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Incubus Story


This is very uncomfortable, but I want some answers.

It all started about Thanksgiving break 2009. I already knew there was something in the house and when I tried to tell my mother she just said it was my imagination. I would feel it around me watching me and sometimes hear it at night when alone in my bed.

I don't remember what day of Thanksgiving break it was but I went to my friend Kandee's house and we went out to eat with her mom at Chilis. We started talking about ghost and the paranormal; you know that kind of stuff. Her mom used to be real into it like me and Kandee are. She was telling us how dangerous it was, but at the same time how fun. This got me and Kandee really excited. The three of us planned to hold a séance. Well the day we were going to do it I got grounded so I couldn't go so they didn't do it because I wasn't there. I was kind of thinking maybe this was a sign not to do it. So we never planned another.

After we left the restaurant me and Kandee went in her room we made a Ouija board. We started talking to what we thought was a kind spirit after all that's what we asked for. He said his name was Devine. And he was giving me a lot of attention way more then I wanted. He kept complementing me and saying how beautiful I was. We both thought it was weird, but we just kept asking question. He said he wanted to protect me and love me.

When I got home it was like his presence had grown stronger. I think it was maybe a couple days later that I was lying on my bed it was between 10 and 11 at night. I felt something touching my leg. Then it opened my legs and then I felt its you know thing enter my thing (private parts). It lasted 5 - 10 minutes maybe at most. It felt so good so I did nothing.

Over Christmas break Kandee and I brought out the board again. I didn't tell her what happened it was too embarrassing. Too bad I didn't know the truth could not be hidden no matter how hard I tried. I asked him on it if he was an incubus and he said yes. Unlike me Kandee doesn't study this kind of stuff like I do. I read all I can about it I don't know I guess you could just call it curiosity. She kept asking me what it was and finally I told her. Then she asked if he did anything to me and I wouldn't answer, so she asked him and he said yes. We kept talking to him like it was a joke the seriousness never really applied to us.

Then a couple days later it was late maybe 11 at night. I felt him, he was stronger even more so. I was laying in bed when he came to me. It lasted for 2 hours long that time. All I did was switch positions. It was the best feeling ever. I didn't stop it even though I could have. Then the last week of Christmas break Kandee slept over my house and we slept in the living room. I'd been shoving Divine off the last week at night when he came so I knew he was angry. After a short orgasm, he held me down by my hips. It started to hurt really bad so I tried to get up but he pushed me down. I tried three times until he finally let me go.

I haven't used the board since. I decided it was too dangerous. I just leave him alone now. Sometimes he'll come to me at night and pleasure himself, but I've decided to let it be. We both just coexist now and every now and then our paths cross. The last time I felt him was two nights ago. He gave me a short orgasm and held me down again. This was in the morning so I said "I have to get dressed get off!" so he let go.

So that's it I guess I just want to know what you guys think and if you have any advice.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, CutescryDoll, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Please be advised that this site is for the general public. Even though this category is about experiences of sexual nature with ghosts, no explicit content is allowed and comments that are deemed inappropriate will be deleted.

kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-13)
soo, we have a name calling battle over who said what?, whos right? Whos wrong? Mean while we get away from what the story writer has asked, input, comments, concerns, advice, if the idle banter hasnt as yet driven her away, mayhap we attempt help. [at] Cute, I gave up on reading the comments so, forgive if I repeat a bunch, your not in the wrong for enjoying it, bells the thing, if it is an incubus is an embodiment of pleasure, if you didn't enjoy it (physically) id be concerned, mentally that's a whole other story, even (sorry ladys) rape victims say the worst part is the betrayal of their own body. Now I Agree, and disagree with some of the banter, yes power given is power gained, to an extent, you've already given it a hold, the extent of that hold now lies in your hands. Agreed: some times telling it to go away works, other times if there is any doubt in the command, not so effective. And for god/goddess/omnipresent authority figure. Stop calling it by name, acknowledgment is another form of power. I have my own reservations on the board, ce la ve its in the past. The present is what your dealing with, I'm not going to beat you with my belife for removing it, just as I don't believe beating you with the "prayer is the only way" faith is one of those funny things that only works if you believe it will... Personal example ~dont prey for me, I might catch fire~
lovedbyinccubi (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-13)
Oh dear... You should have a religious person expell the spirit RIGHT AWAY. I've dealt with that one before. How did he get passed the seal? Ouija boards are not a good idea. Listen, my soul is 3000 years old so I know you're in danger. I will pray for you and see if one of my 4 guardian angels will protect you.

Hope my prayers help you ❤ ❤ ❤
Jayscameraphone (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-15)
Hi, your story was so much like what is going on except for I don't play with the board, but what I think is an incubus starts slowly oon me and with the feelings being so good I (embarrasse to say0 I ask it for more and it does and with more intencity. I have posted a few incounters if you care to read them or write me to see what is the difference. Also I'm always egar to learn more about what this maybe be? Jayscameraphone [at]
DaniMaire (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-15)
hii hun
Id like to talk to you more about this as I have had similar experiences
Plese reply xx
MrsDawson31 (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-02)
i'm not going to judge but I definately don't think letting it have sex with you in the first place was very smart on your part and if you told him to go away in the first place he might have stayed away, but I guess if your not getting hurt by him then I guess its not urgent to get rid of him

xoxo mrs dawson
witchgirl2010 (2 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-03-22)
first off I'm new to this site and I am a wiccan. If you don't want "him" there ask him to leave. You could also burn sage and circle your bed with salt (a little bit not the whole container). It worked for a friend of mine. Just be kind because I have heard of people getting beaten and scrached by angry entities.

P/S sorry about all the bad spelling
miley (1 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-18)
Dear CutescryDoll,

I really felt sorry about your situation, I will pray for you and hope you will overcome all these demonic experiences. Please Take Care ❤
bldfalcon (12 stories) (262 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-02)
really! That's cool. I could say anything I want Devious. So, go suck a mean one!
XwormsXrockX (1 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-02)
My... Sort? Sort?

And Paganism is totally different from Christianity. We believe in the Divine Goddess... You may know her as mother nature. =)

And dude, it's not good to get a kick out of telling people they're damned... That's just wrong and nasty. = (
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-02)
By the way bldfalcon, don't pretend like you know Succubussed or anything about him. He has had relationships with real individuals before, it's just that they are inferior to the experiences he has had with his succubus. It's not your place to judge anyone. No one died and made you god, so stop your little crusade because you are making a fool of yourself. You are probably some pent up little boy who needs to get his kicks by reading sex demon stories and then trolling responders on them because it gives you some sort of superiority complex.

Wake up call, buddy! Using numbers to cuss at someone is SO last year.
XwormsXrockX (1 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-02)
Will you please stop swearing at me? It's both foul and uncalled for. >= (

I will also say that I am not a 'Satanist.' If you must know, I am a Pagan Hedgewitch.

And I must admit, I find your comments derogatory, spitefull and unnecessary.

How on earth is it her fault she enjoyed it? Are you saying she is damned for not being paralysed?
bldfalcon (12 stories) (262 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-02)
yes you are still! Cute forget these fanatics and saton lovers. I'm a neutral party, all I have to say is dump the demon and worms armageddon, a person needs help to get rid of a demon of that sort. Especially a person who has to experience to do so. I mean for crying outlod, she basically let the demon have sex with her. In most stories Iv'e read the person it's either paralyzed or enjoying it. Either way avoiding it will just make it worse and enjoying it also makes it worse. So either way that person is effed. That person can tell it to leave, like I did once it worked out for me. Not all the demons the are liked that. Once thing good about the demons is that they don't give up That's I'm saying and demons have other ways to get power supply, becuase people lust everyday and that's an invitation right there. So f off beech
XwormsXrockX (1 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-02)
You just don't get it do you?

ALL those emotions for the Demon are cut off. You basically forget it's existance.

...And I'm a Dumba55 as you so gallantly put it...?
XwormsXrockX (1 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-02)
It's fine, dude. =)
I can see your point, and understand where you're coming from. I just found it to be quite stupid, and I'm sure someone will agree.

What I mean when I say I agree with Succub is that you need to give something power if it is going to have power over you. If you stop that power, you've taken away the Demon's power source.

I do believe that is what CutescryDoll needs to do. Cut off his power source. Cut off your attachment to him. =)
bldfalcon (12 stories) (262 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-02)
If the succubus gets no attention, it also gets angry too. Demons are like humans, they have feeling too.
bldfalcon (12 stories) (262 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-02)
wait that's a typo, I meant to say I'm not helping her and I'm not damning her that she's going to be killed,"next". Sorry about that! IM STILL LAUGHING ABOUT THAT COMMENT.
bldfalcon (12 stories) (262 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-02)
Panda, god aint afraid, he just tied up when it comes to earthy matters. In reality demons and angels can't cross over, instead they used humans as puppets. God has no control over what happens in the earth. Angels how ever come to the earth to destroy some of the fallen or redeen them. When the times right that is. God can't destroy saton, becuase the worls needs a balance. If there's bad there's good! If there wasn't any devil, than bad people will have easy access to heaven. So that's my explaination. And cute, god only turns his back, becuase you turned his back. See what's he wants you to have a choice all to yourself. That's you feel like he's turning back at you, but he's not. He really wants you become independent without his help. Your like decisions it's all on you, but sometimes when your life is forcing you to give up there's only one god, But you commitment has to follow. Forget the pastures, and preists they only know about demons not, enough about God. I know God more than anyone and he didn't have to talk to either.
XwormsXrockX (1 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-02)

That was a really stupid comment. You should be trying to HELP her, not SCARE her. It is very doubtful she will die next time he appears. =/

I think you need to get rid of this incubus. He will do you no favours. I've been looking up on this, and I've heard no good stories. Just try to get rid of him.

I do think that Succubussed makes an excellent point. If he gets no attention, he can't access your wavelengths. =)

Good luck! X
bldfalcon (12 stories) (262 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-02)
Next time, he's not going to just hold you down. He's going to kill you, that's what demons do ofcourse. He's just using to get to your soul. No one knows about demons more that a preist does, so if I was you I'll consult with him. Don't listen to all of the negative comments.
Panda06 (2 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2010-01-25)
Sorry I just had to jump in this one. God, well let's see he/she is a no show, while demons, devil, or whatever is out here wilding out. There is no God, if so why hasn't anyone seen it, I mean if there's God it must be afriad to show itself. At least these demons, spirts or whatever aren't afraid to show that they're actually here.
CutescryDoll (2 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-01-25)
Thank you. By calling me young and someday I'll understand just makes me even more pissed off. I hear that all the time, your just like everyone else, they could care less. I may be young but I know I'm not stupid. As I said before you do not know me Pjod, or my personal relationship with god. Hes turned away from me and I from him many times over again. So your statement god is love is crap, it may be true for some but its not for me so I'd appreciate it if you would stop mentioning him to me ok. Oh and thanks succub and Deviousangel.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2010-01-25)
Pjod, I understand that you are trying to be helpful too, but telling someone that whole "you're young and someday you'll see" thing is just as good as calling the author stupid. She already expressed her upset and disinterest in religion, and to make another religious statement is adding fuel to the fire, however well-intentioned it may be.

Cutescrydoll, I will personally attest to Succubussed's expertise and accuracy in this field, as I have talked to him outside of this forum before and he was knowledgable and helpful on this matter. I had my own experience in the past but I decided it best not to pursue it because I have a fiance who is a wonderful man and very good to me, and I would not sacrifice my future with him for a spirit that I can neither see nor physically touch, however incredibly wonderful it feels to be with one. (It takes a lot of willpower, let me tell you!) I do not consider these beings "evil" either, though I would go so far as to say mischievous and selfish.

Overall, I believe that you should do what you feel is best for YOU. Regardless of whether you feel it best to pursue or discontinue this encounter, Succubussed's advice works. You can do it, girl!
Succubussed (guest)
14 years ago (2010-01-25)
CutescryDoll, if you ever need to talk my email is on my profile.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2010-01-25)
Fight? I don't fight on the internet. Sorry you took offense, just pointing out the simple solution that has been laid out, since you happened to missed it. I can't help that your post came off as "young and angry"-- was not looking to critique you in any way.
CutescryDoll (2 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-01-25)
I'm not going to fight with you I'm just going to ignore you. I did not come here for your criticism. I did actually expect these arguments to go on but I thought people were more mature then that so I could really care less anything else you have to say Pjod.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2010-01-25)
when you put yourself out on a public forum, you have to expect all that you have seen. Folks mean well, even if you find it annoying. It has already been made clear what you have to do... Thoroughly ignore it/him. Don't give him the slightest bit of attention. As far a God is concerned. It is obvious by your angry response, you are still young. In time, you will take a good look around, and realize that God is love... And vice versa. Good luck.
CutescryDoll (2 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-01-25)
Okay enough I mean seriously I came here for help not to see people argue over the subject. Zishu you have your opinion and succub has his. Okay and I'm sick of this god crap he hasn't helped me in the past and he sure as hell isn't helping me now so all of you god loving freaks need to shut up, I have not said anything to you up to this point about how annoying you all are. I don't care about your religion and if you do well great just don't try to push it off on me. You don't know me and I don't know you so the whole accept god thing is really annoying okay I did have him in my life once just not anymore that's all you need to know I am undefined in the religious area I don't like preaching what I believe and I don't like it when people try to preach to me so just stop already. I mean has everyone forgot the real issue which is my story. And zishu I'd like to point out that worshiping god and such does nothing I've already done that and guess what the thing is still here. Thanks anyways for the people that actually tried to help. Even for fighting with him succub I think you tried to help the most.
Succubussed (guest)
14 years ago (2010-01-25)
ZiShu, if you were free of your Succubi, then I would wholeheartedly agree with you that turning to this "God" Being would be the way for people to rid themselves of Sex Demons if they so chose, and I would recommend it to those people who have come to me looking for a way to get rid of their Incubus/Succubus.

The fact that you are still struggling with them after all these years (as Pjod pointed out) tells me that whatever means you have employed to get rid of them isn't working.

And again, I say that telling people to use a method that you yourself have used without success in a matter as important as this is irresponsible at best, and very likely immoral as well.

You haven't been telling people to go to God and He will *reduce* the contact. You've been telling people that God will absolutely rid them of their Succubus/Incubus. From your own admission, this is not true.

You spend an awful lot of time and energy thinking and talking about these Beings. If yours are anything like mine at all, you are giving them a great deal of pleasure by doing so, and you are insuring that their connection with you remains unbroken.

And I have this on the word of people who HAVE successfully and completely rid themselves of their Incubus/Succubus
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2010-01-25)
with all due respect, you seem to consistently contradict yourself. I would let Succub respond to the beginning of your post, as it is no business of mine. However, this person you mention that has this problem. You believe this Succubi was sent to him by Satan, because he once worshipped him. Yet it is his faith in God that keeps him in contact with the world (reality)
Not being able to discuss your situation, leaves very little room for any type of debat on this subject. You offer advice in the way of prayer, yet you yourself, after all these years, are still battling with these so called Demons. I think that is the gist of what Succub. Is trying to point out.
Panda06 (2 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2010-01-25)
This thing seriously must be a Pedo. Anyways my culture believes that if a spirt is sleeping with you, it most likely because it's sucking life out of you. If I was you I would do something about it before it gets to serious.

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