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Real Ghost Stories

The Mirror at Anima


I'm writing a fragment of a much larger story with certain reluctance. In most parts, it still remains a mystery refusing to unravel. On a few occasions I dare to think that I might have found the answers to my questions but not with absolute certainty.

When my second husband and I got married three years ago, we decided that, having spent quite a long time teaching, we were ready to take up a new challenge and start our own business (we would be teaching in the morning and running a bar-restaurant) at night. We bought the business from a distressed acquaintance of ours who, after ten years, wished to "take it easy" for a while. I instantly fell in love with the place which had a hundred and fifty year-old history behind it. It used to be the home of a Turkish family which had lived on the island for over 200 years. The first owner's son had, at some time, turned it into the first Turkish restaurant in town introducing its eastern dishes to the Greek inhabitants. Then the restaurant changed hands when the first owner grew too old to run it and after all these years, here we come in the picture to buy the business but not the land or the construction on it. That still belongs to the same family.

Just to acquaint you with the place I will just say that the house remains as it was, built of stone in a c-shape. On the front, there's a busy road and at the back there's a 600-square-meter yard where everything grows and flourishes! That includes a 150-year-old vine, numerous trees and an amazing collection of plants and flowers.

During renovations, I would spend endless hours in that yard listening to every sound, touching every single flower cutting every dead leaf. I feel a very close connection to nature and always believed that if you stand still for a while, you will hear it whisper back to you. So, when my husband asked me to name the place, I felt that the place had already chosen its name and that was and still is "Anima" from the Latin word which means life/soul.

When renovations finished, I was responsible for decorating it and, having discovered some antiques in one of the store-rooms I decided to give it an "eastern touch" (carpets on the walls, large cushions on the wooden floors and such). Old mirrors and candle holders were once again polished and added to the rest of the decoration.

The first couple of years Anima was everyone's popular meeting place and everyone wanted to work for us. That, of course, came to change... It was at around 7pm one day when I was parking my car outside. During weekdays the only ones working there were the cook who came at 4pm for an hour and a half kitchen preparations and then back again at 8 and a bar-tender (apart from my husband and myself). As I came out of the car, I noticed that every light in the bar was switched on (the dimmer was turned to maximum) and the girl who was working inside the bar that night, was sitting outside with the front door open.

I froze for a moment as I realized that something serious had happened. When I finally approached to ask her what was wrong she started crying and telling me that she feared I was going to laugh at her. I managed to calm her down for a while and persuaded her to get inside with me. When inside, she finally let on that she had been hearing crashing noises coming from the kitchen and the bathroom and that she had, at some point, felt like something had passed in front of her.

I asked her to direct me to the place she had heard the sounds in an attempt to see if she would stick to her story and all this had not simply been a panic attack. She pointed towards the kitchen and the bathroom again but when I made my way towards that direction, she fled towards the front door once more. Having inspected the kitchen and finding nothing more than a few pieces of broken glass on the floor, I proceeded to the bathroom with my patience running thin because of that girl's childish behaviour. I was absolutely convinced that she must have placed a drinking glass too close to the edge of the kitchen table and had then knocked it over. But, upon entering the bathroom, I felt my heart coming to a halt as I noticed some more pieces on the floor and, as I turned my eyes to check around, I realized that the pieces had fallen off the bathroom mirror on the left. I gained some courage as I, for an instance, "captured" the logic behind the phenomenon and yelled at her to come back in.

"I found the suspect" and smiled to Elisavet who was now half way in. "Help me collect the pieces". She asked me what I meant and I told her that the mirror in the bathroom had somehow broken and that these things happen when objects wear off with time. "As for the kitchen, you must have knocked off a glass or something" I added to hear her deny the accusation. "I was out here when I heard the noise in there! And I felt like this cold wind passing by me, almost through me! Oh, I'm never coming in here first unless one of you is here already!"

I gave up the effort to calm her down and I proceeded to clean up the place myself but as I entered the kitchen again, I felt like something was watching me from a corner. I attributed this feeling to an influence her panic had on me but, just to be on the safe side, I kept talking with her as I went about my business. I collected the broken glass and started making coffee when I felt what I can only describe as something had sat on my chest making it difficult for me to breathe. I pretended to ignore the feeling and in less than 20 minutes the cook arrived accompanied by my husband.

Time passed with all of us running about to welcome and serve the customers but on our way back home I felt my heart pounding as my husband told me that he was really fed up fixing "that freaking mirror for the third time". He was convinced that the cleaning lady had been careless with it. It was at that when I realized that, had the cleaner broken it, Elisavet would have seen the glasses as soon as she entered the bar and even if she had missed it, the cook who had previously been there to make preparations for the night, would have cleaned them up before coming back at 8.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, rhodes68, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-09)
😆You just had to ask, didn't you? No, it was cappuccino but I love Turkish coffee too!

Thanks for your comment Troy-really missed chatting with you!
troyarn (5 stories) (479 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-09)
Another excellent story, rhodes68! Now I'm off to check out the others. One question... After you cleaned up the mess and made coffee, was it Turkish coffee (sorry, I love that stuff and just had to ask...lol).
bigpatti87 (2 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-15)
well that is kind of a scary thing but at the same time it might feel that you can help and maybe this entity would just like help who knows... It is crazy how you camr along and now it won't let you go... But you are a special person and I bet you can figure this whole thing out.

God Bless,
BigPatti 😉
bigpatti87 (2 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-15)
Well it is unfortunate that you had to resort to selling but sometimes business just isn't well enough to keep going especially when the repair costs keep rising... But it was a good read and I enjoyed it as I enjoy all your stories... Thanks for the story.

God Bless,
BigPatti 😉
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-25)
Hello Rhodes,
I am with FRAWIN here. All of the story has not yet been revealed, so it is a bit difficult to say for sure what may be going on. I am just going to jump on up there, as I can see part two on the side.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-21)
Hi Chris and thanks for reading my story. We still have the bar although we have closed it. We are trying to sell it but no luck so far.Yes, a few things have happened, some are my experiences, others were related to me by the people who worked for us. I'm convinced that there's something there but I'm not sure if it's bad or threatening. I choose to believe that it "reacts" when we disturb,unintentionally, its order of things.
Thank you 😊
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-21)
Wow that was a fraeky story Rhodes. I was wondering if you still have that restaurant? If you do has anything happened later. I bet the workers there were a little freaked. I bet that mirror was and is haunted. I had the same thing happen in my house. One dum antique and all these wird things start to happen.Didn't you find that a little annoying 😁.I hope to hear from you soon and take care
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-20)
Thank you Frawin, I appreciate your patience with me. 😊
I just hope I will be able to relate the events as accurately as possible and I will be looking forward to any insight you can offer.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-20)
Mustang,I have heard much too often that the area was used as a camp-site during ww1 and ww2 (I'm afraid I haven't heard anything dating before that). Some have even gone as far as saying that there were jails here during the wars where prisoners were tormented to death(!) but since that sounds more like an urban legend and since I have not yet found any evidence to support this theory, I haven't given it a second thought. The truth is that all the island is a rich archeological site, under each house, there's either an ancient house, factory, market, cemetery, so much can be speculated but how does one build a strong case? I haven't given up yet, though 😊
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-20)
Hi rhodes. WOW! That place wasn't hopping with personnel or patrons but it was with ghosts! Okay, maybe the personnel was hopping. Hopping to get out of there!
😆 Have you done any more research on the place or the property? I mean, what was there or happened there before it was in the hands of the family that owned it for 200 years? It would be interesting to know if you could find out more. I can't wait to read your next installment. Thanks for sharing. ~Shelby
❤ 😊
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-20)
Hello Rhodes. Thank you for another interesting story, I enjoyed it very much. I think I'll wait until I read your upcoming story to give my opinion on these fascinating events, as the whole story hasn't been told just yet. Take care and God Bless.

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-20)
Kim,thanks for responding. I have already submitted another of the accounts concerning Anima. I think that things have started happening long before we bought the business and before I as the last owner felt or saw anything myself. What I mean is that when we purchased the bar from its previous owner, he had told us that he couldn't handle the demands of night-life but within a year and a half, he set up another business just like the previous one. As for why it has stopped being popular, I guess it, partly, had to do with the personnel walking out on us along with a few other things that I will write about. Now, I have approached the previous owner(reluctantly) and he denies any knowledge of anything strange, although his ex-partner admitted to having "heard" about "certain complaints" from their own personnel but has refused to elaborate any further. As for one of the original owner's son-in-law, (I haven't mentioned anything about the events to him) he's giving me a hard time with the contract I'm trying to break as he believes that his late father-in-law "would have liked me to stay". I will be writing some more on my "experiences" there so that you will have a better idea of what I think is happening and I will be grateful to hear what you think.

Finally, I want to add that maybe, just maybe, some of the things we claim to have seen, might have been a result of mass hysteria 😊 but how can we all be wrong each and every time? 🤔
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-20)
What an interesting place this must have been! Have you, or did you have other occurances? You mention that in the beginnins people wanted to work there and it was the area hang out (so to speak) but that all changed. Was this what changed the attitude, or where there other episodes or haoenings that added to this?

It sounds as if the land had been in-habited for quite some time. The history of the land may be very rich and... Well. I would be interested to know of other occurances.

Thanks for sharing!
God Bless!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-20)
Just a little foot note:I chose to describe the events in the same chronological order they happened. There's a progression of some sort as in the beginning it was just a sound or a misplaced little something but, within the period of one year, the "little things" became too much of a coinsidence and took a more serious turn, at times. The bar-restaurant is now currenly on sale.

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