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More Things About My Late Husband


I posted here about my experience with some old VCR tapes that I thought were doing some strange things, but neglected to mention all of the other things that have led me to believe, over the last 25 years, that my late husband, Scott, likes to communicate with me. First, he was a young Marine Corps aviator and was diagnosed with a brain tumor at age 27. We discovered we were expecting our first baby on the same day he had his biopsy, not a great day. But he had a lot to live for, so we didn't waste time being sad. In the five years he was sick, we had some great times despite his illness. We were not going to let it stop us from experiencing all the life we possibly could, even though sometimes it was very bittersweet. Yes, it's weird. There were a couple movies made about similar things way back in the 90s, but I swear I did not see them (as from the trailers they seemed to be putting my life on the screen, and yuck, I could never watch it!). We had our baby girl, and then had another about 17 months later, some might say an oopsie, but I say a gift from God. Scott had been doing great until the second girl was about ten months old, then had a recurrance of his cancer. He died when the girls were 2 and 4.

When they were babies and toddlers, the news was full of stories about how babies were being accidentally strangled by cords from mini blinds. Scott was always concerned about this as we had a brand new house with brand new blinds. He was always tying the cords up into his fancy Boy Scout knot (that you could pull on once and it would just fall out). I even have video of him tying up some blind cords during our daughter's first birthday party.

After he died, the girls and I went about living our lives the best we could. I don't know exactly when I started noticing that the cords on our mini-blinds would sometimes be tied into the Boy Scout knots, but it probably was years later. It's like once I realized about these knots, I would discover them around the house all the time. I knew it wasn't me doing it, and immediately felt it had something to do with him! We've moved into three other homes since then, and it never failed, I would find the knotted blinds from the kitchen to the laundry room and even this last time I went to paint our garage walls (I know, who paints their garage, right?!) I discovered the old blinds in the garage window had the knots. It got to the point that I would untie them and start watching, and it seems like just as I would forget about it, there they would be for me to notice!

I remained single for 12 years, but after 9-11 an old friend of Scott's from the Marines was headed over seas and traveled through our town's airport on his way, calling me on a lark. We ended up dating (sort of long distance) and then planned a weekend together for when my daughters would be at camp. I was so excited, I was crazy about this guy. He had been Scott's boss at one point, and my husband had really respected and cared about him, though I had only met him a few times. Anyway, I'm getting my shower the Friday afternoon before he was scheduled to come into town for our first weekend together. As I walked out of the bathroom, I stepped on a sharp object and looked down to find my late husband's tiny aviator wings (that I kept in my jewelry box in the closet) impaled into the bottom of my foot. How had they gotten onto my carpeted floor?! I knew I hadn't gotten them out and the kids were out of town! I pulled them out of my foot and probably talked out loud to Scott! It was just like something he would joke about! Then, I realized I hadn't had a tetnus shot in years, so had to go get that shot the same day, just before my big date! Well, you know how tetnus shots make you feel... RUINED my romantic weekend! We joked that Scott was trying to tell us something, but we were only really half joking. Then, after a few months of dating, we were on the phone one night and my new guy told me he loved me. Just as I was answering the same, this tin flower holder -- think cute wall hanging -- that hung on my kitchen wall came crashing down onto the Mexican tile floor in the next room. It had never fallen before, and hasn't since. I just knew it was Scott, the timing was too amazing!

Let me go back a minute... I forgot about the cemetery. When Scott and I first started dating, he was going to leave his truck with me while he went overseas, but I needed a refresher on driving a stick shift. We went to the cemetery to practice on the little roads there, and on this one hill, I jerked the truck and he spilled his coffee on his trousers, which we both laughed at. One day after his death, I was sitting by his grave and realized I had picked the gravesite directly adjacent to the place his coffee had spilled, without realizing it!

Then there were the rainbows. The scar on his head was an arch, and our oldest daughter used to call it "Daddy's rainbow." The day of his funeral, as we were driving home from my parents' house back to our little house, a double rainbow was in the sky and the first thing our girls said was, "Look Mama, Daddy sent us a rainbow from heaven!" I've been interested over the years to read of others who've lost people who saw rainbows on the day they died, especially plane crash victims. And oh yeah, for the next two years on the anniversary of his funeral, we saw rainbows!

Back to my second husband. We both believe that our being together was meant to be. I dated throughout my 30s and never met anyone at all that I even had a second date with. We both believe we were meant to be together and Scott had something to do with it. We think he approves. My new husband and I had two children together, and the youngest daughter, when she was about ten, had a dream in which Scott appeared just in time with a "bunch of other military guys" to save her from some "bad man" who was chasing her. As she recalled the dream to me, a man who looked like her older sisters' daddy (we still have photos of Scott, and she knows his story) helped her, then looked at her and said, "You don't know me, but I know all about you!" before getting in his "big truck" and driving away. When I heard this, it really struck me. Maybe it's because I want to think he does know about us all and what a happy ending we've had, and I also want to think he is a protector. If God has warriors in heaven, he's one of them!

Finally, about the night my mom died. This could be its own story, but I'll tell it here. We were very close to Mom, she was a fabulous mom and mother in law. She died after a very brief illness and we were all shocked at how fast she went down hill. The night she passed away, after only a week of her being sick, I was with her. She was heavily sedated, and I was just in that pre-sleep state across the room on a small sofa, but all of a sudden I felt someone wake me up, like a hug and then gone. I jumped up and ran to call my brother who was upstairs. I have to insert something strange, and I debated about leaving it out, but I'll tell you. I had gone through menapause a couple years earlier, for absolute sure, yet as I ran up the stairs to get my brother I realized I had gotten my period RIGHT at that moment! WHAT? I called my brother and he came down just in time for her last breath. Then, almost in that moment my phone rang. This was at 2 a.m. It was my new husband calling to tell me some other old Marine friend had JUST called our house, asking about Scott and insisting that he talk to me about Scott. I told my husband that Mom had passed almost at the same moment, and we both concurred that somehow it was a message that Scott was there for Mom, and he somehow used his other friend to let me know. When I finally talked to the other friend, whom we hadn't spoken to in years, he related how he'd been up with his own baby in the night and felt compelled to call me to check on things. He said he couldn't get Scott out of his mind. I realized after this that he was the one, during all the years I was single, who always knew to call me somehow to check on things when I was the lonliest. And he would say things like, "We should get those girls into private school." Which was confusing to me. Why would he say that? We weren't dating, just friends. But it makes sense to me now... Maybe that friend is somehow sensitive and Scott figured out how to somehow communicate through him? It sounds a little crazy. By the way, I told my doc about the period part and he was shocked. He feels it was a spiritual thing (and I applaud him for admitting that to me). Haven't had it since, by the way (apologies for TMI!) Anyway, these days, I feel that Mom and Scott are both around sometimes. In my heart, I hope it's like they can visit for special occasions, such as our daughters' weddings (I related a story about that somewhere else) but want them to be happily in heaven drinking martinis with everyone else! When they aren't keeping my little ones safe from "bad guys" in her dreams, that is! Thank you for letting me share here. This has been ongoing for the last 25 years. It's all good.

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MrsRamsay (guest)
4 years ago (2020-09-28)
Biblio, I'm late to the comment section tonight, but just saw yours here. Thank you so much for the "SE" info! I've enjoyed your comments since first reading YGS months ago.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
4 years ago (2020-08-30)
Greetings, Mrs. Ramsay!

Like you, I am fascinated by etymology. I have bookmarked multiple etymology and vocabulary websites on my computer!

I think I'm on the correct path, here, but I may be mistaken. The prefix "se-" means to distinguish, set apart (e.g.: secret, separate) from the Latin root (se-/sed-) meaning "set aside, set apart." In this way, it is not only "to bless" in German, but I *think* that this root means "to distinguish with a blessing."

It is phenomenal that you are dreaming in foreign languages & getting wonderfully positive messages!

Best, as always,
MrsRamsay (guest)
4 years ago (2020-08-30)
Just reading on the site today and ended up here, at the post I wrote a year ago. It seems like I need to write something else that happened last weekend. It just seems to fit. Sunday morning, early, like 5am, I wake with this word in my head. It's a weird word, FEGNET, and I can't seem to get it out of my head. I go to the restroom, word still in my head. Lay back down and decide to write the word into my phone and go back to sleep. When I wake up around 8:30, I get coffee and have to look at my phone to remember the strange word (I am a writer and teacher, so into vocab. This would not be unusual for me to look up a word I's just that it came to me in sleep! That is strange).

The word isn't existing per se, that I can find a meaning for. Google directs me to something about the translation of the Bible in German by Martin Luther (but it's not clear how fegnet is related). There is an old WWII post card image that's actually a prayer for German soldiers in Africa, that uses the word. I put the entire phrase into the translator, since fegnet itself isn't showing a result. The entire line of the poem indicates the word (being used in the prayer) means something like "blessed" in German. I end up on a U. Of Michigan website that talks about German words that are not translatable to English on their own (kesunteight, farfugnugen, etc) and wonder if that's not the case. There is contact information for an expert. I write to him. He replies that the ff beginning of the word ffegnet (as I am seeing it written in the postcard prayer) is really what the letter "S" looks like in the old, Germanic script (that they used in the Bible translation, for example). So the word I'm actually referring to (because I don't recognize that about the German script) is SEGNET. Which means "BLESSED."

So this means, I am dreaming the word blessed, IN GERMAN, and when I go to write it, because I don't understand about the script, I come up with FEGNET. All I know is, I have a LOT of German Ancestors. And I get the feeling I was hearing from them that morning. How cool is that?!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-04)

Yes, you are correct, hard for people to understand why these human emotions don't transcend and act out in the spiritual realm.

It's very hard for monkey's to understand quantum mechanics and I feel it's just as hard for humans to understand how it works in these other dimensions when it comes to the science of the spiritual realm and comprehending the nature of feelings as like jealousy, hate, greed and the greater objective behind them... For example:Imagine conquering jealousy here on earth? How would that feel? Imagine conquering the rest of them how wise would one be?

The spiritual realm is a place of unconditional love and compassion and in a sense too perfect and a tad boring I believe thus why we enter in with a cosmic transducer/ total amnesia... So we can run around for 70 or 80 years playing fight or flight like headless chooks worrying about the world caving in and how we pay the next bill, lmao... Anyway, other cool aspects of the after life to my understanding.

We can appear 18 or 80 if we choose to, I was lucky enough to see both of my parents after they died looking much younger, my father looked about 21 and my mother 40.

If we see our loved ones looking younger it is generally a good sign they made it through the light and into a higher place of rest.

Lost or trapped souls generally look the same age as when they died and even with trapped souls their is still room for growth, Our spiritual self allows our ego to play out as long as it needs to that's why some hauntings are more more malicious than others in my view.

Einstein once quoted, If you can imagine a 5 year old boy in a library stacked to the rafters with books this is how much we know about who we are and why we are here.

We are smart enough to work out something or someone put the books there however understanding everything there is to know about the rest is near impossible.

Regards Daz!
mel8763 (1 stories) (19 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-03)
Mrs.Ramsay, I believe there is no jealousy in the afterlife. You will see your loved ones.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-30)
That is odd MrsRamsey, because for some reason I'd held back offering Journey of the Souls on my initial post and I don't really know why? Perhaps a coincidence? Or perhaps not? Anyway, you are right about life being too short and overthinking these possibilities can consume you in more ways than one (cough,cough)...I'm a life after death information junkie who probably should get a life 😆 anyway,

I hope you enjoy the read and yes, Michael Newton took a risk speaking out on his research in the process of putting his credibility on the line... I'm sure his motive wasn't about making a few bucks out of a couple of books.

Regards Daz!
MrsRamsay (guest)
5 years ago (2019-09-29)
Wow, I had some time off this weekend and went to the links Daz provided, and was quite interested to hear everything! How about this? Right after I'd posted the comment asking if I should be reading something, I saw an ad for the book, "Journey of Souls" on this website, sort of off to the right side. I had clicked on it and read a good many of the Amazon reviews on the book. Days later, I got your comment, so was familiar with the hypnotist and his research. I think I was somewhat skeptical after reading the reviews, but when I watched his You Tube videos (your link) I had a completely different feeling. Credible is the best word I can think of. My mind is open. I won't dwell too long there though, too much life to be lived without constant thoughts of death and the potential after or between lives. Does anyone else have a strange push/pull thing going on with this kind of thing? I'm fascinated, but then I think, "Get back to LIFE!" I'm a busy mom, so perhaps that's part of it, but I also KNOW that all my dead people (don't know what else to call them: husband, mom, dad, grandparents, fun aunts...) want me to do great things in this life. I FEEL that! Almost every day! PS, I'm a teacher and a writer -- a journalist, not a fiction writer -- and inspiration comes to me that's NOT based in pure talent... I feel that too. Another story for another day! I do thank you all very much for the links and info. Headed now to read the pdf doc that was linked. Be well!
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-21)
aussiedaz - Thanks very much, I appreciate it! The title sounds very familiar but I might have heard of it and not actually read it.
Mrs Ramsay might like to have a look at that one as well.

Regards, Melda
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-21)
Hi Melda

FYI, here's a link to one of his other book on pdf ""destiny of the souls"" quite an interesting read also. Http://


Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-21)
Mrs Ramsay - The link which Aussiedaz has posted to the book Journey of Souls, is well worth downloading and reading.

He has posted the link on this site before and I actually printed it. A very interesting read. Thanks again Aussiedaz.

Regards, Melda
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-20)
Hi MrsRamsey

Is there something you should be reading? Funny you ask me about that MrsRamsey because in my last post I was going to direct you to an author who has written a few books of which sold in 40 different countries.

Michael Newton was an accredited hypnosis practitioner via the medical association who had an healthy amount of scepticism in regards to the paranormal and for the most part kept his work grounded with in the boundaries of regressing his patients no further than their childhood for various psychological reasons.

Upon an accident he stumbled onto to research through his working with clients that grew to a base of 2000 who all claim there is a life between lives and this whole other duality going on evolving around spiritual growth.

Your story reminds me of one I read in his book where these two soul mates made an arrangement from the other side to meet up in their 50's...amazingly he regressed both of them separately where they gave an identical account of each others past life.

This guy is the real deal and I believe in his research...

The source of creation according to mr Newton gives birth to new souls in the 4th or 5th dimension where there is nothing but unconditional love and compassion, almost every new soul is keen to grow up and learn to evolve themselves with enlightenment and wisdom in such realities as the earth matrix to basically cross back over and stand among their soul companions that little bit more complete... As a spiritual being If all you ever knew were a room with white walls, white windows, white light and unconditional love you may develop a keenness to know what the opposite is especially when others are coming back in with smiles on their faces singing beatles songs.

I was asking if you had any dark thoughts because I was wondering in one of your other lives if you ever took your life due to a loss of a soul mate?...I'm glad to hear you have had none but often when we make poor choices in past lives we come back and confront them in future ones. He made you a better person? Hmmm yep that sounds right, we hunger to conquer our physical flaws as spiritual beings and kudos to you if that's an acknowledgement of errors of past we are always learning MrsRamsey.

Anyway,the book on pdf

Michael Newton on youtube

I have been around the block a few times MrsRamsey and have experienced just about everything relating to the paranormal as one can I guess on my own road of enlightenment I have this obsession to know the truth behind our existence. I have kept an opened mind on my own travels I don't rule out nothing out nor do I rule it in, I'm trying to dot the i's and cross the T's before the curtain falls... Your story in a sense helps me along the way confirm some of the information and theories I have collected in grasping the bigger picture of life itself.

Regards Daz
MrsRamsay (guest)
5 years ago (2019-09-20)
I'm trying to think what you might mean by any "dark thoughts" after Scott died. Nothing that I can think of. It was lonely, but I just tried to move forward for my kids and lead a life that was honorable and tried to honor Scott's life too and live in such a way that would make him proud of us! I do believe I was much more selfish as a younger person, maybe not the nicest person, and not as purposeful or faithful regarding God or life in general. I've tried to be a better person. Not that I was bad, haha, just maybe more selfish. He made me a better person, is how I describe it. But I should also mention (as I was just thinking of this earlier today) that when I met my current husband, JOY was what we both felt. Joy is so fleeting and so rare. Now we laugh that we're just an old married couple, but we stay SO busy. The joy is still there, bubbling under the surface. We feel blessed every day I think. One or two quick things more: I saw in one of your posts about your visiting the graveyard of your ancestors and you noticing a likeness of one in the tombstone?! I have ALSO seen this! On one of my grandfathers' gravestone (I found a photo on Ancestry) I can see a likeness of him, yet no one else sees this! When I first noticed it, I couldn't believe it. I thought it must be that pareidolia (?) but it's just unmistakable to me. Can I ask how you know so much about all this stuff? Is there something I should be reading?
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-12)

Your response probably validate what you both have felt for a long time (a deep soulful connection) right, sorry I went back and double checked your story and you did confirm what I do suspect? Your current husband is your twin flame and Scott's mission was to bring you two together... Kind of a strange way to do it right?...however from the spiritual realm we can see what lays ahead and it's all a part of the plan picking the characters that support the mission. Did you have any dark thoughts after Scott died? I'm trying to figure out your purpose of growth? Perhaps something may have went real wrong in one of your past lives and you had to go through what you did this time? We all hunger for spiritual perspective and do confront any short comings as a result of our actions from previous lives. Perhaps the reason you traced your ancestors was more of an intuitive hunch looking to dot the I's and cross the T's searching for answers?

Anyway, Direct Soul Groups are usually comprised from 5 to 25 souls who basically come into the Earth Matrix integrated in close nit relationships. They may be your boss, a close friend, brother or sister or even a villain on an odd occasion.However, generally when you discover your twin flame you know it deep inside. Soul Groups do work with cluster groups sometimes up to a thousand souls. When we cross back over to the other side we usually gravitate our frequencies among these cluster groups living in community's adjacent to each other. We do all have spirit guides who prepare us all for the next mission.

Thank you for your kind words relating to my own accounts.

Regards daz!
MrsRamsay (guest)
5 years ago (2019-09-11)
I'm intrigued by your comments (and checked out your interesting stories as well). Regarding a "soul group," a term I've not heard of before though the concept is familiar: I'm also into genealogy and have traced our ancestors back in quite a bit of detail. When I started about 8 years ago, I did his side first, wanting to make my research a gift for his elderly mother before she passed away. I got tons of great information for her, published it into a book and moved on to my own family. I have a really great memory which was helpful as I started uncovering some amazing "coincidences." Our families/ancestors have been connected by time/place or event going back centuries! At one point in time, around 1700, his ancestor (his 10th great grandfather) actually owned my 10th great grandfather, a slave! Their grandchildren were married to each other and then the families diverge again. It's well documented, but I find myself doubting even now that it could be true, as it just seems amazing. This is my second husband, not Scott, who I talk about in the story here. And within his own tree and within my own, our parents' paternal and maternal ancestors in more than a couple cases were connected. I realize there were many fewer people in the U.S. In the early colonial days, but some of the coincidences are AMAZING. In our tree, his ancestors were followers of my own ancestors' religious group starting in the mid 1600s and track all the way together through almost the Civil War. First they fought for religous freedom (this was in the New London, CT area), were jailed together, intermarried and supported each others' religious philosophies... And by the 1840s, they were abolitionists fighting for the rights of the slaves, including those from the Amistead (there was a movie... The slaves of that ship were given a trial when they reached the U.S.) Anyway, getting too longwinded, but this topic is fascinating. Since I discovered all of these coincidences, I feel my faith in some higher power has been strengthened quite a bit! (there was an episode of the X Files once where Mulder was remembering his days as a Civil War soldier and I think that's where I first saw the idea, and I've often wondered if I just snagged it from the show. On the other hand, maybe the reason I found that episode so intriguing -- I was not a huge fan of the show -- is because something about the concept was already familiar to me!) Thanks for reading and commenting!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-07)
Your intuition is spot on MrsRamsey Scott does approve of your new partner, your first and second husband along with yourself belong to the same soul group It was planned from the spiritual realm long before you all entered in. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience in the Earth Matrix where space and time are an illusion... From the other side we have the ability of precognition to chose the host before entering in and exiting out. We often enter in with members of our Soul group sometimes things don't work out to plan because of that little risk factor called free will, however you guys nailed your mission. Time will pass and then you three will be back where you started a little more wiser and enlightened with collective memories of lives once lived on your travels back to source. Nice story thank you for sharing it.

Regards Daz
MrsRamsay (guest)
5 years ago (2019-08-28)
Also, thank you for the Bible reference. I am a Christian and I do believe in God and the afterlife in heaven. Or wherever. I was sort of a party girl in my youth, and not a weekly church goer, but my family going WAY back has always been faithful (ancestors started the Seventh Day Baptist church in America, gotta honor all that, for sure). I don't have great Bible knowledge, however.

I definitely believe there is a plan for us all, and I believe that in times when loved ones are nearing death, EVERYTHING spriritual is magnified. I believe that's when messages to me have come loud and clear, not with one loved one, but with multiples. I've actually thought about writing a book.
MrsRamsay (guest)
5 years ago (2019-08-28)
LuciaJacinta, I had the same question as you and specifically asked my daughter about it, because Mom had planned to drive with her a few hours away to see my brother over the daughter's spring break. When she got sick they obviously didn't go. But they were scheduled to be back long before it turned out she died. I just cannot figure out what it meant, however, Mom was the kind of person who used to sit at her desk and doodle in the margins of her calendar or a piece of paper. I've wondered if she somehow DOODLED it without realizing, prior to her getting sick. I've also wondered if something like that could somehow get written AFTER she died. She used to tell me -- because of what we went through during my husband's lengthy illness -- that she "wasn't going to do that" to me, meaning linger a long time. The way it went, she was helping me with my Girl Scout troop crafts and such just after Christmas, she got sick with what she thought was a flu-type illness and after a week or so was getting worse. She was diagnosed with lung, liver and spine cancer (she was definitely the type not to want to go to the doc, and I think knew something was wrong but still didn't go). Within a week of diagnoses, she was on heavy medications and sleeping constantly. Six days later, she passed away. So, yeah, she didn't linger. It was like she made up her mind and just went, within three weeks of being just vibrant (but slowing down, aged 78). But she never had a chance, after her diagnoses, to sit down at her calendar. I also smelled her perfume, as did my brother and other family for monthes after she died. One day, shortly after the funeral, I was cleaning out her house and knew I'd turned off all the outdoor lights when I came in. As I left, they were on again and glowing SO brightly. I noticed them as I left the driveway and it immediately felt like a message. Another day, I took this small side table she'd wanted me to have. Got it home, was carrying it into my family room, talking to my dogs about it (yeah, I do that) and as I walked into the room, another item she had left me, a favorite lamp of both of ours, was glowing brightly as I entered the room. I KNOW I had not turned it on! This kind of stuff happened all the time for awhile. She knew I believed in this, as I had told her all the stuff about my husband.
Darkangel73 (4 stories) (127 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-27)
This is an awesome story. I believe you are very blessed for this.
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-26)
If you believe in the Bible, Matthew 22 answers that concerning the woman with seven husbands. There is no marriage as we know it in Heaven. But, rather a different state of being. (Just including this if you want a source to refer to.)

If you don't believe in that, just believing in love makes sense. Love doesn't die. Love is eternal. The love your 1st husband and you shared can not end, nor the 2nd husband. Yes you will all be together in love along with all your loved ones.

Of course, this goes along with believing in an afterlife and all that goes along with it.

#2...really neat that "not here" was written on the calendar. That gives me shivers. There had to be a reason why she wrote that. Did she have any vacation plans or places she was supposed to be?
MrsRamsay (guest)
5 years ago (2019-08-25)
Thanks for the warm wishes here. I felt safe sharing, like you all wouldn't judge, and I appreciate it so much. Two quick questions, would love your thoughts: 1. How do you all think it works after we all die? Are you with your first husband or second or both? I sometimes believe we'll ALL be together, and that's one reason I ended up with my current husband... I feel like there's no jealousy in the afterlife, only compatibility/love with those souls you're supposed to be with. 2. Forgot to mention, a few months after Mom died, I was going through her paperwork and looking at her calendar (a real old fashioned paper one!). On the day she died, she had written in her own handwriting, "Not here." What do you all think about THAT? It will remain my biggest mystery!
Berggraf38 (3 stories) (25 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-25)
When I got to the part where your husband died when your daughters were 2 and 4, I felt like someone punched me in the stomach.
I know he did all these things to show you he is always with you, and at the end of your long life and your daughter's long lives, you will reunite with him and know he was with you all along.
My Dad gave us some amazing displays after he passed away to show us that he's with us.
I always imagine the illusion of everyday life falling away at the end and all our loved ones standing there with big smiles, laughing even that we ever thought they were really gone.
Caz (342 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-22)
What a wonderful story Mrs. Ramsay and it's us who should be thanking you for sharing it with us. I felt very sorry that you lost your first husband Scott, but as it turns out, you haven't really lost him at all and apparently, he's still looking after all of you! I'm so sorry you lost your mum, but I've no doubt she'll be well and happy where she is now. I've lost two of my younger siblings within weeks of each other this year and that was pretty devastating, but they've both been back to let us know they are still around and that's made all the difference!
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-22)
A heart warming tale. Thanks for sharing it with us. I'm sorry for your loss, but gratified that you and your daughters were able to move along and find another worthy man.

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