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Managing A Haunted Hotel


This event took place in Bucks County, PA. I was the operations manager for a Marriott hotel at the time. I had been working there for probably 4 months or so at the time. I was mainly in charge of our house keeping and maintenance staff, ensuring that the rooms / grounds were in peak condition at all times.

One afternoon I was making my rounds, checking behind house keeping making sure everything was to standard. I was on the third floor about mid way down the hall when I stepped out of room 312. I had just checked off on my clipboard VR (vacant ready) when I lifted my head and looked to my left. Staring straight at me about 2 doors down was a man. He was leaning out of the threshold of room 320. He was only visible from his belly area up. Our eyes met. Just as quickly as I had seen him and we made eye contact, he darted back in to the threshold and was gone.

I guess I wouldn't have thought too much about it (just a weird guest) but my rooms report had that room listed as VD (vacant dirty). I figured maybe a guest had decided to maybe stay over and just hadn't notified my front desk letting them know so. I walked down to the room, knocked and identified myself twice. NO ANSWER. I knocked once more and identified myself and opened the door. IT WAS IN FACT VACANT! I know that was the room I had seen 'him' peaking out of. It certainly creeped me out a smidge but hey, what can you do? It was a hotel after all.

My house keeping staff was entirely Hispanic and only one spoke decent English, my house keeping manager. I went up to the 4th floor where my staff was and pulled Lourdes aside and tried to explain to her what I saw. She immediately grabbed a couple of the other house keepers and explained to them in Spanish what I had told her. The three of them looked at each other and smiled. They obviously knew something I didn't.

Lourdes explained to me that on more than one occasion the girls would tell her of experiences on the 3rd floor. I was told that before the construction of the hotel and Burger King next door, a graveyard had been moved so maybe that could be the reason? Who knows? It seems like after that initial encounter I would experience weird things such as my PBX console alerting me to a 911 call being made from a room - on the third floor. Of course though, each time, the room would not be occupied. I would always run up there just be sure and each time the room would be frigid.

Anyways, I thought I'd share another with you all. It's not very exciting I know but that experiences with all the others have helped my understanding of the after life.

Peace and Love

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, BriFischer05, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

WishfulNull (151 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-04)
Val, I'm glad that a little cemetery was able to bring a useful bit of peace for you... I know from your past stories how rough you had it for a while. It's amazing how on one hand, so many people find cemeteries peaceful places, yet they are so feared on the other hand.

Miracles, thank you so much for fixing the Val's karma for me! I'm glad my recounting of the Easter egg hunts didn't seem weird - as a kid it was normal... But when I talked about it to others their reactions were definitely mixed! I think you are right though - we have more to fear from the living than the dead.

BadJuju, I totally agree!

Narella, I don't blame you for being afraid as a child... If I weren't "conditioned" as a child to think of the cemetery as a bright friendly place, I am sure the thought of the reality beneath my feet would have caught my imagination in a scary way, too!

Best wishes to all,
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-04)
Wishful, no worries and Miracles, thank you very much for fixing the karma thingy.
Cemeteries have always been special places for me. Not sure why. In my teens, my family lived not too far from a very old 'family plot'. Not my family, you understand, but a very old one that the town had fenced off and took care of, even though there was a very large 'new' graveyard. There was maybe a dozen or so graves there. You really couldn't make out much on the weather worn stones, and some only had a stub of rotting wood plank sticking up. The 'fencing off' consisted of a low rock wall and a padlocked narrow gate. Since it was right next to the police station most left it alone. Of course the story was it was haunted. That's where I went and hid when things got bad at home. If the cops ever noticed me, they ignored it. But being short does have it's bonuses, once I had scaled and dropped down on the other side of that low wall, I was pretty much invisible. 😆
I always felt protected and safe there. And, in an odd way comforted. It always sadden me when people are moved from what was suppose to be their 'eternal' resting place. It just seems wrong- and to destroy a church? Unless there's a real good valid reason I bet that racks up some negative karma!
Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-04)
Miracles: I agree with what you said about humans and ghosts. Most cemetaries are safe as long as people are being respectful. I do think people who go "ghost hunting" in graveyards are asking for trouble and often find it.

And I'm so glad I wasn't the only child worried about getting my leg grabbed!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-04)
Narella - when I was little, I was always afraid of cemeteries. I think it is ingrained in us, except for the fortunate few I've come across like WishfulNull, that cemeteries are scary places. I was always afraid someone or something was going to reach up out of their grave and grab my leg as I walked by. Stupid, huh? 😉 But as I've gotten older, not necessarily wiser though LOL, I've certainly realized that the ones who are no longer breathing are far less harmful to us than those who are. I'll take my chances with a ghost over most humans any day 😆

And I don't know if it's a mom thing or not. I've also heard it from people who don't have kids. But regardless, I stand by it.

I feel I should clarify something here before someone gets their feathers all ruffled. I realize not all ghosts are harmless and all humans aren't out to do harm to others 😉
Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-04)
Miracles: My mother enjoyed walking through a local cemetary when I was a child. It was peaceful and beautiful, but I wouldn't go in with her because it was a cemetary. She told me the exact same thing you told your daughter. Must be a mom thing. 😁
Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-04)
WishfulNull: Your account makes me sad. For whatever reason, some souls linger in graveyards. I'll never understand how anyone can be so disrespectful of someone's "home". The Easter egg hunts there sound lovely. I'm sure they were enjoyed by any inhabitants of the cemetary.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-04)
Wow, this is one interesting experience. Thanks Wishful, if you hadn't commented (and the comment was just as fascinating as the story itself 😊) I would never have gotten to read this. It's always tragic when a cemetery gets moved, especially if it's done without respect. Sad about the church as well. Old churches just have a certain charm. It's a shame this one was torn down.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-04)
Wishful and Val - I "fixed" the karma point the best I could. At least it's not showing a negative anymore LOL
WishfulNull (151 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-04)
Thank you both ❤ Yes, I was amazed to find I was so personally "connected" to someone else's post! At first I was like... Could he be talking about...nah, it couldn't be!

Val - I meant to 1+ you, but my ipad had other ideas 😢 Doh!

I was away from the site for a few months... Glad to be back and see familiar faces! 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-04)
WishfulNull - thank you for giving us the background on this story. And I'm sorry your family, among the others, were disgraced in this way. I truly hope they are at peace 😊 ❤

And by the way, there is absolutely nothing strange, to me at least, about an Easter Egg Hunt in a cemetery 😆 I told my daughter once that we have more to fear from the living than we do the dead.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-04)
Ok, so the story is 5 years old, but how utterly cool you could make such a comment!
WishfulNull (151 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-04)
I know this post is from 5 years ago, however I just had to comment. The cemetery belonged to the church my family attended when I was a child. It was called Montgomery square united Methodist church and since that plot of land was sold, the church has since moved to a new location. The old church and cemetery was originally from the early 1860's. The church was historic, and very tiny by today's standards - the old part was just an entryway and then the sanctuary itself, but had beautiful stained glass windows, and you could tell it was well-kept up, both the interior & grounds always kept trim & neat. I remember visitors stopping in occasionally, just to see the sanctuary. It was not gaudy at all, just painted white other than the windows, but the age and architectural details were awesome. The 190 or so graves were excavated and clumsily re-interred practically one on top of another, in a different cemetery. My grandfather was among the graves, and my grandmother never forgave the church for the disgrace she felt they had done to her husband. She passed away in her 90's a few years ago. The Burger King the op mentioned was still there when the graveyard was... When we got out of church around 11am, the smell of cooking food made your stomach rumble. At that time the cemetary was a peaceful friendly place - I remember at Easter they would hide the eggs in the cemetery for all the kids to hunt for. That's probably weird to a lot of people, but the place was full of sunshine & smelled of honeysuckle (and sometimes french fries). I like to think the "residents" of the cemetery enjoyed the children - laughing, energetic visitors. That was before construction crews tore up all those beautiful old graves, destroyed the little white church with the beautiful windows, and now the beloved graveyard with the historical graves is a parking lot, with a TD Bank in the center if it. I do not think there would be any spirits from the cemetery visiting the hotel, which is on the other side of the Burger King, but I certainly would not want to work in that bank... Especially with how the poor graves ended up - a distance away, crammed together in one long line so that the names on the graves can no longer be matched to the coffins beneath. Graves both old and new, of the families who had faithfully gone to that same church for 140+ years. The whole thing is just a tragedy.

Thanks for reading... Sorry about the long comment! I promise to not depress everyone next time 😉
BriFischer05 (14 stories) (169 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-17)
I would say the hotel is no older than 12 years. As I said before, nobody had ever mentioned any type of traumatic event occuring at the place.
Kecoughtan (1 stories) (211 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-15)
Thanks for sharing your experience with us, BriFischer05. I definately remember reading your story about Norfolk and I wasn't disappointed this time either! If the activity is limited to the thirde floor, the man was leaning from the doorway, and 911 calls are being placed from the same floor, I am inclined to think that the activity is familiar with that space and unlikely to be assoicated with earlier occupations like the cemetery. It also seems that if calls are placed to 911 that someone is either in need of assistance or desires attention--but who? How old is the hotel? Do you know when it was constructed? As Whitebuffalo and I have discussed, I am less included to attribute activity to a cemetery. Based on my personal experience (and I've spent a lot of time in cemeteries), I have seen more inexplicable things in hotels than cemeteries and burial grounds. Sadly, as an archaeologist I know firsthand that cemetery "removals" by undertakers almost always leave folks (or parts of them) behind--not only unmarked graves, but also the disarticulated bones that fall from crumbling coffins.
Nevadaghosthunter (1 stories) (20 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-13)
Thank you for the wonderful words. Not many people out there acknowledge how short and precious life is.
Blessings to you and yours,

BriFischer05 (14 stories) (169 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-13)
There were no deaths or traumatic events at that hotel to my knowledge. The property was fairly new. I have worked at two other hotels where people have died in a room... I actually discovered a body once. It was very sad. It was a hotel that was owned by Wake Forest University Baptist Hospital. We would give discounted rates to patients and their relatives <--prob the most rewarding job I have had, being able to do everything I could to make them all comfortable and at ease with things. But this poor man was homeless but was receiving radiation at the hospital - they put him up through charity. He had passed on a Friday - My housekeeper and I discovered him on Monday. What a lonely way to go. Physical life is short - live it happily and live it well. Thanks for all the comments!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-13)
"Not very exciting?" That is very objective BriFisher! I wasn't alerted by the apparition haunting the 3rd floor but you gave me chills with the 911 call alerts made from that floor!

Besides the history about the cemetery being there in the past, have you ever learnt about any incidents concerning that particular floor? This might be related to a past guest.

Thanks, I trully enjoyed reading your story!
ghostseer (41 stories) (408 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-12)
It wasn't boring at all, and I am glad you saw a new side of the coin with this experience. Seeing an ethereal being is always an eye opener. We learn a little more each day. Blessings, Ghostseer
dreamergal72 (6 stories) (793 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-12)
I hear graveyard some always move or ditching that not right cause if family belong and it not surpose to move or ditch it make the spirts/ghosts upset. That what I hear it about it.
BriFischer05 (14 stories) (169 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-12)
sometimes while working late I would hear odd things in the lobby or in the back laundry room that I could not immediately explain. A hotel is a big place with at times a lot of people and certainly a lot of plumbing / electrical etc so I didn't pay much attention to what I could not physically see. I never felt threatened - neither did my staff. Bucks County, PA is a very 'active' location in itself so who knows for sure.
courtneyOMGG (12 stories) (179 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-12)
This story is really cool!
Did you see anything else, apart from that man?
It's interesting that the other workers had seen things as well.
My guess would be that it would be because of the graveyard being moved, some of them not realizing it was moved, maybe wanting to explore the new place that's there instead of the graveyard?

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