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Featureless Face


A little background about myself I am a 24 year old female that has been able to sense presences for as long as I can remember. I have had experiences with spirits and 'evil' entities in which I have not reacted well. Over the years and through discussions with people I have learned to accept things I see and hear and they do not bother me anymore although I do not actively look for them or try to get spirits into the 'light' I acknowledge a presence and ignore it until I can no longer feel it. However, since December of 09' things have progressed in regards to a certain entity.

It started with a dream. I've suffered with sleep paralysis for a very long time allegedly associated with an anxiety disorder I have been diagnosed with, but I digress, the dream consisted of me and my mother going to visit an old friend who would read our tarot cards whom had passed away by this point. We arrived at his house and my mom went in first to have her cards read while I waited outside on the porch. There were big wooden beams extending from the roof in this dream and a huge brown bird landed on one and was staring at me while I texted, I don't know why I was texting but I remember I was texting my ex boyfriend in this dream. The bird flew down and landed on my shoulder and I could feel it breathing heavily on my neck. I jumped into a panic at this point and started running around the porch but it wouldn't fly away. I finally got it off of me and it came back around I felt myself trying to pull out of this dream very aware of being awake unable to move but seeing the images of this dream. I felt myself in my bed but also felt the breath on the back of my neck. It was like I could feel my true surroundings but I could only see the dream.

The bird than changed into a tall man with a square jaw. He was wearing blue jeans and a black hoodie with the hood pulled over his head. His skin was pitch black and his face did not have any features it was just completely smoothed out no lips but he did have a mouth he had nostrils but no nose and he had big white eyes with no eyelids I turned to run but he embraced me from behind and was breathing on my neck. Hard to say but I lost the fear at this point because the feeling he gave me reminded me so much of my boyfriend at the time. I kept hearing a female voice say "He's not trying to hurt you". I woke up at this point feeling his arms around me I pulled myself up from my bed breathing heavily myself because the back of my neck is a very 'sensitive' spot for me if you know what I mean.

I calmed myself meditated a bit and laid back down. As soon as I fell asleep the images came back and I was at the same house and this person or thing was standing against the wall looking at me. It spoke to me but with thoughts not actual words he said "there you are, I just want to talk to you are you scared of me?" I responded "yes" but did not hear words just like a dialogue in my head. He approached me and I was unable to move he held me again but I still had the same feeling like that of my ex boyfriend but was still scared because of the way it looked. He was staring intensely obviously unblinking since he didn't have eyelids. He got really close to my face and I started to thrash around trying to get away again with this heightened sense I felt my bed and my room but saw the dream he kept pressing me asking if I was scared of him and I couldn't look him directly in the eyes it went on like this for what seems like forever until I finally gave up fighting against him looked him in the eyes and said "no, I'm not scared" after that I was able to sit up in my bed after feeling stuck to my bed like a magnet even though I could thrash around I couldn't sit up.

I sat up and saw him standing next to my bed only in my room he looked like a shadow no real form, no details. He gave me the same feeling and I felt comfortable so I lie back down and fell asleep with no dreams after. My ex told me to disregard the dream because he explained it must have been from a ritual he had done and was thinking of me at the time. He said I must have just picked up on the intensity of his thoughts and created this entity to represent it. I thought this was a completely plausible explanation and disregarded it even though I've seen this shadow ever since and it is only getting stronger in my life. My ex and I have since broken up so I doubt it was ever tied to him or his thoughts. It never has scared me until recently I have an anxiety about him because he follows me everywhere now especially at work and has become vocal.

Now forgive me for the length of this account but I want to know if this is a spirit, a demon, an illusion of my own creation? It has never 'hurt' me. He has been with me now for 4 months so there are more stories which I may post later. I'd like to know what this sounds like to other people though. Feedback will be greatly appreciated. I'm Agnostic though so religious remedies will not help but will not bother either. Thank You.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DerEngelMetzger, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

ArchAngelAmaris (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-05)
This story is fake and sounds like a cry for attention. YOu don't have any special gifts. Get over it.
DerEngelMetzger (2 stories) (16 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-26)
Narcissa: I defintitely thought about SP as well since I was diagnosed as a pre-teen along with an anxiety disorder. That diagnosis is a whole other story in and of itself way to long to post but yes I know it is not SP and it is not a hallucination.
Thank You 😁 ❤
DerEngelMetzger (2 stories) (16 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-26)
Hey Devious,
Never heard of the elixirs either. Going to look into that 😁 ❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-26)
Devious: Never heard of the elixir thing, but I will definately give it a try!...Thanks for the info ❤
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-26)
There are ways of making elixirs using some types of crystals too, which also help if you don't want to carry stones. I've read about this and tried it myself, and one I made particularly for spiritual focus and it seemed to do the job, even if it was mind over matter.

Be careful when doing this though. Make sure to clean the stones before making elixirs from them, using the running water method zzsgranny suggested. Certain stones are water-soluble or release chemicals which are not safe for drinking, so it's best to pick up a book on crystal healing or do some research before throwing together a random concoction.

The one I did was pretty simple. I took a bottle of mountain spring water (filtered and clean), washed and cleansed my stones (moonstone and clear quartz), meditated on what it was I needed from them, and place them in the bottle. I put the bottle on a windowsill where there was moonlight and let them sit overnight. Some types of crystals/stones take more than one night. Anyway, I brought the bottle with me to work, and voila, all throughout the day I had good drinking water infused with all of the positive energy in the areas I needed.

If you try this, know that sometimes the stones actually change the taste of the water. It sweetened the water for me. 😊
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-26)
Pjod and anyone else interested: There are several ways to cleanse: soak in cool salt water (preferably sea salt) overnight or longer, place on a hand-mirror overnight or longer, or a quicker method: hold under cool running water (point down) for several minutes... The water can't be COLD as it will crack your stone... Crystals and stones should feel cold, if they feel warm to you, it's time to cleanse...

The only way I infuse my stones (there are other methods, I just don't use them, as this works best for me) is by holding them between the palms of both hands and let my energy flow into them...

One VERY important thing to remember is that after cleansing and infusing, NO-ONE else should touch or hold your stones without your permission, as their own energy will be picked up...It's always a good idea to have more than one set, so that you're never without... If you want to carry them, you can purchase a little bag at new age shops, or make your own "mojo" (thanks Jitow! LOL!) bag out of materials that breathe (like cotton or leather) as this allows the stones to do their job...

Thanks for your interest...

narcissa (4 stories) (77 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-26)
im lost as to your situation... While my scientific and skeptic side of the mind would tell to presume this as the common SP case, it might also, as my friends here suggest, pertain to the paranormal. To be honest I'm an amateur on this space, so I'm unable to offer any conclusive thoughts here... My suggestion though, would be that you first get a medical check done to clarify all doubts of a hallucinatory or physically-induced problem.

And after that, follow religious processes or new-age methods, as people here have profoundly suggested.

Take care and God bless (never mind thatim an atheist) 😆
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-26)
To everyone who posted here, including my fellow Christians/Catholics/etc.; I have to say that I'm very proud of you all for agreeing to be civil about things. I'm glad we could offer some suggestions throughout our disagreements that were helpful to the author, because that's our ultimate goal here. 😊

For better or for worse, we are one big ornery family, hahaha...

And Shlain, you hit the nail on the head. No matter what deity/deities we worship or how we worship them (so long as we aren't hurting ourselves or others to do it), we are all largely brothers and sisters with varying practices. I guess it kind of goes back to the idea of parents and children. Parenting isn't the same for every family, but the ultimate goal is to raise children the best we can, and in this case, it is we who are the children. It's more difficult when we can neither see nor hear our parents on a physical level, but must rely on our intuition and spiritual guidance so long as we are open to accepting it.

ANYhow...zzsgranny, thank you for reminding me of something I completely neglected to mention. I have myself tried bathing in sea salt before, and this has multiple benefits. Sea salt is a natural exfoliant that will make your skin wonderfully soft and smooth (though be careful to lotion up afterwards because it can also dry your skin out if you use too much) and its spiritual qualities are very cleansing. When I was going through some very hard family times, I was having more and more paranormal experiences, mostly low-calibur like shadows and cold brushes. There was so much anxiety and negativity in my life that I believe I was drawing them to me, partly because I am very spiritually open. One of my friends recommended that I try bathing in sea salt (or use those scented bath salts that have sea salt in them) and meditate for a while. After doing that, I felt 150% better and the experiences I was having lessened until they almost completely stopped.

I'm torn between two theories here, DerEngel: one is the Shadowperson theory, and if so, I'm very interested to hear how your story develops because I have not heard of a Shadowperson attaching themself to you and communicating so openly on a regular basis. The other theory is that this could possibly be a manifestation of a spirit guide, or something similar. The fact that it uses your formal name to communicate suggests a sort of "authoritative" mannerism--like when a parent addresses you by your full name, and you know you're in trouble then 😆. But, if you don't like it calling you that, you can add that to the 'ground rules'. I'm glad that setting them out has helped! Have you tried telling him specifically not to follow you or make his presence known while you're at work? (I'm sorry if I missed that...) I can understand how it would make it difficult for you to concentrate and could begin interfering with your workflow. Be firm and let him know that if he's not willing to cooperate with that, then he's not welcome among you. However, it does seem that he wants to help you in some ways, by telling you to come inside and to quit smoking. I'm trying to quit smoking too, and I think if I had someone telling me on a daily basis to stop, it might annoy me into quitting, haha!

Please keep us posted!
narcissa (4 stories) (77 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-26)

Sorry for the huge delay in replying. I just wanty to say that if that was INDEED the case, ie., if you really had just stated your views in objective manner without any claims of Exclusiveness to your methods, the I'd say people who called you a Religious Zealot were not being any the Fairer.

And anyway for your later query I was not on here at the time as you say about a month before, I'm a new member here who joined only a few weeks back;)
DerEngelMetzger (2 stories) (16 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-26)
zzsgranny: Great! Nice to meet an open minded individual 😁 who is also having trouble quitting smoking lol 😆. You know when I talk to him telepathically he is very clear and it has never really taken much out of me at all. It has been very natural like any conversation. He does ignore me sometimes. I believe because of the anxiety I felt with his presence at work I try to communicate with him but it feels like if he blocks me from communication and it makes me feel completely drained, super tired, and nauseaus. Its hard to explain but I hear him with my ears as opposed to my thoughts I feel sick/dizzy and his words are jumbled. That only happens at work and its only happened 3 times.

I do own crystals but they are used for specific reasons so I'm going to get the crystals you suggested as well as bathe in the sea salt. I'm not sure. I'm not going to do anything until after wednesday though. For some reason seems significant.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-26)
what method do you use to infuse the crystal with energy? I wear amethyst, but unsure how to go about cleansing and infuse/energy.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-25)
DerEngel: When you speak to this entity telepathically, does it take a lot out of you?...I'm asking because you could try that at work, but you probably already have 😊...

Another thing that Devious has mentioned is to bathe in salt water... Should be sea salt, right Devious?...And maybe I missed it, but do you own any crystals?...If not may I suggest you carry clear quartz and amethyst... Just be sure to cleanse them often, and infuse them with good energy...

Please don't think you have to defend your beliefs... But honestly, we sound a lot alike!

😆 ❤
DerEngelMetzger (2 stories) (16 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-25)
Shlain: Thanks so much for the advice I'm definitely going to try that. I don't know I guess I got caught up in the anxiety that this was causing me but I am going to try that next time I feel his presence at work. I'm going to try and sprinkle some holy water around my cubicle too just in case. Like I said I don't feel he is demonic but I can't place what he is. I'm leaning more toward the 'shadowperson' theory brought up by deviousangel.

We shall see but I feel a lot better about it now. Thanks Everyone 😁 ❤
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-25)

A website called "spiritdaily.com" speaks of discerning human souls from demons. You may find it interesting. A priest, who posted one article, speaks of the thinning of the veil, and some ways to tell what kind of spirit may be present. Just f.y.i. I posted that other site, by the way. 100% demonic - a real bad case, too. There is danger there. I'll definately do my best for him.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-25)
just read up on a case, where a priest used a water bottle, going through a home, spreading large amounts of holy water throughout the home... In response to a demonic haunting.
Bottle, gun... I think it matters not which method is used to spread the holy water.
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-25)
Hi Shlain;

I tried to find that story, but could not. It's my birthday, and I'm a little distracted, and I'm not all that great with computers. Not my area of expertise. I did read your other post. Try that Catholic Holy water and the three names of Jesus, Mary, and St. Michael - you'll get results, I promise. But that's up to you.

In any case, could you do me a favor? Would you be kind enough to pass my email along to whomever you think needs it, i.e. That other poster. I trust your judgement. It's Dukes2352atAOL.com, and I work pro bono. Thank you. Jim D.
Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-25)
Well said DerEngel! I myself follow a New Age belief, but at the end of the day we still worship "God" as the hardcore christians name him/her. I simply choose to call HIM or HER "The Highest White Light" or "The Higher Power" and even sometimes "The Creator". My Accounting professor (who is Muslim) once told us that the most common mistake ALL religions make is that we do not recognize that we as brothers and sisters, regardless of our respective religions, overlook the most important thing... We all worship Him whether we call Him, Allah, Jahweh, the Higher Power, or God etc. We are all his children. It does not matter if we use sage or holy water. It all comes down to the same thing: Us asking for protection. As for what to do at your workplace, you don't have to speak out loud. Alot of my experiences happen in the middle of the night and I can't yell and wake the entire house. I clear my mind and focus on seeing myself protected by the light of the Creator and, in my mind, tell the entities they are over stepping boundries and they are not welcome. Works for me! Shlain
DerEngelMetzger (2 stories) (16 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-25)
I feel as though I need to defend my stance here for some reason. I have faith in God and am very spiritual. Being sensitive I feel very connected to space time and energy but I do not feel as though it is my position in this world to challenge others especially because I am very open to people in general overlooking the ties that bind human beings. Religion to me is an earthly notion such as romantic love is poetic. I do hope that my analogy is not misunderstood my intent is not to offend. Who is to say that God cannot be nature, and heaven a state of mind. "The mind is its own place and of itself can make a Heaven of Hell, and a Hell of Heaven." - John Milton
Peace&Love ❤ ❤
DerEngelMetzger (2 stories) (16 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-25)
Oh my the last thing I wanted was to spark a religious debate on this forum. I wholeheartedly appreciate the advice offered by posters on here. My family is Catholic and it does not offend me although as I mentioned I do not believe this to be demonic in nature. I have experienced demonic presences before and they are very different and much more overpowering than this that I am currently experiencing.

Zzsgrannny: My ex and I ended our relationship mutually and were on good freindly terms until very recently I decided to end communication although unrelated to his religious preference. He is a satanist and dabbles in the black arts. Lol sounds horrible but really he is a good person. In regards to the ritual he never gave me any details about what it was about or why he was thinking of me at the time but maybe he did send something to me unkowingly. Knowingly or unkowingly I refuse to ask for his assistance so I have to think of another way.

DeviousAngel: Its great that you mention these 'ground rules' I have set up some rules for him since he first manifested in december. He was getting too comfortable in my apartment so I told him he can stay as long as he stays outside and he did without a fight. He would come and go sometimes I wouldn't see him for weeks than he would come back I started communicating with him telepathically sometimes he would respond and at other times he would ignore me or just communicate things like "don't smoke" or "go inside". So far he had been following the rules.

Now the dilemma is this I believe that since he cannot reach me when I am inside my home he is coming around my place of employment. I can feel him staring at me and walking into my cubicle obviously I turn and nobody is physically there. I see him in my minds eye leaning over the cubicle wall behind me and now I can hear him and I feel his energy much stronger now. He calls me Veronica which nobody does everyone shortens my name to Vero or Roni. I have to walk out a hallway to get to an elevator at the end of my shift which is the middle of the day 2.30pm and I feel his energy rush down the hallway after me and when the elevator door opens I can swear he is going to be there. Now since this is all happening at work I'm very limited as to what I can do. I can't really stand in the hallway yelling at thin air to go away or 'God rebuke you' people at my office are going to think I'm a complete mental case. He is starting to say more things like sentences possibly but I can never really make out anything besides my name and 'hey'. I need to find a way to get him away from my workplace but cannot take the time to focus my energy enough to do this. I moved back in with my mom about a month ago and I can still keep him away from the inside of the house but I can feel he wants to come in. Any suggestions about the workplace situation?
Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-25)
JimD I hope you read here again. There is a story on here called "The White Eyes and Growling". It is still listed under the recently posted stories. I think the author may need your help. Read his story and see if maybe you can give some advice. This goes for everyone that gets this message. I'm so happy everyone can finally relax now. Remember DerEngel needs our support. Lets not scare her away. Shlain ❤
EyesWideOpen (63 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-25)

I am a Christian. While there is a steadily growing hostility toward anyone or thing that promotes recognition of Christ's authority, in Heaven and Earth, hostility will not serve you well in any event.

Christ died under the penalty for sin (on our account). Took the keys of death, hell, and the grave..., which means He can pretty much do whatever pleases Him, and go anywhere He wants, no questions asked.

The strength of my faith in His life, death, and ressurection assures me that He will deliver me from evil when I simply ask.

Everyone born has been given a measure of faith. It is our free will to decide what to do with it. I also believe it includes the strength of our will power, our speech, and the weapons of spiritual warfare that will make us overcomers even as Christ has overcome death, hell and the grave.

Don't waste your breath calling Him if you have no faith. It isn't merely His authority. It is also our heart and trust in Him.

I'll let you in on a little secret. There is a parable in the New Testament about "the Sower and the Seed." Think of it as the top ten list of why people lose their faith, and why some don't.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-24)
DerEngle: Sorry this thread got so out of control... May I suggest you sift through and find the method or methods that will work for you...

And please understand that we're ALL trying to help... We just agree to disagree, sometimes, and when that happens, the person who needs the help gets lost in the shuffle...

Again, I apologize for my part in this small feud... ❤
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-24)

Pls. Re ask your question re. Catholic Holy water. I'd be happy to answer. I use, successfully, a ton of it. It does work. It works against demons, and has no effect re. Earthbound souls. This is one of our litmus tests, by the way. Pls. Ask your question; I'd be happy to answer it. Best. Dukes2352atAOL.com.
Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-24)
I believe that the human soul is incredibly strong but that it can easily be driven to fear when under presure. So I believe, because of the strict constraints and pressure placed on humans by religion, some souls remain earthbound. They fear the judgement of God even if they are good people. We all sin each day. One soul may worry that he has not repent (I hope this is the right english word!) enough for all his sins and thus remains behind. Ofcourse I do not think God is cruel, but this would not be so easy for a spirit to remember if he fears hell. By the way, that question about holy water was for JIMD and not JITOW. Sorry.
Jitow (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-24)
Sorry if I offended anyone and I agree to not belittle anyone's belief. My only request is that we not minimize each others advice to the one's that need help. Let them find out what works. I am not here to convert anyone, but the power of Christ works and His power may convert anyone. Anyone can make a statement on the internet and argue it and make it seem like fact. I base my advice not on my beliefs only but in addition to the many testimonies here on this site whether it be religious or not. I do not mean to sound exclusive, I am nothing, but Christ, by the evidence in the archives here, has proven that is name is extremely effective against most if not all spiritual problems that come here, that is a fact for all to see if you are willing to read all the archives, I have and it has only validated the advice. Remember it is not Jitow, but Christ through His word the Bible that gives the advice. I know that this can be harsh on someone that has no intention of reading the Bible, but that is no reason to steer others seeking help away from the help that they need. The Bible does exclude people that do not believe in Jesus, but it is open for all to become believers of the truth. God loves you and He sent His sone as a Final Perfect sacrifice for our sin and short comings as human beings. All you have to do is accept His sacrifice and let His precious blood wash away your badness becaouse as a human you will never be good enough to cleanse yourself.
Jitow (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-24)
OK, I don't really believe in human spirits, I hate to say that on this site because it freaks too many people out. I believe that if there is a human spirit it is a lost spirit and under the influence of an evil inhuman spirit or an evil in human sprit posing as a human spirit. I believe in the Bible and that when someone dies there soul goes to Heaven or hell but I am of the belief that there are human spirits that are hell bound after death that the devil uses to confuse and mislead the living into thinking that the Bible is not true and that it is just aunt Martha or cousin Bill. There is a tremendous ammount of effidence for this, much more than proof that there are human spirits. I also believe that they certainly have the power to deceive mediums and clara-whatevers into thinking that they are human and only reveal evil when it is needed. Everyone must understand that there is only one main decision when it comes to life and eternity and that is between good and evil. God is good and the rest is evil. If you do not actively choose good, you are inactively choosing evil by default because there are only 2 choices and no in between. So I believe that when you are dead your soul goes to Heaven if you know Jesus as Saviour and Hell if you don't. So any human soul left around has to be under the control of the devil because once in Heaven, people don't come back, never have.
Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-24)
PS to Jitow: I never said that ALL spirits were human once. I do believe that there are evil spirits that are envious of the gift of life God gave humans. However, this gift that God gave me, as you say, leaves me pretty sure with what level entity I am dealing with. The sixth sense is very powerful when honed. Here's a question to you: How do you know that a spirit is realy evil and not just a wandering human soul? It sounds like you are trying to say all spirits are evil and demonic. I want you to give me facts. Please no sarcasm. I really want to hear your opinion.
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-24)
Hi Narcissa;

One more point I forgot to mention: When, several months ago, I first postet re. The use of Catholic Holy water, Mass attendance, the use of Jesus', Mary's and St. Michael's names, etc. As a tried remedy (I am a 4 year practicing demonologist, by the way), I was called "religious fanatic", "zelot", among other not very chairtable names. All I did to deserve this verbal abuse was to advise the writer as to the above time tested remedies. Where were you, DV, and Granny and all the other posters voicing their impassioned opinions for my democratic rights? Who had my back? Hmm The silence, as the saying goes, is deafening. In any case, I'll still post, as needed and I'll still get emails saying "I tried ABC, and it got worse", and "I didn't believe you until I saw it's reaction and its fear". In any case, it's for their sake that I will still publish. God bless you all. Dukes2352atAOL.com, aka Jim D.
Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-24)
I agree with buffalo. This is a site where we can comment and give advice and opinions. We are all entitled to that no matter how different they are. The author will decide what to take and what to disgard. Have anyone even noticed that the author hasnt responded to any of us? JITOW: Not only are you being baited, but you are baiting. Your pride prevents you from seeing that. Everything I write in my stories or comments I base on fact, because I have experienced it. Thats why I speak of it as fact. As far as I know, Religion isn't fact. Its belief. I have a christian background, though I'm not catholic. I'm dutch reformed and we don't use Holy water in our church. Does that mean I'm doomed JITOW? Because you seem to think that holy water is an essential. We are all on same level here. Come on guys. Dont ruin this story and drive the author away. Lets end this. Remember: To each, his own. Shlain
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-24)
As I've previously written, I'll write yet again, yes, in a light hearted manner since that seems to matter here, my posts are simply to assist the original writer - nothing more.

Granny, I accept that you originally meant no offense, but see it, for one moment, from my point of view. Your original postings, which I re read, were sarcastic. But, no biggie, ok. Also, I read an encyclopedia of new age remedies, and rerely if ever comment thereon. A number of posters have tried them, had zero relief and have subsequently contacted me. Maybe I should have made that point more clearly. I simply post tried remedies for the original poster. Yes, I am absolutely redundant, but I am because the symptoms in all these cases are both clear and redundant. These problems, I asssume we'd agree, are spiritual, and, ergo, the cure must also be a spiritual one. I don't assume these posters are lying or mentally ill - that would be wrong and unjustified by anyone to assume. Yes?

And re. Narcissa, I simply began defending my position. That is not a personal attack, at least by me. God bless you all, and yes, I do mean that. Dukes2352atAOL.com.

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