ Dude! You make me feel like I'm back in Physics 450 at NIU - and that confused me greatly!

In the observable world classical physics works very well and there is no need for quantum explanations. Quantum effects come into play when things are VERY big, VERY small, or VERY fast, otherwise classical physics (and a classical understanding of time) function very well. That said I don't KNOW that quantum effects are strictly not observable in the "common" world. However it does seem to be the case that they are rarely (effectively never) seen in the observable world.

Could things like time delineation account for doppelgangers, repetitive ghosts, and/or precognition? Perhaps but we have not reproduced these effects in controlled circumstances without attaining VERY high speeds. So to make the assumption that it does seems, at least to me, to be a very great leap of faith. Again is it possible that ghosts are not spirits of the departed as much as they may be glimpses into another time - this may explain why some ghosts don't know they are dead. Perhaps, I don't know.

Do you know if Tilley makes tinfoil fedoras? If so perhaps we should each order one...

Warm Regard The Cuddlebear...
Junglecat (2 stories) (56 posts)
6 years ago (2019-05-06)
I suspect that the color of the mystery man's clothes do not clash enough with the background where he is walking to activate the sensors. That's just a working theory.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-30)

No; residual hauntings typically follow a single routine again and again without any variation. Typically, interaction with a spirit that responds is a sign of a sentient haunting. While it's atypical behavior for a residual entity, I would stress that we are dealing with the unknown. What appear to be cut-and-dried definitions or descriptions may have some leeway for expansion or sub-categories.

If you recall the "Brisk Walker" from Tweed's narrative, he didn't vary his route, but would interact with people politely in a *limited* manner. In that narrative's comments, I posited the idea that his "residual" nature (the unvaried route) may be travelled only once in the subjective action of the entity, but that witnesses may have seen that event at different times in our objective reality. This would account for his behavior pattern being consistent, yet give the entity the ability to nod politely, wave hello, etc., at different times from our point of view.

Perhaps if you imagine that the phenomenon I'm describing would work like the doppler effect as a sound source approaches, reaches, and passes the witness; the compression, manifestation, and regression would occur at varied frequencies from a static perspective, but manifest as a singular, consistent effect for the sound's source.

I know that this is pure speculation on my part, but I've always had an odd relationship with time, cause & effect, precognition, telepathy, and post-cognition. I tried to explain the idea as it seemed very clear to me as I read Tweed's narrative; it would account for the individual spirit's singular route while providing alternate stimuli to get responses in our normal temporal progression.

People tend to dismiss atemporality when dealing with observable phenomena, but on the quantum level time breaks down to the point of irrelevance. Because of this, we can think of time as not only the sequence of events we experience but also as a set of coordinates in which each event is laid out sequentially. We can discuss these events in any order we like because we can see the entirety of the drawn-out timeline, both forward and backward. Time is not, in and of itself, a reality; it is a side-effect of the interaction between space & gravity.

I'm beginning to feel like I should do two things: 1) stop explaining before I lose coherence and 2) make a large, comfortable tinfoil hat.

Cuddlebear, I do hope I've made *some* sense here, as I tried to explain my theory on what appear to be residual haunts capable of variations in activity. You must feel free to dismiss this as one of my kookier notions and to tell me that you don't buy it. After all, how will I ever be convinced I've made a mistake if no-one tells me my theory makes no sense?

Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-30)
Biblio ~ I think the fear that my nieghbours show is not entirely unwarranted. We live a rural area that is increasingly becoming sub-urban. County sheriff response time to any emergency is likely to be lengthy. That said I don't believe that the morning stroller presents an danger, but the thought that anyone can be walking around that area at that time of day is disconcerting. Like I said I now lock my house when I leave for the perambulation. Not that I think a locked door can stop a supernatural entity.

I've also been wondering if it's likely I'll see him again before fall. As we now start our walk in the twilight of pre-dawn. The stroller seems only to be seen in darkness.

A question for you: You said you think the stroller is a residual spirit. I was able to talk to and get a response from him/it on my encounter. Is that typical for residual entity?
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-29)
That's great, cuddlebear!:

You've got a corroborating witness for the mystery walker!

I think some of your neighbors may have gotten over-zealous in their efforts to scare off potential intruders and ne'er-do-wells; he doesn't appear to have posed a threat to anyone. Obviously, the proximity to the graveyard may provoke some level of anxiety, but I believe you've described him walking in the general vicinity, not particularly toward or from the cemetery.

This entity --as a preponderance of the details are beginning to tip my skeptic scale in that direction-- may be a harmless, residual phenomenon.

Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-04-29)
Here's an update to my experience.

While investigating my sighting I asked several neighbours if they had seen a strange man walking about at night especially in the early morning. The neighbourhood sort of set up a neighbourhood watch. Additionally the number of motion activated lights on my walk has increased to the point where approximately one third of the houses have one, making our walks a bit more illuminated than I would like.

Last weekend one of my neighbours told me of his sighting. He works night shift at a local shipyard and gets home normally around 4:30 am. He lives north of the cemetery mentioned in one of three houses on west side of the street, there are no houses on the west side south of the cemetery. He was late one morning last week and as he arrived home he saw a figure walking south in the vicinity of the cemetery. He originally thought it was Sadie and I, but after parking the car he realized it was not. He was too early to see me, the figure was dark, and there was no Sadie Mae. I make of habit of wearing bright red shirts or coats during our walk for improved visibility, also I have white hair. Sadie is a fluffy white pooch (with caramel patches) of 35 lbs (16 KG) and we have a reflective pink leash. He took a flashlight out of his car and went to look for the figure. He could see no one on the street and the motion sensor just south of the cemetery had not been activated. As he walked to find the interloper he activated the motion sensor. He went as far as the corner to look east and found nothing. He claims this all transpired between 5:00 and 5:15 am. Sadie and I were there about 20 minutes later, while I was not aware of the events, I saw nothing out of the normal.
silverknight (1 stories) (25 posts)
6 years ago (2019-03-21)
Hello Cuddlebear. I just read all the responses here and I agree with what valkricry and Jubeele have mentioned. Since your dog Sadie Mae was friendly towards the stranger, then most likely it's not a threat and maybe just a friendly ghost passing by.
8-bitDemigod (8 stories) (38 posts)
6 years ago (2019-03-21)
That makes sense, thanks for the clarification.

I wish I could up-vote some of these replies, but it says I have to have at least 10 posts before I can...
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-03-21)
Octal - The while the light is bright it shouldn't irritate too many neighours. The lot immediately to the north is a cemetery, across the street is pretty heavy wood for about 100 yards and after that farm land. Add to that the light is pretty well directed to cover the front yard and driveway.
8-bitDemigod (8 stories) (38 posts)
6 years ago (2019-03-21)
Woo, a light that bright coming on that often must be a real nuisance to his neighbors 😲. Hope you can find out more info, I'd love to hear about another encounter.
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-03-21)
Octal-Demigod -
Thanks for your response. I am aware of the delay built into some motion sensors. While it is possible that is the reason the light did not turn on I find it highly unlikely. This particular light is very bright, one of the brightest house lights I have seen. I would have seen that the light was on well prior to my turning onto the street. While I've not timed it, for that delay to have been in effect it would need to exceed some four or five minutes, which I know it does not. I walk by the house twice, to avoid a more heavily traveled route. Frequently after we pass the house the owner leaves to go to work and he sets off the light. Or conversely after we make our turn the owner leaves, activating the light, and then we activate it on our return. Yesterday morning, for example the light was tripped three times on our walk in roughly a 10 minute period; spending more time on than off during our traverse of that street. We didn't take a pooh stroll this morning as it was raining.
8-bitDemigod (8 stories) (38 posts)
6 years ago (2019-03-21)
I'm far from an expert on the subject, but I have played around with various sensors from automatic lights, doors and toilets. From my experiences some sensors can have a slight delay between when they last shut off to when they can activate again. Maybe the lights had just switched off as the man approached and you and Sadie happened to catch the 'reactivation' window?

Doesn't really explain where he disappeared to, but that's the only explanation I can come up with for the light not working.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-16)
Cuddlebear, thanks for the recommendation. I looked up that film and it sounds right up my alley.🙂
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-14)
Jubeele ~ I agree that whatever (or whomever) we met was not intending harm. I don't recall thinking the voice was in anyway sinister. So I'm not concerned on that account.

As to the Church's house I really don't know too much about it, we are not members of that congregation, though many of our neighbours are. We have seen several different renovations of the house since we've lived here. The current work seems to be mostly exterior, but the addition of the propane tank would lead me believe some work is going on in the crawl-space at least. During other periods of renovation I don't recall seeing anything abnormal.

I have mentioned to some of our neighbours that I saw a man I could not identify walking around at that hour, and there has been sort of a neighbourhood watch established.

Tweed ~ Glad you too checked in. I agree the world is a wonderful and exciting place, if you look for it. Have you ever watched the movie The Seven Faces Of Dr. Lao? If not try to catch it, it delivers that message in a most wonderful way.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-13)
Hi Cuddlebear,

You left a message under one of my narratives pertaining to this one. Must say I'm coming up with the same conclusion to your experience as I did with mine. That is, I just don't know what to think about it, ghost or physical person, could be either. I agree with Melda, you may never know.

In reading things on here and thinking about my own encounters with odd over time, I think unexplained, weird and wonderful, albeit confusing things happen every day. It's a combination of luck and our own alertness as to whether we notice them.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-11)
Hi Cuddlebear, I would trust in Sadie's reaction too. Animal senses are far keener to ours. If the man or whatever entity he was had hostile intent, it would have translated across to Sadie and aroused her protective instincts. She wouldn't have been as friendly towards him.

When I read your account, I wondered about the renovations at the church's house that used to be a hospice. Many other accounts on YGS have mentioned that when they renovated or moved into a new home, the activity sometimes seem to "stir up the possums" and result in strange happenings. Perhaps the disturbance could have roused a spirit who went for a walk to check out the latest changes in the neighbourhood? At least he appeared friendly.

But I'd lock up the house too. Just to be on the safe side. Keep the Cuddlewife safe. 😊
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-04)
Biblio ~ Glad I could bring a smile to you. Lord knows I've chuckled at many of your comments since I've been privileged to be a member here. Love the site by the way (goes for Val too). I spent too long in service, sometimes I think I will never fully adjust to civilian life. After I submitted I hoped no one knew what that meant, or at least would not be offended.

Bibilo and Val ~ You're right of course. If entity it be, then it is certainly not malicious. I try to follow a live and let live philosophy (if that applies here...). It is somewhat distressing to consider that I've possibly shared my house with an entity I know nothing about. I never really gave it much consideration as we are the first family to live in the house.

Thanks again and I hope to make you smile again!
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
6 years ago (2019-02-04)
If I may? Going by personal experience, and from what other's have told me, I think you can put your mind at ease from worry over perhaps if this man was an entity, he's one Sadie is familiar with. By your own words, "Sadie reacted to him as well, the way she reacts to most strangers, friendly and wagging." The consensus between most animal lovers that are believers, is that animals can sense the difference between good and evil, and are much harder to fool then us humans. What is a spirit, but a human who has left his corporeal form behind? So it is totally possible Sadie doesn't 'know' this entity anymore than you do.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-04)
Hi, Cuddlebear:

First, I must tell you I got a great chuckle out of your unexpected euphemism "Tango Uniform" in your response! 😜

I do not think I'm a SLIder, but I suspect my father is; I've seen my dad send wristwatches backward by wearing them for one afternoon. Electronics do fail to operate correctly if I'm within a four-foot radius, but that tends to be technology of the over-complicated variety. In the past, I have walked through invisible laser/light sensor triggers *without* triggering them, even though I knew the sensors were there & fully operational (two of my friends set them off 30 seconds later with no trouble). I thought raising this possibility may account for some of the phenomena you described, including Sadie's calm behavior, but it does not account for all of the details, such as his disappearance when you turned around.

I'd suggest that Sadie would have reacted badly to any entity (or person) who had malicious or dangerous intent. Her calmness in this situation should reassure you that this individual was not emitting pheromones or vibes that upset her. It's easy enough for me to say that; you're the one living there. You may wish to consider doing a cleansing of your home, such as the one Rook posted on his homepage, just for some peace of mind; nothing unsettles people like a nagging doubt.

As for my telephone-typing, I have to confess to using a stylus when typing on the phone; my fingers are too chubby to hit only one key at a time on the screen. I tend to get the type of stylus/flashlight/laser pointer that is sold in the dollar store; once I get going with it, I can type quite briskly. I did try using voice-recognition typing, but as my English accent is somewhere between Sir Alec Guinness and Sir David Attenborough, it tends to confuse the American programming...

Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-04)
Thanks to everyone for their input. Sadie and I still make the walk and if our friend should re-appear I'll update this post I suppose, if I can figure a way to test him that doesn't make me seem like a lunatic.

LadyGlow ~ Fret not! We've been on that walk for a long time and only had this encounter once; your chance may yet come. Fortunately we've not had a bruin encounter, though black bear populations are on the rise here. I've seen several over the years.

SleepingWithSteve - Sadie Mae will never suffer from a lack of cuddles. Some, not well acquainted with her, may even say she's spoiled.

Melda ~ I too would be interested in reading about pet's encounters, though I'm unsure of their reliability.

I am left with two possibilities neither of which I am happy with. The first, and more comfortable, is that we encountered a man, and either the motion sensor malfunctioned or he caused it malfunction (Biblio's Slider). The other is far more disturbing. If was not a man, but some other entity, it was an entity or entity type with which Sadie is familiar. That is very disturbing to me. Sadie goes very few places with me. That would indicate that such an entity may have access to my yard, and perhaps my home...
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2019-02-02)
Hello Cuddlebear, and huge cuddles for Sadie Mae.

Pretty strange that your sensors didn't go off. If what you saw was a man, the sensors would have been triggered for sure.

I'm not an expert in electrical apparatus unfortunately and can't come up with reasons why the sensors didn't go off. It seems like, from what you're saying that it was paranormal.

Keep us posted and hope you get to the bottom of this intriguing experience.

Best wishes,
😘 ❤ 😘
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-02)
Cuddlebear - Frustrating as it might be, I doubt whether you'll ever know for sure who or what you saw on that early morning. Unless, of course, you meet up with the same individual again.

I had a spirit living in my home for years and my cat never acted negatively towards him. He ignored him and didn't hiss, meow or show any negative reaction at all. Possibly this was because he grew up with him being around and he really was a very nice ghost! In fact on quite a few occasions I've heard of cats and dogs who accept paranormal beings.

I'd be interested to know whether any other readers have had experiences with animals who accept the paranormal.

Regards, Melda
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-01)
Intriguing and fascinating experience. I got a little jealous of you since the route I walk includes a cemetery and a church but I have never experienced anything out of the ordinary, though I have had few scary sightings in the form of fresh bear pooh, never knowing if the culprit is hiding in the cornfields.
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-01)
LuciaJacinta ~ I really don't know what to make of the figure. When I first saw him I assumed him to be human, and it got me to thinking that the Cuddlewife was home alone, (well the cats...) and here was this guy walking around. I just came to think it would be judicious to make sure the door is locked before we leave.

There is not much crime where we live, but the wife and I come from different cities where crime is not uncommon. It just reinforced an old habit.
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-01)
The fact you lock the door makes me think that you could think it's a real person? Possibly. You never know.
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-01)
Biblio ~ Thanks for your thoughts and response. I've read Tweed's article and the responses. A very interesting case, certainly raises some questions.

Having worked with and studied electronics for going on 43 years I pretty familiar with phenomena of people who affect electronics in a negative manner. I have to admit I was unfamiliar with SLIders however (I've done some research - interesting).

My initial thought, and one I discarded because of Sadie, was that the individual had no heat signature. That was the only way I could imagine that he would have not set off the motion sensor. However, I reasoned that Sadie would have reacted to human without a heat signature in very different way than most humans. Something very much out of her experience, or so I would hope.

Back to SLIders ~ as I mentioned I am very aware of people for whom technology is a menace. I've had to work with several such in the service, always problematic and puzzling. Until you mentioned it I was totally unfamiliar with people who could affect simple/primitive electronics in such a manner. Based on what little I found I'm not certain the two things are related. In the first case the people who affect computers., watches and the like need to be in close proximity to the equipment. It's not like they enter the room and everything goes tango uniform. They need to be touching the equipment. The SLIder seems to affect things at a greater distance, and equipment that would appear to be far less susceptible to interference. If there is something about him (the SLIder) that causes lights to go out, he should surely also affect more delicate devices (the two articles I read confirm this).

If the man I saw affected the motion sensor light, he did so for a remarkably short term, Sadie and I set the sensor off after we passed him. From memory I timed it this morning with Sadie and figure it was less than 30 seconds after we passed him that we set off the light. He did not affect the interior lights of the house, the porch light of the house we had passed, nor my phone. I have an app that tracks our walks and I would have noticed any alteration there.

Clearly his being a SLIder would account for some of what I saw, but leaves me curious about other things I observed, indeed it may raise more questions than it answers. I'll need to research the SLIder more. It does not answer the question of where he went after we passed him though.

I hope we see him again, and I'll be looking for him as soon as we make that right turn. So far no joy in that area.

Oh yes I am totally impressed by your first reply, there is no way in heck that I could type that much on my phone!
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-31)
A correction:
I was mistaken in my attribution of the second narrative. It, too, was Tweed's experience. See: "Brisk Walker" at
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-31)
Greetings, Cuddlebear.

I don't think the individual you saw was a "SLIder" (people who naturally cause electronic equipment to fail), as that phenomenon does not cover the fact of his disappearance in an unreasonably short period of time.

As Sadie also saw this individual, we can also eliminate an hallucination or a trick of the light. People can easily misinterpret a phenomenon in the same way as others; dogs have a far more accurate sense of smell than of sight alone, and her behavior seems consistent with perceiving another person. (If he'd had physical form, made sounds, but had no scent, her reaction to him would have been much more cautious because her brain's perception of him would not be "normal.")

Residual spirits usually don't notice that the world around them has changed since their departure, while sentient entities interact with (or observe) the living, there does seem to be an unlabelled category that occupies a middle-ground between the two. They behave as they did in life, interacting with people they meet, remaining in a relatively familiar setting, but refusing to let being dead stop them from getting on with their business.

I know that Tweed has a story posted about the lady who would get off the bus outside Tweed's mother's house --even interacting with other passengers-- before walking past a tree & failing to appear on the other side of the tree. I think it may have been Augusta who published a narrative about a man who'd walk home through her neighborhood every night but disappear in the middle of the road without entering a house. I'd look these up for you to provide the links, but I'm typing on my phone and can't use my laptop at the moment.

Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-31)
I need to apologize, I slipped with the expectation button. I do not need help. I would like your thoughts and any suggestions you would have to further an investigation. Thank you

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