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I Think I Saw An Angel


I was quite at young at the time this happened. I would venture to say that I was no older than 7.

Before my parents divorced, my family lived in Kentucky. The home was built in 1910. My siblings and I have reports of odd things happening, but this is the most upsetting one for me. During my time in the house, I frequently experienced disturbing recurring nightmares. The atmosphere of the house was unsettling and tense. I was never very happy there.

One night, I had woken up very late. I decided that I didn't want to sleep in my bedroom alone, so I walked down the short hall to my brothers' room and started setting up a sleeping arrangement on the toy chest at the end of their bed. As I was doing this, I turned to the right and looked at the doorway adjacent to me. I saw an angelic, beautiful woman standing there. She had a flower crown and white garment on. She just stood there looking at me carefully and calmly. I froze with fear. It felt like the wind was knocked out my chest and I felt a rush of adrenaline.

I regained as much composure I had at the age of 7 and booked it to my parents room, which was connected to my brothers' room luckily. I hid on my mother's side of the bed that blocked sight of the doorway. I stuck my head under the covers that draped over the bed and never felt so helpless. The unsettling ambiance that my father's CPAP created did not help the situation. My mother wouldn't wake up and I was not willing to risk being seen in order to wake my father. I peeked out from the side of the bed and she was not longer in the doorway. I still did not feel safe moving so I slept on the floor that night, halfway under the bed.

I have a suspicion that this experience may have sparked a streak of disturbing existentialism while we lived in the house. Many nights I would come to my mother crying and telling her of my fear of death and inquiring about the afterlife. I'm sure it worried her, given that I couldn't have been older than 7 at the time, but it came to a stop shortly after we moved.

I'm not sure if anyone has anything similar to this experience or has any commentaries on it, but please do not hesitate to leave your thoughts in the comments. Before I end the story I would particularly like to hear what people think of the "angel". I have always been very wary on the intentions and origins of her, but I also have no other definitive I.D. Of her. The memory of her instills great panic in me and I feel intensely paranoid just writing about this incident. I apologize if this feels rushed and/or unorganized and I thank you for taking the time to read this.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, todoroki, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

blckwdnsdy (6 stories) (32 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-01)
In my opinion, especially as a child, because kids are more receptive, an angel or any benevolent entity, should not inspire you fear, should not make you terrified.
I, myself, as a kid, had a pretty messed-up experience, if it would happen to me now, I would yell my heart out, but at that time (I was 5 or 6 years old), I sensed no fear and I communicated with an entity as calmly as I would speak to a friend.
I also heard that many malevolent entities, trying to hide their presence, are disguising themselves, they can even leave a smell of incense in order to fool you.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-17)

I can't say this with great confidence however, this obsession you had as a 7 year old and your fear of death may have had something to do with the way you died in a previous life? This Angel who appeared to you, might have being your spirit guide offering you some encouragement?

Ian Stevenson (psychiatrist) did some excellent work in regards to his case study of children and their accounts of reincarnation over a span of 20 years in several country's where he concluded the phenomenon was valid enough to put his reputation behind it based on an element of testimony he just found impossible to be anything else. The study started out as a scientific debunking exercise however ended an extremely interesting case study of 2000 children of which those in the field today, acknowledge as near fact.

I watched a few of these accounts on line and generally when there was any sort of trauma in the way the child died previously, often they would return carrying symptoms of the pre life incident,fear,anxiety and just maybe, this was the catalyst that sparked you into 101 questions for mum and not necessarily an account of existentialism?

Apparently, according to Michael Newton's research, we have choices on the other side to come back and finish our mission or face our fears, we also have the choice to reincarnate onto other planets with full recall of all previous lives and there is around 39 million of them in our galaxy alone, of which I believe through an account of remote viewing, I was privileged enough to have a bo peep and that experience was quite interesting either that or it was my imagination?. Anyway, hanging around the spiritual realm growing a beard that will hit the floor might just be a tad too boring and take eternity to complete thus the motivation why we do it all again for the rest of the hipsters? Btw,

I do wonder if your mother remembered you saying anything else around that time unusual?

Anyway, just to offer something a little different from previous post. Reincarnation sucks, no thank you I'd prefer to lay on a beach and chill out listening to rhythm and blues, however through the work of Ian Stevenson, Michael newton and many others, It's a done deal, however I'm choosing a more peaceful planet where people actually get along instead of trying to kill each other over spilled milk. 😐

Regards Daz
jabond99 (3 stories) (61 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-30)

You proved my point beautifully. Thank you.

James Bond
DirtCreature (guest)
5 years ago (2019-12-27)
The thing that can be said about all experiences on here is that there is no way to know what you saw was real. Childhood hallucinations are very common and can be extremely vivid. So you can live your life excepting it was a strange and scary experience and move on or you can take this as the start of going down your spiritual journey and forming your own ideas about life. I chose to ignore it all because it didn't impact my life significantly to see all the things I did. But the choice is yours. It's all about how you feel.
DirtCreature (guest)
5 years ago (2019-12-27)
At jabond. I am not a teenager. I am a 21 year old woman. And even if I was a teenager I don't understand why that would make my personal perspective not worthy. Being older doesn't make you somehow gain insight. I'm just another dumb primate wandering this putrid planet. My perspective on life shouldn't be forced away because it's not positive. It's not like only teenagers can be pessimistic about things. I have a lot of things in my life to be grateful for. That still doesn't change how I feel about existence in general being an absurd and strange thing. I don't know how I'll feel in 10 or 30 years. Maybe I'll be a catholic or a Wiccan or feel life is even more odd. But that doesn't matter.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-27)

I expect that my feelings will be different after I die. I believe that my comprehension is limited in the form that I inhabit now.

I used to worry about "forever" when I was younger and had more time to make myself upset. It doesn't look the same now that I'm thinking about it again years later.

I didn't really say all that I could say on the subject in my earlier comment. I could go on "forever" in that arena. Sorry for the play on words.

- Maria
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-27)
Greetings, todoroki.

When you described "a streak of disturbing existentialism," my first thought was "Nietzsche?"

Not all existentialist thought is limited to philosophical navel-gazing; Jean-Paul Sartre, Søren Kierkegaard, and Simone de Beauvoir all tend to be far more optimistic about the potential for human growth and betterment, in my estimation.

While DirtCreature (yay! DC's back!) and Leighlea raise significant points about existence, I'm going to disagree with Leighlea as politely as possible, because she states, "I think a person might go mad if they went on forever." Imagine going on forever and making new discoveries and understandings of supernovae, the Fibonacci sequence, subatomic pockets of quantum energy, tree growth, cloud formation, planetary orbits, etc., etc., etc. All it would take to enjoy eternity would be to experience everything with a sense of wonder and beauty; I wouldn't want all the answers at once in a divine revelation, just a hint as to where I should start...

"I am, and always will be, the optimist: the hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams" -The Doctor.

Now, to the 'angel.' From your description of her appearance, her failure to threaten you, her disappearance after you fled in surprise, your apparition or angel doesn't seem to have had any malicious intention toward you. Perhaps she was just curious about you, then she left feeling guilty that you were alarmed by her appearance.

jabond99 (3 stories) (61 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-27)
Sorry, it seems my comment was for DirtCreature's comment, not your posting.
jabond99 (3 stories) (61 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-27)

"I think life in general is such an absurd and upsetting thing". I am a bit troubled to read this, but then I looked and saw (the author is a teenager).

At risk of sounding like the old fart, I would suggest that you hold off on that proclamation for just a little bit more. I have always considered myself "a road less traveled" sort of person and I can say that my perspective on life in general is a bit different from your statement. I would suggest you will also gain some perspective (and some seasoning) in time. Your experience with the lady (or angel, or ghost, or...) is only an initial step on the road that will allow you to make such a statement (or repudiate that statement entirely!)

But again, having two teenagers in my house right now, I wonder why I am writing this at all as the likelihood of it being listened to is not very high at all...

James Bond
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-26)

You just summed up the feelings that I have about the whole subject of existence. There is no middle ground. I don't want Oblivion but I think a person might go mad if they went on forever.

The only consolation to me is that I know that, right now, I must look at these things from the perspective of a mortal. Mortals see everything around them living and dying; going from Point A to Point B.

My consolation is that I have come to think that, when I die, I won't see things in this limited way and time won't exist as a thing that acts like waves upon the shore, never ending.

- Maria
DirtCreature (guest)
5 years ago (2019-12-26)
Well I understand how they feel. The idea of an afterlife gives me barely any comfort. It is just as frightening to keep thinking and existing forever as it is is to cease to exist in the sense we know it which is being conscious or aware (since energy cannot be destroyed).

I think life in general is such an absurd and upsetting thing when I sit down and think about it too much. I try to preoccupy myself with people I love and peace and quiet when I can.

At least with nothing happening after death, there is nothing left to worry about even if it feels so awful to think about here and now for me. But an afterlife is just as confusing and strange because there are so many interpretations of what an afterlife is and what it would feel like to keep being conscious forever. Too bad I can't think of a middle ground between the two of these awful choices.

It is strange you saw that woman. It's hard because you have to distinguish the difference between getting a bad vibes from someone/something and your own fears. Just because someone or something seems scary to you doesn't mean it is scary or bad.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-26)
Hello todoroki and welcome to YGS.

I find your experience very interesting and, at the same time, hard to say who the girl was.

When my daughter was around three years old, a couple of times she mentioned seeing a girl standing at the bottom of her bed watching her while she was playing on the floor. Her description of this young woman is similar to the one you saw except for the flowers on her head. Though curious about her identity, she didn't feel afraid on her presence.
When she asked who the girl was, I didn't know what to think, much less what to tell her; or even if she was only imagining something, but she looked too serious to be just kidding. I decided that it was safe to tell her that it was her guardian angel watching over her.

I'm telling all this because your reaction seems to be more than just surprise at her presence though, on the other hand, I would understand if your guardian angel was there trying to give some emotional help during your parents divorce.
Did your family ever discuss with their children the afterlife before this incident?

It would be a good idea to research the history of the house, perhaps the spirit of a young woman from the past has an unresolved business holding her to the location.

You may disagree with what I'm going to say but, in my opinion, even if this was an angel or a ghost, you were lucky to see that there is more to life than the things we can see and explain... I'm sorry that it happened when you were such a wee little guy. Don't let this memory spoil your chance to enjoy each day to its fullest.

Thanks for sharing.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-26)
Hello todoroki and welcome to YGS,

Your sighting of this woman or angel may have sparked your thoughts about the afterlife but I think those thoughts are bound to happen.

The thought that this life may be all we have occured to me when I was a teenager; at the time, these disturbing thoughts took up much of my free time. I didn't have any satisfying answers at that time. I got a job and that took care of the majority of my free time.

I wonder why seeing an angel would make you fear death. I would have thought seeing something like that would be an affirmation of life after death. When I was a teenager, my fear came from seeing no blatant proof with my own eyes and trying to reconcile what I sensed with what I believed that logic was.

You describe this angel as being serene in appearance so maybe that's all that her image was meant to convey.

I'm sorry that I can't be more helpful. Thank you for sharing your experience.

- Maria

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