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Some More Disturbing Encounters at Anima


This is an account of the events that were related to me by our student and waitress at Anima. I have already mentioned in my previous story, The Mirror at Anima, that Elisabeth (one of the bartenders) had claimed to have felt a presence passing almost through her at some point, as well as heard glass breaking, and I was soon to discover that there was a broken mirror and what looked like broken glass in the kitchen when nobody had touched either. Elisabeth had finally admitted that she was too scared to keep working on weekdays and preferred to work on Fridays and Saturdays when the rest of the staff were there. She would be working as a waitress since John was our weekend bartender. We agreed and all was well for a while.

She later went on to tell me that even during our busy nights, she would still feel something passing right by her and that the speed with which it passed was so fast, that on some occasions, it would knock off things right next to her or that she would feel as if a gust of cold wind had hit her. I asked her how come she didn't tell me right away or how come she was able to remain calm and continue serving drinks, to which she admitted to having confessed everything to the bartender who promised he would be watching out for her. She also told me she was afraid we wouldn't believe her as the experiences were pretty intense and felt very uncomfortable because my husband was not only her employer but also her college professor. I was a little disappointed she chose not to trust me but I said nothing further.

Another time, after finishing work on a Saturday night, she went on to have a few drinks at another bar but at around 4am, she realized she had forgotten her cell phone at our bar. She asked her friend to drive her back so she could retrieve it and, when she entered through the main door, she found all the table napkins scattered all over the place. She knew and I knew that the bar had been cleaned before we left that night and, since there were no windows open, there was no logical explanation for what she was seeing. Needless to say, she had told that one event to my husband who refused to allow any space for any kind of supernatural explanation and tried to rationalize it. That provided the clue as to why she chose not to speak to us about it again, I suppose.

And yet, one other account she related to me was even more disturbing especially because that particular time I was at the inner bar talking with a friend and I didn't have a clue about what went on "back stage". I remembered right away that I had seen the cook coming out of the kitchen (which is right next to the bathroom door), and, after entering the bathroom for a few moments, she came out to whisper something to the bartender. I asked if there was something wrong but when I saw that neither of them was eager to provide explanations, I let it go for the time being as I didn't want to stir up things in front of our guests.

Elisabeth told me that she was in the bathroom when she heard someone knocking on her door. She thought it must have been a customer and answered "occupied" only to make whoever was out there angry as "he" was now knocking so hard, she thought the door would crumble down. She said she had yelled once trying desperately to remain in control of herself and, at that, she heard the entrance door open (that was the cook) who had heard her yelling as well as the banging on the door. Unfortunately, none of us heard anything since there was loud music playing. The cook could not, though, open the door which seemed jammed somehow, and it was then when she called the bartender. The explanation I was given that night was that Elisabeth could not open the door and "she kind of freaked out". In addition, when I later asked her why she thought it was a "he" banging on the door, she told me she could hear him breathe and it sounded like it had been a man.

Even worse, some time after that event, and during a very busy night, John (the bartender) asked Elisabeth to go outside in the garden and fetch him more ice from the outdoor freezer. (Now that, to me at least, sounded like he had not believed the paranormal nature of her previous account as he wouldn't have asked her to go out alone in the garden to bring him anything). Elisabeth initially refused but since John was too busy to do it himself, she finally agreed, reluctantly.

Now, just to give you a picture of what the garden looked like at night, I would tell you, it wasn't dark. It never was dark because I would always insist that they keep all the lights on but turn the dimmer low to make the garden look more romantic. Therefore, once inside, you could see the whole garden, and when outside, you wouldn't stumble onto something. So, Elisabeth walks outside, goes to the freezer fills the cooler with ice but when she turns around to come inside, she spots somebody looking at her from inside MY STUDY! (I had the lights on in there too-dimmer at low). She told me it seemed as if it was a man, not tall but of medium height. No features could be detected since she fled the scene. I was again not informed immediately but then I have to wonder. Would have I gone to check it out? Probably no, would have I asked anyone else to do it for me? No!

Then we come to Elisabeth's last night at the bar, as she quit the next day. It's early in the evening when the first quests arrive, wishing to try our middle-eastern dishes. John is again inside the bar. Elisabeth takes the order and rushes inside the kitchen to inform our cook. She forgets to write the number of the people sitting at the table and, just goes back outside to serve them the wine they had ordered. Our cook without asking her to specify, comes out of the kitchen, counts the dinner guests and, places the appropriate number of cutlery and dishes on her tray.

Some time after that, and as soon as the first dishes were ready, she calls back the waitress to serve them on the table. Elisabeth soon goes back returning what she called "the extra dish and cutlery" to the cook who was puzzled at first since she was sure she had counted 5 and not 4 people. Elisabeth insists and finally the cook presumes that the 5th person must have left. The girl at first (as she told me) was not sure what to make of it, we all make mistakes but, having experienced what she had until that moment, she rushed back into the kitchen to inquire further. Now, our cook didn't believe in spirits or the paranormal or so she claims, and Elisabeth told me that every time she would go to her for comfort, the cook would try to "bring her back to her senses", but that evening, as soon as she returned to the kitchen, the cook's face was rather pale.

After her persistent questioning, the cook admitted to have been certain that she had seen 5 people at the table. El went back outside to ask the bartender if he had seen anyone leaving while she was in the kitchen, and John had said no. Needless to say, when I asked her if she could describe the person the cook had seen, she told me it was an elder man who was sitting at the end of the table, two seats away from the rest. I later double checked it with our cook but to my surprise, she had now changed her mind and wasn't sure whether she had actually seen him. The bartender claimed he wasn't paying attention to the door so, anyone could have left without being seen (he was busy preparing the tray, he told me.)

Finally, that same night Elisabeth, unwilling to sleep alone at her apartment, takes up the cook's offer and sleep at her place. When the bar closed and we all left (a bit earlier than usual), Elisabeth stayed behind with our cook to help her with the next day's preparations (we had a large number of guests coming in for some kind of celebration).

In the meantime, the cleaning lady was cleaning the rest of the bar. She was the first to finish and the cook told her to leave as she would lock up for the night. As they were locking up a few minutes afterwards, and got in their car, the cook received a call from the cleaning lady telling her that she had forgotten to take out the garbage. Elisabeth was asked to go fetch it as the cook was behind the wheel and the bag was left right behind the door two feet from the street. The poor girl had obviously felt it was inappropriate to insist that her elder friend go instead of her, and reluctantly set off.

She said that when she opened the side door, she found the plastic bag "carefully opened" not torn, and half the garbage scattered around it as if somebody had been looking for something. She told me that the cleaning lady had sworn that she had tied the bag well and that nobody had any access to the bar since all the doors were locked behind us when we left.

After El had quit, I approached both John and the cook and inquired further into El's accounts. John admitted to have felt strange sometimes but then he thought it was because of El's allegations, and that a few of the "accidents" like the knocking off of various objects and such, were a bit too coincidental but he wasn't convinced there was something there. He quit shortly afterwards.

As for my good friend the cook, she told me that she had, indeed, heard the noises from the bathroom that night and she had, at times, found my study room door open when she had previously locked it. But, of course, it couldn't possibly be a ghost! Now, the bathroom incident could easily be explained provided that one wasn't present when the knocking on the door was taking place. I mean, one can simply suggest that El was in panic and wasn't aware that she was the one banging on the door. One can also believe that a closed door can open on its own without the interference of a ghost but, a LOCKED door?

Now, as for our cleaning lady, that is a different story...

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, rhodes68, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-18)
Thank you garbagegigo for reading my account... I have done research and much more but because this place involves more people and their lives, I felt I should not reveal the relevant information.
garbagegigo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-10-17)
Hi rhodes,

Interesting stories about your place. If I were in your place, I would have investigated the hauntings. Very very good for EVP or capturing events on camera.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-09)
Hey Troy and thank you for commenting. It means a lot when the compliment comes from you!

You know I often wondered why the staff would not open up but I think it had to do in part with the fact that both me and my partner were their teachers as well as they might have thought that had we not believed them, it would have made working with us pretty uncomfortable.

I guess people like to avoid certain subjects and prefer to turn their backs to what should have been an everyday reality.

What a pity though! It would have made a great discussion had they been a little more honest about their experiences!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-09)
Hello Mickey and thank you for reading my experience. Yes, it was such a pity the pictures were erased but still, I loved your story!
troyarn (5 stories) (479 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-09)
VERY good addition to this story! This is why I come back to this site. Thanks very much for adding this for the rest of us to read and I really hope to hear more on this place. It does seem those that worked for you were too hesitant to mention anything... Whether that is because of local ways or they know something you do not is beyond me. Thanks again!
Mickey (6 stories) (13 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-23)
Hey Tammy I really liked this certain story.

I just wanted to tell you that I got your comment on my story "Behind the Old Grave Stone" and actually, this was done quite a few years ago and those pictures were erased. I am very sorry.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-20)
Hi Chris and yes, I've read your message 😊.

Just stick to the rules (if there are any as some would argue) and let me know about your hunt.

Have fun ❤
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-20)
Hi Tammy. I saw you pop up and decide that I wouild write to you. I hope you read my message. Its probably underneath this message. Thanks again for your suuport and help. It realy means a lot to me. I will be finishing work soon and I will be going home for the weekend and probably won't be here this weekend. I will be reading them on monday so I hope I hear from you then. I wish you a happy weekend! 😁
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-18)
Hi Tammy I got your Email. Thanks for the tips. I for sure will be respecrful, Dont want a spirit comeing home! I see why the people you met didn't want to help you at the beggining. Older people have been raised in a different time and they have there way of thinking (My grandmother is affraid of cell phones) I see that some things have been cleared up and I think it will be a little easier from now on. Thats what I think. I just wonder why they don't want to cross over? Once again thanks for the email. I hope to chat with you soon my friend. 😁
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-17)
I checked My email and I haven't got it yet. If I don't write back That means that I went home. I'm at work now. If anything I will write to you tommorow. I hope to hear from you soon and take care my friend
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-17)
Ok, I'm going to send you an e-mail now. Check it when you can and let me know.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-17)
Oh Tammy I to need some help. Ther Is a place close to my house (around 10 km) That is believed by the people there to be haunted. There even was a TV show here that talked about the house. They didn't catch much just some Orbs. Like most Tv shows... I was thinking of going there one night with my step brother to check it out. What do you think? I think Its very stupid and dangerous because its a abanded house but I'm not scared that the place is falling apart. What do you think I should do? I even thought about checking this place out step by step. A couple of hours, some pictures and see what happens. I know this sounds childish but this house has been bothering me for at least a couple of Months. It is as If I raely want to to this but I'm not sure. Let me know what you think
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-17)
😆 No Tammy I'm alive. And I feel better then ever. It was a great Vacation. You should visit that country. Its a whole different world up there. Totaly different then Europe. But I still like it here then there. Everywhere is nice but home is the best place to be. I Talked about you guys, and this site with my older sister and she said that her husband saw a ghost when he was younger. But stupid me I forgot to ask him about it. But I will find about that story sooner or later. You can email me and I will try my best to help.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-17)
CHRISSSS! You seriously scared the life out of me. I thought you were kidnapped by aliens or something of that sort since I e-mailed you and hadn't received an answer before now.

Canada? Oh lucky you! I hope you had a great time there. I will e-mail you soon to let you know of the latest developments.

I'm so happy you're alive and kicking 😆
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-17)
My Dear friend Rhodes! It is so nice to be Back here. I was On Vacation with my wife In Canada and spent some time with my sister and brother there. It sure was a great place to see. Has there been any things going on lately at Animas? If there Is anything going on I would be glad to help.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-10)
Hi neighbor 😊( we're on the same side of the globe so it's daytime here too). Didn't mean to give you a fright. Thanks for your supporting words. As I said a while ago, I'm going to search a little deeper as to the history of the area and see what I can come up with. I'll be using the help of a sensitive and her team as well and see what they'll also tell me. I just hope to get some answers from all this because even if I manage to distance myself from the events by putting them down in a form of story, I still have to deal with this whenever I go to the bar. The feeling is still there, objects are still misplaced and I had my keys vanished before my very own eyes. It's really not so entertaining from up close.

Thanks again Chris 😊
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-10)
Hy Rhodes. That was an amazing story. I was so scared when I was reading it. Good thing that in Poland its daytime now 😁.I liked the way you approached theses incidents. Others would say its haunted when a glass or a dish broke but you were more sceptical. But that is a good thing. Strange things do happen and can be explained but I think you noticed that these strange things were a little too much. I can't wait to read your next story. Please don't make me wait to long 😜.I hope to hear from you soon and take care
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-09)
Actually, I have been thinking a lot about this lately and I have decided to ask a woman who calls herself sensitive to come over to the bar and check it out. I'm really determined to do what it takes to find out who's there and what this "person" needs apart from crossing over which is quite obvious. I'm very nervous now I have made the decision and a bit afraid but I don't feel as if I have much of a choice. Thank you for your help so far but we will talk about this again;just a hunch I get.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-09)
Hi rhodes. I think that it is the same man. It is the previous owner who loved this place and still believes it to be his and wants it ran the way he wants it to be ran. I feel like you only have one spirit who is this ONE man and is VERY active at that! He definitely wants you to know he is there.

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-09)
Hi Shelby. El (Elisabeth) was the one who saw the man in the window but, apart from from his height, she could not discern any other features. The one who saw the old man at the table, was the cook who was more accurate with her description but since Elisabeth didn't see him clearly, we cannot really know if they're talking about the same man.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-09)
Hi rhodes. I certainly believe this entity to be the man that owned this place previously. It seems to me like he is still trying to 'run' the place. I am assuming that Elisabeth and El are the same person? If so, did Elisabeth, who saw the man in your study/office, ever say whether or not the man sitting at the table that disappeared looked like the same man that she saw in your office when she went out to get ice?

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-07)
Flutterofwings thank you for reading one more of my stories. I'm also beginning to think that this is the case. While at the study, I feel a very gentle presence, the other people's accounts concerning the indoor bar differ. Of course Elisabeth's claim to have seen someone inside my study raises a few more questions. Why did she see him and not me who still sense him around? It makes you wonder if they choose the form in which they appear to each one of us. Then, is the presence I feel there the same presence that's in the indoor bar? If it it, I wonder why it "behaves" differently. I guess, I feel that if I find out who this is, I will learn how he died and therefore what he needs apart from crossing over. I wonder though if I will ever know for sure.
Thank you for your time 😊
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-06)
😆 Seriously Tonith, I'm not sure as to what you're implying concerning my "comparison" to Steven King but if you believe that my account was fiction then you surely have wasted a whole afternoon. Sorry but my main purpose here isn't to persuade everyone but, mainly to find some answers to my problem. It was a "charming" way of putting things though, so thanks for at least bothering enough to read it 😊
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-06)
I still feel someone that worked in this place, long ago or maybe what use to be on this land. Got killed and is haunting this place.
Still good accounts stated to this place. Good story. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Tonith (1136 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-06)
That was way too detailed to the point where I am rereading. Maybe it's just me and I'm tired today but it was a bit long winded. Stephen King does the same thing at times so you are in very good company. Good story thanks for sharing.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-06)
Thank you Karyn for the support. I hope I'll eventually find my answers. I would also like to hear some of your own stories too. Take care 😊
Karyn (1 stories) (63 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-06)
I really like your stories. You give a great account of the goings on there. I am looking forward to you doing some reasearch and hopefully, find some answers! Also, I do hope we hear about the cleaning ladys happenings.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-06)
Thank you FRAWIN for taking the time to read another long story. Until this very day, there're so many questions that are still unanswered, like what started all this, who's in that place, is it just one spirit, two, three, why my experiences are so different than the others'? How is it possible to have some type of force passing by one person and knock off things but not be perceived by someone sitting two feet away? Never once did I see something extraordinary happen before my eyes instead, I would have all the activities take place the moment I leave a room.

I don't know, I don't doubt the things happening in there although I suspect there was a number of things that were exaggerated due to panic but I'm still wondering if someone has the power to move objects and misplace things, why does he prefer to knock on a door, rock back and forth in his rocker instead of touching the living person and speak out loud and asking for help or whatever else he needs.Anyways, I guess I may never know.

Thanks again
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-05)
Hello Rhodes. Thank you for another interesting installment, I enjoy reading them very much. While their accounts would be considered second- hand they do help you put things in perspective, especially if they are from trusted friends. Again thank you for an enjoyable read. Take Care.

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-05)
Thank you Kecoughtan for taking the time to read a loooooong account and for your kind comment.
I'm afraid my own experiences at our bar are not really that intense and as for my husband's, those can be narrowed down to a constantly breaking mirror and a few bad pipes 😊,oh, and a vanished- never- to- be- found- again 3meter- poster! 😆

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