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Never Met Him But Had Some Sort Of Bond 2


Shortly after my friend Joey passed away, my youngest son started acting a little strange. He kept pointing up to my ceiling, and since he wasn't talking yet, it made it hard to understand what he was trying to say.

I decided to try something, and asked him "where's Joey?" He pointed to the ceiling. I'm not sure if he could "see", or "feel" a presence, but he had something...

Well, late one evening, my husband was at work, my other children were in the living room watching TV, and I had my youngest son on my lap while I checked out my emails. He soon fell asleep on my lap, and I got up to walk the 50 yards to his bedroom to lay him in his bed. I just laid him down, when all of a sudden, I smelled cologne. Men's cologne. I thought it was odd, seeing's that I was the only one in the room, and no one in my household wears any. I wasn't scared or anything but I started to think it was Joey, but I wasn't sure.

I emailed his mother and asked her if he ever wore cologne. She said yes, he wore a lot of it. I didn't know how to tell her that he was in my home, and that I thought my could son "see" him, so I just came out and told her. She said she thought that maybe he has some sort of bond with my son.

To this day, my son will still point to the ceiling when asked "where's Joey?", and I've haven't smelt the cologne again since that one night.

Do you all think my son has some sort of gift, and why would Joey come to my house if we had never met?

All comments are appreciative, and welcomed.

Thank you.

R.I.P. Joey. You are truly missed by many.

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snowflake (5 stories) (61 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-04)
Sorry for late response. My baby had an ear infection, and wasn't feeling up to eating, let alone looking at pics,lol.
Anyways,Raingrl01, I did what you suggested. I had a pic of my oldest child, and cousin (together), a pic of Joey, a pic of my an old friend I haven't seen in 2 years, a pic of my mother in law's ex bofriend, before he died 3 years ago, and a pic of my ex step-daughter, whom I haven't seen in 3 years. (my son has never gotten the chance to meet his "grand dad" because we lived in Orlando, and he in P.A.) I asked him where his brother, he points to correct pic. I asked him where's "Tina", he pointed to correct pic. I asked him, where's "grandpa", he point to correct pic. I asked him, where's Joey, he just looks at the computer screen. He has no idea who Joey is, but how does he know his grandpa, when he's never met the man?! Maybe that's who he's seeing, not Joey after all. (noone had told my baby who's his grandpa or anything like that, to give him an ounce of a clue)
raingrl01 (5 stories) (151 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-30)
Great! Absolutely let us know! I'm very interested to know what he says! Lots of luck! ❤
snowflake (5 stories) (61 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-30)
Hey! That's a great idea! Lol. I'll try that, and let you know the results...
raingrl01 (5 stories) (151 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-30)
Have you tried laying out a variety of pictures (people your son doesn't know, including Joey's picture) and ask him if he has ever seen any of them or if they look familiar? Try that and let us know. ❤
snowflake (5 stories) (61 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-29)
Darren, thank you for your comment 😁.
Whitebuffalo, I know you never said my son doesn't have "the gift",lol. I meant that I'm not advertising him as having one, that's all. I came to this site for some answers to my experiences. I know paranormal investigators are probably not on this site, but someone else's input is all I need. I don't have a problem with ghost or anything like that. (at least not as of now) I just need help understanding things I'm going through, and so far, I must admit, all the readers are helping me out. I also agree with you on your last comment. 😁 😁
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2009-03-29)
Oh, PLEASE do not think that I am telling you that your son does not have the gift. I personally think that all children are born with the ability to see and converse with those still on the Other Side as they are still so close to their time SPENT there.
That is why I feel that it is so important that we, as parental figures, are gentle guides, allowing them to FIND where it is that they fit in the whole scheme of things, while offering as much support as we can to their cause. It DOES get tricky as it can be difficult to ascertain if they are using their God given imaginations, or if they are experiencing something that we are not.
That is what brought me HERE to begin with. A search for something that I was just not getting at the time.
Only time will tell if he has retained his talent, or if the gift was given in exchange for something else that just happened to take precedence over it. Just be patient and wait. It will be shown to you in time.
Thank you.
Darren (1 stories) (17 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-29)
I have a little girl who also points to the sky when you say "Where are the angels?" She is far to young to know what angels are, or IS SHE?...lol

Seems children are "in tune" with events or unexplainable phenomena that most adults aren't.

Keep your eye on the sparrow.
snowflake (5 stories) (61 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-29)
Whitebuffalo, thank you for your input. And you're right... At least that's what I think too,lol. I know children, and animals can sense spirits/ghost etc. I don't go posting "hey my son can see ghost/spirits". I do ask if he has that special gift, but don't go around claiming he does... I know you don't know everything, and you post your ideas. As with everyone else I'm sure. I really do appreciate everyone's input/ideas...
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2009-03-29)
That is what I THINK. I do not KNOW, but it is the gist of my thoughts. I have "been there" so to speak. We do not intentionally teach our children (or anyone else's for that matter) incorrect information, but we tend to forget that they are not yet working on the same brain wave frequency that WE are at this point in our lives.
No harm, no foul. We just have to put ourselves in THEIR reality in order to know exactly where they are. Sometimes THAT is the biggest challenge for parental figures.
Thank you.
snowflake (5 stories) (61 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-29)
Thank you Whitebuffalo. Ok, yes, I guess I haven't let him go since I'm asking my 3 year old where Joey is,lol. I never thought of it that way... I don't have him on my mind everyday, all day long. I haven't been on that website (the one we met on) in awhile. I don't go on there a lot like I use to before he died. I guess when he died, a little part of me has died too, I don't know... When you said your daughter's cousin points to ceiling when asked where's grandma, I did that to my son again. But this time we were at a restaurant eating dinner... (yes, he pointed to ceiling) So I assume he's starting to understand where heaven is maybe? Thank you whitebuffalo. I really love hearing from you 😁
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2009-03-28)
If you never really grieved, as some do, perhaps you need to. I never doubted that you shared an Internet FRIENDSHIP with this man. You SAID he was a friend, I took you at your word.
By "calling back" I meant simply in not letting go. There are several ways people call others back. One of them is the total breakdown grieving "admitting" that they can not live WITHOUT the other person (the one who has passed). Another way is to continually, or frequently, "call" them by saying something like "Sam, are you still here?" OR pulling someone ELSE into the equation by asking THEM if THEY see/feel/sense the life impaired persons presence. But in the latter case, "you" (used generically) are basically asking the second person to "call back" the life impaired individual, instead of doing it "yourself" (again, used generically).
I asked about your son (if this was the same one as was on the road trip) for the elemental reason of discovering what it was that he MAY have heard you and your cousin discussing ABOUT Joey. As he is not one in the same, that knocks out one theory. Which is good. That is what NEEDS to be done.
I DO think you need to let him go. I DO think that there is some "string", or tie there that is not yet resolved. If that is totally untrue... Ask yourself this. WHY is it that you felt compelled to write not one, but TWO stories pertaining to Joey and events that happened AFTER his death.
As for your three year olds abilities...
Allow me to share with you a story. My sixteen year old (she is an audio-voyant) "trained" her three year old cousin to recognise a place in her room as "Heaven" upon the passing of her Grandmother (who just happened to be more of a Mother than her Birth Mother). This was inadvertently done, but it was done nonetheless. Whenever the song "Holes in the Floor of Heaven" came on, Essie would ask her cousin if she knew were Grammy was. Her cousin would nod and say yes, while pointing upward. After repeating this a few times, ANYWHERE that she was asked, she pointed up.
Just thoughts.
Thank you.
snowflake (5 stories) (61 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-28)
Surya, when I ask my son where is grandpa, etc., he looks confused. My son has never met my grandma (she died in '89) but I figured she passed away, maybe he can still "see" her. But he doesn't, he just knows where Joey's at, and he always points to the ceiling, in different locations of the house. Not the same spot. So I assume he's probably pointing to heaven. Although I think I have orbs in my home. (I have pictures of some white circle in 3 spots in my home) Maybe one's Joey?...
Whitebuffalo, thank you for your comment. I thought about how to ask his mama, but I just had to know. She's totally understanding of my asking. And the son I took with me was my 12 year old. I'm now referring to my 3 year old with the "gift". I don't call Joey "back", and don't understand what you meant by that... I live life like I used to before he passed. I think the cologne thing was one last visit, and to say goodbye to me. Although I never said goodbye to him. I cried when I heard of his death, but I'm not grieving in the way people would. I never met him, or hung out with him, or called him up... His mother, and sister are the ones who are torn up more than I am. If I go to his profile page, I'll cry. (his song is Only God Knows Why by Kid Rock) And yes, I agree when you said you form a bond with people over the internet. Please keep in mind, the bond I had with Joey wasn't an "in love with him" bond. It was purely friendship.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2009-03-28)
Have you tried "testing" your son? Not by taking him in TO BE lab tested, or anything, just doing a bit of Mama research.
THAT may also help ease YOUR mind.
Some children are just intuitive, and he may be FEELING what YOU are feeling. Some children like high corners and IMAGINE that there is something in their depths. Some children just like saying two syllable names when learning how to speak. Uncle Ray may become Ray-Ray and so forth.
BEFORE choosing which option to believe as truth, I WOULD illuminate the options to get a clearer picture. And it will help matters out, once YOU have fully healed from this situation.
Thank you.
avenged90 (2 stories) (11 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-27)
It is surely awkward that you smelled the cologne and that your son can "see" Joey. Maybe the reason he came to your house instead of his mother's is because he doesn't have enough energy to appear in her residence. I think he's using your child as a source of strong energy to let you know that he is going on to a better place and he appreciates the time you had together.
woodfairy1075 (6 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-26)
children are very sensitive to spirits, but like surya said just because he stares at the ceiling doesn't mean its joey. Now cologne is a very strong presence, could be some one else, have you had any other spirits in your home? I hope though that your friend is trying to communicate sounds like you miss him. Blessed be.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-26)
Very nicely said Autumn, could not have said it better myself. I still have my doubts though that it was Joey, sorry.
whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2009-03-26)
I have read both of your stories pertaining to Joey, and Snowflake, I have GOT to say: Let him go.
Do you KNOW what happens when we keep "calling" back our loved ones (who have passed) BEFORE they get the chance to make it to the Other Side?
Neither do I. But I sure would not like to chance the thought that one of MY friends was stuck here on this angry, malicious, disease ridden earth when they could be safely on the glorious Other Side, just because I could not let them go.
My life partner used to tease me unmercifully saying "How can you call them friends, you have never 'met' them..." You form a BOND (just as in the title of your stories) that travels across the miles. It happens. He has since discovered that a few of my Internet friends would stand up for me and fight more viciously than some of my "city friends" who live just a few miles away. There is no explaining that. It just happens.
Who is to say if your son has the gift or not? It is a bit premature to make a diagnosis at this point in time. Just by what you have written, I would have to say that he really is not showing any of the "obvious" signs, and merely acting his age.
By the by, is this the SAME son that you took on the trip to the funeral that you missed? I ask as, just because YOU saw what you feel was Joey leaning up against a tree stoking on a cig does not mean that your son witnessed that too.
I really...
I feel for the Mama that you keep going to and asking questions. Man, if this was MY son that I just lost and someone that met him on the Internet and had NO OTHER LINK TO was calling periodically to ask personal questions about him, that would rip open my Mothers heart just a bit more. Each and every time.
It has only been six months. Let HER heal, and heal YOURSELF.
Speaking as a parent of a child about the same age as your son... If it happens, it happens, if not, do not push it. It is a rough life for a young one to grow up with the gift. Peers are not as gentle and understanding as a Mama.
Thank you.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-26)
If you had said where's grandpa or grandma, he probably would have pointed to the same spot.

As for someone who does not know to much about him, you seem very clung on to him.
snowflake (5 stories) (61 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-26)
Surya, Joey never told me he smoked or wore cologne. My son was 3 years old at the time of Joey's passing. (he's speech delayed due to a birth defect) I'll ask my son where's his grandpa, my grandma, and others whom have passed, and he doesn't know. He just knows where's Joey...I've never told my son about Joey. My son, and Joey never met. Joey, and I never met. Joey, in no way had any contact with my family before he passed, and when we spoke over the internet, it was always a hey what's up, how's your mom, little things like that. I knew he lived with his mom, and he had a sister who had kids. That's was all. In other words, I didn't know too much about him...
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-26)
Your son pointing at the ceiling does not necessarily mean it is Joey. You say your son is barely speaking yet. Your son does not know what he is pointing at, it is like giving a child a toy car, he does not know it is called a car until you start saying "Car", so the next time you say "car" the child will point to the car. No!

As for Joey, well maybe it is you who wants to believe he is there with you. I bet somewhere in the emails he mentioned he wore cologne and smoked.

Whether your little one has a gift or not, well time will tell.

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