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My Night Visitor's Lullaby


This is a recent account of events following My Night Visitor's encounters. I have tried to the best of my abilities to face the fear of the misty lady's visits and her persistence to approach my face while asleep. I have spoken to her, prayed for her, offered her my assistance, even called a minister a few times to help her cross, but when I ask her to follow the light I sense the darkest of darkness as her only response. All these events, as well as the ones I'm about to relate to you, have caused me much grief as I feel helpless to control the changes in my life.

I have moved to another room where I sleep at night in the company of my dog Fatima and in the presence of my Night Visitor. I have distanced myself from the ones I love and shared my life with until recently in fear of causing more harm. I'm on this road alone now and I will remain so for as long as it takes.

Every evening, I go through the same ritual where I light my prayer candles - something I was taught by my deceased grandmother, and pray until the sun goes down. I have been poked a number of times while doing that by an unseen force which wishes to impose her presence on me. I have, at times, discarded this as being nothing more than a muscle spasm until the time when I heard a gentle whisper in my ear. Her touch is never violent. It's gentle, like her voice but still it disturbs me!

I have tried to ignore her touches but never stopped praying for her in the hope of liberating myself before her and yet, she seems unwilling to let go.

A few weeks ago - I don't remember the day or the exact time although I know it was after sunset - I escorted the minister outdoors. He had come for another cleansing and a few prayers. All seemed quiet, tranquil in my little household. I walked up to my little room to take a nap as I felt exhausted. While lying down in bed before I drifted to sleep, I noticed that Fatima, my dog, was restless. I sat up in bed and observed the room in complete silence. Suddenly, I felt as if a shiver went down my spine. I sensed she was back - that she had once again not left. In total despair, I refused to run as I used to do but, instead, sat there holding my dog close to me. Later that night, I woke up again hearing someone walking in my room. I reached for the lamp next to my bed but as soon as the light illuminated my dark room, I spotted a misty figure making a quick escape from my side. I stayed up all night crying, wondering why this is happening to me - wondering what I'm doing wrong!

Last week things got worst. It was five am when I was awoken by the dog again, but this time as soon as I switched on the lamp the figure remained still, an inch away from my face. It was clear she was carefully observing my features: my eyes, my nose, my mouth. Don't ask me how long it lasted for - it felt like minutes although it couldn't have been more than seconds. I stood in a fixed position refusing to move back - refusing to let her terrorize me. I looked into this misty outline of a face, trying to spot her facial features, hoping to see something human in her, something I could familiarize myself with - something I could address when I pray harder the next time. She stood there and then vanished. Fatima charged. I just gave up!

The very next night, I lit my candles again but didn't pray! I was consumed, exhausted by this pointless effort to get through to her. I slept early but only to wake up in the middle of the night due to what sounded like a lullaby being sung in my ear. I jumped off from the bed and leaned against the wall behind me. Fatima came running to my rescue. I moved my head from left to right violently, trying to get rid of this sound but to no avail. She stopped when she willed it. My husband came running into the room asking me about the noise.

"Do you have a radio or CD player up here with you? What's with the singing?"

I didn't bother responding. What would be the reason for doing so any longer? He knows the answer to the questions he's constantly asking and seems to expect the same answers each time. Why? Maybe for reassurance that he's still sane - that all this is happening.

Thank you for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, rhodes68, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-18)
It seems that I have stayed away for quite some time! Thank you all for your lovely comments!
Ralu4michael, thank you for the encouraging words!
Jasmine I know exactly what you mean although I'm sure you have received your answers by now! Being sensitive to certain things is a burden at times and quite often misunderstood! Still it is your own unique gift, one you need to accept, make peace with it and learn to control!

As for me, I have chosen to stay away from all these for a while not because of any other reason but mainly because dealing with what I couldn't see most times led me to neglect what was there in real life, in the present! I will get back in time!
ralu4michael (28 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-31)
that sounds very interesting... Michael says:
"she is very close to you... She once was your mother and another time, she was your sister... She really loves you and wants to protect you... She's a kind-hearted gentle loving soul... That song always calmed you down when you were a baby and that's why she sang it... It's a very special relationship and you should continue praying..."
Jasmin314 (13 stories) (210 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-22)
By the way I forgot to mention another little detail about having a lot of guests over at one time. The next day is when the energy is most powerful, I can even still here there voices and its almost like a residual haunting (I don't see anything only hear). I can hear the noises that were made like beer bottles, exact quotations, almost like the guests were there at the moment. It lasts for about a minute or so then goes away. Its all very faint and doesn't scare me or anything but again the energy is very strong.
Jasmin314 (13 stories) (210 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-22)
hey rhodes I have read most of your stories and you have read mine. I have tried to explain this to my grandmother whom I was sure would listen but she just laughed and didn't understand. This is what I explained. I explained that I can feel people's energy. As soon as I walk into a place I can feel if someone is there or not. I mean a real living person. Even if there is absolutely no noise, I can feel if someone is in the place/house. My house especially is a place where I am most sensative. I haven't told many people this, but one reason I do not like to have people over is because after we party or have a great time, or a bad time, even after they leave I can still feel there energy and it bothers me. Even for a few days after my guests leave, I can still feel their energy lingering in my home and it bothers me because sometimes I like to feel alone but I can't when I still feel there energy. Do you understand? No one that I know and whom I have explained this too can understand me. I am also very sensative to radio waves. If a radio in my house is on, even if it is on mute, I can still feel that it is one. Its some kind or pressure in my ear or I can't explain it. But my daughter's tv is often left on. I know when she mutes it and I know when she leaves it on even if I am not in the room where the TV is. When you walk in my house you have to walk up a flight of stairs to get to her room. I can feel her tv on as soon as I walk through the door. I just want to know why this happens. Soemtimes I wish that I couldn't feel all of this energy. When I meet someone who isn't a good person I know they are a bad person right away without them even speaking. My predictions of people's personalities are often correct. I as you know have seen and heard things as a child but not so much recently. Instead I have this powerful sensativiy to people's energy. If anyone who is reading other than Rhodes can help me get answers to my sensativity please feel free to reply to me in some way. Take a look at my profile to get my email if you would like that as well. Look forward to your reply. Thanks Rhodes. ❀Jasmin
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-22)
OK now that is a coincedence. I just sent you pictures and now you sent me some. We sure are linked some how! Fatima is beatiful. I knew that she was brown! I don't know how but I knew it! I will talk later
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-22)
I got your email but I haven't read it yet. I sent you one with some pictures of some views by my house. I hope you like them
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-22)
Chris, check your e-mail, I've sent you one. Let me know if you received it. Talk later...
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-22)
Hello my dear Tammy! I sent you an email. If you have time today go check it out.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-14)
You know what I've just realised my good friend? We've been corresponding in the comment section which is not the best way. Use my email as I will use yours. I think it's a much better choice,right?
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-14)
Oh, now you're asking the tough questions Chris... How did I know you're getting lazy...well, I think it's because we're very connected? And I'm good at reading between the lines?

An ark,HAAAHAHAAAA! Are you in for stormy weather Chris?

Now, how do I walk the dogs... One by one and constantly giving them orders. I'm an excellent handler remember? I present them in shows, train them and the likes. Plus and most importantly they're very obedient and we share a deep connection so they avoid being mischievous for fear of disappointing me.

About my favourite music, I love different types like the blues, rock, hard rock, pop and the list goes on.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-14)
Im not so sure I will tell my Joey that. He sure can be damanding! How on earth did you know that I have been a little lazy lately!? My wife said that to me on Sunday! I think I should start doing something on my free time πŸ˜†.Maybe build an ark πŸ˜†?I bet its a little boring when your husband is not at home but its a good thing that you still have your "guardians" beside you. How on earth do you walk them all? What kind of music do you listne to Tammy? I was just wondering. I think you never told me. Probably because I never asked. But the more I know about you the better!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-26)
Hi Kim, thanks for commenting!

It's been a while now but I'm having a friend putting together a few things for me like stones, herbs and incense-I wouldn't know where to begin looking for them myself.

In the meantime, I've performed a few blessings with the help of my priest and things calmed down for a few days but then the strangest thing happened. I was once again awakened by the singing only this time I just sat there listening and then, I don't know what gotten into me but... I hummed along. Her singing stopped, I could only hear my own voice and then I felt complete "absence", I don't know how to put it in other words. Now, it doesn't end there as the tune felt somewhat familiar but I wasn't absolutely sure so I kept going over and over it in my head trying to remember.

The other day my mother and I were having our morning coffee together and I sang the tune to her. Well, incredible though it sounds, she claims or better supports that this was the tune I was put to bed with when I was a baby until the age of 4 or something. I had this teddy bear in a basket that was singing the tune while moving its head from side to side.

I'm still shocked by the revelation and kind of hesitant as to whether I should be treating this visitor as unwanted, cleansing her away but then again, I'm still unnerved by her visits. I'm in this world, she belongs to another. I hope I don't sound too disrespectful!
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-26)
I am sorry but I was delayed in reading this story. What a night mare you must have (unfortunately, possibly still) going through!

How are things now> Have you tried any or the wonderful suggestions offered in the comments? Are you still being plagued by these visits?

I know a lot of questions but it has been a bit since you related this story.

And yes, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm is one of my favorite lines, That is what I use when I do not feel right about a story but am not willing to say it is not true. Who am I to judge?

Please keep us updated!
God Bless!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-26)
Oh, Chris! You know WHAT to say, WHEN to say it and HOW to say it, seriously. I too believe in this saying and it is what has kept me going all these years. Thank you love for your support.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-26)
O Tammy that would be a great idea! Marry me Maryy me πŸ˜†! I will be good!:) I kind of don't understand her. She claims that she doesn't believe in any of this but she has experienced as much as I have. And when I say something about spirits she gets a little mad. But when I go watch a tv show about spirits she leaves the room in a flash. I came to an conclusion that deep down she does believe in the paranormal. But she is scared to death about it. I don't blame her. I think everyone is affraid of this. I'm sorry to hear that your husband is not helping you with this manner. I wish I could help. But tell him to be a good boy or I will get mad πŸ˜‰. I did think about him a couple of times. Must be a great guy since you married him (But I'm jealous):).I just wonder if he doesn't know what to think? He maybe is cofused and would like to help but doesn't know how. I don't know. There are people who allways believe. And then there are people who need to see to believe.I'm not saying he doesn't believe you but he might not believe in spirits. I see that your mother is terrorfied of all of the happenings. I think you did the best thing not telling her. I know that right now you may feel alone. You feel that there is nothing you could do about this, but remember that we are here. I am here. Be the great person you are. Dont let anyone ruin that. Not even that spirit. Your heart is your weapon. Fight this spirit off. Dont let it win. Dont let it change you. There is a saying I heard once. Winners are not those who throw the most punches but those who know how to take them.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-26)
Oh, I missed the congratulations part. I hadn't noticed it Chris, thank you and congrats to you too, my friend!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-26)
OH CHRIS! I wonder why your wife is so upset... Maybe because she feels less fascinated about the spirit world than we do? HMMMMmmmmm (to borrow Kim's favorite expression)! At least she doesn't laugh at you like my husband does. Maybe I should divorce him and marry you instead πŸ˜†.

Well, my mom cannot really support me as she's as vulnerable as a child. She's the one who needed support yesterday let alone that she couldn't sleep after what happened. I try to keep her away and safe from things she can't handle.

I'm strict?! NOOOOOOOO πŸ˜‰
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-26)
O Tammy you alwasy know how to make me feel special. I to am grateful to have a friend like you. It as if I have known you all my life. I have many friends but you are my BEST. Never knew anyone as special as you. I'm sad to hear that have some scrathes. But isn't it nice to know that Fatima will always protect you. She just wanted you to be safe. I realy wish that this lady would just go. I just feel sorry for you that you have to go through this. I hope your mom is keeping your spirit high. At times like this its always nice to talk to your mother.
To be honest with you I knew right from the start that you are a strict teacher. I have many teacher friends who have taught me and were hard on me. Now we are great friends. Just like you and me (but I like you more) πŸ˜†.Dont worry about the ghost hunt. I realy like these kind of things but I know they can be dangerous. I just think I will have to wait. But thank you for looking out for me. My wife always gets mad when I mention this. She says" fine go but if something starts haunting you then don't look for help in me"! Nothing is so nice to have a supportive wife πŸ˜†
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-26)
Good Morning my dear friend! This is a coincidence since I was just reading Jmac's story and I was so moved by your response to him concerning his father! I'm trully proud to have you as a friend, Chris!

Like you said SCHOOL has began and I am not prepared yet. I have this monsterous cup of coffee in front of me, sip, smile but everyone seems to avoid eye contact with me. WHY, I wonder...

I'm not sleeping well, you guessed it! It's in part because of the noises and in part psychological-fear and anxiety. Yesterday, I heard a loud bang coming from the other room and water running in the house. My dogs went crazy-even my mum on the top floor heard it but on inspection I found...yes, you guessed it absolutely nothing. The boiler was fine, the heaters were fine, my dogs and I were not. I also have a huge scratch on my thighs when Fatima tried to prevent me from entering the bathroom for some reason I might never know! AS you might have guessed it's a bit chaotic.

DO NOT GO ghost hunting ALONE, please!
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-26)
Hi Tammy! How is the first month at school this year? I bet you missed some of the faces! I wanted to ask how are you sleeping but I'm kind of scared of getting bad news! I just wanted to see how you are doing. I'm a little tired because I'm working today from 5 am to 7pm. Kind of sucks but its better then sitting at home and getting bored. I haven't gone ghost hunting yet. I haven't found anyone who would go with me but for sure I will NOT go alone. I would enter the house for five minutes in the day but no more πŸ˜†!But maybe in time I will go and see the place. I just wanted to congratualte you on your 1oooth post. Your now in the big leagues πŸ˜†.I hope you have a good day at school Tammy. But if you dont, remeber there is nothing better then a glass of hot Choclate:) I hope to hear from you soon and take care my friend ❀
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-12)
You know what Tammy, I believe that there is a time in life that everyone doubts in the after life. I am a christian and to tell you the truth I have doubted to. And I guess that is why maybe this spirit does not want to cross over. I want to thank you for your kind words. It almost made me cry. BOYS don't cry! We weep 😜.I thank you for being such a great frined and opening your heart to me. It realy means a lot. I will always be with you in good times and bad times. Thats what friends are for. I hope to hear from you soon and take care my friend ❀
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-11)
Thank you Kecoughtan, your support helps a lot anyway. At times like this a simple friendly word can help one realise they're not alone. Especially when there are people who would care enough to listen...

Kecoughtan (1 stories) (211 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-11)
I wish I could offer some sage advice to assist you with this distressing situation, but I am at a loss to explain or provide suggestions. Please hang in there, rhodes 68.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-11)
My dearest Chris thank you for your supportive words again-I do seem tho have cracked a bit lately but no matter what I will not step back and be defeated. I'm not that kind of person. You might not have any suggestions as to how to go about this but being there every single time for me is more than enough my friend. You've always been there.

I think that some people are afraid and thus unwilling to see another side of life. How can you accept the spiritual world when you doubt there's one in the first place. When a significant other comes along the way carrying with her the echoes of what you have so far believed to be an imaginary world that exists only to serve your needs for 'continuation', and 'meaning' then this upset-disturbs your whole belief-system.

In short, it's not an easy thing to accept and learn to live with.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-11)
Autumn thank you again! I will try to get hold of the oils but, like you said, I need to let go of my doubts and fears first. Now I seem to wonder if my emotional confusion these days is a product of my own frustrations or maybe a reflection of her own pain over the past. Then again we might both be reflecting our emotions on one another. Besides, we do share a strong bond because of this past.

Thank you for making me think deeper.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-11)
My dear Tammy. It is so nice to hear from you. I feel sad that this spirit is getting on your nervous. And to be honest it ticking me off too! I don't like it when friends are sad. I'm very sorry that this has been such a hard time for you. I wish there was something I could tell or help you in any way but I don't think I can. You have basicaly used every rule of the book to get this spirit to cross over but it just doesn't want to go. I am very Glad that Automn has gave you some over her Family secrets to use. I believe that they have been passed down by generations and they might work. And I REALY hope they do. As much as I love to read your stories I would realy love to read a story about the lady who has CROSSED OVER!Perminatley.Tammy it might be easier said then done but be strong. If students can't push you around in school then this spirit can't either 😜!Your huband is probably mad because he doesn't know what is going on. He knows there is a spirit but He doesn't know how to help you. But trust me he realy wants to. Remember that. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-09-11)
The great thing about the oils and herbs that have been passed on to you, is that they will do absolutely NO harm to anyone who has pure intentions. IF, by chance, this entity really means nothing by what she is doing, if she is only stuck and is merely frustrated with her position in the almost Afterlife, then all they will truly do is calm her down.
IF, by chance, her intentions are NOT pure, then they take on a different task. They are very versatile. The great thing is that if you use them in GOOD faith (which I have no doubts that you will, that is why I sought the permission) then the elements will work in the manner that is necessary. On their own. You need not be specific, if you choose to say words while dabbing the oils, or cooking with the herbs. You HEART will be read, and their "majic" WILL work in the manner in which is needed.
SOME of them have the power to protect as well as the correct properties to exorcise, if need be. There is no ritual needed, no ceremony must be preformed, you just need to go into it with an open mind, and hopes for a peaceful resolution.
In your uncertainty of WHERE you would be sending her, you MAY actually be letting a bit of that confusion slip through the filters you put up, so to speak. In knowing a bit about her history, you may be able to USE it to HER advantage. Try calling to her mind the GOOD points of her next-to-last position. REMIND her, if you can, of the reasonings of such a choice. PERHAPS that will bring her back to her FIRST love (and you know what I mean), and take away the fear that she seems to be hanging on to about the move.
To give voice to The Ancient Flutes, I had a client who was VERY anxious over dying. He had SOOO many things that he needed to finish before he was to take that chariot ride. His children needed to know he loved them, his wife needed to be taken care of after his demise, he needed assurance that the bills would be taken care of, his personal property needed to be out of the house to lessen the pain after his death.
All of that it a rational way to look at things, and very admirable. Upon deeper questioning, it was found that he was deeply AFRAID to leave them, and all of these instances behind.
What I uncovered was that he WAS an ordained minister. BEFORE he was married and raised his children, he shared with a congregation a no strings attached love with the Lord. When his MIND was brought back to the complete LOVE that brought him to the pulpit, his SOUL was able to release all of the "strings" that life had tied about his extremities.
He was able to "let go".
Just another suggestion to go along with the first one.
Thank you.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-11)
Tammy as whitebuffolo said be careful with the oils, some can cause a reaction when put on the skin. Do try the sandlewood incense as well but is has to be pure sandlewood. I personally don't burn the oils I prefer burning incense.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-11)
Hi Meena, thanks for the suggestion. The funny part is that a few days ago, the minister who comes at my house suggested I do that which I found quite radical for him being a priest but I'm looking into it. I will also take up Whitebuffalo's suggestions and see what happens.

Thank you for your interest ❀
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-11)
Why don't you try berrries from the Elder Tree. Place berries from the elder tree in sachets over doorways and windows to protect the home, used in protection, healing and exorcism spells.

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