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Real Ghost Stories

The Athens Apartment


At the age of 25, I decided that it was time to pursue another career-a decision which led me to the capital city of Athens, sharing a flat with my 6 years younger brother-also attending university.

We lived in a quiet neighborhood surrounded by a small forest. The apartment itself was enormous; there was the old section of the house which included two large bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom and then there was a newer addition to it-another bedroom, a living room area and a hall. Half the apartment was made of cement and bricks while the newer segment was mainly out of wood.

The first night of my arrival and after an exhausting day of unpacking and getting settled my brother and I sat in the living room enjoying pizza while catching up. He had already been living there for a year and would occasionally call me in the middle of the night to tell me "someone was pacing about in his bedroom and breathing in his ears". I would do what every older and "wiser" sister would do to try and rationalize his experiences and after keeping him on the phone until the early morning hours, he would finally give in to exhaustion and say "good night".

This went on for quite a long time until he stopped complaining and had me convinced that things had "calmed down". But that first night of my stay in that peculiar house, I heard him describe a number of events I had no logical explanation for. Soon my own experiences would be added to the list. These are just two of them.

It must have been around 8-9pm one night when I was getting ready for a "wild night out". Harry, my brother, had gone to a friend next door while I was hitting the shower. I had closed the curtain behind me and turned the water on when at some point I heard someone's footsteps on the wooden floor in the newer section of the house. Not being sure if I had just imagined it, I turned the water off and remained silent for a moment before yelling to whom I thought was my brother coming home.

"Harry is that you?" No response. I repeated my question only to hear the footsteps getting a little closer but whoever was approaching kept silent.

"Harryyyy!" Again, no response.

I got out of the shower and started dressing in a frenzy when I realized I was listening to someone walking the same distance for two or three minutes, never reaching his destination, never walking away either. Just the same sound of shoes walking continuously from the same starting point towards the same direction and back again.

I ran to my brother's bedroom, picked up the phone and asked him to come home. I think the tone and urgency in my voice must have been more than revealing as it took him a second before I heard him turn his keys on the front door. He agreed to wait for me in the living room and so relieved that I had his protection, I once again entered the bathroom.

It was a little afterwards when I was standing in front of the mirror adjusting my make-up when I heard the footsteps again only this time inside the bathroom and even worse, right behind me. I didn't turn but kept my eyes on the mirror in sheer terror of what I was about to encounter. I don't remember calling out to my brother but I still recall my body being numb and the sensation of a thousand needles piercing through my skin.

The footsteps approached the toilet, I heard someone sitting down on it and then the toilet flashing! I regained my strength and made a quick escape out of the bathroom and out of the house with my brother following my tracks.

The second incident was during one of my sleepless nights as I was studying for my Rhetoric finals. I must have been completely absorbed in my book when I caught the sound of footsteps again outside my bedroom door. Within seconds I hear my brother getting up from the couch in the living room just outside my bedroom door, going past my front door, into the corridor on the left and knock on my side door.

"Tam? Are you in there?" I jumped up and opened the door to let him in. We stayed behind that closed door whispering for more than half an hour. The footsteps were heard for some seconds non-stop then they would stop and start all over again.

"Do you hear that?" he kept asking and all I did was to nod.

"I felt him breathe against my neck again before the sound of footsteps" my brother continued.

It was at that moment and only this once that we heard him approach the closed door on the side of my bedroom and stop behind it as if he had perceived us.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, rhodes68, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-31)
Thank you Nattasha-Antoinette21 for your kind comment! I appreciate it very much!

Take care!
nattasha-antoinette21 (3 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-30)
wooow...I just love love love your stories... I really don't want to say much more apart from *cool* 😁
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-03)
Thank you ejgavinart for your kind comment-it's much appreciated!

I will soon submit my next account so I'd like to hear what you think.

Thanks again

ejgavinart (3 stories) (19 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-03)
I like how while in the bathroom you start hearing footsteps behind you then heard it sit on the toilet, well that was polite of her to flush I guess. (I had to laugh a bit at that.) Great Story I'm very interested in the follow up story.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-26)
Sorry Tamms but I can't send you an email. Something going on with the computer. But I hope that somehow I will send you one 😠
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-11-05)
Yeah, you tell him NOT to make me come on over and help you tickle it out of him. THAT could get UGLY!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-05)
Well, let me rephrase... He STOPPED (as he claims) believing in the after-life. I'm not buying though but I sure hope he will give me the info I need without a fight!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-05)
I will do that for sure although I remember he was telling me (during those endless late calls) that he could hear someone pacing about the room-same sound-no change.

Oh, my brother... Yes he commented once on one of my stories (Chrisa). I let the computer on, ran to the bathroom and he read the story. I hadn't told him about me being on the site so he was shocked.

It took me a while before I realised he had left me a comment. I asked him to log in as using my account was very silly but he's too bitter about many things to even consider the possibility of After Life.

He lives in the UK.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-11-05)
Nope, December. LATE December, and according to the Elders, that means this MAY be my last time around, so I BETTER get this life right! 😆
I still think it is more of a stage thing. Just thought I would throw in the stomping part because of the "I felt him breathe against my neck again before the sound of footsteps..." from your brother.
You SHOULD ask him.
See if he thought the footsteps were impatient, upset, "pacing" (well, we KNOW that, but in the emotion of), wandering, or just... Footsteps.
Who knows? Maybe she just wanted a peanut butter sandwich and was trying to find the pantry. 😉 But MAYBE your BROTHER had a distinctly different FEEL to it. (Say, was your brother on here in the past?)
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-05)
I can just picture you stomping away 😆-any chance you were born in May, I never got to ask you 😊

I don't think she had ever done that although I heard the distinct sound of footsteps around my bed. The energy seemed to prefare my brother but it was always subtle despite the fear and panic it may have caused both of us.

You know? I think I need to ask him for the specifics of HIS encounters with "it" as I cannot be accurate-it's been years but I DO remember MY experiences.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-11-05)
I would be pleased to read more.
I really think she was just in wanting to be recognized. Other than scaring the pants off of you, she just seemed to want attention, and she ENJOYED your brother's. After all, WHAT female really wants to be totally ignored (Male, for that matter)?
I may have missed this, but did she happen to ever blow on your face? It would appear that she MAY have been a bit of a "man's woman", if you know what I mean. Not necessarily an "easy woman", in fact I REALLY would disagree with that thought. More along the lines of a "looker" and one that was USED to male attention. One that took it for granted, and who expected nothing less than their attentions.
Perhaps in her frustration at NOT receiving the attention that she "deserved" from your brother, she literally took it a "step" further and PRONOUNCED her footfalls.
Like when I get ticked off at my husband for not appreciating the meal that I slaved over to be perfect and all he wants, is the "TV" tray set up, and his plate placed on it, so he can watch the football game. I tend to stomp away.
OK, I do not TEND, I DO stomp away all ticked off, and no one to complain to, so my feet do the complaining FOR me. I know that it would do NO good to SAY anything, as he would NOT HEAR ME. So I stomp.
Nobody said I was perfect 😊.
I get the feel this is very similar. But your NEXT story will tell.
Thank you so much!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-05)
That may explain why my perfume bottle was constantly misplaced... Or properly placed depending on how one sees it!

Hmmm... I'm going to sit down and write the next and final account of my experiences in the Athens House. I really want to see what you make of them as well. Hopefully I'll be able to submit it after the weekend.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-11-05)
Thinking back to my Mother-In-Law, (she has passed) I can recall when I first met her. She was one of the most silent walkers I have met. She had the soft, SOFT click, click when she walked.
When she reached an older age, it was completely different. She was less caring of what others thought, she was more comfortable in her own SELF, and she no longer cared so much about propriety. That DID NOT make her less of a "lady" (as opposed to simply being female), but it DID mean that her steps were a bit more pronounced.
Did I say "a bit more"? Let me amend that. She, at times, sounded as if she were wearing combat boots while carrying a fifty pound pack on her back. Anyone who has heard that sound will know what I am talking about. Those who have NOT, it is reminiscent of a heard of teenagers in a mad rush to the local pizza parlor, but synchronized in their walking (or "marching").
Very heavy, very distinct, sharp, and steady (after all, you HAVE to balance your pack). Same woman, same weight, just a bit older, with a totally different WALK.
Just some thoughts.
The toilet clinched it for me, just thought I would add that as well.
Thank you.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-05)
HAAHAAAAA "heel to toe..." I know the sound-I'm good at it too, Autumn!

The thing about the sound of footfalls is they were always the same, heavy as if the entity had boots on but then the breathing in the ear or on the neck, that is in itself a very different approach... A more "careful" and gentle one. You have seriously made me see my experience back then from another perspective.

Thank you
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-05)
Hi Chris thanks for reading! I suppose it IS easier when two people share the good and the bad times as I did with my brother. I'm not sorry I lived in that apartment-quite the opposite! It helped me think a little deeper and see life from a different point of view.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-11-05)
When we are young we have a bit of a "spring in the step" and seem to be a bit more conscious of the SOUND of our footfalls (walking into the silent foyer of our churches, or through a library, SOME of us tend to try and "tip toe" to keep the noise of our walking to a minimum) but as we grow older it is sometimes an "Oh, I don't care. They are going to notice I am here anyway." OR, we are simply not as steady on our feet, so the "heaviness" does not so much matter anymore.
That is why I immediately thought "stages". The residual part being the "young" version, and the heavier footfalls being the intelligent of the same being.
I know I seldom take notice to others thoughts as I stomp through the local library, ESPECIALLY if I am on the "hunt" for some vital information. When walking in my own home, I tend to have to be reminded that a "proper maiden" walks toe to heel, and NOT heel to toe.
It is hard to remember that when you are chasing down a five year old. 😆
Thank you.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-05)
Wow that must have been scary living there. I'm sure you both had enough of the place! This kind of reminded me of a story my brother told me. He had something similar happen to him in englad. But hey its good to have someone close when we fear something. And its good to know that Harry had you 😁.But living in a place like that would give everyone the creeps. Thanks again fro sharring.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
luvparanormal hi and thanks for your comment. We asked around a bit after my brother revealed a few more things to me that he had never thought of mentioning in the past-"they didn't seem to be of great importance at the time" as he put it. The only things we know for a fact is that the previous resident had left in a hurry leaving a few of her personal items behind (including a few bills!) and that the owner's husband had died in there when this was their home a very long time ago. Nothing though ever confirmed the id of the energy.
luvparanormal (12 stories) (268 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
rhodes68, Loved your story. I did have a question: did you ever do any research on the property or the apartment? I was wondering of something ever happened there or this entity lived there long and refused to leave. I can't wait to read the rest of your stories. I would have soild myself if I saw the toilet flush on it's own!😨

Again thanks for sharring and don't keep us waiting too long 😊
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
Autumn-that's a very thought-provoking observation you made there! I have heard of a haunt going from the stage of residual to intelligent like progressing once it found more energy -that of a living being's-to "steal" and use to its own advantage but I've never thought this could have been a woman!

You're right about the breathing-it's a feminine thing with probably the one and only exception... Your "warrior" but I suppose it skipped my attention somehow. I was mainly focusing on the heaviness of footsteps and jumped to the conclusion about the energy being male but...hmmmmm...you now got me thinking.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
Oh, Tammy, how BEAUTIFUL!
My daughter has heard, and felt a being in the bathroom, and I tell you, I have never seen such terror on her face as when she exited that room. It happened MANY years ago, and she TRULY still has issues using a public restroom.
Well. You know two things.
One: the one that you heard while you were readying for your wild night was a female. She was quite possibly residual, but DEFINITELY a female. 😉 Thank God. I would have a distinct problem with the thought of a male entity sharing the room with me while I was preparing myself with the necessary toiletries of the night.
Two: Someone enjoyed teasing your brother.
Here is where I am "stuck".
I get the feel that these were both the same entity, but in different "stages". I feel that the footfalls were heavier than that would "normally" accompany the pacing of a female, which COULD indicate that it was a male, however, the "feel" is more feminine.
Who really knows what an entity will do to get attention? Who really knows what are gender dictated actions that ghosts abide by? But, I can not think of ONE male person (well, with the exception of my husband on occasion 😆) who would blow on the side of the face, ear or neck to get attention. THAT sounds VERY female.
I could be completely wrong. I am only human, but that IS something that I occasionally do to get the children's attention when they are wrapped up in a book, or an activity, and they are not noticing the sound of my voice.
As it stopped RIGHT OUTSIDE your door, I would be under the impression of "mission accomplished". It was detected, it was validated by BOTH of you, it obtained it's objective.
I recently was in a home in which the residual energy was accompanied by that of it's intelligent haunt. Truly attention grabbing. I honestly never thought of the possibility of BOTH being together.
Again, I am not saying THIS IS what happened, you probably know better than me. I would be happy to share with you why I think these things I have posted, as you well know, if you have any questions on it. But I really think you already know.
Thank you.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
And yes, we once again agree... You did post your comment on the wrong page and even worse, I responded to confuse anyone who's reading about the apartment.

Comment meant for next story...I'm not repeating the title cause Frawin will be grinning again 😆
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
Hello, my Menie!

I should stop trying so hard to hear you think? Maybe you're right and maybe I don't have to try at all anymore. I've heard him once and that was enough for me to know that there's still some part of him that continues to exist but sometimes I think that the reason I always hesitate those few seconds before I close the gate behind me is that I wish he would "tell" me if he was in a better place, to confirm all my beliefs about the after life.

That dark abandoned kitchen is a very lonely place to call it "home".
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
Sorry comment posted on wrong story. I think I need a strong coffee to wake me up. Hehehehe
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
Atherfee, for sure Yiannis new you would continue to feed his cats. Yiannis and his wife let you in to their lives. Yiannis would wait for you to arrive before feeding the cats, and Katerina would not bake those mouth watering sugar cookies if they were not going to be shared.

Atherfee, I think Yiannis new he or his wife would not be around much longer, maybe that is why he started to wait for you before feeding the cats so they would know that when he was not there they would have you to feed them. I don't think Yiannis wanted you to find him the way you did, he did have a son and it could have been his son who found him. I don't think he thought about anyone when he made that decision, I know that may sound horrible, but it is the way it is. I am sorry you are living with that memory now.

I noted you said you go for two reasons, Atherfee, there is only one reason you should be going for and that is to feed the cats Yiannis so dearly loved. There should be no second reason because deep down inside we know Yiannis is still there watching his beloved cats and watching the little girl taking care of them as he knew you would. You heard him once, and you probably are hearing him everytime you go, don't listen so hard, it is when we listen to hard, there are so many conflicting noises.

I am positive he is happy wherever he maybe, one things for sure, he is in his garden or kitchen watching over his cats and his little girl as well as all those sweet ladies as well.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
Thank you again ghostseer for commenting. The memory of those experiences is still quite vivid. I really am very confused as to what type of energy that was-at least it appeared as if there was no direct contact unless the breathing right outside the door, on my brother's neck and another couple of experiences that folowed were not accidental-sorry I'm being vaque but I would like to elaborate on the specifics in my next submission.

I doubt or at least, I think it wasn't poltergeist since my brother at some point referred to the previous resident having also perceived the energy in the apartment. It would have been too coincidental to have three different people provoking such an intense phenomenon in the same apartment at different times. A little improbable I would say... But then again not completely impossible.

Thank you for your suggestion.
ghostseer (41 stories) (408 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-03)
Sounds like a combination of residual and poltergeist activity. I have never heard of a Ghost sitting down on a toilet and flushing. Really strange... I enjoyed your style of writing though... So glad you never attempted the ouija temptation...Blessings, Ghostseer
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-03)
Hi shaishav34, thanks for reading. My brother was too "embarrassed" to say anything to anyone the first year of his stay in that house so he decided that the best way to deal with it was to try and spend as little time as he could alone in there. He would sleep over to his best friend's house or to his girlfriend's or simply invite people over to spend the night with him. Then, when I arrived to see that what he had been telling me some time ago was obviously not his imagination or fear for living on his own for the first time in his life, we agreed to speak to our parents. We mentioned a few things to them and as you can imagine they laughed at us. Moving home was also far too expensive at that time, so...

Anyway, using an Ouija board was out of the question as it wasn't our intention to get involved in something we knew so little about so we decided to just endure it until it would become more serious. It never did!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-03)
Hi bette and thanks for your kind words! My main purpose was to protect him although I was a bit concerned. I know my brother to be a level headed person and not one who is a believer of the after life. He would usually remain oblivious or indifferent to the various noises he heard at night when we were still living in our parental home so to suddenly see him so frightened was a shock. Then I always believed that if you WANT or EXPECT to hear something, you're bound to associate a random sound with that expectation. Saying I heard something "unexplained" doesn't always mean it's "inexplicable" let alone paranormal.
shaishav34 (2 stories) (17 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-03)
Man, that's really scary, how could you had lived in that Apartment. I surely appreciate your courage. But I have a question: Why didn't you or your brother ever try to confront the Spirit in your house either by using Ouija Board or anything else to establish a contact with the Spirit?

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