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Anima 2


It was early one Sunday afternoon and since it was our day off, which meant that Anima was also closed, I decided to take advantage of the huge back garden and the sunshine and took my four dogs (3 boxers and a tiny greek breed) and headed down to the bar which is just two blocks away. My four-legged companions and me were in a pretty good mood that day since they knew they would have a huge garden to explore and I would be enjoying my afternoon coffee watching them play.

I decided to enter through the garden-gate since we had cleaned the bar after last night's party and I didn't want the dogs scratching the well-polished wooden floors. When inside the garden, I was prepared for my dogs' usual playful charges (they chase one another around the garden, jump over bushes, even climb a few of the smaller trees) but, instead, they gathered in front of the back door leading to the inner bar. They seemed quite nervous sniffing the air and Fatima (my very protective female boxer) attempted to prevent me from opening the back door. I got a little tensed thinking that they smelled something I couldn't see but soon discarded it as being nothing but the noise from the busy road at the front of the bar. And yet, I let the dogs in with me, just to be on the safe side, completely indifferent towards the wooden floors and the agitated cleaning lady.

I was inside the bar now and, despite the dogs' reactions (they ran around sniffing every corner as well as the air) I could see nothing out of place. The bar was empty, clean and tidy, if one ignored the smell of cigarettes from the previous night. I opened all the windows to let some fresh air in and headed inside the stone-built bar to make me a cup of coffee. As I went inside the kitchen to get a mug, I noticed a number of glasses and other china piled up neatly on the table and I hurried to put them back on their shelves before my husband saw them since I assumed the cleaning lady had forgotten to do so.

I was now sitting in the garden under one of the Arabic tents (a favourite spot for the customers) and was wondering why my dogs, instead of having the time of their lives, were laying at my feet. A few minutes afterwards, my father called to inform me he was coming to join us so I ran back inside to make him a cup of coffee too. I closed the door behind me this time letting the dogs out and as I walked on to the inner bar, I thought I heard one of the toilets flushing as if someone was using it. At that, I felt cold sweat running down my face and my hands started trembling. I was certain I was alone in the bar and I wasn't willing to check that one out! Just to make things worse, the dogs were now right outside the door barking their hearts out and, loosing my courage, I fled out into the garden.

When dad arrived, he instantly asked me what was wrong. "You're as white as a sheet. Are you alright?"

Of course I wasn't willing to tell my "logical" father about the noise. I just told him I was tired and went back inside to make him coffee but making sure to keep speaking to him at the same time and, as you might have guessed, I lured him in.

The rest of the afternoon passed more joyfully with my dad playing around with my dogs and my husband, who had come to join us but my mind was still clinging to the previous events.

The next morning I received a call from the cook who had gone to Anima to fill the fridge with some shopping. She was really upset with the cleaning lady who hadn't even bothered to put the dishes and glasses onto the shelves Saturday night. She told me that it wasn't her responsibility to do that but that she would gladly do it only this once just because of me.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, rhodes68, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-13)
Free_Fairy, THANK you for your lovely message and your kind words!

Anima has been a mystery unwilling to unravel and at times, it's been the place I loved more than anything else and felt connected to but, at others, it remains distant, untouchable.

I don't know if I can make you understand if I said, within its garden, I have felt life flourishing but in some corners during sunset, I have felt death and stillness.

I suppose I could never get used to being there. Sometimes I feel I'm strong enough to face the challenge and then there are those times I feel weak, vulnerable to every sound.

If you ever do come to Rhodes, I think an early evening drink in its garden will make your visit worthwhile!

Thank you
Free_Fairy (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-13)
Your stories are fancinating. I strongly believe that if I were you I'd be creeped out for every second of the rest of my life. I also have to add that, having read your stories a long time ago I want to visit, or at least pass through Anima someday. It's one reason I'll vote for Rhodes and not Crete as a destination for my class's one-week trip next year.
Anyway, I'm really interested in the way you feel about those situations. Are you scared or terrified most ofthe time? Or you are used to it?
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-09)
Thanks again Troy! Now to add a little more info to the previous question... This time my dad had Turkish coffee and I sure joined him πŸ˜‰
troyarn (5 stories) (479 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-09)
This is a weird and interesting story line you have going on here Rhodes68, and I plan on following it to its end. It's always a pleasure to read such good tales and I thank you for sharing this with us.
bigpatti87 (2 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-15)
Yet another good story, I love going back and reading all of your stories because they are so good... I love your stories and you have the craziest experiences and I love them so keep them coming... Thanks again.

God Bless,
BigPatti πŸ˜‰
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-07)
Hi Chris 😊,

I'm happy you responded.

I must tell you that the daughter came to the island yesterday to meet with me. She seems to have changed her mind after having a dream in which her father was angry at her behavior. I don't completely trust her so I'm on guard.

I think my grandmother knew the old man but I can't possibly know how because she's deceased so I cannot ask her.

I'm not sure there's a curse; I just think that they tried helping the girl back then but when she died, they realised that they had to bury her themselves without telling anything to her family. Remember that Greeks and Turks are two not very friendly neighbors so they were probably afraid of the locals' reaction. Let alone that they would have been considered responsible for the girl's converting. I would have been afraid too, had I been in their position.

Regardless of all though, I'm not giving up. I'm known as the thick headed in the family and I owe it to the old man who was involuntarily caught in the midst of all this chaos.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-07)
Hi Tammy I got your email. I wanted to send you my opinion by email but again something is wrong and I quessed I would like to share it here. I hope you are not dissapointed? While I was reading your email I understood that the family is hideing the truth. If it werent that harsh of a story they would tell you the full truth about oit. But I got the message that that is not what they want. I believe that the tyruth is there. But you need to keep on looking for it. Its hidden somewhere but maybe one day you will find it. But on the otherhand this maybe a warning. Like they say curiosity killed the cat. I know what you are thinking right now. Should I keep looking or should I let go? This is a queston that you have to choose. If it were me I would keep looking. Not at a full scale thing but looking. Soonert or later you may find the truth. I thank you for believing in me. I hope that I have been of some help. O have just one question. Do you think that there is something cursed there? Maybe the family in Turkey was trying to protect you or maybe they were ashamed of something. I hope you get this message. I hope to hear from you soon my dear frined and take care πŸ˜‰
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-05)
Thanks Tammy. I haven't checked my email yet because my computer doesn't work the way its suposed to and my dad is useing the one that actually works. Ill probably check arouind 15.00.But Ill write to you tommorow. Ill give you all my thoughts about the story. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-05)
Chris, actually, I've just e-mailed the same message I sent Autumn because I'm not sure I will be able to write to you tonight. These are the newest info I got.

Tell me what you think
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-05)
Hi to you too Chris.

Yes, I'm back at last but still trying to recover from my trip to Turkey. I learnt all kinds of things but I'm not sure if I was told the whole truth about a certain fact.

I've e-mailed Autumn and I'm going to e-mail you tonight too, I hope. I need you to tell me what you make out of all these. What's the feeling you get concerning the things I was told.

Thank you my friend.

I'll be looking forward to your reply
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-05)
Hi Tammy! I just looked at the posts and found you. How was your vacation? My parents just came back from Greece yesterday. They said it was amazing. They said its a sin not to visit Greece. Did you learn something new? I was going to post a story last week but my luck was out. Martin was bussy and we couldn't post anything. Oh weel, maybe next time. I hope to hear from you soon and take care my friend
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-16)
Thank you Chris for reading my stories and for the comments in general. The truth about this place is that it has hidden a history that may be disturbing to a lot of people and for that I seem to be having problems when asking around. I don't suppose you received the e-mail I sent you, did you? I'm going away for a few weeks to a place that might provide some answers. I just think there's a lot more behind this place than what meets the eye.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-16)
Hi Tammy. I have a wierd feeling about this place. Dont get me wrong I can imgine it perfectly and I do believe this place to be like heaven. I think the spirit walking along in Animas might be the spirit of the man who worked there. I thjink this might be some kind of residual haunting. Do you know what I meen? It seems like the man still thinks that he works there and he is carrying the dishes miving chairs and ect. I haven't read the other comments so somebody might have already told you this. I liked reading your story and I hope you got it. I hope to hear from you soo and take care
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-27)
I feel that it IS common to have bats in certain locations, however, I do believe that these bats have a meaning especially if they are in your home more than once a month. I do believe that it IS paranormal. Especially them visiting often and your dogs acting in fear. I may be wrong, but I don't think so!

SHELBY ❀ 😊 😐
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-27)
Now you got me thinking Mustang.Yes, the place was owned by a husband and his wife. At times, I would feel a "gentle" presence in a back room I used as my study but in the inner bar and the bathroom, the presence I felt and had described to me was a more powerful one. It would never be mean to me but it played tricks on the people I worked with and, on several occasions, it would terrify them, unless they overreacted and that fear was not its intention. As for the pc... It's a little strange, isn't it? I don't want to believe it's more than a mechanical problem and that something has followed me two whole blocks away! I wouldn't feel comfortable in my own home.

Yesterday, I had the strangest thing happen, not paranormal but still strange. We have owls and a few bats in the neighborhood, and, after having a bat flying in my living room twice last month (my dogs smashed my tv set and a few other objects, going after it), I had the owl paying me a visit! It sat on my bookcase by the window and wouldn't go but, strangely, the dogs retreated to another room and kept barking from a distance. Do animals do that? I don't know but it sure gave me a fright. Anyway, my point is I'm getting a little jumpy lately 😊
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-26)
Hi rhodes. I definitely feel that there is more than one presence. Was there an owner that was a woman as well as the man? For some reason, and I may be wrong in saying this, BUT was there a woman that was part owner in this place? I feel that SHE is the one that is the one watching you. You know, to make sure that everything is done right and to her liking! Hmmmm. I do not know for sure, but I have a sneaky suspicion! Like I sad, I could be wrong, this is just MY feeling. I am sorry that you are having difficulties with you're PC. Odd. I am having problems with mine also, although not as bad as yours. Could be coincidental or something else! VERY, VERY, VERY STRANGE! I can't wait for your next installment!

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-25)
Thank you Flutter,Whitebuffalo,and Ballybumba for the comments. Sorry it took a while for me to answer but I think my pc is "dying on me".I've been trying to write my 3rd account which might shed some more light on who's behind all this, but every time I try to type, my computer shuts down. I don't know what's happening.
Flutter,it seems as if my encounters differ significantly from those of others. I've never been "bullied" by whatever is there while the others have. Could be more than one presence? Then again, why all the bad stuff like scattered garbadge,napkins,and broken glasses don't happen in front of me, I still don't know.
Ballybumba,before this place was someone's home, it used to be a field. Across the bar,there's a school which used to be a tobacco factory, and right behind my garden,there's a small forest which conects my bar to the university campus. Nothing special has been reported about the university since all rumors are nothing more than urban legends.
Whiteballo,for some strange reason I feel that the energy I,alone,perceive is positive although it scares me sometimes to know that someone's watching me. Please read my next story as soon as I resolve the pc problem and I think you will see what I see.
I'm very curious to hear what you will all make out of it. You have, so far, helped me a lot and I'm very grateful for that!
❀Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-25)
Hello again Rhodes.
The problem with people is that they get set in their ways. There are certain ways they think things should be done, and for the sake of ease, they place things where they feel it is easier to go about their business from.
When we fall in love with a place, some of us actually say "wow, I could stay here forever", unfortunately (or fortunately, however you think about it) some of us actually do do that. I really think the ghost you have here simply loves the place and would rather be there than anywhere else at this time.
If I were in this situation, I would just say "Yes, I can see how that would be a good place for ----- but I have found that placing it over here saves time, and the customers really like that. Could you please just leave it there?" He seems to be a caring ghost, so that may help out.
Thank you.
Ballybumba (3 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-25)
You may have to look into the history of the area.
I'd find out if there was a building on or near the site before the restaurant was built.
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-24)
[at] rhodes68, thanks for what you said about the owners of which you know. It helps some to understand why this happen. But I do still feel it was someone that worked for them doing this, not the owners themselves. But thanks just the same. Good story.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-24)
Hi Flutter and thanks for responding. After a few incidents that were related to me by my cleaning lady, the bar tender and a waitress, I did ask around a bit. What I know for a fact is that, the first cook was the owner and his wife. They were the only ones who have died as they were very old. I have never though managed to ask the man who took the place right after them. I don't know where he is or anything more than his name. Also, during the time the first owner turned this into a restaurant(it was a home before that) he had his parents with him (I don't know if they also worked there), as my parents tell me it was a family business. The remaining two owners live in Rhodes and, apart from knowing both of them, I also know their cooks and they are alive.But, you have a point there since I don't know what went on during the years the second owner had the business.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-24)
Thank you for the information Shelby. The reason I asked is first, because I have read about the shadow people in several stories on this site but I was never able to form a visual image of them, and second, because I have seen something (unless it was my eyes getting tired after having worked for too long that day) and I couldn't relate it to the shadow people. I was in a short distance from a friend (our cook), the room I was in was bright(it was morning) and I caught a shadow passing though the hall-way 4 feet away. It was not reflected on the wall, it was just what a person would look like when you see them in the dark. I wasn't able to see anything but its back as it walked into the kitchen. I will soon write about that encounter so feel free to tell me what you think.

Thank you again.
Tammy 😊
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-24)
I don't feel its an owner that owned this, but someone that worked there, they may have been injured or died. Maybe the person went to the toilet and never made it back, to the area where the dishes were at. Have you checked out the place to see if anything like this did happen?
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-23)
Hi rhodes. Yes the 'shadow person' IS in the dark but there is always some kind of light in the room. I have seen things in my peripheal vision like little flicks of black shadows low to the ground. Kind of like dancing around. When I saw them was when I was hearing the little children's voices when my own kids were fast asleep (the voices of the little children I wrote about in my last story, "The Shadow Visitors"). That was in the recent past. As for the actual 'shadow man' that I have always been in contact with, he is not like a shadow that is reflecting off of a wall. He is very dense and looks like he is in a trench coat with a hat, all black. EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM IS BLACK! I know that it is a male, I guess just by the vibe he gives me. It's just like a black hole, he is just all black, very dense, no gray/dark gray, just black. No face, no eyes, no nose, no mouth, nothing on his face at all. Like I said, it's just a dense black being. STRANGE! Even though I have never seen eyes, I know that he is staring at me. One time, when I was twenty years old, I woke up somewhere around 2:30-3:00 in the morning for no reason. My eyes instantly directed me towards the end of the bed where he was standing. I laid there for a second or two, asked him what he was doing because I thought it was my husband(ex-husband now) and it did not say anything. I was like, whatever, rolled over only to feel my husband lying next to me. I looked back. He was still there! I sat up instantly and I realized that it was 'HIM'. Before I could even utter a word he took off in a speed no human could possibly run. It was like a fast glide or maybe fly type action. Before he got to the bedroom door he disappeared. I was not afraid. I actually flew out of the bedroom after him! I looked all through the apartment only to find NOTHING or NO ONE! CREEPY! I still to this day, wonder who this entity is. Oh, and it's not that it is too dark to be able to see it's face, there are no features at all. That particular night that I was just talking about, the moon was beaming brightly through the blinds. I also, have never seen the shadow man in the distance. He is always very close.

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-23)
Hi Shelby. Now, I need to ask you something since you mentioned these "shadow" people. Do you mean that they look as living people would but when you see them in the dark? I mean, not like not having a face but as if you can't discern the features because it's dark? And one more. Have you ever had a shadow look straight at you or do you see it passing from a distance?
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-23)
Hi rhodes. I feel the same way you do. Even though most of my experiences are not threatening, I still have this fear of actually coming face to face with a ghost or spirit. Fear of the unknown! I have this fear of the black shadow figures since they are dark. I have had many run-ins with this being or beings and I feel like if they are dark they must be bad but that's not always true. I don't even know if my black shadow figures should even be called that. My shadow figures are not shadows, they are like solid formed beings, except for the big black mass I once encountered. It's like looking at a person that is just a solid blackhole with no face, that I have seen anyway. It's not like a shadow on the wall or a black wispy looking thing. Either way I still get scared.

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-23)
Thank you Mustang and Frawin for your comments. I'm trying to find some free time to submit my next story which will shed some more light on the events at Anima. I have to say that thinking through of some of the events and with the help of your comments, I start to believe that it probably was the owner and what I have considered to be pure coincidence couldn't have been simply that. I had approached his daughters at some point and, especially the oldest who was more talkative, had spoke to me about the man her father was. He was highly respected by the Rhodians and was a very kind-hearted and hospitable person. I think I feel a little guilty for being completely terrified on several occasions but even if it happened again, I would still feel my blood running cold to be absolutely honest! I mean how does one come to terms with the existence of the spirit world and learn to literally share the same space with them. Oh, God forgive me!
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-22)
Hi rhodes. I also believe that it is a previous owner attached to the building or the property. It's obvious he likes messing up your orderly fashion. It sounds like he likes stirring things up a bit to get your attention. He doesn't sound menacing at all and it is true that fear does make you interperate things differently than they actually are. Thanks for part II.

FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-22)
Hello Rhodes. Yes it would seem that one of the previous owners are still around. I don't think their intentions are malicious, they are trying to get YOUR attention. That is why they moved the china not once but twice-so YOU could see it. If it were me I would try to reach a compromise with it- leave things alone and you can stay or make more trouble and get evicted. You would be surprised at how accomadating spirits can be, especially the good ones and you seem to have a good one.
Thank you for another great story and I'm looking forward to part 3.Take Care and God Bless You.

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-22)
Thank you Bellissima. You may not believe this but I've just begun writing a new one. When I left the bar that day, I had made sure to put everything in place cause I thought our cleaning lady had forgotten. At that time I had no idea that the "mess" which wasn't a mess in a literal sense but a neat pile on the table, wasn't a result of the cleaning lady's forgetfulness. There was another pile of china so, no way! I had put everything back in its place 😨

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