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The Girl In White


It's been a while. As I've said before in my story "There's something in your room" I've had many paranormal experiences. I believe I should speak of another, especially as it's a recent recurring event.

I'm sure many of you have heard of the Dead Girl game. If you haven't, it's a game where you would close your eyes, and snap your left fingers a specific amount of time, and stomp your right foot that amount of time... Each time counting down 10,5,3,1. After that, you would hold out both of your arms in front of you while saying, "Dead girl, dead girl, raise my hands until I die."

I was introduced to the game during my 6th year in school (2016). Normally, I figured the girls in my class were just messing around with me, as they would seem to be moving their own hands. I figured this because they weren't the least freaked out at the "touches", and their hands were moving too "fast". Yet however, every time I played the game, my hands would move, and there would be a light pressure on my hands. As you know, if you hold your hands out for about 5 mins, it would get heavy, well this was not the case, your hands would keep getting lighter by the min, and you can feel them rising.

There was a rule you also had to follow with the game. Your hands could not pass above your head, or you will die. One day during recess, I was playing the game, and a few girls were standing around me. As I followed the steps and started the game, I felt one of the girls touch my hand. I told them to leave my hands, they did, and they all walked away from me. I started experimenting with the question and asking her questions like Do you want to kill me, or will you be my friend, asking her to lower my hands if no, and raise it if yes. She said no to killing me and yes to being my friend. A few minutes later, (my eyes were still closed) I saw the outline of a little girl standing in front of me, lightly holding my hands up. I started panicking and quickly opened my eyes. I looked around at all the other students heading inside. I dismissed the situation, and never spoke of it.

During my 8th year (2018), I started encountering this girl again. Once during lunch, I was looking into the bathroom mirror, when I saw her standing behind me. I turned around thinking it was one of the younger students. There was no one behind me. I turned back to the mirror and she was there. She had long black hair, with blue eyes, and she was wearing a blood stained white dress. After a few minutes she left, and I walked out of the bathroom. I told my friends about the incident, but they only laughed and said I was making up the story.

Often I would see her around the school. My friends said I would go red, and would just be staring at a random spot every time I saw her around. Many nights I would see her in my dreams, and once I even saw her standing in my room. She never made an attempt to speak to me or to hurt me. She'd just stand there, her hands by her side staring.

I hadn't seen her for over 2 years. A few weeks ago (Feb 2021), I started noticing her around me again. She would mostly show herself in mirrors, or glass reflections. She often come nearer to me than before. A few times I've heard the laughter of a child. This often calms me. She seems nice, and playful, and often when I am upset, she would be around. Always making funny faces in the glass or mirrors. I would often feel better after this. I have noticed she looks a lot like me, so I think of her as a younger sister. My parents told me my mother was pregnant before she died, so this makes me think of her more of a sibling.

Thank you for reading about my experience.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, M00nchxld_, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Softie_thunder_thighs (14 posts)
3 years ago (2021-05-12)
I have never heard of neither played this game, sounds weird. 😕
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-22)
Hi RCRuskin

Please feel free to quote away to your hearts content. 😊

I feel reassured that my terrifying experience with the slack-jawed, greying, eternally tired-looking mirror entity made people laugh - that knowledge has helped me to begin the long process of healing my deep psychological wounds.

Other good news is that I have taken the dressing off my nose now. I'm hoping that when the swelling goes down, and my eyes aren't so black, I'll be recognisable again.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-22)

"Also bonus, my friend told me that spirits seem to be "comfortable" being around me, and that whenever I mention something paranormal, and she doesn't believe me, something paranormal ends upo happening to her."

Is your friend a psychic or how does she know that those spirits are present and the way they feel?
Are you aware when those spirits around you?
Are you suggesting that the spirits are teaching your mean, incredulous friend a lesson for daring not to believe you?
Does this mean that my house will be haunted for no believing your story? - Yikes!

I'll give this story the benefit of the doubt but, since you say to have "had many paranormal experiences", I would suggest for you to add as much information as possible to any future story. Right now it seems like you are patching the holes in your narrative based on the doubts of the people commenting on it... And get ready to be questioned, specially if the "facts" you're presenting sound far fetched and embellished.
M00nchxld_ (3 stories) (9 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-22)
Hello again,
To clear a lot of the fuzzy parts:

My parents mentioned other miscarriages, (they didn't specify the gender of the last pregnancy), however they did say I had a older brother. I have never encountered a experience with this "brother" so I'm not sure about if this may be my "sister or not".

I believe the game may have been like inviting the spirit to me.

I wasn't afraid of the "blood-stained child", because I was kind of shocked, also I didn't feel a bad energy coming from her.

Also about the arm thing. My hands were light from the start of the game. They never got heavy, and I could feel a light pressure on my wrists only.

Also I said I believed the girls in my school may have made up the game to scare me/ and they seem to be moving their hands on their own accords, but I guess the spirit knew I would allow it to come around me.

Also bonus, my friend told me that spirits seem to be "comfortable" being around me, and that whenever I mention something paranormal, and she doesn't believe me, something paranormal ends upo happening to her.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-22)
[at] Macknorton

I standup and applaud! Or I would, if I was not writhing on the floor in uncontrollable laughter.

May I quote you? Please?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-21)

Let us know what's the most vulnerable and sensitive body part of a spirit... I wonder if hitting a partial apparition on its missing part would provide any protection. The spirit realm is such a mystery!


I almost spat my milk reading your comment.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-21)

Over the years that I have been a member of this forum, I have learnt to take some of these stories with a grain of salt and have read a good share of stories submitted by people using this platform as a medium to test their (fiction) writing skills.

I'm not suggesting that this story is fake but, in my opinion, there are some aspects that just don't seem to add up and other ones that are kind of...sensational?

Anyway, I just hope the OP can clarify the fuzzy parts of their story.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-21)

You are welcome. Life can get a bit too serious at times.


The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (253 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-21)
At lady-glow

You do raise a valid point regarding the blood stains, unless it is supposed to be symbolic of this siblings death, but I don't believe I've ever read anywhere of this kind of appearance by a 'lost' brother or sister. I am a firm believer in following your intuition, but the OP has not stated if it was an intuitive hint she got in terms of whether this is her sibling or not, or if it's wishful thinking. As far as to why this entity if it was their lost sibling, would want to kill a person, it's not clear that this spirit was operating under the 'rules' of the game. As I mentioned, similar to a Ouija board, this spirit/entity I believe used this 'game' has an excuse to interact with the OP, it was like a spiritual invitation. The game acts as a kind of portal, like a Ouija board. The 'intention' of whoever plays this game was to make contact with the spirit realm, or a ghost to put it bluntly.

Ironically after reading the other posts this whole raising your arms sounds kind of like muscle testing, and it's more the body's response to yes/no questions, drawing from the body's wisdom. It seems as if I've heard some variation of this game somewhere, but I don't remember, it sounds vaguely similar. I could just be cross referencing though, maybe it's a game the local kids just made up?

M00nchxld_, if you could clarify these points it would help, lady-glow raises some interesting questions, why do you feel this may be your lost sibling? Do you have any other evidence of this being the case? Also if you can enlighten us on this 'game', is it something just local to your school, or a variation of another game? I'm not doubting the validity of your experience, but it would help a lot if we could understand these things a bit more and perhaps enlighten you as well, as to what has indeed happened.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2021-03-21)
Hello MackNorton,
🤣 OMG! I have been in stitches laughing all the way through reading your comment. You certainly are a funny soul. I needed that laugh, thanks.

After reading all the comments I thought I'd better read the post. Wrong order I know, however the comments have been enlightening on this thread.

Soooooo, this game makes the person playing it a human ouija board? Hands up if... Hands down if not... Interestingly enough when I put my arms up, they always lower themselves down, I hope that girl isn't around these neck of the woods now... On a serious note, When your arms get tired they will lower and subconsciously you'd lift them to maintain their place. I don't know much about this game but playing games saying, 'dead girl, dead girl', sounds ludicrous to me. I don't see how that game can bring joy to anyone and it definitely doesn't sound like there's skill involved. It does sound a bit sinister however and I think if youths played it here in Australia, they'd probably be arrested and questioned about who they plan on killing and why?

Seeing this girl in the mirror and wherever else you see her is a totally different thing. That could be a child spirit hanging about or lost. Perhaps help her find the light.

I'd also want to know why she is wearing white blood ridden clothes. What happened to her, how did she die, is anyone else with her who can comfort her and help her through to the next realm.

Thanks for the link to the post about the toothbrush that was used to rid the spirit from the mirror. I use my old toothbrushes to scrub around the taps and then dispose of them. Now I'm going to collect them and throw them at any annoying paranormal visitor that bothers me.😉

Hopefully this dilemma is resolved soon.

SWS. 😘
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-21)
I'm gutted...it's gone! My beloved B.S Detector has overheated to the point that it actually combusted, caught fire, and then melted into a sticky, smelly puddle of plastic and metal goo.

I'll have to order another one off Amazon.

But in the mean-time... I'm definitely going to cover up ALL the mirrors in my house. Why, just the other night I was in the bathroom and glanced up and there it was; an old, wrinkly, grey-haired (yet strangely familiar) apparition, with lost, soulless eyes staring straight back me!

Luckily I was brushing my teeth at the time (co-incidentally, so was IT) so I hurled my toothbrush at it's ashen face. Co-incidentally it also threw it's toothbrush at ME, fortunately I hit it right between the eyes, unfortunately I was using a large electric rubber-handled toothbrush and it bounced straight of that old, washed up apparitions terrified face and got me square on the nose!

I ran SCREAMING out of the bathroom. I've never seen such a horrific sight. It was like all the life had been sucked out of it's soul by 25 years of marriage and three children. Can ANYONE know what I'm talking about!?

I have come to accept that my bathroom mirror is actually an inter-dimensional-space-time-portal-warp-gateway harboring a middle-aged entity, seemingly just drifting around like a lost sock in the laundromat of oblivion, so I now have to brush my teeth in the kitchen sink.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-20)
A note for Lady-Glow:

I had not heard about this game, either. In a cursory internet search, I found *no* relevant data for "Dead Girl game," "Dead Girl" game, "Dead girl, dead girl, raise my hands until I die" (which redirected to this YGS page alone), "raise my hands until I die" (back to YGS, again), nor "10,5,3,1."

I did find that the above searches linked to video games, movies, training to improve salesmanship skills, and a subreddit about seduction for guys who are insecure about their ability to date girls. However, the only mention of the game was the pair of searches that connected me back to this story.

Frankly, I found this to be surprising, as I had expected to find video links, tik-toks, etc., with hyperactive teenagers screaming unconvincingly about the results of playing this game.

Color me puzzled.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-20)

"It seems that if you feel this is a lost sibling, I would go with your gut instinct on that"

I don't agree with you on this; to begin with, there's no mention if the OP's family knew the gender of the unborn child; secondly, why would the spirit/soul would show itself wearing a white dress covered in blood? Would this be a symbolism for something?
How on earth would the spirit of an unborn child end up killing children just because they are unable to hold their hands up for a few minutes?

I never heard about this game growing up in Mexico, neither did my children when attending school here in Canada, nor any of my friends' school aged children. I would like to know if any of the American members of the forum has played or is aware of this game... Or if the only reference to it is the one provided by this story.

I will appreciate any feedback on the above points. In the meanwhile I'll be seating on the fence observing the development of this thread.
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (253 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-20)
Hello MOOnchxld_ thanks for sharing your story. It seems that if you feel this is a lost sibling, I would go with your gut instinct on that. The game you played may have been an invitation, an opening to this soul/spirit to interact with you, much like a Ouija board opens a portal of communication. Unfortunately as others have echoed, like a Ouija board, if those that play 'it' aren't versed in how it truly works, and to properly safeguard themselves can let some rather problematic entities through to put it mildly. I maintain that the Ouija board, much like this game you 'played' are just tools, in and of themselves not dangerous, it's the intent behind them that fuels them and younger energy like those of teens which is suspected to be behind most reported poltergeist activity, really adds a lot of fuel to the fire. However she seems to be helpful and a companion of sorts to you, much different from the types of malevolent spirits unleashed in games similar to this one, like the Bloody Mary scenarios or Ouija sessions gone awry. To echo also what aussiedaz said, we can perceive things with out our eyes open and even without 'sight' as we know it. I too have seen things, many out of the corner of my eye, like a helpful entity and once I saw in 'my minds eye' an old man standing in a doorway. This means though my eyes were open, I did not see this entity the same way I am seeing the screen I am typing to you now on. It was more like the experience you had with your eyes closed. It was truly fascinating and I attribute it to experiences I had as a child, though I love the paranormal and ghost stories I don't think I could handle seeing a full apparition in front of me, so they find other ways to appear that we are comfortable with. Just my two cents worth! Thanks again for an amazing experience!
TravisCannabis (74 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-20)
Bro, you have big cojones. I'd have crapped myself seeing that thing in the mirror and you stayed put for five minutes. 😳 😆
JoJorocks (4 stories) (27 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-20)

You said that the second time you saw her is that she's covering in blood. Weird that you don't feel frightened.

New game. What are the mechanics of the game. Does it required in the game that you're alone in one place? I'm also thinking that what will happen to the player if the ghost choose to kill the latter.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-20)
M00nchxld - I know that what I am saying to you is very blunt. I don't believe you. If you simply had a little girl following you around, who didn't exit from a mirror during a ridiculous game, now that would have been far more believable.

Regards, Melda
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-19)
I should add, it only ever happened to me once, it was a pretty cool experience seeing my friends wife aura moving around me as I laid on the lounge room floor with my eyes shut. From memory, it didn't matter where she moved around me, I could see her... It was only when I opened my eyes, did she appear completely transform in physicality!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-19)
lady Glow, just to chime in on seeing with your eyes closed it did happen to me many years ago, I'm not going to find which story I put it in, however, I'm pretty sure it's here somewhere?

I can't explain it in accordance to how our body parts function in biological terms, however, I do theorise that "mind don't belong to body, body belongs to mind" if that makes sense?

So, if your higher self (soul) wants to see, it doesn't really need any parts of the body vessel to achieve an outcome...it's a little like terminal lucidity, where people on their death beds with the most horrendous brain injuries etc, prop up and come good to a point of appearing normal just before they die often with their family in shock and their doctors totally dumbfounded.

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-19)
I'd forgotten all about that toothbrush story Lady-Glow. Thanks for digging it up. It's a very funny tale! 😆
M00nchxld_ (3 stories) (9 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-19)
[at] lady-glow

To answer your questions

_MY eyes were closed, however (im not sure how to explain)...but you know when you close yours eyes in the sun, and there that bright kind of light... She was a dark outline there.

Im not sure of anyone dying, (this is the part that I didn't believe, and cause me to think the game was a joke)

The game can be stopped by opening your eyes, or saying "dead girl, dead girl, I don't want to play anymore" (mostly opening your eyes)

Im not sure if this game was made up by the girl, and that I was actually just connecting to my "dead sibling" (I mentioned that the girls seem to be moving their own hands). However she has helped me through a lot of bad times, just to know someone else there.

THank you... ❤
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-19)
To be honest, I have never heard about this game neither understand how it's played.

Nevertheless, I have some questions about your story:

"A few minutes later, (my eyes were still closed) I saw the outline of a little girl standing in front of me, lightly holding my hands up. I started panicking and quickly opened my eyes."

How did you manage to see anything if your eyes were closed?

Do you know of anyone dieing while playing this game? If so, are you aware of the cause of death reported by the ME?

How is the game stopped? Are there any repercussions if interrupted by, to say something, the end of recess or if someone gets bored?

Who is supposed to be this girl? Is she supposed to go to any place in the world whenever children summon her?

I still don't get if she kills children or if she helps them to live by holding their arms/hands.

Do you know if she's still "playing the game" with other kids after she began following you?

In my opinion, this game sounds more like a playground legend than anything else.
M00nchxld_ (3 stories) (9 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-19)
Hello, Thank you for your comments, I didn't really have a negative insight with this entity. I was scared at first, but shes usually around when I'm upset, or going through a hard phase in life, trying to cheer me up.
Rajine (14 stories) (888 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-19)

I just don't understand why people would experiment with stuff they know will have a negative impact on their lives, it's like you inviting negativity into your life by doing what would seem harmless.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
4 years ago (2021-03-18)
Next time you see her try throwing a toothbrush at her...I'm not sure which part of her body is the most vulnerable but this is a very effective defense against any bloody little girls coming out of mirrors.

You're not the first one confronting this mischievous entity:


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