I always thought that the apartment that my husband and I were living in was haunted. All he did was call me crazy, but all the time I heard noises from the kitchen and the door opening and closing. So I always just ignored it but one day, my husband and I were going to go out for a while. He told me that he would be home soon when I spoke to him on the phone. I was taking a shower and I got dressed and I was doing my make-up when I heard the door open and then close. I said "Hi honey, I'm almost ready". Then I heard something in the kitchen and it was the sound of unwrapping tin foil. And then I heard the microwave beep as if my husband was cooking leftovers. But when I finished my make-up, I went downstairs and I didn't see my husband!
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Ghost in Apartment
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if I were you after the reaserch I would get someone to bless that house. Because someone might have died there and is trying to hurt you or your family. From hector. PS. Try getting your husband to hear some of the sounds so he won't think your crazy.
See Ya,
Your Friend Caitlin
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© The ghost story Ghost in Apartment is copyrighted to Judy. Edited by yourghoststories.com.
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It may be some type of poltergeist activity. When you went downstairs and your husband wasn't there, were things move around? Had the microwave been turned on? Just curious as this scould be the sign of a poltergeist.
God Bless!