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Small Room


From 2017 to early 2018, I was living at my aunt's house. Before I begin, they've been living in that house for 10 years, if I'm not mistaken. And my grandma told us before that something was living in that very house before my aunt's family. She said that after the blessing of the house, she used the comfort room, which is near the living room. While doing her thing, she got scared because the door suddenly opened, even though she locked it after she entered. After that, she never visited the house without my aunt or anyone else in it.

Now, my story. So from 2017 to the early part of 2018, I never experienced anything creepy. There are four members in my aunt's family, and I and my other cousin are extended.

The house is a two-story building. There are 3 rooms downstairs and 1 room upstairs. 1 comfort, and then the kitchen and dining room. The dining area is between those three rooms.

Now, I and my cousin used the room beside the comfort room, but after she got to work from Manila, I changed rooms. That room had only a bed and a few things from my aunt's business, like mannequins and stuff. A small table and a small electric fan. At first, I didn't feel anything weird, maybe because I'm too tired from work, which is why I don't have the time to wander around the room. But one time I got confused because almost every day I got new bruises on my legs. But then I told myself that maybe I bumped into something I didn't know. After a month of wondering how I get my bruises, I dreamed about a super black kid that was staring at me near the mannequin with little red eyes. He's about 3 feet tall and has short hair. He doesn't do anything; he just stares at me while I'm sleeping. And then every time I wake up, I get a new bruise again. From then on, I got scared.

This happened after we got back from our trip to Malaysia. It was early in March of 2018. I was sleeping in that small room, and I got up because I felt like my bed was shaking. I opened my eyes, and it was shaking like it was trying to wake me up. I almost jumped to get out of bed and open the sliding door to get out of that room. It was the kid who was staring at me in my dreams. He's the one who's shaking my bed. That black kid is laughing so hard that I can see how large his mouth is. I can't forget that because you can see how happy he was. All I can hear is my heart beating and his laugh. I got scared at that time. It was 2:30 am. My tears are about to fall when I almost bump into my Aunt's husband. He asked me if I'm okay. And I said yes and then I go to our old room where I and my cousin used to sleep. After that, I never go that room again! I swear.

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XKY_LARQ (2 stories) (3 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-25)

"They don't living there anymore. But someone is renting the whole house from them."

They aren't living there anymore. They just use the house to get money out of it. For rent house.

"My cousin says that if he's alone and watching movies he can feel something like there's someone playing upstairs"

- He said that sometimes he hear someone is playing upstairs. That's his mom and dad's room.

Yeah. That's right.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-25)

Thanks for the additional information, I'm glad to know that no one else has been attacked as violently as you were.

There's something I don't understand about your comments:

"They don't living there anymore. But someone is renting the whole house from them."

" My cousin says that if he's alone and watching movies he can feel something like there's someone playing upstairs"

I understand that English isn't your first language, - you did a great job writing this submission-, but I think that the previous comments contradict each other, it's not clear to me if your relatives still live in the house or not.

Regardless, it seems like the activity is not terrible, except for your own experience.

Are you aware of any deadly fire happening in the vicinity of the house?

Even though the house was blessed, it may be necessary to repeat the blessing several times in order to clean the premises of any negative energy.
XKY_LARQ (2 stories) (3 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-24)
TravisCannabis, My cousin says that if he's alone and watching movies he can feel something like there's someone playing upstairs. Like I said the floor in that room is wooden that's why you can hear if someone is walking around.
XKY_LARQ (2 stories) (3 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-24)
Do you know the history of the house and the land where it is standing?

- No, we don't. My Aunt just bought it tru investing.

"a super black kid that was staring at me near the mannequin with little red eyes."

- he's a real kid I think. It just he's skin is so black like charcoal. And he's a bit curly too. I think he died in fire.

What happened before and after you moved out of the room? Were there any disturbances when the room wasn't in use?

- some of the family member says that there's also creepy in the left room. But my cousin who is using that room doesn't feel anything.

Was the activity limited only to that room? I know your grandmother experienced the washroom door opening on her but, other than that, did anyone witness any other disturbances?

- I think the room, upstairs. I once cleaned the bathroom there, and you could feel something was off. I can hear someone walking. The floor in that room upstairs is wooden, which is why you can hear if someone is walking towards you or around the room.

Do your family still live in this house? Have they experienced any other activity?
- They don't living there anymore. But someone is renting the whole house from them.

They did bless the house. My Aunt's husband is a Pastor. I believe they can feel it too but they just ignore it.
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-24)
Lovely Ladyglow, Time for some doughnuts. Lol
XKY-LARQ, I have read a fair amount from Amchi86 recently and I think I went into autopilot and presumed I was still reading Amchi86's experiences.
Hopefully you'll get some answers.
Amchi86, I hope you also work things out.
Ladyglow, I want doughnuts, I want doughnuts, I want doughnuts, lol.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-23)

Thanks for clarifying the meaning of "super black", I hope someone can explained the difference between a "grand pooja" and a pooja from the other story.


"I thought I was reading one of Amchi86's experiences".
LOL... I can't stop laughing!
Thank goodness it's not the case!
TravisCannabis (74 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-23)
I hope black kid never gets out of that room. Does he make any noise at all when none's in there? 🤔
Cool read bro!😊
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-23)
XKY-LARQ, As crazy as this sounds, I thought I was reading one of Amchi86's experiences.
This must have been really scary XKY-LARQ.
I also thought you meant pitched black as a dark shadow with glowing eyes. A monster of sorts. I've heard of people waking up because they bed moved. That would really frighten me.
You don't go back in that room, so where do you rest when you visit your Aunty's place. I know the homes are small, so I've read.
Have you found out anymore about this miniature, black, red eyed, creature? Is it local to that area? Have others seen it too?
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-23)
It must have been unnerving to experience that, but only by doing research will you know what's going on in that house.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-22)
"super black" is a term used by some to describe demonic entities. Given how that kid seemed to delight in tormenting you, I do not think he was a very nice spiritual entity.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
2 years ago (2023-04-22)
Welcome to YGS.

It sounds like you had a frightening time in that room. Do you know the history of the house and the land where it is standing?

What do you mean by "a super black kid that was staring at me near the mannequin with little red eyes." By this do you mean their ethnicity, or that the kid was as dark as a shadow and, perhaps, without physical features other than their eyes?

What happened before and after you moved out of the room? Were there any disturbances when the room wasn't in use?
Was the activity limited only to that room? I know your grandmother experienced the washroom door opening on her but, other than that, did anyone witness any other disturbances?

Do your family still live in this house? Have they experienced any other activity?

In my opinion, it's hard to say if this presence was attached to the land or to some article stored in the room.

I know you are not asking for help but, if the activity still persists, it would be a good idea to bless or cleanse the house according to your family's beliefs.

Thanks for sharing.

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