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Journey Of A Million Mothers


Earth is a spiritual realm, and the membrane between planes of energy thin and permeable. Energy bodies move fluidly between worlds.

I'm constructed in a way that I experience these energies through all of my senses. Clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient. My experiences are rarely by choice. Something occurs and then, through investigation, I gain a deeper clarity into what I saw, heard, or felt.

There came a point that I was naive enough to think I had seen spirit in all its manifestations, shades, lights and orbs. I recall watching the film, "The Sixth Sense" when it first came out and thinking, great film; however, spirit does not appear that way! I've changed my mind since.

In this multidimensional universe, there are copious types of manifestations with different vibrations and intentions. The background to this story is relevant to the sighting, but I'll drag you through as little of my murky circumstance as possible. This siting took place in rural Putnam County, New York, in 2011.

Six years prior to this event, my marriage came to a sudden and tumultuous end and my life was scattered and torn. I had been a stay-at-home parent, published but not yet degreed, and out of the workforce in any meaningful way for years. I couldn't find a viable job and the challenges of poverty were degrading and oppressive.

I lost everything. My ex-husband had stopped working, moved in with his boyfriend and my younger daughter had to take residence with them. I was five years into my older daughter's medically-induced addiction that progressed to heroin.

To say my heart was broken is a grand understatement. I was living in the upside down and the separation from my children was a harrowing experience that I don't believe I'll ever fully recover from.

My older daughter wandered after her first rehab and would go missing. I would go searching, texting, calling, sometimes to find her in emergency rooms, other times take her to emergency rooms. She was in and out of rehabs and hospitals. The only thing that kept me going was hope and, at times, there was barely enough of it to get me through the day. If my life was trial by fire, my temporary move into the unwelcoming house of my mother and her husband was gasoline.

On this early autumn day, I went outside to be alone and sit by the rushing stream. I pulled up a chair by the water and began to journal. I wasn't sitting long when I felt a presence peering through the trees and glanced up from my book. There was someone there. She was standing on the bridge that crosses the stream connecting the driveway to the path leading to the house. This entity was unlike any I had seen before. My heart started to race!

She had no features but a well-defined form. She was the shape of a woman in a Victorian dress with a bustle and bonnet, indicative of the 1800's. She was a white milky, translucent color. I immediately turned my eyes away hoping she would vanish, but when I looked up, she lingered in my glance much longer than I anticipated.

This apparition had an intensity to her and I must admit, she unnerved me. I decided to try and let it go. I reminded myself that I was safe. I decided to add it to the list of new experiences, assuming it would be a one-time occurrence.

About a week had passed. I was sitting on the computer looking for work, and turned my eyes to the window. The ghost had returned! She was across the lawn by the bridge, anxiously pacing in one direction and then the other, her arms behind her back! Her urgency put me in full panic. What was she trying to tell me? Was she there to warn me about something? Was I going to die? Was someone else going to die? She seemed upset and frantic! I contacted two people who I thought might have insight and they both gave me my own advice, "Ask her what she wants." In the week that followed I did just that. I got quiet and put the question out into the universe.

One evening I was in my quarters, when I turned around and she was right there. Her body half in this realm and half outside this dimension. I noticed a dark red line down the front of her dress, and to this day, I wonder what it was. It was the color of blood but straight and contained and started midpoint in her body. In this visit, she disappeared as quickly as she showed herself. Maybe my fear closed the gap between our worlds! It wasn't that I thought she was there to cause me harm, but her anguish and distress scared me. I wasn't clear on what she was trying to communicate. It was my first experience of this nature and third visitation!

I truly didn't know what else to do, so I went on the computer and randomly typed in "White Lady" because that was the first thing that came into my mind! I had no expectation of anything coming up and when it did, I was shocked. Shocked and relieved! Apparently this apparition has been spotted around the world, mostly in rural areas. The sightings have been most prominent in parts of the United States, Ireland and Great Britain. The story is slightly different in each country, as is her presentation in her white gown.

The white lady has been seen so frequently throughout parts of the world that she has become a legend of tragedy. Some say she comes to warn of a death. A common theme is the loss of a daughter or husband. Most commonly, it's said that her daughter went missing and was never found. Grieving, she continues to search the earth for her child. She's known to be on the aggressive side, particularly to men.

I didn't want to frighten anyone, so at first I chose not to mention it to my mother or her husband. Then things started happening around the house over the next couple of weeks. I heard my mother scream in the kitchen. A bowl that had been pushed far back on the shelf, as she tells it, came flying off and just missed her. She and her husband were walking outside when a huge branch came crashing down from a tree just missing them. A metal marble hit the floor with such impact that we all heard it from another room and, once the cause of the noise was located, no one could identify the marble as being remotely familiar.

A more profound moment in this experience was when my younger daughter came for the weekend. I went into the bathroom to get washed when she started banging on the door. "Are you okay, Mom?" I was a bit surprised by the concern in her voice. "Yes!" I replied, "I'm getting washed!" When I returned to the room my daughter swung around on the computer chair and looked at me. "Are you okay?" She asked again. "I'm fine! Why are you asking?" "Mom, I heard you sobbing!" I explained to her that I wasn't, but she didn't believe me. I didn't tell her about the ghost for a while. My daughter was having a clairaudient experience.

During that same month, another ghost, in full human form, dressed in farmer overalls, covered in dirt and carrying a tool, passed by my bedroom window. It was dusk, but he was clear as day! He didn't move in the same way as a living being, and I got the sense that he died while working in the field. Maybe even buried alive because there was so much dirt on him. I was stunned. It was the second entity on this property that was in a form I had never seen before. He looked out in front of him with a blank expression as if I wasn't even there. He appeared to me only that one time. I assumed there was no connection between the farmer and the white lady other than location.

Then, I came across a myth surrounding the white lady that states it's believed she had a daughter who was violently murdered by a farmer. Perhaps a connection? I can't be sure.

The white lady ghost was full of intent and a powerful force. She wasn't just casually passing through or wandering aimlessly. She made noise, she made her presence known and she was bold. She showed herself to me three times and grieved loudly enough for my clairaudient daughter to hear her cries. Why did she come to me? I do question this. Did she come to forewarn me of the imminent death of my missing daughter?

A year and half ago my older daughter died at twenty-eights years old, suddenly and suspiciously on the morning she was supposed to be released from the hospital.

Perhaps the white lady ghost is fragments of millions of grieving mothers, spinning and vibrating throughout the world so fervently that it gives rise to form. The cumulative soul of the grieving mother. Whatever or whoever she is, I do know, she unquestionably walks the earth.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Elle310, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-13)
BettinaMarie--Rereading your comment I wanted to address your question concerning apparitional "outlines." In the same house that I saw the wholly white apparition my brother saw what appeared to be two figures standing next to each other but they had no features and looked like what he described as photographic negatives. The were whitish/gray and appeared as outlines or cut-outs. They vanished after only a few seconds.

So I would say yes, apparitions do sometimes appear as only outlines.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-12)
"Full bodied" and not "full bodies". Also wanted to add, as I stated in my initial comment on this story, that another reason an apparition might appear as a single color might have to do with an incomplete telepathic communication or connection between the consciousness of the spirit and the person perceiving it.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-12)
Hi BettinaMarie--Yes, I meant that in many reported cases of apparitions that they appear as one color. Quite often they also appear to emit their own illumination.

I witnessed the apparition of a woman walking by a bedroom door and turning down a hallway that appeared as completely white. In all other respects she appeared "normal". By this I mean that I could discern the dress she was wearing, her general physiognomy and even the length and style of her hair. She was just lacking color.

The house in which I witnessed this apparition had quite a bit of varied paranormal activity but this apparition seemed to me (by its attire) to have come from the 1940s or 50s. Although I can't confirm this, I wonder if many years ago this apparition would have appeared in full color. From the hundreds of case studies of apparitions I've read, it does indeed seem that many have a limited time in which they will appear before either slowly becoming more indistinct or simply never appearing again.

I feel that an earthbound spirit slowly loses its ability to manifest fully over time before it "moves on" to whatever awaits us next. I believe the gradual loss of this ability to present itself as "life-like" as possible has everything to do with it losing the energy it takes to materialize. There are endless case studies of apparitions that show that initially very life-like full bodies apparitions slowly become more indistinct, often losing variation in color and appearing as one. These colors are commonly white, blue and gray.

Hope this helps!
BettinaMarie (14 stories) (80 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-12)
Manafon1 I have a question about your comment. My apologies for being late to the conversation.
When you say spirits sometimes appear as all one colour, do you mean the whole "vision" of them appears (ex.) blue? Or do you mean they are outlined/lit in all one colour? Do people ever see just an outline?
I am not trying to nit pick here, just genuinely curious in relation to my own and the OP's experience. Your insight is always so thoughtful and kind.
I really would be lost without the honest, curious minds here on YGS.
With respect, Bettina
BettinaMarie (14 stories) (80 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-12)
Thank you for sharing these experiences with us. I am sending you lots of power and I pray you have found some peace.
I can relate to many parts of these experiences, like the effects of poverty.
I have a lot of questions about clairaudient experience. However, I fully respect if this series of events in your life is not something you'd like to rehash.

Much Care,
LFrog1386 (1 stories) (73 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-16)
I am so sorry for all the pain and loss you have suffered. I hope you are able to eventually find peace. It does seems like the white lady may have been trying to warn you of your daughter's impending death. Sadly, with opioid/heroin addiction, death is too frequently the only way out. I hope she found peace at last, too.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-10)

If I can just elaborate on the theory a little bit more, according to Bruce Lipton (Biologist) we have trillions of cells in our body of which each have their own antenna's...basically they are picking up signals from or with in the spiritual realm?. Our brains are basically the place where we interpret what we see and you fall into that percentage who can see more than others.

The White lady, Old Hag syndrome probably work along the lines of a universal poltergeist fixated in the fabric of the universe on the plank scale poised to be tapped into by anyone gifted enough to receive it's transmission albeit a curse depending how you think about it,lol... As to what created it? People seem to think a poltergeist that occurs with in a home, are due to angry teenagers with emotional issues making the home come to life as haunted, so it seems logical to me, these types of phenomenons would work the same?

The precognition of your daughters death unbeknown to you at the time, although maybe not a an subliminal level was perhaps the catalyst that emotionally stimulated your account?. The White lady presenting herself to you at a distance, although unnerving... It was not in your face until you invited her into your space. Interestingly, seeing her three times may vindicate that it was a message... There is something significant about anything that comes in three's.

Regards Daz
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-10)
Manafon - Thanks for your response. I have difficulty accepting the "one fits all" scenario. Aussiedaz, as always, also has a very interesting theory on this.

Elle please don't take this as criticism aimed at your experience, that isn't the case at all. Firstly, I don't have the right to criticise anybody in this regard because quite honestly at times I feel like a mariner of old trying to navigate the oceans without a map!

Regards, Melda
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-10)

You may be right about the collective consciousness of grieving mothers creating the White Lady phenomenon due to their heartaches of loss, I do concur with you in relation to your assumption.

We are consciousness conductors in a spiritual realm entangled with in a physical Matrix of which at it's core more resembles a computer simulation, Tom Campbell a NASA physicist wrote a book claiming our universe is basically a virtual reality, he touches on the metaphysics of which he would claim your account is basically a down load from the universe. So what nature of crisis put it there? Agree!

In 1984, I had an encounter with the Old hag lady of which played out in a physical field of horror... Talk about unnerving lol... It too in my opinion, is a download from the universe and not an actual old annoying lady getting kicks out of frightening people around the world half to death, I haven't really given it much thought as to how she was created? Perhaps she may have come about in the late 16th century when women were killed for being witches? Ironically, only a couple of years ago, did I have another account with the old hag... Is it Karma from a past life? If so, can you please move along and leave me alone.

I feel you are an old soul Elle, your journey thus far has been a pretty tough one, I'd be interested to know if you have ever experienced a ghost enter into your body or walk straight through you as you laid in bed, I may have a message for you if that be the case.

Hang in there mate, keep your chin up you'll see her again.

Regards Daz
Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-09)
Hi Melda--I just wanted to quickly chime in on the White Lady. Two years a go I witnessed a full bodied apparition that appeared as what could be described as a "White Lady" (I will write about it someday and submit it to YGS) but reports and legends of not only White Ladies but blue and gray ladies and men are common.

When I lived in South Carolina there was a local legend about "The Blue Lady" who supposedly haunted a lighthouse I used to frequent and on an island up the coast from where I lived, there was an apparition of a gray man who was supposed to appear before every major hurricane that was to strike the island.

Apparitions often appear as a washed out single hue, possibly because the energy the spirit once had to manifest as a "solid" looking entity had started to fade or because the possible telepathic link between entity and the human mind is somehow "incomplete", resulting in a figure in a muted color like blue, or a completely washed out white.

These are just my thoughts on the sightings of white/blue/gray apparitions.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-09)
Lealeigh - Thanks for your response. These would have to be very busy entities indeed if they manage to appear so frequently all over the world.

Do copycat ghosts exist? I wonder.

(By the way I'm still unable to up-vote you.)

Elle I know that it seems that I have hijacked your thread but I would be interested to know your opinion on this as well.

Regards, Melda
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-09)

I am here with that "other member's opinion" that you wanted. I am with you on the White Lady.

My opinion is that there is no single White Lady. There are sightings of apparitions that take the shape of white ladies, for whatever reason.

My humble opinion, which is also largely unresearched, makes me say the same thing about whatever the heck "Hatman" is. I think that these things show themselves in a way that is designed to get a direct reaction; a lady in white would make an impression of benevolence or good intentions and a dark and "hatted" shadow would bring fear (I don't think "hatted" is a proper word but it looks good to me here).

Most of my opinion about heavily repeated themes comes from watching the actions of the living. We are all individual "snowflakes" but many of us have the same preconceived notions about imagery.

The other part of my opinion comes from this book I read ten or fifteen years ago about the psychological power of corporate logos.

- Maria
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-09)
Elle - You have been through the wringer and my heart goes out to you.

My condolences on the loss of your daughter. You say she died suspiciously. Are you under the impression that someone caused her death? Please don't answer that if you feel that I'm being insensitive.

Are you convinced that the white lady was causing all the spiritual activity in the house? There might be (or might have been) more than one entity. From your description of the farmer's demeanour he could be residual.

There is something that bothers me about "The White Lady". It seems that thousands of people have encountered her and it is always assumed that this is the legendary, or original White Lady. I think there must be a number of spirit ladies who appear dressed in white. I've always considered the White Lady to be a legend but no doubt many would disagree with me. I would like to hear your and other members' opinions on that.

After all you have gone through, I truly wish you happiness in your life.

Regards, Melda
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-09)

I hate to differ with you but I am my mother's first child and I am not fragile. My aunt is my grandmother's first child and she ran everything under the sun for my grandmother after my grandfather died sixteen years ago. People are afraid of my aunt because she is so strong and resolute.

I am sorry about the loss of your father.

- Maria
Pinksweety (28 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-09)
First of all I'm really sorry for your daughter. She must have been very close to u being the first child. The first child is always fragile; its nature's law... Yes... The white lady was warning u...She could sense the danger that was about to come... A similar incident happened with me before my daddy passed away... A jingling sound could be heard by the bedroom window where I used to sleep. Then gradually I used to wake up at midnight as the jingling used to happen right beside my bed! Later on I found out it was the local holy spirit who was warning me about my daddy's death.
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)
I have family legends similar to the white lady of your story. However, our family ghost is similar to a banshee. It appears before a family member dies. Not every one in the family is privy to its appearance, but it is very similar to what you described in your story.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)

Your story breaks my heart. I am very sorry for your loss. I have heard of this White Lady in very vague terms. Frankly, I had a bad feeling when you first started to describe the troubles of your eldest daughter. I will pray for you and your family. I may not know what it is like to lose a child that I have known (I have had a few miscarriages and have accepted that I will never have children) but I know what it feels like to be uprooted and have my heart ripped out at the same time.

Once again, I am sorry for your loss.

- Maria

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