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My Night Visitor Pays Another Visit


This is the second noteworthy encounter I've had with the misty figure over my bed since that night.

I've been sleeping almost peacefully for sometime now since nothing frightening or extraordinary had happened for quite a few nights. In the company of my guard dogs, I dare say, I feel somewhat protected although it seems now that I've fallen victim to a false sense of security. I'm either haunted by something or losing my grip on reality-I prefer the former.

After a long and entertaining weekend, I decided to withdraw to my bedroom in the early morning hours last night in the company of my 'not so eager to sleep' guards!

I must have been sleeping for some time when I was awaken by my bedroom door opening wide and my husband's voice asking me if I wanted to have a drink with him in the back patio.

I don't recall what came first, my surprise for his crazy, out of place and time request or my anger for having been disturbed in my sleep and having the dogs jumping up and down in the bedroom.

"I don't understand, I thought I heard you humming a song or some kind of tune! I wasn't going to bother you but I thought you couldn't sleep..."

For a moment, there was a pause and then I asked him if the noise could have possibly come from the alley outside or from the TV but my heart started racing when he insisted that he had been standing outside my door for a minute or two before he decided to enter.

"Not again!" was all I remember saying and hurried to get out of there.

I don't know what makes us feel safer when outdoors, in the open air but I assure you that was the place I spent the remainder of the night with my husband trying to restore 'the damage' his claim had done.

Finally and after we both decided that it was probably me humming in my sleep, we headed back to bed at around 4.30am.

It must have been about an hour later when my sleep was once again interrupted by an uncomfortable feeling of someone pushing me in my sleep, not in an effort to wake me up but as if they were trying to make room for them in a crowded bed. I extended my hand forward to push away the invader thinking that Fatima or Mini Me (two of my dogs) were sneaking their way into bed with us when I saw it again-the same misty, faint outline of what seems to a woman sitting by my side bending forward to observe me!

I'm only sorry my husband woke up a little too late to see what I was seeing as the figure dissolved before my very own eyes just before I screamed for help.

I really feel trapped for the first time in my life! I feel as if I have no control over this situation. I'm terrified to know that whoever's watching me insists on her silent visits and stands an inch away from my face!

I know that if she meant harm, she would have harmed me-this is what I frequently tell the other posters but I guess even with this knowledge, the feeling of dread, of coming so close to something which is not tangible, overpowers me!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, rhodes68, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-28)
Gloomy Sunday thank you for reading my story and for your kind words.

I agree with you that this woman wants no harm despite the fear she has caused me during the first encounters. Things are quiet now, there are just subtle occurrences but it no longer frightens me. She seems to be a free traveller who enjoys paying visits.

And yet, the truth is that each time I perceive even the slightest movement or indication of her presence I am at awe!
GloomySunday (8 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-27)
Forgive me for getting excited, but I find this to be abolutely amazing! 😁
I love to hear about peoples' experiences with friendly ghosts and this one is propably my favorite so far. This spirit seems completely fasinated by you and I think it must be because of your aura or energy. Strong frequencies of energy tend to act as a beacon to spirits kind and unkind, alike. But, in any case, since this ghost hasn't tried to hurt you or your family, I'd say it's ok to try and feel comfortable in your home. This ghost seems to only want to stay close to you. 😊
Of course, if this is unacceptable to you, there are always ways to banish ghosts from your home...
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-18)
Hi Tammy,
I could not have put it better myself, fear, doubt before the truth. Hold it together sweetie you will get through, we all do.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-18)
Surya, thanks for reading my story and for the comment.

Sometimes we know what needs to be done but we doubt ourselves or the things we know. We are only human and fear or doubt is part of our existence but also the motive behind our need to see, to approach the truth a little bit more.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-18)
Hi Tammy
What a story. I don't need to tell you how I would have reacted! You are a strong woman in all aspects so I am sure you will know what needs to be done on your part. We all have the answers unfortunately fear overtakes all. You know your visitor does not want to harm you. You need to ask her why she is there with you. Look whose talking hehehe.
I really look forward to reading your next post.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-13)
That was a great joke Chris 😆,thanks.

It is trully amazing how technology can make up for the distance between two people! It took me a while to get to like computers but I'm definitely very happy with what I can do because of it now.

Thank you for being such a great friend. It goes both ways, just click and I'll be there!
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-12)
Im sorry to hear that your having a rough time Tammy. But I know your a strong girl and that you will be fine. I got to know you a little and I believe in you all my heart. BUt if you ever need someone to talk to just let me know. I'm never far away. Just a click on the computer and Ill be with you 😁.I hope that cheers you up a bit:) In Poland we try telling people jokes to make them feel better. Since you brought up the topic about fish I will tell you a joke about Fisherman. Its a Polish joke but I hope it work... There are 4 guys talking about the fishes they caught.Guy#1 says"I caught a fish that was 2 mters long".Everyone was saying that's a big fish. Guy #2 says that he caught a fish that was 3 meters long. Again everyone is aying that that is a big fish. Guy #3 says that he caught a fish that was 4 meters long. Then there is this guy #4 and he said that he caught a shoe! Everyone started to laugh but the he said in the boot was a flashlight and it was still on! Everyone started laughing and saying that's impossible the Guy #4 said"Listen I will turn the flashlight of in my story If you guys shorten your fish in your stories!HAHAHAHA!I hope that cheered you up!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-12)
Hi Chris, my dearest [smile. Do not worry abot me-I'm a tough girl. I'm staying away for a while to put some things in order. I keep loosing my sense of order sometimes and much more than that but I'll be fine, I promise. It's good to know you care though, really good!

Have a marvelous time by the lake and keep away from the fish please 😆.

Talk soon
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-12)
Hi Tammy! Its been so long since I heard from you. I was starting to get worried! How are things going? I think you were a little bussy because I haven't seen you hear for a while. You don't want me to worry like that because I can have a heart attack 😆!I am going on a small vacation this week so I might not be hear for the weekend. It is so wird not seeing you hear for such a long time! But I'm very glad to hear from my favourite friend 😁.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-26)
Jasmin, thank you for a very touching comment-your encouragement means much to me!

It is, indeed, extraordinary and beautiful to feel so close to people you might never meet but I have a theory which now seems to gain more validity than ever. I always thought that if people could drop the masks and speak truthfully about their deeper thoughts, emotions and fears, the world would be a better place. This site allowing us to 'hide' behind our writings, has given us the urge to open up and seek a deeper connection without the fear of how we will 'appear' to the others. But most importantly, this site has given me the opportunity to trully connect with like-minded people who share my questions, my concerns about life and what lies beyond.

I do feel the same connection as you and I know that being here is like being home to me. This is where I 'run' when I'm troubled, lonely or disappointed. Here is where I find the comforting 'voices' telling me there's a meaning behind an incomprehensible world.

I do need your help. I'm not God or all-knowing.I'm just human-very human and I tend to make mistakes but I also have the courage to, at least, admit it, apologise, if needed, and try harder.

Thank you again ❤
Jasmin314 (13 stories) (210 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-25)
Tammy, I am not sure why I feel this way, especially since I don't know you, but I feel some kind of warmth when I read your comments and your stories. It's almost as if I can feel you. I am not really sure how to describe it, it's almost as if I know you. As if I have been in your presence. That is impossible though. Anyways, I do believe that you are very amazingly intelligient and you DO have a gift. I don't think this is going to sound very fair, butI don't think you even need us to tell you... You already know how to handle this. Don't be afraid. ❤ jasmin
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-25)
Hey Gary 😆. I suspect the submittion page will be open at the beginning of the new week-Monday, unless of course Martin has other plans 😊

I'll be looking forward to reading your experience-it's the small things that lack a dramatic effect that make a difference Chris. Don't underestimate any of your experiences.

I 'm more that thankful to Whitebuffalo for sheding some light on my experiences. Without her I'm not sure I would have accepted this so well. Thanks to the two of you (you're also included), I have two friends I can turn to in an hour of need.

I think I may have found the answer to my most recent questions and I will need to put my fear aside if I want to deal with this.

Vacation? My dictionary doesn't include this word! I'll be stuck here on the island but thank God my little brother is coming from London to show me some good time.

Have a lovely time on your own break-please don't kill the poor fish!

Love Michelle-Jennifer-Tammy
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-25)
My Dear Tammy (Jeniffer Hewitt) 😁.Its nice to see you here today! I checked on your story today and see that you and Automn got some realy good ideas on what is going on. As I read some stories here I sometimes wonder how all of this works. There are so many things that we can explain then comes a story that just knocks me off my feet. All I can say is I hope things turn out good. How is your summer vacation? I used my vacation on canada but I'm lucky enough to have a father as my boss. I might get a couple of days of near the end of the summer. Might go sea fishing. It is so nice to hear from you. I have a guesttion? Do you know when the site might be opened for posting stories? I wrote one a couple of weeks ago and I'm usually out of luck when it comes to posting. It aint nothing scary just something I would like to clear up. I hope to hear from you soon and take care

Oldman 😆
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-25)
You DO know what needs to be done. You have thought long and pointedly about this. You have gone through the steps in your mind. You KNOW.
Don't second guess yourself, Tammy. You KNOW. You have an excellent intuitive ability. You have been given the answers (though you were not conscious at the time) but you are STILL thinking it was all a dream. IT WAS NOT. You were given instruction. TAKE it.
Fear is a common emotion when you are about to step out and do something that others MAY think you odd for doing. If every time I FELT something, I thought it completely out before acting, there would be so many missed opportunities.
The Spirit world is MUCH like our own. Times were different, and some of the things we now do are considered "vulgar" as the ages are so...
I can not BEGIN to describe some of the things here as it would take too much of my energy just now, but PLEASE keep in mind that there was a different protocol of humanity back then. Be respectful. Keep in mind the different levels of the "classes" a hundred years ago.
You CAN do it. You KNOW what needs to be done.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-25)
I think she's still here returning a favour. My resemblance, although weak, to my grandmother is not confusing to her. It's confusing to him and that is what needs to be straightened out. If he's lost her from sight, if she has left the garden, I'm the next familiar face he would be searching for. I know what needs to be done, I think.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-25)
OR... She was ex-communicated.
In the older years, if someone of the Faith did something that was against the teachings, say...
Have a child, while under the rule of the church, they were shunned. They became no more. All records were destroyed and they became as they never were.
You may find records of her while she was a nun, but once her "deception" was discovered...
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-25)
Autumn thanks for coming back ❤.

I've been thinking a lot the last couple of nights-you see, this is something I've adoided doing in fear of what I might discover.

I now feel she deserves much more than simply fear from me and because of her visits, it is now obvious that it takes too much energy to 'stick around' simply out of curiosity. Like you, I don't know if what she wants is something from me-maybe as you very well put it, she stays for protection.

I know the following may provoke questions by other readers but I think you will understand when I say that the 'younger man' insists on his walk down hill to the bar and even extends invitations. At some point, just before he steps into the back garden, he turns facing behind him and leaves as soon as he came.

I think I see what he sees without absolute conviction. Something tells me Grandfather comes to scare him off.

The only evidence concerning the existence of Irene I have managed to find is that this name is mentioned as belonging to a high-ranking nun before the Elder-a woman that was the Elder's cousin. There are no records concerning her life or death. It's as if, at some point in time, she simply...vanished!
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-25)
Hello again, Tammy.
It IS possible that she has not yet found peace, but more probable that she is there for assistance. I do not feel that she is a ghost, but I am still human despite all of these new changes, I could be wrong.
I get the feeling that you are not the only one "spooked" (pun intended) by these visits. I feel that she also has a bit of an apprehension.
That is not to say that she is scared by the visit, she appears to be apprehensive about SOMETHING.
I feel that she may have briefly been a Mother, but not near long enough for her to be comfortable in the role, but that is not her issue. There is something more. She may be related by blood, or bond, (Leaning towards bond) but it is not YOU she sees. There IS a direct connection with your grandmother and her.
Forgive me for asking, but is your Grandfather still around you? I know that he loved your bar. He enjoyed your essence. HE holds MANY keys, and the answers to many questions. If possible, I would start questioning the man. There is a bond there that transcends all time and I do not feel that he would ever knowingly steer you wrong.
Mr_Burnz (3 stories) (69 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
ahhh that's right, well... Either it would be the dog house or I'd stay up all night 😆
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
Thanks for the support Burnzy! Sleep on the patio? NO NO NO! I'm in between two very old houses with a well-known 'history' on the block! I'm better off home sleeping in the dog house 😊
Mr_Burnz (3 stories) (69 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)

Back again with another compelling story... I loved it! Though, I would be too damn scared to go back in the house. I would have slept on the patio haha! I don't think it would be noises or seeing dead people that would scare me (if I could SEE THEM), but the misty apparitions and figures... THOSE would be the ones that would really freak me out! Anywho, good story! Keep us posted on your night visits and GOD BLESS:) ~!~

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
Oh well, I wish we had met earlier but now, let's just hope that in another life, at a different time, you will be my Oldman or Finnes or Butler and I will try to be your Hewitt 😠-I prefer Michelle Pheiffer!
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
Soory Tammy. Aint posting anything more today. But Ill be back tommorow and will be very excited if I see you here. I hope you have a nice day. And Remember... Oldman 😆
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
Ahh thank you Tammy. Your so nice to me. To bad my wife wasn't like you 😆.And the part with the hair falling of. We have that same saying here in Poland. Pretty funny! I can Imgine you perfectly too. Your my Jennifer Love Hewitt. 😁.Now that is what I call beauty! 😆
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
😆! In Greece we say that when men think too much, they lose their hair-well my father says that, no wonder! I'm convinced though, you're much better looking that any of the men I previously mentioned! 😊 ❤
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
I thought you ladies like him! But since you say that Oldman is the ULTIMATE 😆.Lest just say I look like Oldman:) Hey I'm cute 😆.And look at my hair (wish I had some) 😆
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
And for your information, any woman... I think... Likes guys who spend less time in front of a mirror than themselves. Can you imagine how long it takes to keep that fringe in position?
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
A priest?! Shame on you 😆. He's the ULTIMATE, well Finnes is nice but De Caprio?
He looks like my baby cousin!
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
Oh Come on Tammy! I can't possibly look like that! 😆.Gary Oldman looks like a priest! But if you insist... But Decaprio? Maybe? Come on you couldn't think of a more handsome person! 😆.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
😆 😭 Please stop this you're killing me! I haven't stopped laughing since the wife comment!

How about if I imagine you as a Ralph Finnes or Gerald Butler or even Gary Oldman instead?

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