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Collection Of Hauntings


I have a collection of stories I would like to share with everyone, only one of these stories involves me and most of them have to do with my mother so I hope you enjoy!.

I will start with my first story involving me as a kid, I personally have no recollection of these events but my mother had told me this recently, apparently many nights I would come to my mom and dad saying I saw Satan in a ball of fire above my door way, being that my family is full of devout Christians they decided to pray over my room and I never saw it again.

The next few stories take place across the street at my grandmas old house which she no longer owns.

Long ago in that house lived a doctor and his wife, one night they got into an argument and got into a fight. They both wrestled for their shotgun and he ended up accidently shooting her, or so the reports say, but being that this is a small southern town back decades ago the chances of them just taking a doctor's word for it was very high.

One day my grandmother was in her house and she decided to go upstairs where our attic is, there the doctor kept all of his medical texts and personal items. My grandmother heard a man laughing from inside of the cramped, dark, and cluttered attic. She decided to throw all of his possessions away and never heard the man again.

Another story involving that house has to do with my mother and grandmother. One day they were in the house packing it and preparing for selling it, the tools they were using had gone missing and they could not find them anywhere. They went into the room that use to be my sister's and mine old room and found all the tools laid in the middle of the room neatly stacked on a tarp in the center. They both insisted that they did not move them.

The next few stories involve my mom after she had opened herself up to the occult.

My mother decided to buy a set of tarot cards because she liked the way they looked, that night while she was in bed the bed started to violently shake, my dad of course in all of the occurrences never would wake up and remained fast asleep.

Another night my mom had these blue orbs fly around the room and get in her face, they terrified her.

The final story involves my grandmother again. One night when her husband was at work she decided to sleep in. Before her at the end of her bed appeared the floating head of a man, she was terrified and went under her covers, when she looked again the head had taken the shape of a pitch black face. Again she went under the covers to hide, when she surfaced again the head took the form of a pig's head. After this she hopped out of bed and prayed to Jesus and the head went away for good.

Thank you guys for reading this, I know it is all over the place but I wanted to share most of what I have been told by my family, thanks again!.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, BravelyKegger, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

BravelyKegger (2 stories) (19 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-17)
It's likely his possessions somehow kept a door open to the spirit realm.
Rajine (14 stories) (913 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-17)
I suppose that whatever it was, maybe the doctor's spirit, was probably attached to his belongings, certain things and objects are like conduits for evil entities to gain access to our world, especially since he may have killed his wife.
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-16)
Sounds like your grandmother wisely gave the 'doctor' the boot after she did a little spiritual house cleansing - clearing out clutter is usually one of the first steps, when you want to get rid of negative energy 😉
BravelyKegger (2 stories) (19 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-16)
Everything but the floating heads, the orbs, and bed shaking happened across the street, everything else happened there. I think once the doctors stuff was thrown away all of the hauntings went away, our neighbors living there now never mentioned anything weird happening.
Rajine (14 stories) (913 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-15)
Hi and welcome BravelyKegger

Those are some really creepy incidents your grandmother and mother experienced, I must say it's good she decided to move, you did mention that your grandmother lived across the street so I'm assuming she used to be your opposite neighbor, do you still live opposite her old house? And if so do you know if the same things are happening to the new owners?

Thank you for sharing your stories with us.
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2021-04-15)
Hi BravelyKegger,

Did these unsettling events, that happened to your grandmother, all take place within that same house that the doctor once lived in? I'm just wondering about the two incidents (man laughing in attic and floating head of man) being connected to the same location - if this was the same house, maybe it was the doctor trying to intimidate her?
After what she went through, I don't blame her for selling the place!

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