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Real Ghost Stories

Terror On The Fort


India is a country having numerous forts. Many of them have been in existence since time immemorial & have played a very important role in shaping the history of the country. The state of Maharasthra in India is house to many such forts. Many of these are located in the Sahyadri Mountain ranges and are a trekker's paradise especially during the monsoon and winter seasons. Since these forts have been the scene of large scale death, destruction and carnage during battles between warring factions for supremacy, some of these forts also have a reputation of being haunted.

This incident happened in the early nineties when I was in college. It was December and exams were just over. We had a couple of weeks to go before start of the new term. Four of us namely I, Paru, Nikhil & Kannu decided to go for an overnight trek to one of the old deserted forts to unwind, relax and enjoy nature in general. We had heard some stories of the fort being haunted but nevertheless decided to carry on just for the experience.

This fort is situated around 150 Kms from Mumbai and is around 1400 meters above sea level. It is a six hour trek to the fort. We started at around 7 a.m in the morning & were fully geared up to spend the night on the fort. Nikhil had brought a gas stove and other food items required for cooking. We had even planned a barbeque later that night.

The weather was very pleasant and the cool breeze really refreshed us and made the trek less tiring. We reached the gates of the fort at around 1.00pm in the afternoon. There were a couple of other trekkers like us on the fort. They were very friendly and we soon began chatting. They told us that they had trekked to the fort a couple of times before but always left before sundown. When we told them of our plans to stay there overnight, they looked concerned and told us about reports of spirits and hauntings which were reported earlier. When they found that we were determined to spend the night there, one of them insisted that we stay in the temple located at the entrance of the fort which was considered safe by locals.

The scenery from the fort was breathtaking and Paru along with Nikhil had a great time photographing nature at its best. After a great lunch we rested for sometime and began looking around. The fort was huge with a lot of items of historical significance. We also located a pond which would fulfill our requirements for water required for drinking and cooking.

It was 6.00pm and the sun had nearly set. Our trekker friends had left an hour back wishing us best of luck. We had already kept our stuff near the temple where we could cook & spend the night after dinner.

My friends suddenly had this crazy idea of going to the pond and enjoying a nice swim. Though I am a good swimmer, I was apprehensive since it was getting dark & the waters were unknown. The element of risk involved prevented me from joining them and I sat outside enviously watching them splashing around. This is when something strange happened.

Kannu felt something grasp his leg and pull him into the water. He immediately shrugged himself free and looked a bit shaken. Though concerned, we tried to convince him that his foot might have got entangled in the weeds in the water. I asked everyone to come out immediately so that we could head back and start preparations for dinner.

While walking towards our camp Kannu told us that he was suddenly feeling very cold & started shivering. By the time we reached the temple, his teeth were chattering and he had developed high fever. All of us were surprised to see this since Kannu is a robust guy who seldom falls ill. We quickly prepared a bed for him inside the temple, covered him with a blanket to keep him warm and gave him some medicine. Kannu was delirious for some time talking gibberish but soon fell asleep.

We then started preparations for our dinner. The plans for a barbeque were cancelled and we decided to have a simple dinner consisting of rice and lentils and hit the sack.

By around 10. 00 pm we finished our dinner which tasted so good since we were all really famished after our long hard day.

The three of us sat down chatting by the temple and the topic soon drifted to the hauntings which were reported earlier. Nikhil is a complete non believer in ghosts & the paranormal and scoffed at the reports. He also told us that he could go to the pond right away, enjoy a smoke and spend half an hour there without any fear. Despite my pleas he left us promising to return in exactly half an hour. Paru and I were concerned about the whole thing but couldn't help it. We started chatting about the breathtaking scenery from the fort and forgot about Nikhil. Time passed quickly & when I glanced at my watch, it was 11. 45 pm. It was around an hour since Nikhil had left and we hadn't heard from him. Irritated at his irresponsible behaviour and being concerned about his wellbeing at the same time we immediately set about to find him.

As we neared the pond we saw Nikhil lying near the water. From a distance it looked as if he had dozed off. When we came near, I glanced at his face. Believe me, what I saw next still sends a shiver down my spine. He was lying on his back with his eyes wide open as if in a trance, staring straight at the sky. Fearing the worst we shook him vigorously to try and get him out of his stupor. Fortunately for us he woke up and seemed fine. He started sweating profusely & told us what exactly had happened.

After leaving the temple, he came to the pond and was enjoying his smoke. He suddenly got the feeling that he wasn't alone. He saw something move in the bushes. He brushed aside his fear saying to himself that it might be a stray dog who had made the fort his home. It also came to his mind that Paru and I might be playing a prank on him. He ignored the movement and continued smoking. He suddenly felt an icy cold hand on his neck. He swung back instantly and saw that it was a woman dressed in a red saree, horribly disfigured, unkempt hair swaying across her face & a creepy smile on her face looking straight at him. He had no recollection of what happened later until the time we woke him. There was an outline of three fingers clearly visible on Nikhil's neck where the cold hand touched him.

Without wasting any more time we ran to the temple. We were relieved to see Kannu sleeping soundly. My watch showed the time as 12. 30 am i.e half an hour past midnight. We entered the temple and closed the door securely from inside. All of us were visibly disturbed after what had happened. Out of sheer exhaustion, we were about to fall off to sleep when we suddenly heard a knock on the door. We did not have the courage to open the door but the knocking still persisted, slowly at first & becoming more and more vigorous later on. Someone was banging the doors and windows of the temple. We heard a woman's voice abusing us & daring us to come outside.

Nikhil slowly opened the window in an attempt to see who it was. There was no one to be seen but we could clearly hear the woman's voice abusing us. After around 20 minutes the banging stopped.

Just when we felt that the worst was over, it started all over again. This time the banging & abuses continued with increased intensity for around forty five minutes before it finally ceased.

All of us had become nervous wrecks. It seemed that the only thing which was preventing the evil entity outside from coming in was the presence of the deity inside the temple.

None of us could sleep. All of us sat around the deity and prayed hard in such a way that we had never done before. Getting out of the fort safely was the only thing going through our minds at that time.

Then at around 6.00 am in the morning there was a knock on the door. This time it was a man's voice asking us to open the door. Gradually mustering up courage, I opened the window and was relieved to find that it was the temple priest who had come there as usual to perform his religious duties. He was surprised to find us there since no one generally stayed in the fort after sundown. We related our account to him and he confirmed that a few others too had similar experiences during their stay. He told us that he had been coming to the fort since he was a child but personally did not experience anything weird inside the fort.

Since the start of our ordeal, Kannu was the only one person who was sleeping comfortably inside the temple and did not wake up even once. In fact when we woke him in the morning he was feeling fit and fine unlike the previous day. He had absolutely no recollection of our ordeal inside the temple.

We quickly packed our stuff and immediately started back. Nikhil was lucky to have escaped unhurt. This incident left a deep mark on him & completely changed his perspective of looking at paranormal occurrences. He recovered soon and the marks on his neck vanished within a week.

Kannu still doesn't remember anything from the time we came out of the pond until next day morning. Paru & I still meet up occasionally and sometimes discuss as to what might have happened if we had opened the door of the temple that night.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sanjubhat, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

KaviB (1 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-25)
This is really scary. I love all of your stories. You write really well. I wonder who was that old lady...
abhishekmhaske (3 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-31)
Dear BadJuuJuu,

I think you got tempered. When I wrote my comment that was the 1st time I visited this site.

And I don't think sharing a same experience on a different page make sense.

Anyways I have not shared my expirience to get comments, otherwise I could have posted a new story.
Its just that we also have got similar kind of expierence on fort.

Mr. Sanju Bhats narration is always been very good, there is no doubt about it. And I don't have any intensions to take readers attensions away.

And also, I don't want to make this discussion as 'Attension seeker'. I hope you also feel the same.


TinAA (1 stories) (84 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-16)
Very interesting and well narrated story. I kept on picturising the things as per your narration. Read this story for many times but yet find it creepy. Thanks for sharing.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-12)
BJJ speaks of wisdom and we are all to bow down in awe of her and her holiness 😆 😳 ❤
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-12-12)
Or perhaps I should say, on a recent story it's considered rude. On a story this old, it's just pointless. The only feedback you're likely to get is this. If you're wanting feedback, you should consider submitting your experience as your own story when the submission page is up.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-12-12)
Because its rude to take attention away from someone else's experience by putting your story on their page.
abhishekmhaske (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-12)
Dear Badjuju,

Whats the point in writing a same story again?
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-15)
This website has come to my knowledge through my elder brother and the first story which I had read in it was of sanjubhat's 'The Nataraja Idol'. Since then he had become my most favorite authors. I always thirstily looking for his mouthwatering stories.
But I don't know why his appearance had just vanished since 5 January 2011.

sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-15)
Very neat and interesting story, Most of the forts are haunted. One of my friend also experience ghostly stuff in saman garh fort... While trekking.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-14)
Abh, please submit your experiences as a separate story instead of on a comment on someone else's story.
abhishekmhaske (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-14)
Hi Sanjay,

This is the first time I have read your story and the narration is really vaery good. The reason I read 'Your' story is, I googled 'Torna fort ghost' and very first result was your story.

One more reason to search specifically 'Torna fort ghost' is, even we had experienced the similar thing while our trekk to torna. Now me and my some other friends are planning to trekk Torna again.

We (me and my 3 friends- Abhijeet Desai, Siddhesh Dhanipkar and Nachiket Joshi) had been there around 7 years ago.
What exactly happened in our case is...
Before leaving to trekk we already had an idea about these paranomial/unusual things. But then also we decided to proceed with the plan because we all had one belief that we are being Shiv-Bhaktas nothing will happen to us.
We started our travel from Thane by train to pune then Pune to the base of fort by bus (S.T.).
We reached at the base around 11 AM. Then before starting to climb the fort, we decided to get an idea about the ghost thing from the local villager and shopkeepers resided at the base.

We asked- 'Is there anything unusual on the fort? Spiritual powers? Any danger?', but no one was ready to answer openly. Most of them told us the similar thing that 'Don't roam outside the temple when its dark/ Dont get out side the temple post sun set/ wherever you roam, be toghether, don't split etc. Etc. But no one was ready to tell 'Why?'

We reached at top in the evening around 6pm. And it was a wonderful climate.

Then we had a 'barbequed Khichadi'.

We filled our bottle at the water pounds located at around 20-40 mtrs away and front of the temple.

There are 2 water tanks, the usage has been divided into 2 categories. One is for drinking and another is for bathing and washing etc.
But none of them is big enough for swimming. Rather you can't even stand properly in it.

If you are talking about any other water resource then I don't know, these are the only resources available nearbly temple.

We did not experienced the 'lady in red saree' thing. But YES... WE HAD EXPERIENCED THE DOOR KNOCKING. Exactly same as you are saying. It started by a soft knocking then it got harder and harder.
It was for around 15 minutes and then it got stopped.

This was the only thing which we had exiperienced.

But whatever you are saying can also be true because various trekk groups in my contact had differet-different expiriences like-
1. Visualisation of 2 Mavale (soldiers of Shivaji Maharaj) running and climbing the fort very fast carrying heavy bags on their back.
2. Swarajyachya philya killyache pahile Rakhavaldar (Very 1st security head of the very 1st Fort of Independence) named 'Devrekar'.
Many people have this tall Rakhawaldar Devrekar on fort whos costume is White Feta and white Dhotar having White beared and mustach.
3. One of my friend has experienced one thing at Torna. When he went to the water tank to fill his bottles. While filling the bottles, one guy tapped on his shoulder asking for water. My friend turned to give water with a bottle in hand and shocked by looking at that person.
What he saw was- the man asking for water to my friend was nobody but my friend only.
My friend got shocked looking himself in front of him and drinking a bottle of water taken from him.

These are some more experiences in my knowledge people have had on the very famous fort named 'Torna'.
chinmay_lp (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-08)
From all the stories I have read on this site from last month this one is the best. It's really scary. It's 2 am now. And I read this story in complete darkness... I am so freaked out that I checked for few times if someone is behind my bed...Hehe...but really, the story writing is really good... Actually you should write a horror book with such good narration. And one more thing... I know it's not allowed here... But can you tell me which fort it was... As I live in Mumbai... And I have heard such stories from other forts. I am bit curious... No need to post the place here... But can you send me a email on chinmay_lp [at]
Hitman (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-08)
You are a very good writer. You should write books. Everybody likes your stories
chuniyana (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-27)
great story sanjay, I have read many of yours stories but it was too good
dpk91 (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-04-11)
helo sanju
1 thing I must say that your stories are realy realy scary... Whenever I hit the page stories from india I jus go through for find out title by sanju bhatt... Great work dude... 😊
sanjeevgeorge (guest)
13 years ago (2012-03-20)
But your stories are definitely interesting and scary, I'll admit
sanjeevgeorge (guest)
13 years ago (2012-03-20)
Sanjubhat in many of your stories, people start feeling ICY COLD and SHIVERING 😁
adsouza (guest)
13 years ago (2012-02-15)
Hi Sanjubhat,

Went through all your stories. I have a few questions about this story and hopefully you will be gracious enough to shed some light on them:
1. You said the place is Torna (I assume it is the same as Prachandagad, please correct me if otherwise). Which path did you trek through? What was the base village?
2. Where is the water cistern? All I know of is a little water hut to provide drinking water. And no one can even bathe in it, let alone swim.
3. What season was it when you trekked here?
maheshdwaghmare (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-10)
Similar thing we have experienced on Torna, last week. We were 4 friends go for trekking on Torna and stayed on fort. We have experienced similar things like knocking on door, weird sound of dogs,wind,grass...In midnight big rat fall in between me and my friend amar... It was horror exp

But In the morning when we tried to check what happened last night, we got reason for every sound... Knock on door because of wind and door locks... Dog was barking because of cold outside... And many more...

But we have experienced a great night in the end...
We all 4 not able to sleep whole night... And waiting for 6 in click for while night...

I don't know or may be I m not sure what was there... But whatever it is permanently remain in out memories throughout life time
AVR (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-11)
Hey sanju... I have been into this site for the last couple of weeks. Just now signed up. I have read almost all of your stories. I don't know if your stories are true or not. I haven't experienced anything ghostly in my life. But one thing I like the most is your way of presentation. Your presentation style is awesome.

A frdly suggestion bro... Try writing stories... Hard copy,ie. You are gud. Don't take it in a -ve sense. M telling you this very frankly.

ashdevyani (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-10)
If what you say is really true then it was scary dude. But tell me that fort where you were staying I think maybe my friends and I will explore it a bit in the night out of the temple you talked about.
Thanks for the story,
anaaghaa (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-27)
hi sanjubhat I and some of my friends want are in the prowl for such haunted places and yours seems to just our cup of tea! Please give me more details of the place that you refer to in your experience as it would be of great help to us.
scarwarsnow (11 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-08)
Ronniebhai...i hope you are saying the truth Jai Shivaji Jai Bhavani
ronniebhai (1 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-30)
I almost believed the story until you said it was Torna! I mean come on, there is not one single place on Torna where one can swim! I would love to know which particular place were you swimming? Near budhla machi or near the mengai mata mandir wala water cistern? Which one?
I have been trekking and climbing for the last 14 years, and have been to Torna like hundreds of times, many times on my own, and have even trekked up there at 2 in the night all alone, but never ever have I experienced anything on Torna.
I am so sure this is a fairytale story! You got caught because of the swimming stuff! Lol
debasish (5 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-12)
well written...thanks. I really don't know why some people think that they are too smart to confront anything at any cost. I also know that all atheists are not rationalistic... They tender their views as hallucination or mass hallucination to any paranormal happenings one encounters. I feel sorry for them.
nightangel (1 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-23)
Great story, but I have to say I know the fort you mentioned and have never ever heard about anything like this happening.

If there was indeed a spirit haunting the place, the superstitious locals would have a lot to say about this, believe me, I interact with them a lot and know the places where the real hauntings take place even today. A million hikers have spent a million nights on that fort you wrote about, Torna, and never once was anything ever reported except maybe a merry drunk or two.

But your story is indeed well written, I have read most of your stories and while they read like a script for a movie, the movie if made would be a hit for sure.
Liked it.
Nightangel. ❤
Cherry (15 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-16)
Hi! Sanjay,
I too lived in Lonavala at trhe naval base called INS Shivaji a long time ago. The place doesn't have that charm any more but tell me something - Why do you guys have to go to such places when you know it can be dangerous and might backfire on you?
VivekThekote (1 stories) (105 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-02)
Hi Sanjubhat,

Your name reminds me of famous actor Sanjay Dutt. Thanks for the story it was very scary & chilling.

Sanju I think so that your friend Nikhil has saw a women who was a bride as she was in a red saree & may be she have met some unfortunate incidents during her marriage like war which was more common on those days in Medieval India.

God is above all he has helped you & your friends. If in case you have dared to open the door she would have not harmed you because you were in temple that time she would have just tried you to scare you & nothing else.
God Bless You Your Family & Friends. Take Care.
Ashwin (1 stories) (6 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-02)
Hello Sanjubhat,

Great story and I really liked your way of writing and expressing your feelings. Great job and I am looking forward for more posts from you.
sanjubhat (16 stories) (23 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-29)
Hi Jennifer/Fixbrainster/Shaishav24... Thank you very much for your comments
.Really appreciate it.

The fort which I have written about is Torna. We tried to ask a couple of locals about the lady on our way back. No one could provide us with any conclusive answers about her. I think that she is a resless spirit who might have died a violent death long ago during one of the wars. Her soul is yet to find peace.
Nikhil recovered soon but he was plagued with nightmares for many months.

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