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A Night Visitor


For those who've read my stories concerning Anima, I'd like to say that I have decided not to continue with an update of the recent events simply because it involves people other than me and a long history that is best to be forgotten.

With that being said, I'd like to share two recent events that seem to have affected me considerably.

Sometime last week after midnight, I decided it was high time I went to bed so, following the usual routine, I took my three female dogs with me into the bedroom and closed the door behind me.

My husband was in the computer room next door in the company of our fourth male puppy.

It didn't take long for me to fall asleep but at around 2.30am, I woke up feeling very hot as if the room was on fire. I still recall the discomfort I felt while I was trying the get the bed covers off of me when suddenly I felt some kind of resistance. It was as if somebody was pushing against the bed covers. It wasn't a violent resistance- it was more as if somebody was just physically standing between me and the covers and I caught them off guard.

I remember the feeling of overwhelming terror as I pushed back while trying to literally force myself to sit up in bed and then, I got the glimpse of what looked like a misty outline of a person, possibly female bending over me. Its head was an inch away from my face but I could see no features other than a "delicate" outline of a body which was what led me to believe it was possibly a woman. She seemed to be observing me and as I poked my head forward to see more clearly, she moved backwards and then vanished into thin air.

A Night Visitor

I screamed as loud as I could and my terrified husband came rushing into the room.

I recall the dogs running around the room, my one female scratching the closet on my left, my husband mattering phrases.

"What, what...?"

I was in complete terror but tried to regain control of myself while observing my one dog who continued to scratch the closet.

After an hour or so, a couple of litters of water and a few smokes, I decided that it was just a very vivid nightmare-nothing to worry about and made it back to bed, reluctantly.

Later that day, my level-headed, never-believing-in-anything-that-science-cannot-explain husband brought it up again and, to my surprise, I found myself being the center of his thorough investigation about last night's events.

I found it extraordinarily strange that he would persist on such a simple case of a bad dream but when I told him exactly what I thought I saw, pointing out that it must have been the product of a sleepy mind, I was shocked to hear "...I think I saw something bending over you but... I don't know what I was seeing..."

He later concluded that it must have been the shadow of an object in the room that was somehow reflected on the wall above me and that the night-light in the room distorted its image.

I let it go not wishing to elaborate on it any further but one thing was really off regarding my husband's explanation of the event and that is, that shadows are dark not whitish. Moreover, never did he mention the dog's strange reaction and pretended to ignore her scratches on the closet. But then again, so did I.

Last night, while we were watching TV, the dogs (all 4 of them) began barking out of nowhere and running around the house.

Again the logical assumption was "they must have smelled a cat or someone passing from our alley".

We tried to get them to stop by attempting to draw their attention, ordering them to sit and stay but to no avail. Finally, after a few rounds around the houses, sniffing, growling, and barking to invisible intruders, they settled down. Fatima, my most protective female, was agitated jumping to every sound coming from outside or from the TV.

Around 3am, I went off to bed taking her with me while my husband decided to stay up a little longer. He kept all the other dogs with him.

I was now literally forcing myself to sleep but, finally giving up the effort I sat up in bed, lit a cigarette and stood there silent. I could hear the other dogs sniffing the lower part of my door and for a moment I thought of letting them in but soon discarded the idea since I needed my privacy.

Then, there was a slight sound from behind me as if something was moving against the wall, almost like the sound of something solid rolling downwards. What followed was complete chaos! I remember turning my head behind, Fatima jumping on the bed attacking the wall, the dogs barking and scratching my door, the sound of my husband running to my rescue!

I saw nothing. I heard something! Fatima and the other dogs did too and I say this because they weren't alarmed because of her reaction. They had been outside my door sniffing something before I heard any sound and before Fatima charged against the wall.

I don't know what this is but I know there is something in my house-something curious enough to stand an inch from my face and observe me while sleeping. Was it sliding down the wall behind me last night? I don't know. What I know is that I wasn't sleeping- I wasn't dreaming, either.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, rhodes68, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

vanlewie232711 (1 stories) (42 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-01)
❤ I am not certain but I have this feeling that in our family lines that we may look exactly alike like identical twin but from years ago? How I don't make sense I am not sure what the word is that I am looking for... I do know that we get our looks from both parents but my daughter is the image twin of her great-grandmother my son is his biological persons twin from day 1 to now and he is almost 20 he looks like him but has my temper and calm side I am thinking maybe you have some relatives aunts,uncles,cousins,grandparents that maybe have some pictures of older family that maybe just maybe you can look at that may help you discover her and learn her name because maybe she needs you to know something and that its important to her simply because you share so many habits, looks I hope I made some sense thanks for the story and the picture to me has 2 meanings on one hand she seems very sad and crying and then she seems upset almost scared... Maybe she died young and before she was ready... 😭
villageboy101 (1 stories) (9 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-11)
the woman looks a bit like mother Teresa to me. Haha... Had to say it... Maybe her character is like taht too
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-11)
Hey Shelby 😊. Thanks for reading!

Actually I have seen her again and again and each time the features are a bit more distinct although she still retains the "misty" quality.

I hadn't realised that when I first had this experience but the figure is related to my stories Anima (remember our bar restaurant?)

Having searched through the history of that place and the stories of the departed ones involved with Autumn's assistance, I've come to realize or learn that the woman was an old family member.

She began visiting after I found out about her and we believe she was at first "confused" as my resemblance to my grandmother (her niece) is astonishing.

I doubt she thinks I'm grandma anymore (Autumn has helped me make the distinction again) so I can only believe her visits are to give both of us comfort. I suspect she's now a spirit not a ghost but comes back since her attachment to the place is very strong.

Even more I'm the only one she now connects to this dimension as I did all I could to help her.

Her visits now are becoming less frequent-she sometimes shows up while I'm in bed almost asleep and I can hear some kind of "lulling". My husband hears her too but refuses to accept it. My dogs sense her too and although they were very protective at first, they now stir up, listen, look at me and go back to sleep.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-10)
You may remember in my story "Grandmother", a very similar thing happened to me. I mean, how dare they invade your personal space like that. I don't know, maybe they wanted to get a better look or something but it sure is scary. You said that you DID NOT see her face but that the outline of the body resembled a woman? I definitely saw the features of the woman standing over me only 2 inches, if that, from my face. EEEEEEK! That gives me the creeps just thinking about it. Have you seen Her/It since?

Sorry but I didn't go through your comments so I don't know if you have answered these questions already. Thanks for sharing.


❤ 😊
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-09)
Hey Chris, good thing to stay put if you're not sure about ghost hunting.

Yes, it's kind of scary to have someone else seeing what you see but I'm grateful for Whitebuffalo's help!

I've had little "disturbance" for a couple of nights but due to so much happening in my life right now, I cannot focus on the signs-at least, what I perceive as signs.

She doesn't mean harm. She seems to want something from me and I keep looking the wrong direction. I will or hope I will be able to resolve this eventually.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-09)
Hi Tammy haven't heard from you fro a while. I decided to come and check your story again and see how things are going. I was a little surprised that you and Whitebuffalo have a similar comparison. I actually feel goosebumps when I was reading the posts. Its as if she knew the lady you saw! I hope I'm wrong because this is starting to sound VERY scary. How are things goin? I'm looking forward to posting a story when I was younger. But I think I will still make you guys wait a little 😉.I haven't gone ghost hunting yet. I feel like going but I said to myself that if I'm not 110% ready then I shouldnt go. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-29)
I suppose you're talking about the girl in your dreams gsi0leader? Well it is strange to have a friend having the same dream as you but don't get me wrong when I'm asking how much do you trust your ex-friend. I'm just the kind of person who likes to exclude other possibilities even with my own experiences-especially with my own experiences-before I finally say anything. It's just that our world is such a mysterious place as it is. We know so very little about it that sometimes the extraordinary seems to be automatically seen as paranormal.
If you still think you're dealing with "a spirit" give it time. If there's a message she needs to send, trust that she will, in time.
gsi0leader (1 stories) (11 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-28)
sorry this comment is not about the story but because of all the comments I am 100 % sure its good. The Ghost me and my friends saw in th story was 15 years old when she died according to my friend. She was wearing a very long dress and had very long hair, I could not see that much of her though. 😢 But after 1 of my ex-friend said she was a murderer, I never heard from her again. I really want to find out more about her. I just have to try hard and believe she will come again. Bye!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-27)
Autumn, can you check your e-mail? I need to ask you about two people.

whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-06-27)
Yep, it sure is. If you look at how the rest of the people are in the photograph though, it looks as if she should NOT be reflected. To have the reflection, someone should be standing right in the window. But no one is facing the right way, at least it does not look so to two of my family members, and myself. We could be wrong though. We ARE only human. 😉
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-27)
I will try to clear it up if I can. Oh MY, is that a face of a woman in the window? I can barely see it!
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-06-27)
When I have it in "My Pictures" on the computer it will let me zoom in and pick parts of the photograph to concentrate on. Perhaps you could save it to the computer and then "take it apart?" I think you would also be interested in the reflection in the window that has no supporting physical mirror image.
I will see if my Father has the original somewhere accessible. Perhaps I can enlarge it BEFORE sending it off to you.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-27)
I've brought it closer but the face is too blurred for me to discern any clear features
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-06-27)
Nope. That is the only known photo that we have of her. She was not much for photography.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-27)
I cannot adjust the pic to get closer to the face. Do you have a closer shot?
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-06-27)
I have just gone ahead and resent it to you. Look at the person to the left that is clearly seen. What do you see?
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-27)
Autumn, I haven't received it yet, sorry I sound very anxious but I am. Try resending it. I only got the two sentences you wrote me.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-27)
Going there now. I have to wonder where all this leads Autumn. I wouldn't be surprised about anything anymore!
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-06-27)
Hi Tammy, I had to go check out a few personal photographs. If you can, could you check out your e-mail? I sent you a photograph of my Aunt...
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-06-27)
I feel as if a glass of ice cold water has been thrown in my face, the ice slamming into me as well. This is the sketch of a lonely young woman in the prime of her life. I almost get the impression of a Novice, and not a full fledged Nun. Or even a Fledgling. But I do not feel from the sketch that she ever made it to be a nun proper.
THIS woman I have seen before.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-27)
Thanks Katie, I think you're right about the personal haunting. I hadn't realised it all these years mainly because I thought that the woman in my dreams was the product of a nightmare and nothing more. Her resemblance to my grandmother, even more, was thought as a subconscious attempt on my part to somehow familiarize myself with my fears. I don't think so any more.

I also believe she wants me to help her with something but figuring out exactly what has proved a difficult task.

Thank you so much for your interest in my story.
fizzypulp (2 stories) (35 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-27)
Hi Rhodes,
If she has been known to you 8 years ago she is more like a 'personal' haunting rather than one that haunts the place (I don't think I have said it very well but hope you know what I mean)
It would seem to me she needs you to do something or end something for her - a lot of the time in the past spirits have come back to family members because of unfinsihed occasions and once they are finished the hauntings go.
Seems prominent to me that it has to be you or else she would have maybe moved on to someone else by now.
Please take care of yourself and keep us updated.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-27)
Thanks Chris although the drawing is really not that good. It was done in five minutes with shaky hands and very little light in the room but I think I captured her eyes. I didn't try to "touch" it or work any further on it as it would only change the impression I had of her back then.

She looked kind of austere almost angry the last time I saw her clearly. She never spoke to me in my dreams. She was either at a distance, seated beside me or leaning over me-just looking at me.

ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-27)
Wow Tammy you drawind is great. I looked at the drawing and was a little freaky. I wonder what she wants. It is so wierd that you used to dream about her for so long and then you actually meet her. This is sow wierd. But I for sure don't think this is a coincedence. She wants something. Now the question is what does she want? And who is she? I think in time you will know. Thanks for the update and hope this clears up in time. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-27)

After pondering over the image of the figure leaning over me that night, I couldn't help but notice the similarities between that misty outline and the woman who kept haunting my dreams for almost six months, about eight years ago. I observed that the misty figure had some kind of veil covering her hair and head which rested on her shoulders very much like the veil the ghostly apparition in my dreams wore. For that, and also because of the way she positioned her body while observing me, I conclude that it must be the same woman.

I'm posting the following sketch which I drew eight years ago after waking up from a nightmare one night.

Please bear with me as it is a quick sketch and the product of "shaky hands".
Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-26)
haha...sorry, I wasn't saying ya'll aren't busting your bums...Ya'll do an amazing job for this site, and I appreciate everyone that helps. I was just figiting about this all day for the past few days now, and I was only antsy to see the responses. I'm sorry I came across that way. I'm very pleased in the time it took to get my story up. Keep up the good work!

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-26)
To Chris:thank you sweety, I know you will stand by me if needed. I will let you know what happens.
To Whitebuffalo: Now I'm getting really curious! I'm willing to listen whenever you're willing to share.

Tammy ❤
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-26)
Wow!Good thing whitebuffalo pointed out something. I could almost see you Tammy happy and joyful that this kind of cleared up. I was very shocked when you remembered seeing the lady somewhere. Well I guess there is going to be some investigations going on 😆!I just started thinking that this story is like a movie. You know-Part to coming soon 😁! I hope you find some information about this lady. If any help is needed you know you can always count on me. I hope to hear from you soon my friend and take care
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2008-06-26)
I don't know Tammy, I am getting a bit anxious. I may actually have some proof for MY side of this story! 😊
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-26)
Look at the drawing I'm in the process of sending. She's identical to my grandmother-she looks VERY much like me.

I'm in for a LONG night/s

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